ALTERNATIVE T U R F G R A S S S P E C I E S Seashore Paspalum Offers Alternative for the Future By Ronrty R. Duncan and R.N. Carrow eginning with funding from the USGA in 1993, a dedicated effort was Binitiated to genetically enhance seashore paspalum for golf course use. The grass has been around for centuries, actually evolving on sand dunes exposed only to ocean water in South Africa. It's some- what ironic that this grass evolved in the same country as the African bermudagrass, but was never recognized for anything other than its ability to grow in salt-affected envi- ronments. Seashore paspalum was duly noted as surviving the saline and moist habi- tats that dooms most bermudgrasses. Legendary turf professor O.J. Noer was The research Fairbanks Ranch CC in Rancho instrumental during the 1950s for moving Initial breeding efforts at the University of Santa Fe, Calif., is the grass around the southeastern United Georgia started at the same point at which helping to pioneer States and Hawaii. A renewed effort most breeding programs involving a "new" seashore paspalum occurred during the 1970s and 1980s with grass do — assembling a collection of eco- research. the import of cultivars from Australia. types from around the world, followed by Worldwide movement of this grass has been implementation of an evaluation program to documented (Duncan and Carrow, 2000). assess the turf traits and the true genetic Beginning in 1993, a systematic breeding potential of the species. and management research program was At the same time, mother nurseries were started at the University of Georgia-Griffin to established in Griffin, Ga., to start looking at the ecotypes in turf-plot situations. We Promising ecotypes were sent to exposed the plots to rotary mowers and golf courses for the "final exam" eventually reel mowers when the plot sizes increased to simulate green, tee, fairway, to determine performance in a landscape or sports field conditions to deter- real-world situation. mine mowing tolerance and to eliminate ecotypes that produced unsighdy seedheads. Drought-, acid-soil-, and salinity-tolerance fully exploit the potential recreational use of studies were initiated, as well as wear and this species for golf courses on salt-affected traffic studies to assess the individual ecotype sites where other warm-season grasses have levels of multiple-stress resistances. failed. It can also be used in places with alter- DNA analysis studies were implemented native non-potable water resources, including to build a true genetic databank on the new effluent and brackish sources. Because of ecotypes as compared to the old cultivars. these stress challenges and increasing need Insect studies were initiated in concert with for water conservation and environmental entomologists to determine the level of resis- stewardship, simply releasing new cultivars tance to fall armyworms, spittlebugs, mole was not sufficient. A parallel management crickets and white grubs. protocol program was instituted. A parallel management-oriented program MAY 2 002 TurfGrdSS Trends ALTERNATIVE TURFGRASS SPECIES was instigated at the same time as the breed- Attributes ing and evaluation program. The initial mow- Great diversity exists among seashore pas- ing height studies included taking the heights palum ecotypes for all turf characteristics. down to one-eighth inch to find green types Choice of cultivars with university- and to identify ecotypes that should only be researched attributes is essential. Sealsle 1 mowed at fairway or rough heights. Deriva- and Sealsle 2000 exhibit the following attrib- tives of the old cultivars were noted for their utes when compared with other grasses: inability to be mowed cleanly during the • Highest salinity tolerance of all warm- hottest times of the growing season and were season grasses — the best cultivars are true subsequently eliminated from the program. halophytes. Establishment studies identified those • Can withstand most alternative water types that could root and grow rapidly. Her- resources with varying levels of salinity, bicide efficacy studies were instrumental in including effluent, brackish and, in extreme identifying the tolerance or sensitivity of cases, short-term use of ocean water with each ecotype to various herbicides. proper management. Encroachment studies looked at bermuda- • Superior low-light intensity tolerance grass movement into paspalum and pas- involving prolonged cloudy, rainy, foggy or palum movement into bermudagrass. smoggy conditions. New experimental herbicides were tried • Forms both rhizomes and stolons, and against the cultivars. Cold-hardiness stud- readily responds to verticutting, grooming or ies were used to determine the northern- slicing. most region of survivability for the specific • Wide soil pH range of 3.6 to 10.2, but ecotypes. the optimum range for maximum perfor- mance is 5.5 to 8. • Excellent drought tolerance when man- aged properly. The root system must be trained deep into the profile with judicious irrigation scheduling. • Wear and traffic tolerance similar to the bermudagrasses. • Low-mowing height tolerance, with optimum ranges of one-eighth inch for Sealsle 2000 and .25 inches to .75-inches for Sealsle 1. Roughs mowed above 2 inches are definite penalty roughs. Landscapes can be managed in the 1-inch to 2-inch range. • Can be overseeded with most cool-sea- son grasses, but the dense canopy warrants use of a verticutter to ensure good seed-soil Kapolei GC in All of these preliminary trial results were contact for the cool-season grass. Oahu, Hawaii, used to find the one or two ecotypes with the • Capability to root and persist equally benefited from best combination of turf traits that could be well in pure sands, heavy clays and mucks or greens-grade seashore increased in volume vegetatively, since this bogs. paspalum. species is planted by sprigs or sod. The • Can effectively and efficiently take up promising ecotypes were sent to golf cours- heavy metals or other contaminants. es for the "final exam" to determine their per- • Excellent waterlogging or low oxygen formance in end-use, real-world situations. tolerance. Can be inundated for short inter- The result from all of this testing was the vals with minimal detrimental effects. emergence of Sealsle 1 (for fairways, roughs, • Capable of providing an effective buffer tees, landscapes, sports turf) and Sealsle 2000 zone between environmentally sensitive (for greens and tees), with formal release by areas and less sensitive areas (fairways or the University of Georgia in 1999. roughs transitioning into wetland areas and sand-dune stabilization). • Chilling tolerance that provides pro- Future research and longed color retention into the fall or winter educational activities months. Normally the last warm-season grass A refinement of the management practices to go off color. Sealsle 2000 actually has the for greens is receiving top priority. Addition- best winter-hardiness. al greens-type cultivars have been identified • Seedheads for monostands of a cultivar and are being increasingly produced for on- do not readily produce viable seed. Sealsle course evaluations. 2000 produces minimal seedheads during A seeded hybrid cultivar is in preliminary the growing season. production and evaluation and may be on the • Does not form a grain; holds the striping market in three to five years. The breeding is pattern exceptionally well. always focused on the development of new • Looks like Kentucky bluegrass or peren- and improved cultivars, with promising exper- nial ryegrass — shiny glassy dark green hue. imental having ocean-level salinity tolerance • Has a nutrient uptake and use system and improved multiple insect resistance. that is quite efficient. A lawn/landscape cultivar has been iden- tified and is being evaluated in Florida. A Limitations nematode assessment is being collaborative- Every turfgrass has pluses and minuses, and ly investigated in South Carolina and Florida. seashore paspalum is no different. Some of The potential for enhancement of low-light the limitations include: intensity tolerance and subsequent manage- • Minimal shade tolerance, with similar responses to bermudagrass under tree Seashore paspalum will normally canopies. It needs about six to eight hours of be grown in environments sunlight daily for good performance. • Cold-hardiness similar to most of the where salinity or poor water hybrid bermudagrasses and actual adaptation quality is an issue. to the southern transition zone in the Unit- ed States. • Cannot be effectively and rapidly estab- ment are under investigation, along with lished with irrigation water high in salinity studies on irrigation scheduling and water (more than 5,000 parts per million of total uptake/use efficiency for paspalum. salts) due to suppression of growth. Juvenile This grass is an environmentally friendly QUICK TIP roots of all turfgrasses are sensitive to salt lev- grass with multiple uses and multiple stress els in the irrigation water, and paspalum is no tolerances. As the grass increases in acreage Get the best seed different. Salinity tolerance of mature turf is in end-use situations and is exposed to the blends from a substantially higher than immature turf. challenges of Mother Nature, more informa- name you've • Few pesticides are specifically labeled tion will be gleaned and translated into a trusted for years. for seashore paspalum. refinement of management protocols for Contact Scotts • Seedheads may persist with some other specific
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