Your Ad here! Picture it! Page 1! Above the fold TOP BILLING BOOK NOW! MONTHLY RATES! FEBRUARY 27, 2020 TTHEHE BBEEACONACON HHILLILL TTIMESIMES THERE ARE NO TIMES LIKE THESE TIMES BHAC denies proposed Pinckney Street penthouse addition By Dan Murphy Adam Gilmore, the architect for the project, described the pro- The Beacon Hill Architectural posed 58 square-foot addition as Commission voted to deny an a “modest infill to a non-historic application to build an addition to penthouse” that would replace the existing penthouse at the rear two air-conditioner condensers of 85 Pinckney St. during its Feb. 20 public hearing at City Hall. (BHAC Pg. 2) Appleton Bridge to receive prestigious National 2020 Prize Bridge Award By Dan Murphy Construction (AISC) and National Steel Bridge Alliance (NSBA) have The Frances Appleton bestowed the Prize Bridge Awards Pedestrian Bridge, which continues every two years since 1928 to rec- to garner widespread acclaim for ognize the efficiency, sustainability Beacon Hill Civic Association its unique and innovative design, and aesthetic appeal of steel bridg- Community Corner will receive a national 2020 Prize es, and the Appleton Bridge will Street sweeping is sage before street sweeping day. filming, etc., residents should visit Bridge Award. receive the accolade in the Special Other options available to res- boston.gov/streetoccupancy and The American Institute of Steel approaching! idents include downloading the enter their street name to begin (AWARD Pg. 2) The Street Cleaning Program entire street cleaning schedule the signup process. on Beacon Hill kicks off March 1 from the city’s website or calling Upcoming BHCA Meetings and will run until December 31. 311 to find out when the street Tuesday, February 25: Events Along with street sweeping come on which they are parked will be Committee Meeting; 6pm at 74 tow trucks for those unfortunate swept, and to report a street that Joy Street. few who forget to check the post- needs to be cleaned. ed street signs for the sweeping The City of Boston’s website Other upcoming BHCA Events schedule and parking restrictions includes other street sweeping Monday, March 2nd: Beacon on the street they park. information as well. For example, Hill Meet & Greet, 6-8pm at 75 The City of Boston makes it street sweeping is not always can- Chestnut easy not to forget. Check out celled because of rain. Light rain Friday, March 6th: First https://www.boston.gov/depart- can actually help the sweepers Friday Coffee Hour; 8-9am, 74 ments/public-works/street-sweep- clean the streets. Call 311 for Joy Street. Scheduled Speaker – ing-city to find everything you information on any street sweep- District 8 City Councilor Priscilla need to know about the program, ing cancellations. “Kenzie” Bok. including when the streets are The city also sends alerts for Visit the Beacon Hill Civic cleaned on Beacon Hill and how street occupancy permits. To Association website www.bhcivic. to sign up for Tow Alerts. These receive alerts the day before a tem- org or call the office (617-227- alerts will be sent to those who porary no-parking zone goes into 1922) for more information on register the street on which they effect for moving trucks, contrac- any of these events. Alan Karchmer are parked, via email or text mes- tor equipment, dumpsters, movie The Frances Appleton Pedestrian Bridge. rd On March 3 Please Vote in the Valentino Capobianco YourSummer Resource to Summer fun inCity and around Guide the Boston Democratic State Committee Member area! Summer School Activities, Summer Camps and more! Tino is with us, he knows us and he represents us! As a member of the Massachusetts Democratic Party Platform Committee, Valentino successfully inserted language requiring ALL Presidential Candidates to release Federal Tax Forms. Pages 5 - 8 Paid for by the Committee to Elect Valentino Capobianco for Democratic State Committee 2 PAGE 2 THE BEACON HILL TIMES FEBRUARY 27, 2020 BHAC (from pg. 1) BEACON HILL BEAT sitting atop a rubber roof and proviso that the wall’s height not planter, as well as exterior light- From Boston Police Area A-1 replicate the rest of the existing exceed that of the existing 42-inch ing, however, since they weren’t structure by incorporating brick railing surrounding an existing deemed compatible with the COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICE: 617-343-4627 DRUG UNIT: 617-343-4879 • EMERGENCIES: 911 elements, two windows and a cop- deck. architectural style of the Historic per gutter. But the commission denied the District. Stolen Motor Vehicle Recovered Breaking and Entering – Motor The addition, which Gilmore applicant’s request to install a fire Meanwhile, regarding a vio- 02/15/20 – At about 2:53 p.m., Vehicle said wouldn’t obstruct any views pit on the existing roof deck. lation for 29 West Cedar St., police responded to Myrtle Street 02/20/20 – At around 10:37 from public ways on the Hill, The commission also voted to the commission unanimously to recover a Toyota Camry stolen p.m., a victim reported she parked would provide space for an addi- deny an application to install a tall approved an application to ratify out of New York on Feb.13. The her 2018 Volkswagen Tiguan tional restroom. sliding glass access-hatch with cop- painting the recessed entryway an vehicle. had minor body damage on Charles Street, but when she The application was denied, per-clad end walls at 52 Beacon unapproved color. (The door was and was towed for safekeeping. returned to the vehicle, its rear however, because architectural St., which would’ve been visible painted gloss black and rest of the passenger’s-side window was modifications to penthouses aren’t from the entrance to the Boston entry Coventry grey, as opposed to smashed and her backpack and permitted per Beacon Hill Historic Common parking garage; instead, the original shade of the green that gym bag were missing. District guidelines. the commission recommended the coated both the door and entry.) “Our stance on this has been use a low profile access-hatch. The commission also voted very firm for a long period of time, In another matter, the commis- unanimously to approve the instal- and I don’t think we should waver sion voted to approve a request lation of a hanging Kensington on it,” said Joel Pierce, the Beacon to build a pea stone path and light fixture in the entryway, Hill Civic Association’s appointee plantings at the front yard of 73 replacing a modern type fixture to the commission. Mt. Vernon St., with the proviso that wasn’t approved. The new In response to an application that the applicant use granite edges lantern, which would be dark Now You can be for 42 Phillips St., the commis- instead of metal as was proposed. bronze in color and measure 23 sion voted to approve replacing The commission voted to deny inches tall and 10¾ wide, would an existing roof-hatch in kind and the applicant’s requests to add a be similar to other entry lanterns building a screen wall, with the stone garden bench and a seasonal found in the neighborhood. UPFRONT &CENTER AWARD (from pg. 1) Purpose category at the World All together, 19 bridges in dif- Esplanade is named for the wife Steel Bridge Symposium in April ferent categories will receive Prize of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, in Atlanta, Ga. Bridge Awards this year, and run- one of the most widely known “It is very rewarding that my ners-ups in the Special Purpose and best-loved American poets of With our A P R I L 2 5 , 2 0 1 9 Mammogramsdesign for the Frances Appleton category are the East Shore his lifetime. He used to cross the Mammograms THE BEACON Mammograms Save Lives. T H E R E A R E N O T I M E S L I K E T H E S E T I M E S HILL TIMES Bridge continues to be recognized Bridge; Lake Tahoe, Nev., and the Charles River from Cambridge to Save Lives.BHAC continues at both national and internation- 41st Street Pedestrian Bridge in Beacon Hill in the 1840s while he Beacon Hill All women over 40 should have Bistro application al levels,” wrote Miguel Rosales, Chicago, Ill. was courting “Fanny” Appleton, By Dan Murphy to the commission with more STICKY NOTE information on the proposed The Beacon Hill Architectural hardware for the new entry door Commission again voted to con- and the awning fronting Charles Save Lives. tinue its determination on the Street, as well as a final win- Beacon Hill Hotel & Bistro’s a mammogram once a year. dow design. “Your application the award-winning bridge designer “These projects are tributes to and the bridge symbolizes their application during its April 18 is incomplete…and you need hearing at City Hall to resolve the window issue,” Frank McGuire, project archi- tect, outlined two concepts for Rosales said. the building at 25 Charles St., The commission voted to deny both of which include plans to without prejudice an application for the Charles Street Garage at and longtime Beacon Hill resident the creativity of the designers and historic union. relocate the hotel’s main lobby and entry to the corner of Charles 144-158 Charles St. to remove Breast cancer found early on the Front Page and Branch streets while offering three existing AT&T antennae Cyan two alternatives for realigning and hardware from a chimney the building’s windows openings and replace them with four Magenta and patterns along its Charles-, antennae inside three, new fiber- glass canisters on the roof, which who designed the $12.5 bridge, the skills of the constructors who The Appleton Bridge was also Program leaders and participants are all smiles at the Aspire Spring Gala held by MassGeneral Hospital Branch- and Chestnut-street for Children.
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