PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ~ JUNE ESTABLISHED 23. 1868. TOt. TDESDAf MORNING MARCH 10. A874. 18._PORTLAND TERMS AS.00 PEB ANNl'MIN ADVANCE. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS WANTS, LOST, FOUND. TO LEI. REAL ESTATE. directory. MISCELLANEOUS — J3USIKESS (From the Savannah News.) Published every day (Suudays excepted) by th< THE PRESS. The Kernel’s Boom. PORTLAND PUBLISHING Lost. STORE Bakers. CO., FOR RENT ! F. Patterson’s Real Estate TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH away, a small Scotch terrier DOG. G. COBB, Nai.'iS aod SO Pmrl Street, 10,1874 At 109 Exchange St. A Golden Portland. STRAYEDEars aiul tail clipped. A suitable reward will bo direct route between New Custom Opportunity now bim to 14 House sqi IRE Terms: pabl by returning Deering Street. mc9‘lw BULLETIN, and Post Office, near the market. BKAAOS GOT SKINNED BT THE Eight Dollars a Year in advance. Tc A Rare Chance for Stated Meetings. mail subscribers a Fish Mar- “PHARAOH men.'' Seven Dollars a Year if paid in au* We Shall This Day vanee. Loan. Open Wanted. ket in the Western Section of the money to Booksellers and Stationers. CITY GOVERNMENT. first class Real Estate Secuiity, tn Portland, HOYT, FOGG Sc experienced dry goods salesman. Address BREED,No.Ot Middle The regular meetings of the City Council take Sail1 THE with P. or taxes &c., on Street. 2000 Yards place tlle MAINE STATE PRESS AN references, O. Box 1726. mch7tf City. Address “Business,” ON vicinity—Rents collected, paid, Plain Checked he first Monday evening of each month. S<5uirf. pitching hia Commission. Houses bought and 6ola. Apply to F. voier'l!' ,,0P’ lfl at $2 50 a G. Dealer in Real Office 13 — AJiD — The School Committee meet the fourth Monday eve- a,titude’ “» wuz sorter published every Thursday’ Morning mchTST&T* Past Office. PATTERSON, Estate, Book <jb this wav if 00 a Fluent Block. oc4dtf Binders. ning of each month. rrr year, paid in advance, at $2 year. Ship Carpenters Wanted. Cbuseday wuza week aer I lOI.A. QUINCY R„„m saded down/■ from subscriber will give steady employment to To Let. U, PnlMr>. STRIPED Gwinnett to : One inch of space, Exchange, No. Ill NAINSOOKS. Rate8 of Advertising THETwenty-five Ship Carpenters at Yarmouth, Small Farm Wauted. Exchange St. MASONIC seven ot AtlantyTi’th a Maine. BOARD, rooms. Suitable bags cotton. ength of column, constitutes “square. JOSEPH A. SEABURY. large pleasant SMAI.E & SHACK No. We shall sell At Masonic No. 95 Street. Arter I 9„ia ’em I week: 75 ceutB for families or PLACE of from 10 to 30 acres. Small bonse FORD, 35 Plum this eutirc Lot of Goode at Hall, Exchange $i 50 per square «lai,y lirst per March 4tb, 1874. mar7-dimeod WITH single gentlemen. Street. kinder loafed roun’ to six miles of Port- RITES. lookin’ at w :ek after; three insertions, or less, $1 00; continu- At 52 Free Street. jn24*lw then tf A and barn, within three YORK era. after first 50 cents. and near Church Will purchase 85 CENTS PER an’feelin’jest as ing every other day week, land, privileges. YARD. Blue Lodges—Ancient Land-Mark, first Wednes- tappy^yT, or Wanted. or to Cabinet Maker. when who shou'd I run Half square, three insertions less, 75 cents; one House to Let, exchange city property. Apply day; Portland, second Wednesday; Atlantic, third agin bat kurnel St’ 50 cents week after. an G. E. Silver were at a Great niscouut from seneame. Me week ,1011; per experienced music teacher, a place to F. «. PATTBBSON, CAB8EEY, St., opposite the They bought Im- Wednesday. an’ the Kurnel used lobe Notices, one third additional. board in a in this 57 Park Street, containing ten rooms. Bl«ek> Market. Office and and will be sold at less than Whole- toy, Special BY family city where she can mli9-lw 13 Fluent Ship Furniture He- porters prices, together, an we wuz as Water Coal • Chapters—Greenleaf K. A. C., first Monday; Mt. thicn as five Under head of “Amusements,” and “Auction have one or two of their les- HOUSEGas, Furnace, Sebago. Closet, pairing promp.lv attended to. del*3m sale prices. kittens pupils, taking charge &c. to V’ernon, K. A. C., third Monday. in a rag basket. We Sales”, ,2 00 per square per week; three insertions sons and practice. Bouse, Ren* $550. Apply drunk outen tbe samu less 50. BENJ. FOGG, Real Estate for Sale* Council—Portland C. It. & S. Masters, secoud an’ we or ,1 Addnss, "PIANO” goad, got the lint snatched outen us Advertisements inserted in the “MAINE STATE de4dtf Corner of Fore & Exchange Streets. THREE STORY HOUSE on Cedar street, con- Confectionery. Monday. mc7*lw PreSB Office. U* A. THE LAST OF by tbe same school teacher. Press” (w hich lias a circulation in sixteen rooms, arranged for three fam- PERKINS manufacturer otplain bandy-legged I large every part A taining Commanderies of K. T.—Portland, fourth Mon- wuz as 1 of the for *rc. Price Terms of ■ud fancy 1ST gittiu lotesom as a afore .State) $100 per square lor first insertion, Room to Let wilh Board. ilies. Sebago Warer, $4200. Candies, Congress St. day: St. Albans, second Thursday. rain-crow, I ami 50 cents per square for each inser- payment $800 cash, balance time. Apply to Portland Me. 10,000 Yards struck up with the Kurnel, an’ I wuz to subsequent front ROOM with at 38 State Hamburg Edges Grand Bodies—Grand first in glad tion. A Wanted. board, F. G. PAT1ERSON, Lodge, Tuesday see bitn—durned Boy Sti*et, corner of no4dtf At May; Grand first in glad. We knocked roun’ Address all communications to FURNISHED Gray. mh6-2w 13 Fluent Block. Carpenters and Builders. 6, IO. 13 1.9, 1«, 90, 95, 30 and Chapter, Tuesday evening May; 37 1-9 Grand Council, 3 r. m.; Grand Com- town right smarlually, an’ the Kurnel inter- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. WHITHEI Sc cm. per Yard. Wednesday MEANS, Pearl Street, op. mandery, Wednesday evening. iuced me to a whole raft of .SMART, reliable boy about 16 years old, can For Rent. For Rent. Posite Park. fellers—mighty i bis is a tresh lot and one of A have the to learn the Job Print- on contain the best we have had Masonic Relief Association—Fourth Wednes- nice were too. Arter opportunity genteel Tenements Green Street, in a convenient for a Gro- this boys they supper the business STORE good location, season. in m< nrb. ing at this office. TWOing six rooms each Sebago water and gas. En- to a day every Kurnel BUSINESS CARDS. A cery Stand. Extra inducements ottering says: quire of J. C. WOODMAN, 1184 Exchange Street. Apply to F. G. PATTERSON, Dye-House. ANCIENT ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITES. Beni fe23 tf satisfactory party. FOSTER’S •‘Skaggs,’’ says he, “less go to my room Wanted, mh6-lw 13 Fluent Block. Dye Honse, 34 Union Street.* Lodge—Yates Grand Lodge of firs Perfection, ■'bar we kin talk over ole times sorter com- CONVENIENT RENT of 4 or 5 for a ALL OPE STOCK OF CHAS. J. rooms, f.-iday. fortable an’ SCHUMACHER, A small family—man and wife. References giveD. To Let. for Sale. ondisturbed like.” Real Esiale Furniture-Wholesale and Retail. Council—Portland Oouncil P. of J., second Fri- Address ‘*P.,” Press Office. mc4tf “Greeable,” says an’ we a tenement in House No, 114 Spring Street. desirous of houses or lots WAITER COREY A No. day. I, walked square purchasing CO., Arcade, SPRING DRESS >r Fresco of MATTOCKS & 83 Middle 18 Free GOODS so. an’ turned into a alley an’ walked a Fainter, LOWERInquire FOX, PARTIESin Portland or vicinity the coming season- Street. Chapter—Dunlap Chapter Rose Croix dc Pthird up Lost. Street. fe4dtf Real Estate larrer of stars. The Office at Schumacher Bros., 5 Deerinsr should consult the “Maine Register. 6EOK.GB A. WHITNEY, No. 36 Ex- Friday. par Kurnel gin a little Jbor sale all the dealers. mn6-lw At Yery Low Prices. at a Block. the hours of 3 and 6 o’clock P. M., by periodical change St. Uphol.tering of all kiuda Consistory—Maine Consistory, S. P. R. S., fourth rap green door, an’ a slick lookin’ merlat- BETWEENMarch 4th, a Moroco WALLET, form- Rooms To Let. done to order. ter Turkey We Friday iu Match, June, September and December. popped out an axed us in. He wuz the I respectfully inform my patrons' that I will be a a to quote a few: erly Diary, containing $150 aud Note running Gentlemen and their wives and two or three ilurndest happy \d at tend to any jobs which may be entrusted David H. Drake. The finder will be re- SALE. purlitest nigger you ever seen. He suitably single gentlemen can be accommodated with FOR to mejHarge or pmalJ, and that no one is authorized TWO Furniture and House Goods. Some nt 19 1-9 ceali per ynrd. I.O. O. F. |es’. get an’ aroun’ warded by leaving the same at this office, or No. 1 pleasant rooms and board at 75 Free street. oc7tf Furnishing up spun like a tom cat to take jobs ia my name.mc6d$m Franklin Street. mc6ti lie Most Beautiful BEN J. cor. and At Odd Fellows’ Hall, No. 88 Street. with her tail Lillie Clicben&ne-'I ADAMS, Exchange Fed- Exchange afire. The room wuz as fine as • One lot Light mohairs 35 ets. of all the Islands of Oasco Bay. eral Streets. Former on a fiddle Lodges—Maine, Monday evenings; Ancient an’ full ot picturs an’ an’ tbe "TO LET! ! price 03 1-3 cents.
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