January 28, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S555 hard-working men and women at the to deport the parents of U.S. citizen of the shadows, register with the gov- Department of Homeland Security in and lawful permanent resident chil- ernment, pass a background check, and law enforcement who are protecting dren. One of the most mean-spirited join their daughters in their pursuit of our borders, our airports, and our amendments would prohibit the use of the American dream—unless, of course, coastlines. It is not about trying to Federal funds or resources to consider the Republicans get their way. score political points by conflating na- or adjudicate any new, renewed, or pre- We cannot let that happen, and I will tional security and immigration re- viously denied application for deferred do everything to ensure that we will form, which will only make it harder action for childhood arrivals. not let that happen. These are the real to address security issues at home and Let’s call this amendment what it is: faces of our broken immigration sys- almost impossible to move forward on It is an amendment to deport DREAM- tem. There are many families like the comprehensive immigration reform. ers and targets all of those young peo- Morales-Cano family who have been Let’s look at what my Republican ple who came forward and signed up in and remain an economic resource we colleagues are so opposed to. They are good faith. I will give an example of cannot afford to waste. They are hard- opposed to new DHS directives that in- whom these amendments attack. working families who simply want to clude a rigorous application process I wish to remind my colleagues of be full participants in American life, that will ironically help eliminate na- who the DREAMers are. DREAMers are full contributors to the American fam- tional security threats. They seem to young people who came to this country ily, and they want to remain united as be opposed to the fact that applicants through no choice of their own. The a family. We should want them to re- will have to come forward and register only flag they have ever pledged alle- main united. with the government. They will have giance to is that of the United States I have listened to so many speeches to pass criminal background checks be- of America. The only national anthem here about family values. Well, the fore they can receive a temporary re- they know is the ‘‘Star-Spangled Ban- core of a family value is a family being prieve from deportation and a work ner.’’ Their country is this country. able to stay together, integrated and permit. No violent criminals, gang I was fortunate to speak with people helping each other and driving each members, or terrorists will be able to like the Morales-Cano family 2 weeks other to success and supporting each take advantage of the program. They ago in New Jersey. They are a family other. Ripping families apart is not a seem to be opposed to allowing immi- of six, including 13-year-old, U.S.-born family value. grants who are not a public safety or Rebecca Morales. Their lives have dras- We must see through the smoke and national security threat to come for- tically improved thanks to the pro- mirrors and do what is right for Amer- ward and request deferred action, gram Republicans are hoping to dis- ica. Let’s stop playing political games. meaning there will be fewer people liv- mantle. If the Republicans are success- Let’s defeat these poison-pill amend- ing in the shadows, beyond the reach of ful, Rebecca would be left alone in the ments and pass a clean Department of law enforcement. United States without her parents or Homeland Security funding bill. Let’s These directives identify moms and sisters—an American citizen left alone, not play politics with national secu- dads who have a U.S. citizen or a legal perhaps in foster care, because Repub- rity. Let’s remember the people behind permanent resident son or daughter licans don’t care about prioritizing the the policies. Let’s remember the Mo- and take them out of the deportation deportation of convicted criminals over rales-Cano family and the fate of Re- queue. They also take DREAMers out her mom, dad, and sisters. becca if we allow these amendments to of the deportation queue. The story of the Morales-Cano family pass. The House amendment to the Depart- is a clear example of thousands of deep- With that, I yield the floor and sug- ment of Homeland Security funding rooted families who have waited too gest the absence of a quorum. bill would effectively end the new De- long in the shadows for immigration The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ferred Action for Parental Account- reform. clerk will call the roll. ability Program and the expanded Three years ago, after attending a de- The assistant bill clerk proceeded to DACA Program for DREAMers. They ferred action for childhood arrivals call the roll. would also defund every other aspect of workshop that my office organized in Ms. MURKOWSKI. I ask unanimous the President’s November 20 Executive New Jersey, all three of Rebecca’s consent that the order for the quorum action that would promote border secu- older sisters—Ingrid, Evelyn, and call be rescinded. rity, public safety, military service, Lesly—were given an opportunity to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without legal immigration, citizenship, immi- begin a new chapter of their lives after objection, it is so ordered. gration integration, entrepreneurship, qualifying for the President’s 2012 De- f civil immigration enforcement prior- ferred Action for Childhood Arrivals ities, including the prioritization of in- Program, joining thousands of others CONCLUSION OF MORNING dividuals with convicted felonies and who had been granted relief. BUSINESS gang activity and terrorist ties for de- Today, look at what this family is The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning portation. doing Ingrid cares for New Jerseyans’ business is closed. I will repeat that. It includes a health at her job at the Ocean Medical f prioritization. I would think the Sen- Center. Evelyn moved to Illinois to at- KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE ACT ate would want to support a tend the West Coast Bible College and prioritization of individuals who are Seminary. Lesly was able to enroll in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under here illegally and are convicted felons Brookdale Community College to pur- the previous order, the Senate will re- and part of gang activities or who have sue her dream of becoming a nurse. In- sume consideration of S. 1, which the terrorist ties for deportation and any grid, Evelyn, and Lesly represent the clerk will report. future similar Executive actions. hundreds of thousands of young indi- The bill clerk read as follows: The only directive our Republican viduals who, because of the deferred ac- A bill (S. 1) to approve the Keystone XL colleagues found acceptable, which is tion for childhood arrivals, can ac- Pipeline. interesting—in my mind, you say: tively contribute to our economy with- Pending: Well, none of it can happen by Execu- out fear of losing everything they have Murkowski amendment No. 2, in the na- tive action. But it seems that the only worked to gain. ture of a substitute. thing that did happen by Executive ac- Romeo Morales and Mrs. Magda Cano Vitter/Cassidy modified amendment No. 80 tion that our colleagues found accept- de Morales did not qualify for deporta- (to amendment No. 2), to provide for the dis- able pertains to pay increases for Im- tion deferrals under DACA and have tribution of revenues from certain areas of migration and Customs Enforcement continued to live with the constant the outer Continental Shelf. fear of having their family abruptly Murkowski (for Sullivan) amendment No. officers, which I believe they certainly 67 (to amendment No. 2), to restrict the au- deserve. separated. But thanks to the deferred thority of the Environmental Protection These amendments would break action for parents program, recently Agency to arm agency personnel. apart more families and destroy com- announced by President Obama, both Cardin amendment No. 75 (to amendment munities by ensuring that we continue parents will likely qualify to come out No. 2), to provide communities that rely on VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:36 Jan 28, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28JA6.010 S28JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S556 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 28, 2015 drinking water from a source that may be af- Coons amendment No. 115 (to amendment The article then goes on to state that fected by a tar sands spill from the Keystone No. 2), to express the sense of Congress re- yesterday not much of anything hap- XL pipeline an analysis of the potential risks garding climate change and infrastructure. pened on the Senate floor where the Carper amendment No. 120 (to amendment to public health and the environment from a pipeline debate had stalled. leak or rupture of the pipeline. No. 2), to amend the Internal Revenue Code Murkowski amendment No. 98 (to amend- of 1986 to extend the credits for new qualified In fairness, maybe the debate, in ment No. 2), to express the sense of Congress fuel cell motor vehicles and alternative fuel terms of processing amendments on the relating to adaptation projects in the United vehicle refueling property. floor, had stalled out yesterday, but States Arctic region and rural communities. Heitkamp amendment No. 133 (to amend- that did not mean there were not sig- Flake amendment No.
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