BARC/I994/E/004 CD n Hi SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON HEAVY WATER, TRITIATED WATER AND HYDROGEN ISOTOPES ( 1981-1992) by V. T. Gopalakrishnan, U. B. Sutawane and B. N. Ralhi Heavy Water Division 1994 BARC/1994/E/00* o § GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ^ ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ON U < SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON HEAVY WATER, TRITIATED WATER AND HYDROGEN ISOTOPES (1981 - 1992) by V.T. Gopalakrishnan, U.B. Sutawane and B.N. Rathi Heavy Water Division BHABHA ATOMIC RESEARCH CENTRE BOMBAY, INDIA 1994 BARC/1994/E/0Q4 BIBLIOGRAPHY DESCRIPTION SHEET FOR TECHNICAL REPORT (as per IS : 9400 - 1980) 01 Security classification Unclassified 02 Distribution : External 03 Report status : New 04 Series : BARC External 05 Report type : Technical Report 06 Report No. : BARC/1994/E/OO4 07 Part No. or Volume No. : OB Contract No. : 10 Title and subtitle s Selected bibliography on heavy water, tritiated water and hydrogen isotopes (1981-1992) 11 Collation : 460 p, 13 Project No. : 20 Personal author <s) s V.T. Gopalakrishnan; U.B. Sutawane; B.N. Rathi 21 Affiliation of author (s) : Heavy Water Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay 22 Corporate author<s> Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay-400 085 23 Originating unit : Heavy Water Division, BARC, Bombay 24 Sponsor(s) Name : Department of Atomic Energy Type s Government 30 Date of submission : February 1994 31 Publication/Issue date March 1994 cantd...(ii > 40 Publishtr/Distributor i Head, Library and Information Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay 42 Form of distribution : Hard Copy 50 Language of text : English 51 Language of summary : English 52 No. of references : 53 Given data on : 60 Abstract : A selected bibliography on Heavy Mater, Tritiated Water and Hydrogen Isotopes is presented. This bibliography covers the period 1981 - 1992 and is in continuation to Division's earlier report BARC - 1192 (1983). The sources of information for this compilation are Chemical Abstracts, IIMIS Atomindex and also some scattered search through Journals and Reports available in our library. No claim is made towards exhaustiveness of this bibliography eventhough sincere attempts have been made for a wide coverage. The bibliography is arranged under the headings : (1) production, purification, recovery, rtporocessing and storage, (2) isotope exchange, 3) isotope analysis, (4) properties and (5) miscellaneous. Total number of references in the bibliography are 1762. 70 Keywords/Descriptors : HEAVY WATER; HYDROGEN ISOTOPES; BIBLIOGRAPHIES; ISOTOPIC EXCHANGE; ISOTOPE SEPARATION; ISOTOPE RATIO; PRODUCTION; PURIFICATION; TRITIUM OXIDES 71 Class No. : INIS Subject Category : D1200; B1210 99 Supplementary elements : PREFACE A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY on Heavy Water. Tritiated Water and Hydrogen Isotopes is presented herewith. This bibliography covers the period 1981 - 1992 and is in continuation to our Division's earlier report BARC - 1192 (1983). The sources of information for this compilation are Chemical Abstracts, INIS Atomindex and also some scattered search through Journals and Reports available in our library. No claim is made towards exhaustiveness of this bibliography eventhough sincere attempts have been made for a wide coverage. We will be grateful to receive any information regarding inaccuracies that might have crept in this compilation. Last but not least, we would like to express our appreciation to the constant encouragement and helpful suggestions given to us by Shri T.G. Varadarajan, Head, Heavy Water Division and Shri H.K. Sadhukhan, Director, Chemical Engineering Group, BARC. V.T. GOPALAKRISHNAN U.B. SUTAWANE B.N. RATHI HEAVY WATER, TRIAT1ATED WATER and HYDROGEN ISOTOPES CONTENTS Page 1. SECTION I - Production, Purification, Recovery, Reprocessing and Storage 1 2. SECTION II - Isotopic exchange 165 3. SECTION III - Analysis 230 4. SECTION IV - Properties 289 5. SECTION V - Miscellaneous 340 ********** HEAVY WATER, TRITIATED WATER AND HYDROGEN ISOTOPES SECTION I PRODUCTION, PURIFICATION, RECOVERY, REPROCESSING AND STORAGE 1. Removal and recovery- of tritium from light and heavy water. J.P. Butler and M. Hammerli. Canadian Patent Document, 1093500/A/., (Int. Cl. 25 B 1/04), 13 Jan 1981. This invention relates to a method and apparatus - for removing tritium from heavy water and light water using a combined electrolysis and catalytic exchange process. 2. Finishing and upgrading of heavy water. J.P. Butler and M. Hammerli. Canadian Patent Document, 1093499/A/., (Int. 01. C 01 B 4/00), 10 pp., 13 Jan 1981. A process for deuterium enrichment for continuous on line enrichment of the heavy water in a heavy water nuclear rs-actor and for a final stage enrichment in a heavy water plant is discussed. 3. CTR fuel recovery system using regeneration of a molecular sieve drying bed. C.L. Folkers. US Patent Document, 4248607/A/, (Int. Cl. B 01 D 53/04), 3 Feb 1981. A system for the recovery of tritiated water using a primary and an auxiliary molecular sieve bed is reported. 4. Heavy water extraction from non-electrolytic hydrogen streams. R.L. LeRoy, M. Hammerli and J.P. Butler. Canadian Patent Document, 1095848/A/, (Int. Cl. C 25 E 1/00), 33., 17 Feb 1981. Heavy water production from non-electrolytic hydrogen streams using a combined electrolysis and catalytic exchange process is described. Tunable ultra-violet generator for use in the isotope separation of deuterium. E.A. Stappaerts. US Patent Document, 4254348/A/, (Int. Cl. H 03 F 7/00), 3 Mar 1961. The method presented here is suitable for heavy water production by the photodiasociation of formaldehyde in the 330-355 nm range. Process for exchanging tritium between gaseous hydrogen and water. S.G.Hindin and G.W.Roberts. UK patent document 1585556/A/., (Int.Cl.CO 165/02), BOI d 59/33, 17 pp., 4 Mar 1981. An improved method of exchanging and concentrating the rapid active isotope of hydrogen from water or hydrogen gas is described. Infrared spectrum of CTF3 and implications toward tritium isotope separation by infrared laser multiple photon dissociation of halogenated methanes. I.P. Herman and J.fi. Marling. J. Phys. Chem., 85 (5). 493-496, 5 Mar 1981. On the basis of calculated and measured absorption frequencies, photochemical separation of tritium from hydrogen is very attractive in trifluoro methane when using CO2 laser multiple photon dissociation near the strong CTF3 band centered at 1077.0 cm" and the separation of tritium from both hydrogen and deuterium is attractive when using a CO laser near the strong CTF3 band centered at 1930 cm" . Deuterium enrichment by selective photoinduced dissociation of a multihalogenated organic compound. I.P. Herman and J.B. Marling. US Patent Document, 4257860 /A/, ( Int. Cl. B 01 D 59/00 ), 7 pp., 24 March 1981. A method for deuterium enrichment by photoinduced dissociation which uses a multihalogenated organic compound as the deuterium source is described. 2 9. Tritium separation by CO2 laser multiphoton decomposition of trifluoroethane. Y. Makide and S. Hagiwara, P: 178-187. JAERI-M-9390, 279 pp., March 1981. (Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo. Proceedings of the U.S. / Japan workshop on fusion fuel handling. Exchange A-11 in the United States-Japan fusion cooperation program). A method for tritium separation of the CO2 laser multiphoton decomposition of trifluoroethane is studied. 10. Design study of fuel circulating system using Pd alloy membrane isotope separation method. T. Naito, T. Yamada, T. Aizawa and T. Kasahara, P: 163-177. JAERI-M-9390, 279 pp., March 1981. (Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo. Proceedings of the US / Japan workshop on fusion fuel handling. Exchange A-ll in the United States -Japan fusion cooperation program.) The design study of the fuel circulating system using Pd- alloy membranes is described. 11. Computer simulation study of hydrogen isotope separation system by cryogenic distillation. M. Kinoshita, P: 119-140. JAERI-M-9390, 279 pp., March 1981. ( Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo.) Proceedings of the US / Japan workshop on fusion fuel handling. Exchange A- 11 in the United States-Japan fusion cooperation program. This report gives a brief review of the simulation results which include those of parametric parametric investigations, examinations of effects of decay heat of tritium, Raoult's law deviation dynamics, control of the columns etc. and the outline of a computer coda system developed for the studies. 12. An assembly of tritium production experiment. T. Abe, P: 84-91. JAERI-M-9390, 279 pp., March 1981. (Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo. Proceedings of the US/Japan Workshop of Fusion Fuel handling. Exchange A-ll in the United States - Japan fusion cooperation program.) A small scale test facility assembly for tritium production and the preliminary results of the experiments with them are reported. 13. Rectification of heavy water prepared by electrolytic isotope concentration method. K.K. Showa Denko. Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho, 8140401, ( Cl. B 01 D3/00 ), 3 pp., 16 Apr 1981. A method for obtaining heavy water of very low specific conductivity for use with rectification columns is described. KOH or NAOH is used for neutralizing acid. 14. Deuterium separation factors for isotopic exchange between hydrogen sulphide and water. S.M. Dave, S.K. Ghosh and H.K. Sadhukhan. Indian J. Chem., Sect. A., 20 (4), 329-332, Apr 1961. The overall deuterium separation factors for the hydrogen sulphide - water exchange where all the isotopic species of these molecules are in equilibrium have been calculated both for liquid-gas and gas-gas exchange as a function of temperature and deuterium concentration. IB. Procedure and equipment for the separation of isotopes for deuterium upgrading and for the production of heavy water. M. School1. DE patent document, 3118431/ A /, ( Int. Cl. B 01 D 59/36 ), 9 May 1981. A process and equipment for deuterium enrichment by oxidation of methane with bacterial cultures is described. 16. Water-hydrogen isotope exchange catalyst. K.K. Showa Denko. Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho, 8156234, ( Cl. B 01 J 31/06), 6 pp., 18 May 1981.
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