Open Research Online The Open University’s repository of research publications and other research outputs The life and prose works of Amelia Opie (1769-1853) Thesis How to cite: Jones, Clive (2001). The life and prose works of Amelia Opie (1769-1853). PhD thesis The Open University. For guidance on citations see FAQs. c 2001 The Author https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ Version: Version of Record Link(s) to article on publisher’s website: http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.21954/ou.ro.0000e347 Copyright and Moral Rights for the articles on this site are retained by the individual authors and/or other copyright owners. For more information on Open Research Online’s data policy on reuse of materials please consult the policies page. oro.open.ac.uk 338 The Life and Prose Works of Amelia Opie (1769 - 1853) Contents: Volume H Appendices A. Amelia Opie's Eamingsfrom Longman's 339 ...... B. PublicationData of Opie's Works Published by Longman's 340 ....................................... C. AnnotatedRegister of the Lettersof Amelia Opie 341 ................................................ Bibliography 432 ................................................... 339 Appendix A: Amelia Opie's Earnings from Longman's, expressed in five-year segments 1801-1805 ;E357 4 5 1806-1810 E745 6 0 1811-1815 E990 15 4 1816-1820 E1331 0 11 1821-1825 E504 4 5 1826- 1830 E133 11 1 1831- 1838 E119 7 4 Thereare no recordsof paymentsfrom Longman'sto Opie (d. 1853)after 1838. This information is taken from Jan Fergus and Janice Farrar Thaddeus, 'Women, Publishers and Money, 1790- 1820'in Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture (East Lansing, Mich.: ColleaguesPress, 1987, no. 17), p.205 3.+o .4Z,uZ e -Z: --0 --1 b p4 rid ýý, en aý Vl> oý CO (N r- ". -1 CD m Q ". -4 ýlo (Z .. 0 oý 0 % c"i Ilt cn ". -1 %D le 110 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 2ýw le 10 r. '%",ez Z" 1 1 1 1 rq -ý tn V) 00% m M M m 00 00 00 (N -4 cn rn m fn m -- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 l' c3 0 ý r4 kn 00 (N 52 r.2 -4 M ýo tli V) 00 le . (D (D C) C> --1 -4 -1.1 rq rq CN (n 75 :e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 29 te o 0c ZU 10-CJ. - 04 c2ý Z C) (D (D C) CD C> C> C) 0 C> >% >o vi CD C> CD C) CD CD C) CD CD r- C> C> V') CD CD iz Vlb (Z ci CN rn N cq --4 9 te :s Z a= :.tz 4 d'D vi P. 4 >ý 9'('D 2, e 'e, 4) 0 Ici'; 2 NM u u m" CD cý Z *Z; CD CD 0 CD 0 iz CU 00 42, to 1 e %ý44 r3 K.te %3 v4 ýecý 9,1ý . Z 2 t, .2 ci t Z e2 le %% t ýo Zz 341 Appendix C Annotated Register of the Letters of Amelia Opie Contents A. Index of locationsof archives A. Main list in chronologicalorder A. Lettersby Amelia Opie which cannotbe datedaccurately A. Lettersfrom other writers discoveredin Opie archives A. SelectBiogaphies A. List of works and their writers referredto by Opie in her letters A Note on Dating During her younger years, Opie's letters were often incompletely dated, sometimes showing only the day of the week. The exact date can sometimes be establishedby careful reading, but where this is not the case,the dating has been narrowed down as far as possible. Letters which are impossible to date accurately will be found in a separatelist after the main one. After 1825, Amelia Opie used the Quaker system of dating, written, e.g., as T' Mo., Yd, 1827', which correspondsto 3 January 1827. All dates have been normalized in the following list to a numerical day/month/year format. 342 A. Index of locations of archives 'Mese abbreviations follow those in the English Short Title Catalogue where possible. B= BodleianLibrary, Deps.and MsEng Let BMp = BirminghamPublic Library Bmu = BirminghamUniversity Library, CorbettCollection C= CambridgeUniversity Library, Add. MSS Cf = Fitzwilliam MuseumArchives, Ashcombe Collection Cg = Girton College,Cambridge, Bodichon Collection CSmH = HuntingtonInstitute Library, SanMarino, CA Ct = Trinity CollegeLibrary, Cambridge Dsf = Societyof Friendsin Ireland,Dublin D Ur = DurhamRecord Office, HodgldnPapers E= NationalLibrary of Scotland EXr = DevonRecord Office GRMw = WordsworthTrust Collection,Grasmere Harro. = HarrowbyMSS, Sandon,Staffs. Kew = Library & Archives,Royal BotanicalGardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey Knox = Knox CollegeArchives, Galesburg, 111. USA L= British Library, Add. MSS Ldw = Dr Williams's Library, CrabbRobinson Collection LEe = BrothertonLibrary, Egerton-LeighArchives, Leeds University Ler = Ingilby Records,Leeds District Archives Lg = FawcettLibrary, LondonGuildhall University LIP. = LambethPalace Library, London Lpro = GreaterLondon Record Office Lra = Royal Academyof Arts Library, LawrenceLetters 343 LLrcs = Royal College of Surgeonsof England, Hunter-Baillie Collection Lri = Royal Institute of Great Britain, London Lsf = Society of Friends' Library, London, Temp. MSS Luu = University College Library, London, Brougham Papers Lv = Victoria & Albert Museum Library, Forster Collection Lvp = Liverpool City Library, Homby Collection Lwe = Wellcome Institute Library, London mlýp = Manchester Local Studies Archive, Central Library, Alfred Brothers Collection, MRu = John Rylands,Library, University of Manchester NCp = Northumberland Record Office, Newcastle upon Tyne Luu = University College Library, London MV = New York Public Library, Manhattan, NY, Pforzheimer Collection NOu = University of Nottingham, Marlay Collection NOWr = Norfolk Record Office, Norwich Orh = Rhodes House Library, Oxford, Papersof Sir7lbomas Fowell Buxton 01a = Taylor Institution Library, Oxford PHC = Haverford College, Pennsylvania PSC = Swarthmore College, Swafflunore, PA, Friends' Collection REu = University of Reading, Longman Collection TQp- = Torquay Museum, Torquay TRUp = Royal Institute of Cornwall, Truro KS = Wisbech & Fenland Museum 344 B. Main list of letters in chronological order Date (dltWy) To Location 'Saturday' SusannahTaylor CSMHOP52 in Oct.1794 St Georges,Norwich TreasonTrials, possibleemigration, unfitjury, mentionsBoddington, Plumptresisters, The Cabinet.. 28/10/1794 ElizabethInchbald CSmHHM39277 Southgate Formalthird person,Dr Geddes'the liberal mindedman' of conversation. 17/3/1795 George Dyer AWA02 Wish to meet Mr. Frend, incl. engraving of herself. 28/8/95 W Godwin B Dep. 6,21016 On recovered health of Mrs Southernes,WG's relative. Mentions Annabelle Plumptre. On opportunity afforded by visit to Norwich for reflection on the 'new ideas' she has gained. 1/10/1795 Anna Fletcher MVAutographs,v. 2 Versecongratulating her on marriageto Enfield. 5/2/1796 William Godwin B Dep. 6,21016 MentionsThos Hardy. Her admirationof WG's 'Considerations'has alienatedher from 'certainpolitical lectures'in Norwich. Mentions CorrespondingSoc. Caleb Williams.Gossip that Holcroft hasturned out his eldestdr., WG beingthe reason. 12/2/1796 Mr. Godwin B Dep. 6 21016 Norwich Shehas drarnatised his work "Me Sorcerer'. Mentions,ThelwalL HomeTooke, Holcroft. 1/4/96 To W Godwin. No salutation. B, Dep. 6,21916 Delighted by WG's positive responseto play. Wishes for seclusion of her own study at N. to begin another play. Mentions Merry and Brain. No date - Mr. Godwin B Dep. 6,21016 Postmark 17/8/96 Norwich Disappointment at not meeting at Mrs Twiss's. Mrs. Imlay a more rigid critic than WG. 'I have said enough to convince you that I admire your talent and love your character'. 28/8/1796 Mrs. hnlay B Dep 6,21016 Norwich 'I derive so muchpleasure from thinldng of you.... Will you help me accountfor the strongdesire I alwaysfeel when with you to sayaffectionate 345 things to youT Mentions reading Lettersfrom Norway, wishes greater acquaintance.Conversely, finds WG not 'a man after his own heart' but 'a man after the present state of things'. Mentions Mary Hays. armiUS&YI Mr Godwin B Dep. 6,21016 (before 1/11/1796) Norwich Enquiresafter Merry, goneabroad to escapecreditors. Mentions her father'sconcern for M. Asks G to look at her new play. Asks after 'Miss Hayes'(sic. ) MentionsRigby, Thelwall. 1/11/1796 Mr Godwin B Dep. 6,21016 Norwich No seal,no address.Headed 'So much for the mole-hills,now for the mountains.' Her play acceptedby WG for reading. Extendedmetaphor of motherhood.Remonstrates with G for calling her 'Coquette'and 'bitch'. MentionsMerry's inappropriatemarriage, Miss Hayes(sic. ), and Mrs. Imlay's new son(? ), but hasheard nothing from her. 13/11/1796 Mr Godwin B Dep. 6,21016 Norwich She thanks him for parcel: 'Your opinion of the play gave me much heartfelt pleasure'. Discussesalterations. Admires Nfiss Burney's skill with aphorism. Mentions J Taylor. 18/11/1796 Mr Godwin B Dep. 6 21016 Norwich Letter sentwith basketof beefins(dried apples,local speciality). Discusses further changesin play. Infonns;WG that potentialbenefactor wishes to assistMrs hnlay. Asks him to ascertainwhether fmancial assistance would be accepted. 18/12/1796 Mrs Imlay B Dep. 6,21016 Norwich Has to explain away benefactor's motive - In-dayindignant Play is with Richardson. Delighted w. Hays's novel. Gossip that MI is to wed John Opie. Wishes for 'little Fanny's' health. 22/12/1796 Mr Godwin B Dep. 6,21016 Norwich 11anks him for play critique. ReprovesWG & MI for scoffing at offer of assistanceand WG's churlish acceptanceof gift of beefins: 'My gift was meant in simple courtesy, as a mark of attention merely. ' PraisesMH's Emma Courtney. After March Mrs. Godwin B Dep. C, 507115 1797 'My dear Madam' - requesfing another seat in her theatre box. Explains that she would have called, but too pressed. 6/12/?? PrinceHoare Knox (no year) Asks him to readher comedyand to sit for JohnOpie. 8/8/1798 Mrs. Inchbald MVA015 346 Norwich 27 Leicester Sq. Canvassingsupport for cousin JT Woodhouse for Caius Coll. Mentions time in Nch. w. J.0. 12/12/1800 Mrs Taylor CSMH OP60 Chatty letter, mentions Eliza Fenwick, Betsy Fry, Plumptre sisters, Mrs Siddons, d.
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