"Plain dealing is a jewel, but 'All things that are good and they that wear it are out of beautiful make us more fashion." religious." —Disraeli Vol. XLVI THE UNIVERSITY OF CHATTANOOGA, FEBRUARY 14, 1947 No.jS^ Symphony Plans Two Concerts for Baxter, Local Ministers to Spark Week of Feb. 16 U.C.'s Religious Emphasis Week Chattanooga audiences are eager­ ly looking forward to two days With Formal and Informal Talks of excellent music when the Chat­ tanooga Symphony Orchestra will Dr. Rollo A. Kilburn, University of Chattanooga chaplain, announced today the present its second and third per­ schedule for Religious Emphasis Week, which begins next Monday, Feb. 17, and continues formances of this season. The per­ throughout the week until Friday, Feb. 21. It's features are public worship services with formance of Sunday afternoon, addresses by Christian leaders, personal counseling, and special interest group meetings Feb. 16, at 4 p.m. wil) be a special for discussions. Dr. Bruce R. Baxter, bishop of the Methodist Church of Oregon, Idaho, concert for young people. Arthur Washington and Alaska, will be the guest of the university during the week and will be Plettner, Juilliard professor of mu­ entertained at Dr. and Mrs. Lock- sic at U. C, and permanent con­ miller's home while here on the ductor of the Symphony Orchestra, RELIGIOUS EMPHASIS . campus. WEEK has asked Charles David Mc­ "He is a well recognized leader February 17-20 Naughton to conduct this young of young people in the religious people's concert. This will be Mr. Monday, 10:20 — Sophomore field. He is democratic, very easy McNaughton's first public appear­ Chapel: Bishop Bruce E. Bax­ ter; 3:00—"The Religious Per­ to meet, and delights to converse ance in Chattanooga as a conduc­ son and His Vocation," father with all types of people," Dr. Kil­ tor. On Monday, Feb. 17, at 8:15 George Flanigan, SS Peter & burn said of the bishop. p_m. the regular symphony concert Paul Catholic Church, Room 45; Dr. Baxter received his A.B. de­ will be presented with the regular 4:30—Mass Meeting of Sorori­ gree from Oberlin and his M.A. conductor on the podium. The ties and Fraternities, Bishop 1 Baxter in Patten Chapel. from Oberlin's Graduate School. scene of both concerts will be the He also attended Boston University City High Music Hall. Tuesday, 10:20 — Junior & Senior Chapel: Bishop Baxter; School of Theology and the College Brahms' Second Symphony will 3:00—"The Religious Person of the Pacific, where he received be the featured work of the Mon­ and His Family," Rev. Thome his D.D. degree. He holds honorary day night concert, which will also Sparkman, St. Paul's Episcopal degrees from five colleges. He was include the Overture to Secret of Church, Room 45. dean of religion and assistant to Susanne by Wolf-Farrari, Inter­ Wednesday, 10:20—Freshman the president of the University of mezzo from Hary Janos by Kodaly, Chapel: Bishop Baxter; 3:00— Southern California for a period of J and English Folk Song Suite by "The Religious Person in the Pictured just before Mr. Kerensky's discussion last Tuesday night are D. Frank W. Prescott, sponsor Ralph Vaughn Williams. Local Community," Rev. John 10 years. of the International Relations Club; Alexander Kerensky, who was I.R.C.'s guest for the evening; and Charlotte Watson, piano major Paul Pack, First Christian He has made one trip around the Telfair Brooke, president of I.R.C. at U. C, will be soloist with the Church, Room 45; 5:30—Cam­ world, two journeys to the Orient, orchestra in the concert for young pus Religious Council Meeting two visits to the Near East, one people. She will play with the or­ at Y. W. C. A., Speaker: Bishop trip to the South Sea Islands, and a chestra Mendelsohn's Piano Con­ Baxter. trip to South America, South and* 'Classical Capitalism Is Gone,' certo. The Nutcracker Suite of Thursday, 10:20 — Special Central Africa. The bishop is a Tchaikovsky will also be included Chapel: Bishop Baxter (Spon­ well-known lecturer and contribu­ in this concert. sored by Student Denomination­ tor of numerous articles to church and educational periodicals. Members of the symphony gave al Organizations); 3:00—"The Kerensky Says in Interview; BILL HAGAN Religious Person in the World Dr. Baxter will first speak at evidence of loyalty to Mr. Plettner by voting unanimously, at a recent Community," Rabbi Abraham three regular chapel services on meeting, to complete the season's EX-ECHO ED Feinstein, Ochs Memorial Tem­ Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Planned Economy Inevitable concert engagements despite short ple, Room 45. and at a special chapel service on finances. Prior to the meeting, Thursday to denominational "The classical capitalistic system is gone—even in the United States, it is gone," FINDS BIGGER Daily at 12 Noon—Devotional groups and local pastors at 10:20 there was some speculation as to Service in the Choir Room. un. Alexander Kerensky, head of the Russian government for a brief period during the whether or not the final spring Daily at 1:00—Personal Con­ concert will be played. BATTLEFIELD On Monday at 4:30 p.m., the revolutionary days in 1917, told the Echo last Monday afternoon. Kerensky stated that sultation with Bishop Baxtei bishop will address the Greek let­ he was in accord with the plans of the Labor Government in England to nationalize A University of Chattanooga (See Chaplain Kilburn). ter societies in the Patten Memo­ certain industries and that he felt the political future of Europe depends upon the alumnus who majored in political rial Chapel. He will be the guest answer to the question, "Who is going to win during the development of a planned Honor Council science under Dr. F. W Prescott of the Baptist Student Union at is a candidate for the Chattanooga Shivering Duo luncheon on Wednesday at 12 noon, economy in Europe?" "It is a fight City Commission. In a surprise and will join the Campus Religious between freedom and slavery. Plan- i y^ -p^ , Gives Verdict statement issued last week-end, Council for supper at 5:30 p.m. Fritz Reiner, Pitt ned economy is inevinevitagli e but it IvCVCllllC ijOIlClS William S. Hagan. Class of 1939, Tracks Down Dr. Baxter will also hold daily must be developed along the lines announced his candidacy for a post periods for personal counseling, of political freedom." Kerensky r—, ^, /^>, in the local government. Hagan Mr. Kerensky which will be scheduled by a com­ Symphony to Play stated that his conception of a de- • f) ( ..OVPT C ,OSt In Two Cases emphasized the fact that he is an x w V U¥V 1 Both being nearsighted, it was mittee composed of representatives mocratic economic state would be; ^ ' V^vyoc independent candidate and that as of the YMCA and YWCA headed At Central Feb. 24 a type of "semi-socialistic" state. ^-^ /• x. T C> t* The Honor Council recently rec­ such, he" represents no particular quite difficult for ye olde Eds of "But political freedom must be I J-|- fV pxxj Vfari 111TTI ye olde Echo to sight and sink our by John Sinley. Any student de­ L L vv ommended, and Dr. Lockmiller ap­ political viewpoint other than his siring a personal talk with the . U. C. students will be interested maintained," he quickly added, "for , ^^ ^ *~ ^«-«-^*l Hill own. target cruiser — Mr. Kerensky. to know that the Pittsburgh Sym­ socialism without freedom will be i proved, the following decision aft­ After making a few false attacks bishop must see this committee phony Orchestra under the baton er careful consideration of the evi­ "Politics has held by interest or Dr. Kilburn. a new type of tyranny." At the first meeting of the in- since boyhood. At the University on several unsuspecting, decidedly of the famous conductor, Fritz dence and testimony in a case of un-Slavic souls (a portly Negro, Devotional meetings will be held Kerensky addressed,the regular j corporators of th*. newly state of Chattanooga, I majored in po­ each day at 12 noon in the choir Reiner, will again present a con­ Monday chapel' service on "The | chartered University of Chattanoo- two very similar themes submitted litical science, but even the reali­ a distinguished jolly-good-English- cert in Chattanooga on Monday, a type), we were finally confronted room and will be under the leader­ United States and Russia" and the | ? Athletic Association on Friday to an instructor of freshman Eng­ ties that course tried to emphasize ship of the various religious groups February 24th at 8:15 in the eve­ Jan. 21, at the Chattanooga Cham lish. failed to dim my interest in politi­ with a pair of telescope specs and ning. Because of a conflict at the Tuesday morning chapel assembly a porcupine hairdo—and finally felt on the campus. on "The Growth of the Democratic ber of Commerce Building, it was Both offenders are required to cal life." Hagan's statement said. Another interesting feature of Memorial Auditorium, -where the voted to seek immediate issuance Asked to comment upon those "re­ certain that we had our man. In concerts are usually performed, Idea in Russia." "The Russian submit before Feb. 21, another the best Mr. Milquetoast manner the week's activities will be the Revolution" was'his topic when he I °t revenue bonds to cover the cost alities," he replied that he was forums each afternoon at 3 o'clock this program will be played in the theme of a minimum of 2,000 referring to the problems that we holdly demanded this charac­ Central High School Auditorium.
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