Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage E PAID Norwich, CT 06360 Permit #329 TH RETURN TO: 28 Channing St., New London, CT 06320 Serving The Jewish Communities of Eastern Connecticut & Western R.I. CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED VOL. XLII NO. 4 PUBLISHED BI-WEEKLY WWW.JEWISHLEADERWEBPAPER.COM FEBRUARY 19, 2016/10 ADAR I 5776 NEXT DEADLINE FEB. 26, 2016 16 PAGES HOW TO REACH US - BY PHONE 860-442-8062 • BY FAX 860-443-4175 • BY EMAIL [email protected] • BY MAIL: 28 CHANNING STREET, NEW LONDON, CT 06320 Scalia: conservative icon on the court Forging a shared society By Allison Kaplan Sommer, Haaretz passports instead of “Jerusalem.” The State De- ohammad he is, as he puts it, a The late Justice Antonin Scalia, weighing on partment had fought the law fiercely, defending Darawshe, child of both iden- one of his final Supreme Court cases, made it its passport policy as necessary to maintain a MD i r e c t o r tities. In his talk, quite clear where he stood on the issue of Jeru- U.S. position of neutrality on the question of Je- of Planning, Equal- Mohammad will salem as Israel’s capital. rusalem’s sovereignty. ity & Shared Society bring an authentic When the ruling in In the oral arguments that preceded the rul- at the Givat Haviva perspective and Zivotofsky v. Kerry was ing, Scalia’s political leanings were evident in Center will come to knowledge of the issued last June, Scalia his statements from the bench. Opposition to Eastern Connecticut realities in Israel made the unusual move putting “Israel” on passports does not imply prior to address- coupled with the of reading his dissent- sovereignty, he said, addressing Zivotofsky’s ing the AIPAC 2016 actual progress ing opinion out loud in attorney, it “just has an effect on the State De- Policy Conference in toward the goal of court - a sign to court- partment’s desire to to make nice with the Pal- Washington DC. Thurs- a shared future for Israeli Ar- watchers that a justice’s estinians, and your position is Congress has no day,Mr. March Darawshe 17 at 7:30will pmspeak abs and Israeli Jews. disagreement is partic- compulsion to follow that.” to the community on Mohammad holds a B.A ularly strong. Then, in the written dissent he read in court, at from the Hebrew University That 6-3 decision he strongly attacked the majority’s ruling which the Zachs Hillel House‘Forging on thethe in Jerusalem, an M.A. in Public struck down a law placed the power to recognize foreign govern- Threadscampus of of Connecticut Shared Society College in Administration from Hartford which would have al- ments exclusively withSCALIA the president, CONT. ON thus PG giv- 12 Israel’on the subject University, and an M.A. in Peace lowed American citizens born in Jerusalem and Conflict Management from toHadassah list “Israel” as their birthplace grapples on their U.S. with key issues . Haifa University. Mohammad Darawshe is an Arab citizen DARAWSHEis considered a CONT. leading ON expert PG 13 By Sheila Horvitz, special to the Leader of the State of Israel. Like 20 percent of Israel’s population, On Thursday, February 4, Connecticut College BBYO int’l convention Zachs Hillel House hosted Hadassah’s monthly By Marcia Reinhard, JFEC Assistant Director Coffee Klatch on “Jewish Life on Campus”. Rabbi Susan Schein, Director of Zachs Hillel House and College Chaplain and Simon Luxemburg, Presi- On Thursday, Feb. 11- Friday, Feb. 12, I attended the BBYO In- dent of Hillel, welcomed over 30 guests for a ternational Convention Summit “Unleashing Innovation in Jew- spirited and enlightening discussion of Jewish ish Teen Engagement” which took place at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, MD. This summit on Jewish teens was a gathering of life on campus in the face of anti-Israel propa- Connecticut College Hillel Pres. Simon Luxem- ganda and activities. Guests included area Rab- national and local leaders from all across the Jewish world who burg (rear center) addresses participants about care about Jewish education and engagement for our teens. Two bis Rosenberg, Rabinowitz, and Alter; Hadassah strategies Hillel is using to combat anti-Semitism Connecticut President, Sally Kleinman; Con- thousand adults were in attendance for this 24 hour summit, as and anti-Israel sentiments on campus. See ad- the preliminary to the convention. Topics of discussion and con- necticut College professors and alumni; Hadas- ditional photos on line. sah members and members of the Jewish com- versation included teen leadership development, diversity and munity in Southeastern Connecticut. inclusion, tikkun olam, teen entrepreneurship, teens and tech, Attendees all expressed concerns about the teen engagement and Israel. growing incidences of anti-Israel and anti-Se- cating for justice for Palestine, to the Boycott, Summit participants were able to meet with teen leaders Divest and Sanctions Movement against Israel; mitic activities on college campuses around the HADASSAH CONT. ON PG 11 from all of the major Jewish Youth Movements. BBYO invited country. From swastikas painted on Jewish fra- to pro-Palestinian faculty members and stu- USY, NFTY, Young Judea and NCSY to send representatives from ternity houses, to pro-Palestinian groups advo- their teen organizations to also attend this amazing conven- Community holds Tu B’Shevat Seders tion! The adults in attendance were lucky enough to experience the opening ceremonies which had a gathering of 2,400 Jewish teens from all around the world. Hillary Goldstein, daughter of There were two community Tu B’Shevat Seders on Sunday, February 1 Lori and Bruce GoldsteinThe ofJewish Colchester, Leader. was our one teen in at- held in collaboration between Temple Emanu-El and Congregation Beth tendance. She had an amazing time and will be writing an article El. Both Seders took place at Temple Emanu-El. for the next edition of This convention is very The words for the first Seder were provided by Rabbi Rachel Safman expensive for the teens, but I am hoping to get more teens to be of Congregation Beth El and was led by Rabbi Emeritus Aaron Rosenberg able to go next year when the convention takes place in Texas. and Sherry Barnes, Cantorial Soloist of Temple Emanu-El and was a suc- David Brooks, New York Times Commentator and author, was cessful and well attended event. Third through eighth grade students and the key-note speaker. Danah Boyd, author of “It’s Complicated” parents of the religious school as well as people from the larger Jewish and numerous other books was the closing speaker. Both writers community enjoyed the Tu B’Shevat Seder. were inspirational and motivational for all the adults and teens There was also a special Tu B’Shevat Seder geared to the younger K-2 in the room. students which was led(SEE by PHOTOYoung Israeli AT LEEFT) Emissaries Sagi Zazon and Amit Horovitz. One highlight of both Seders enjoyed by all ages was the design- ing of fruit mandalas, The folks who helped plan the Seders were Kathleen McFadden and Deborah Linder, co-chairs for planning and shopping; Seder preparation crew--Henie Kurzman, Peter Lacey, and Gaby Schlesinger. 2 THE JEWISH LEADER, FEBRUARY 19, 2016 email to Nadine and some good news to share Mention & Menschen with the rest of the community. Nadine works hard to write the Mention and NADINE LIPMAN Menschen column and the column is only suc- [email protected] cessful when she has something to write about. The intent of publishing the column is to share Note from the Editor – I received a brief good news with the community. I’ve received email from Nadine Lipman Sunday evening to many comments from a variety of community tell me that not only had she not received any members telling me how they enjoy the Men- news from Leader readers but she was also un- tion column. der the weather and not feeling well enough to If you are not willing to share with Nadine go in pursuit of news or to dig tidbits up from then she and I will have to rethink the basis the internet to create a column for this edition. I of the column and perhaps change the focus. The unmanned surface sea vessel, ‘Seagull’ showing its paces on told her to feel better soon and that I would look If you would like the column to stay the same, February 8 off the Haifa coast. forward to her column for the March 4 issue of PLEASE send in your good news, otherwise who knows?! Unmanned navy vessel the Leader. By Edgar Asher, Ashernet Readers, please consider sending a get well Israel defense electronic company, Elbit, unveiled on Febru- Conservative prayer book language ary 8 its newest unmanned surface sea vessel, ‘Seagull’. The ‘Seagull’ is twelve meters long and can operate at sea for By Sam Kestenbaum, Jewish Daily Forward importance of traditional Jewish law, but the over four days. It is equipped with sophisticated mine detection Do Jews still want to call God their Lord, King importance, also, of contemporary knowledge and sophisticated antisubmarine capabilities. The development and Master? and contexts in its application. In line with this, of the ‘Seagull’ was in no small part encouraged by the rapid Maybe not. Some words and phrases like this the siddur, a project of the Conservative move- growth of submarine uses and technology. The design also took won’t resonate for many American Jews, said - traditional language of past liturgy and answers prayer book for the Conservative movement, ment’sa growing Rabbinical call for Assembly,more inclusive sheds prayer—re-some of the intoThe consideration “Seagull” also the hasneed its to own protect robot, Israel’s which off-shore can be loweredMediter RabbiSiddur Edward Lev Shalem.
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