We acknowledge the fi nancial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage. www.minnedosatribune.com Vol. 131 No. 2 Friday, March 22, 2013 90 cents + tax CDC prepares to develop Crews busy with snow cleanup three year plan By KATE SJOBERG he Minnedosa and TArea Community De- velopment Corporation is conducting a survey of the R.M.’s of Minto, Odanah and the Town of Minnedosa to inform their upcoming three year plan. Th e mail out survey includes ques- tions seeking information on where residents spend their dollars, opinions on tourism development in the area, and more. Economic Develop- ment Offi cer, Sandra In- gemney, says that this eff ort is one of a number of ways the CDC has sought out public input into their work over time, including round- tables and community meetings. Th is time, partici- pants are off ered a coupon for a cup of coff ee at any local shop. Th e CDC is not engaging outside partners or support in the project. Ingemney encourages residents to participate in the survey, saying that “how the data is used will be es- pecially important” in sup- porting the CDC’s work of developing a healthy local economic environment. Surveys need to be sub- mitted by April 19th. Th e Photo by Kate Sjoberg results will be presented to Although the fi the participating R.M.’s and rst day of Spring was Wednesday, recent weather conditions have not helped in presenting a Town Council with public spring-like atmosphere. Snow removal continues as Minnedosans received enough snow to limit travel on dissemination to follow. Friday, March 15th, and again with blizzard-like conditions on Sunday, March 17th. NEW Grad suits now in stock and New Spring Stock starting at only $169.99. Why rent when you can arriving daily 204-705-0168 own for the same price! 2 Friday, March 22, 2013 Th e Minnedosa Tribune Students present on Gay Straight Alliance to School Division By KATE SJOBERG GSAs vary from group ing we all noticed before to group, but they gener- is gone.” Porteous agrees. wo Erickson Colle- ally function to connect, “I get notes on my locker, Tgiate students pre- provide a safe, confi den- facebook messages, notes sented to the Rolling River tial space for sharing, on behalf of other peo- School Division meeting educating, and some- ple saying that they have on March 6th about the times advocacy. At Erick- more confi dence, they feel gay straight alliance (GSA) son Collegiate, the group proud and better about they started at the school, started small, and at fi rst themselves.” Cathcart fol- the only one of its kind in they didn’t even advertise lows, off ering her own ex- the division. Grade 12 stu- their meetings. When they perience as an example. dents Brandi Porteous and started to put up posters “Before this group, I was Skylar Cathcart told trust- to invite people, they were someone who was always ees that before the group sometimes torn down. against the wall. I kept existed, the feeling at the But these actions were to myself. I didn’t really school was constrained. only evidence of the nega- talk, or do a whole heck Students displayed an in- tive attitudes they already of a lot. I was just kind of ability to be open about knew about. Collyer says there.” Porteous empha- questions they had. Th ere the group persisted. “Th ey sizes “Skylar has become a was fear, and when the just went around and put great leader!” typical derogatory state- them back up.” GSAs and bullying are ments were thrown about, While the group was making headlines these students had little in the only established in 2012, days in the province, es- way of skills to try and cor- the students, counselor, pecially in light of Bill Photo by Kate Sjoberg rect their peers, nor the and Principal Barry Lee 18, Th e Public Schools confi dence to do so. say changes at the school Amendment Act (Safe and (L-R): Melanie Henry, Student Brandi Porteous, Rolling River School Th ey approached are remarkable. Cathcart Inclusive Schools) which Divison Superintendant Reg Klassen, Student Skylar Cathcart, Julie guidance counselor Julie reports that the group received fi rst reading on Collyer, and Principal Barry Lee following the presentation. Collyer about their idea. has created a commu- December 4th, 2012. Th e “I kept meeting with kids nity within a community. act compels schools to mophobia and gender should start the groups?” group for transition- both who were feeling stressed, “We’ve drawn together accommodate students stereotypes. For example, she asked. are attending university in isolated, and lonely. At the people who wouldn’t who want to establish in April of 2011, the Jour- Porteous and Cath- the coming year. time I didn’t know what a otherwise associate with and lead organizations nal of the American Soci- cart say they went to the But there isn’t that GSA was, but I thought, one another, and they are that use the name gay ety of Pediatrics published meeting simply to edu- much to do. “We’ve got a ‘wow, if we could just get talking! I’ve had people straight alliance. Referring an Oregon study that indi- cate. “We just wanted to lot of leaders coming up- these kids together’. And stop me in the halls and to a recent letter from the cated that not only were create an awareness of even from grade nine!”says then the students came thank me. People feel Manitoba School Boards lesbian, gay and bisexual what we are doing.” Th ey Collyer. Cathcart con- forward and asked about a more comfortable walking Association addressed to youth 20% more likely to continue to hold meet- fi rms: “We just promote GSA. And the idea just re- in the halls. Th is issue is the Minister of Education, attempt suicide in unsup- ings and network, and are a lot of teamwork. It’s re- ally fi t.” out there. Th e heavy feel- Nancy Allan, and Trustee portive environments, building connections in ally nice to see everyone Loreen Jackson, of Bass- but that the risk factor in- Brandon and around the working together. Th e wood, asked Porteous and creased for other students province. Th ey’ve attend- most important thing is to Cathcart whether the leg- as well. “Do you think that ed provincial conferences, celebrate diversity, and to islation goes far enough there needs to be more in and are working on fund- know that we’re all diff er- given the impacts of ho- there? Th at maybe staff raising, and preparing the ent, and that’s ok.” TREAT YOUR FAMILY TO AN EASTER FEAST!! 7KH6WUDWKFODLU'UDPD&OXE SURXGO\SUHVHQWVLWVVW$QQXDOPXVLFDOSURGXFWLRQ 6XQGD\0DUFK 6WDUWLQJDWSP ENJOY: Roast Turkey & Ham, Dressing, Vegetables, Perogies, Potatoes, Dessert & Coffee & Juice %RRNDQG0XVLFE\-HII+RFKKDXVHU0XVLFDQG Uncle /\ULFVE\1DQF\:KLWH%RE-RKQVWRQ $SULOWK$SULOWK %HQG7KHDWUH6WUDWKFODLU0% Tom’ s SPQLJKWO\ Restaurant 7LFNHWVRQ6DOH7XHVGD\0DUFK DPSP 'RRUVRSHQDWDP3KRQH Located on Highway #16 0DLQ)ORRU%DOFRQ\ For Take-Out Call 204-867-2109 %R[2I¿FH+RXUV0DUFKWR$SULO DP1RRQ0RQGD\WR)ULGD\ H[FOXGLQJ*RRG)ULGD\ Th e Minnedosa Tribune Friday, March 22, 2013 3 Lewis presented Golden Jubilee Medal Crow Control program has been a part of a num- sponsibilities, why would to continue in 2013 ber of fi rsts in the com- Lewis choose to get in- munity, including initiat- volved in the community? By DARRYL HOLYK ing work that led to the “Because when you are in Minnedosa Library being your 40s, you need some- own Council met for its regular March meeting on established. “Bill (hus- thing else,” she says. “Re- TTuesday, March 12th in Council Chambers. Mayor band) and I used to get ally you do.” Orr presided with Councillors Skatch, MacDowell and books from the University She was asked if she’d Luker in attendance. Councillors Saler, Wedgewood and of Manitoba. Th ey sent out like to work in the local Taylor were absent. a list, and you could order constituency offi ce. Her Corporal David Taggert and Detachment Command- books for free. We loved to response? “Yes I would! I er and Corporal Eric Davidson appeared before Council read. When the library was thoroughly enjoyed poli- to review the third quarter police statistics for 2012. Cpl proposed, Alan Turner and tics, and I still do.” It’s work Davidson informed Council that three initiatives have I went door-to-door for that continued for the next been identifi ed for the Spruce Plains Detachment annual years. People were just not 15 years. Political cam- performance plan. Th ese areas include Communication interested at fi rst. It was paign times were exciting (reporting to municipal councils on a more frequent or diffi cult. Th ey said ‘well for her. “I would organize monthly basis, Crime Reduction Strategy which will in- we’ve got a curling rink.’ volunteers and then run clude targeting two areas including drugs and one other But, of course, it’s not the home and make supper.” and Contributing to Safe Roads targeting speed, seat belt same thing.” Lewis’ community use, impaired drivers, etc. Her husband, Bill, died involvement has been Members of Council authorized the Crow Control in 1972. “But I loved the lifelong, looking after the Program to continue for 2013 as a way to reduce the num- farm, and the kids loved it, Christmas Cheer project ber of nuisance birds in the community. As in years’ past, so what could I do?” She from her home in the early specifi c volunteers will be chosen for the program and be and her fi ve children set to 50s, when the RCMP and given authorization to discharge fi rearms within the town boundaries for control of birds deemed as a nuisance or Photo submitted working it, which included the Elks and friends came her buying her fi rst com- to help with delivery.
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