STATE COMPONENT PLAN BIHAR EDUCATION PROJECT (District Primary Education Programme-Ill) DEPARTMENT OF SECONDARY, PRIMARY & ADULT EDUCATION GOVERNMENT OF BIHAR PATNA BIHAR EDUCATION PROJECT (District Primary Education Programme-Ill) ^ c o n t e n t s ! ABBREVIATIONS 1-2 MAP OF BIHAR 3 FOREWORD 4-6 1. Introduction 7-11 2. Background 12-19 3. State Profile 20-25 4. Educational Profile of the State 26-49 5. State Investment Proposal I. A Definition of State Investnfient Objective 50-51 II. Improving the Quality of, Reducing Dropout from, and Expanding Access to Primary Education 1. Formal Primary Education 52-67 2. Training 68-90 3. Civil Works 91-94 4. Alternative Schooling 95-105 5. Early Child Care and Education 106-115 6. Mahila Samakhya 116-127 7. Community Participation and Environment Building 128-136 8. Monitoring, Research & Evaluation 137-142 9. Management Information System 143-160 III.Building and Strengthening State Institutional Capacity 161-214 6. Project Costing (i) Summary Costs 215-218 (ii) Detailed Costs 219-256 (iii) Five Years Implementation Schedule 257-274 7. Annual Workplan & Budget 275-277 (i) Summary Costs 278-280 (ii) Annual Budget 281-305 (iii) Detailed Implementation Schedule for the first year 306-323 8. Benefit and Risk 324-325 9. Annexure (i) Procurement Policy 326-333 (ii) Summary Report of BAS 334-345 (iii) Summary Report of SAS 346-353 (Iv) Evidence of Sharing Preliminary Findings of the BAS with the State and District Planning Team 354-366 (v) Summary Report of SFS 367-368 (vi) Summary Statistics for the Proposed Districts and State as a whole (para 2.24 of the Aide-Memoire of the Identification Mission) 369-381 / ABBREVIATIONS AE Adult Education. AS Alternative Schooling. ARP Assistant Resource Person. AWW Anganwadi Worker. AWC Anganwadi Centre.(Child Care Centre) AWTC Anganwadi Worker’s Training Centre. ASRG Academic Supervisory-cum-Resource Group. AO Accounts Officer. BSPP Bihar Shiksha Pariyo.ina Parishad. BEP Bihar Education Project. BRC Block Resource Centre. BSTBPC Bihar State Text Book Publishing Coporation. BAS Baseline Assessment Studies. BEEO Block Education Extension Officer. CRC Cluster Resource Centre. DPEP District Primary Education Programme. DCT District Core Team. DTT District Training Team. DLO District Level Office. DTPS Desk Top Publishing System. DWCRA Development of Women &. Children in Rural Areas. DTP District Task Force. DSE District Superintendent of Education. DM District Magistrate. DC Deputy Commissioner. DDC Deputy Development Commissioner. DRU District Resource Unit. DPC District Programme Coordinator. DISE District Information System for Education. DIET District Institute of Education & Training. EMIS Educational Management Information System. EFA Education for all. ECCE Early Childhood Care & Education. FMIS Financial Management Information System. EE Elementary Education. EC Executive Committee. GOB Government of Bihar. GO I Government of India. GER Gross Enrolment Ratio. GAR Gross Access Ratio. GAMR Gross Achievement Ratio. IGNOU Indira Gandhi National Open University. IIEP International Institute for Educational Planning. IIM Indian Institute of Management. ICDS Integrated Child Development Services. JRY Jawahar Ro.igar Yojna. LAN Local Area Network. MS Mahila Samakhya. MSK Mahila Shikshan Kendra. MRE Monitoring Research & Evaluation. MLL Minimum Level of Learning. MLTC Middle Level Training Centre(for ICDS). MIS Management Information System. MODEM Modulating Demodulating Device. MTA Mother Teacher Association. MT Master Trainer. MHRD Ministry of Human Resource Development. MSRC. Mahilla Samakhya Resource Centre. MBPJ Munnia Beti Padhti Jai. NIEPA National Institute of Educational Planning & Administration. NCERT National Council for Educational Research & Training. NPE National Policy on Education. NFE Non Formal Education. NGO Non-Government Organisation. NICNET National Informatics Centre Network. PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal. PTEC Primary Teacher Education College. PFE Primary Formal Education. PMIS Project Management Information System. PHC Public Health Centre. PSE Pre School Education RR Retention Rate. SCERT State Council of Educational Research & Training. SC Schedule Caste. ST Schedule Tribe. SLO State Level Office. SIEMT State Institute of Educational Management & Training. SRG State Resource Group. SOPT Special Orientation of Primary Teacher. SAS Social Assessment Studies. SRC State Resource Centre. SPD State Project Director, TLM Teaching Learning Material. TLC Total Literacy Compaign. UEE Universalisation of Elementary Education. UPE Universalisation of Primary Education. UPS Un-interrupted Power Supply. UGC University Grant Commission. UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund. VEC Village Education Committee. UTTAR PRADESH i. Cn H ep -X/' •A '•X^- A\'»sV\ CP — N? WEST BENGAL FOREWORD Bihar Education Project has been envisaged as an endeavour to initiate social change in the existing socio-cultural-economic millieu of Bihar through the process of primary education. Such endeavours require clarity of vision, goals and objectives on the one hand and a high degree of commitment, dedication and profes­ sionalism on the other. So BEP has been conceived as an innova­ tive project with a goal "-------------to bring about a driving force in the state through educational reconstruction. A change in the educational situation will then bring improvement in all spheres, and the atmosphere of despair, cynicism, and violence will give way to a firm determination to deal with the environ­ mental, social, cultural and gender issues " ( chapter 2, Basic document of Bihar Education Project ). Such a goal is envisaged to be achieved through the follow­ ing strategies (i) "Viewing education as an instrument of social change, as a means of reducing inequalities, and as the most important investment in people, and therefore in national develop­ ment . (ii) "Forging alliance with people who can make it successful. (iii) "Recognition of the centrality of teacher’s/instructor’s position in the BEP, improvement of their performance and participation in the planning and management at all lev­ els." (iv) "Women’s Empowerment" (v) "Equity" (vi) "Harnessing Institutions of Proven Quality (vii) "Enlarging the Quality circle" (viii) "Acknowledging "non-educational" Initiatives." ( Chapter 3, Basic document of Bihar Education Project ) The vision contained in the basic document has been specified in the Memorandum of Association of BSPP as specif­ ic objects which includes, among other things, " Universali­ zation of Primary Education, viewed as a composite programme of (i) access to primary education for children upto 14 years of age, (ii) universal participation till they complete the primary stage through formal or non-formal education pro­ grammes; and (iii) universal achievement at least of minimum levels of learning." H For the last 5-6 years we in the BEP were addressing problems and issues as specified in the basic document and through participatory methodology and working in a mission mode were part of the process of educational reconstruction. Now we are at the threshold of entering into a more challeng­ ing phase, a transition- not metamorphosis- from BEP to DPEP phase III is on the anvil. The state component plan is a document encompassing the moorings of the incoming new phase of DPEP III, i.e., Dis­ trict Primary Education Programme III. But the horizon is not hazy; the proposed strategies, concepts and programme, as envisioned in this document are intricably linked with the experiences and ethos of the BEP as the problems and issues remain the same. The plan document, therefore, proposes interventions to complete the unfinished agenda of Bihar Education Project in seventeen districts of Bihar including the seven old districts as we have ” miles to go" before we fulfill the dreams of social change. The distance is still immeasurable as the task of human development transcends the bounds of time, but it is not unsUrmountable. Hence, by the end of the project period, that is, in the beginning of the 21st century, we propose to finish the greater part of the unfinished agenda . The concepts and strategies proposed in the state component plan are the * essence’ around which the seventeen district planning teams have also shaped their investment proposals, of course, with the fragrance of contextuality. But the state interventions have been proposed with a view to provide support mechanism to the implementation of district investment proposals. The interventions also aim at inter­ weaving the various contextual interventions enshrined in the district investment proposals. This document has emerged and finally taken a shape through a process of intense interactions, discussions, brain-storming sessions among the members of state planning core team, district planning core teams and host of resource persons of state and national level. The participatory meth­ odology and work-culture developed in BEP has made it possi­ ble to finalize the document within stipulated time frame. In fact, a state planning core team was constituted in the month of December, 96 and the draft was prepared within a span of two and half months. The. draft was pre-appraised by NPM, in the beginning of March, 97 and the national pre-appraisal was reviewed by IDA Pre-appraisal Review Mission in the end of March. We were largely benefited by the interaction with both the Missions and incorporated their recommendation suitably. I acknowledge the contribution of all BEP personnel- from programme
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