dirt, and Hewitt cnn ride Fnlernlan tv preat deal BROOKLYN THK WINNER TARAI* KODE TWO WINNEBS. better than Pirns can. BUMMARin OF THE RACBB. It's Not LETTER THE AN OPEN PIIK Tin: AT Ii.M'l'. for all sr»«; penaltis snd al- DBFIATfl QUAKERfl WT.OANR WAS TRBOWM IN THE PADDOCK PIMT Parea |f00. VIS- lewaaess Uva and a h»lf furl >nrs, on th« main the PIR8T APPBARANCI OF THI MOTHERS. track. Bicycle AT KASTL'ltN PARK TO Bettina ITORI HIT IIK RKTIHRI) FI/iANE ROUtC TWO UTO«! Bt PL is entitled to the crcJit for The i'hiia.i.-.piiia baseball team mad»' Us first our right to thi ii. i: Smith'* fh. h nuble n. t- Ra] B That carrying yvf; are asserting in the courts exclusive USB WINNERS Ai 10 i i I this season yesterday. ii'ur uiiv k. ti ji>. IM m...i81oaaej 1.1 risier to the llrst. appearance In Brooklyn to finances o* s famous Bastera M. I' br. g. Harry Reed, .'». IE*. the tape about ihr«-».- thousand pen tns turned oui OF Till WORD "CABTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CA8TORIA." a few yasn ,igo the DwysV« iStlma) 3 1 2 ll «inly a well-known turfman. »¦.<. wai elo al tlmea. r-MOtrack wore in charge of O. H. P. Btlmoal'S «ta. h. Bran HavIh. It's his muscle ans! goosl health. ct the vtattora. The in danBW or AS OUR TRADE MARK. the duties of which :i I l 0 B strength, fr«ur the Brooklyn men were never He had »n official position, ill. .ill. Martin) The score him 10 laok a.'ttr the Tarnen, aajed, 12.1.rDoajgeti) 0 10.I B ! make these. lo- Ing lit»- game. r-trt to require i u 4 > food arul drink <»f u.-is supposed Prompt, a 'i".(W id:.'.:.' IS.1 Proper BROOKLYN. PENNSYLVANIA. a a I DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, llyaonlf, lUatachoaett*, he was nti salable sad indulgent per¬ 0 10.1 I l .»I, i ll. ¡if. ab r lb p» thetrlgl- funds. Bal Domltor, 8, IM.iBherrsn p» » 1 8 I " .. many club Meads and so many t, ill.(PeaniO 7.1 1 ¦'. food and drink do the reverse. (I...I I ) It 0 Cooler, rt the «une thai bai borne and son, and he had po Tremarfo, Improper .i .'. ' ' nator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," dwanaw not Timo 1:07 4 ft, '»ll:' l"'W'l. ».. ? " ,', that he did if 4 0 I - club ..up.itior.s :md sagagaSSSBtS :. if.» I .1 -'I " 0 DeUhanty. " research to the Wen handily by a letisth; two lengths between »îend Cotice is the bane of all athletics. At I» rf I O O 1 0 of "" ''v'vy n deal of labor sad hlilmll«, tb...4 I 0 i I I I ajote, >> bear the facaimile gigonture sif? wr,',I'-,"p" ttrrots great i n».4 l sums and tlilrj. i-i«i..-!..-»-. ibi i l <; S Boyle, j " ». //f777~~ « booki.-t.Ing. Certain ¦-.. i 0 l OM-roaak stwdy It affects the heart and wind. an -¡.i 0 1 4 ."> 3 lemente, " - .. I in were What became SECOND RACE DAISY STAKKS. for two-jn '» 2 a 1 n Oillen, es 4 which came embeasled, ti. Smith, SS.S » " '-' ¡ which baa been naed in Who ever \ alue tpec-tnl Pire f n -11,;«. Ofl th« .; ¦¦ .4 i i S a 0 IT is. m. ! -¦ the "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," ihn k,i:-..'. for Disabled Jockeys? 11,800; «reigfeta All trainers on this and forbid its Im, .. l 1 .. ', Tula original c' the agree Payne, p.:i I 1 i »» »> x\ hei 1er, p .S of the receipts of turf. u .¦ .I " ." r .. red a full accounting ;. o u 1 tt nth inothera of America forover 30 years. LOOK CAREFULLY who can Maren« h f. Mawallsh. by 1 use. p..| bornea of the t for Disabled Jockeys? Daly*« 8-5 -t IU l Pond many- MehaUah. 11» lb.(Tamil 1 B.e T..tul«. ...M T 12 HT 1.1 i SI a 11 such an accounting of various aaMOnta J. K. McDonald'« en. c Cantral fiu.-t. a nt the and aee thai it la the kind you have always furnish j n -i i i Postum Cereal Food Coffee makes wrapper bought racetrack to whi-h refer¬ la..i...».- it) "' In the nlntr, II nias on thi books of the & 122.. irih bail d for Wbeelet \v. c Daifa ch, Qeaaral Mace«, " O O O 1 a e a pist.,1 to ..» s.] ft.a builds muscle and .I l 0 1 J an is made? The rmbcaaler put »Th »n steady heart; strength. Brooklyn " o :; o 0 0 o .> "" ,ÍH' w,ÎA,,iM:i; " '-' trigger. No one can call l>e<-nnt'T. 122.i')'l.- 1" -I r il lt iphia .0 and baa the signature of fc hit V id and pallad lbs Fixed Star, 123.tpennj u S.I i I on recom¬ ». Phll l< '.] ¦¦'¦<¦ '¦'¦ T« l ¿¿juGt&jfrj^ïs of the Trainers also this and i run« Brooklyn, hin to S reckoning r.os-.. Bui the head Water Crest, 129 .i lm»)U B i -s B agree hita Jones, O, Bmlth. Thn bas« h!l ". iehanty. racetrack whose funds Tim« l:'i-'.v h tndersoi. u tibie plaj i» ¦»-i sa B >yle. from to use name The Centaur irtmoal of the mend its use. Mruck oui Bj P« ne, '.. b> one hna authority me my except Company^ of in a drlviî a t* > between .i halls "fr psyn* I. -».-. .i.^ri' newer saada good the deficiency Won by band; lengths !**n on bai x\ a«., 1er. I. Pi«. bail Cernent». Tlm« II. is President. and in¬ and thtrü. s* rince hit rirlflln. of which Chaa. Fletcher lue rai ad at«, and be is a eonapicoous p.r klyn. 7. Phllart Iphla, S Attendarie«. S.OU. raceimck official to-day. THIRD RACE Pnraa, *too; handicap, Ota mO«. of gams ion. L'mplre McDonald. fluential ¦-?- M»r-h Ml Of véritable history, true In every letter .1. It. McCormlck'a i>. r. Peep Day, by 8,1807. to Ayrshire Sundown, 4 yra, 113 ns (Tarai) I e.1 I I CLEVELAND, .1; CHICAGO, J. Q¿.£¡%K¿, %.p. ar. l every syllable, Is mentioned now merely A. I», f. 4, '.'¦» oar. WO) Clason'l Cassette, 2 15.1 0.1 here to-day saaki ;; 'leaf thai a few racetrack officials may (Hewitt) Chicago, June 34. Th« Indians played DO NOT BE DECEIVED. to M. v. b, p. Turn Cromwell, .». 115 S well-con¬ possibly be sometimes s tritio careless in rcinirl Dwyar'a tMlmsld 4.1 8-.» for the first lime thla Be« on and Won ^^^ a affaire. A few of our estimable race- >'.. UT .(Sloan*)« 7.. I - tented from the Colte. In the six'lr. the only T<' not the life of your child by accepting substitute racetrack Lehman. 0 B i 2.1 game Callahan, re¬ endanger cheap " most of their lives l'r. a-Im -. S, in . (Shi rrer) error of the name, a wide throw by track -iala appear to pass .(Harrt« n)0 10 i I 1 visitor.- Attendance, li" makea a few more " ;i. for tha offer Paul Kauvar, KM v sulted in three runs sraie yon Iti trances, tl 1 to be almost oblivious to external ."». ils .iDosiretoo 1 3.1 which druggist may (because penniei Deeralayer -i l 1,200, Score: , Th. it.stance just noted is not extremely Savarin. :i. ».(car. loi).iH. Martin) 0 13.1 H. M E EVEN HE doea not know. thlnga 20 1 6.1 » o o " -' '.' 1 on the of which ' A Ferdinand, S, Uti .(Maher)0 .o 2 8 0 S It), Ingredienta exceptional nor aapeamely astonishins. few raea- Time-1:11-5. Chicago 3 0 U 0 .'. 1" 0 selected l>ec.-iu.se their BLOOD leveland .0 2 0 U 0 f... It iffid «Is are seemingly XV on drive a length t>nma distance between aad Crlger. S.i'-îi In s by Batterie« Deaaobea »nd Callaban; ïoung THE KIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS BOUGHT lives ]s-i-.s In on unbroken onoOMCtonsneea. second ar.J. third, of Canton In past «. cffi.d-.ls. like certain pblloaopbers POtTRTH RACE gWlFT BTAKE8; for thee* year-olds) BOBTON, 12; BALTIMORE, I. Bears the Fac-simile Signature of Sad their happiness in the pladd allow¬ eeoturlee, hlgbeet value 12,000; spei ¡al weight*« penalties and won a victory own interiors. "'nlnUrrupted Boston, .June ui. Huston decided contemplation af their ances. Seven furloncs. and of the over Baltimore to-day. Ths crowd »>f spectators r*verie la to them s heaven on earth, they L a & xx'. r. Tboapam'a b. e. Blklna, Postum is composed of the parts tho l»\ In.-Hs I"»'. It».(Sloan ! 11 8 I .' was so <i»»nse tti.it the outfielders were hampered, rarely wal.e op. To some people profoundt-st Laetitia, 11 1 1-1 to the lost force de¬ the Intensities and H. i'. Hall's b c Buddha. 116.... (I'enni 2 cereals that go directly rebuild and the ground rules that wer« pul In depths of unruffled slumber aro J*m»s Qalway a br c. Imperator, 111.... from th<- lt:t*-r.-.-t in the game. Th« Immensities of bliss. Such people have been (Thorpe) 3 0-1 8.1 matter in the nerve cells. tracted largely psifsul »m» " .''. 1 i gray s -ore It. It K Into racutnsck vs. rieophua, ll1? .
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