December 17, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7655 Max Baucus,(Montana); Evan Bayh, (Indi- Megan has excelled in her work. A ca- Kyle Wilson was born and raised in ana); Jeff Bingaman, (New Mexico); Bill reer maintainer, Megan has served as a Sidney, MT. A lifelong Montanan who Bradley, (New Jersey); Richard Bryan, (Ne- lead technician, flying crew chief, sec- graduated from Sidney High School in vada); Ben Nighthorse Campbell, (Colorado); 2011. Kyle, dedicated his life to public Max Cleland, (Georgia); William Cohen, tion chief, and flight line production (Maine); Kent Conrad, (North Dakota); Al superintendent. As a testament to her service, by joining the U.S. Navy. Hard D’Amato, (New York); John Danforth, (Mis- capabilities, in February 2012, Megan working and disciplined are a few of souri); Tom Daschle, (South Dakota); Dennis was selected for a position on the joint the words used to describe those who DeConcini, (Arizona); Chris Dodd, (Con- staff, working for the Senior Enlisted join the, Armed Forces, and Kyle is the necticut); Byron Dorgan, (North Dakota). Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint epitome of a hard working seaman. David Durenberger, (Minnesota); Russ Chiefs of Staff. In that position she was Anthony Byrns, Montana native, Feingold, (Wisconsin); Wyche Fowler, (Geor- the program manager and confidential from Hot Springs truly grew up know- gia); Bob Graham, (Florida); Chuck Hagel, ing the meaning of small town. Fol- (Nebraska); Tom Harkin, (Iowa); Gary Hart, adviser on matters including joining (Colorado); Bennett Johnston, (Louisiana); forces, the Women in Service Review, lowing the footsteps of many in his Bob Kerrey, (Nebraska); John Kerry, (Massa- the Yellow Ribbon Program, and per- family, Anthony joined the U.S. Navy chusetts); Paul Kirk, (Massachusetts); Mary sonnel readiness. directly following his graduation from Landrieu, (Louisiana); Joe Lieberman, (Con- She has used her extensive experi- Hot Springs High School in 2015. An- necticut); Blanche Lincoln, (Arkansas); ence in the Air Force and the joint thony has been a dedicated leader, tak- Richard Lugar, (Indiana). staff to help me serve Arkansans. ing initiative of the opportunities set Barbara Mikulski, (Maryland); Ben Nelson, before him. Proud of his small town (Nebraska); Sam Nunn, (Georgia); Larry Throughout her tenure on my staff, Pressler, (South Dakota); David Pryor, (Ar- Megan demonstrated the Air Force heritage, he is honored to represent kansas); Don Riegle, (Michigan); Chuck core values of ‘‘Integrity First, Service Montanans. Robb, (Virginia); Jay Rockefeller, (West Vir- Before Self, and Excellence In All We Kyle Wilson and Anthony Byrns are a ginia); Jim Sasser, (Tennessee); Alan Simp- Do.’’ I relied upon Megan’s input on all part of just 1 percent of the Navy who son, (Wyoming); Mark Udall, (Colorado); matters of defense and veterans’ pol- were chosen to be in the Navy Ceremo- John Warner, (Virginia); Lowell Weicker, nial Guard. Upon selection they both (Connecticut); Tim Wirth, (Colorado). icy. Megan drafted legislation, rec- ommended policy positions, staffed me went through Ceremonial Guard f at Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee School, an 8-week program where they learn the protocol for important mili- TRIBUTE TO JANAN EVANS- hearings, represented me in meetings, tary ceremonies such as funerals. With WILENT and helped support my priorities dur- the passing the late President H.W. ing the appropriations process. She Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, today I Bush, both Wilson and Byrns were se- also assisted me in my role as a cochair wish to recognize Ms. Janan Evans- lected to carry his casket during the of the Senate Air Force Caucus. Megan Wilent, a Knauss Sea Grant fellow on state ceremony, an honor of a life time. the U.S. Senate Committee on Com- supported multiple congressional dele- I commend both Kyle and Anthony merce, Science, and Transportation, gation trips to Air Force bases and co- for their diligent service to this coun- for all of the hard work she has done ordinated meetings between Senators, try and congratulate them for rep- for me, my staff, and other members of the Secretary of the Air Force, and the resenting Montana with honor and the committee over the past year. Chief of Staff of the Air Force. pride. I look forward to seeing their fu- Ms. Evans-Wilent has leveraged her Megan was well versed in the subject ture success as they continue to make scientific expertise to inform public matter and fully steeped in research, all Montanans proud.∑ policy, having worked on several pieces and she always supplemented her f of legislation that have passed the Sen- knowledge with insights from her per- ate and several others being considered sonal experience as a senior enlisted TRIBUTE TO DAVE BUSIEK by the Committee on Commerce, leader in the military. In true senior ∑ Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I Science, and Transportation. Her con- NCO fashion, Megan made time during would like to pay tribute to an Iowan tributions have helped ensure the prop- her year as a fellow to mentor junior whose stewardship at a leading tele- er management of our natural re- members of my staff, providing career vision news station in Des Moines, IA, sources and the continued protection advice, offering information about ex- has strengthened the principles of good and prosperity of our Nation. Her con- ecutive branch functions, and talking government, transparency and the tributions will help improve drought about professional development oppor- public’s right to know. monitoring for farmers and improved tunities. As a member of the broadcast press coastal management across the Nation. As the son of an Air Force master corps for four decades, Dave Busiek un- I would like to extend my sincere sergeant, I am especially proud to have derstands that freedom of the press is thanks and appreciation to Ms. Evans- hosted an enlisted fellow this year. I fundamental to liberty in this country. Wilent for all of the fine work she has am only surprised that Megan is not I often say that journalists serve an done. I wish her continued success in yet a chief master sergeant, and I look important role in our system of checks her new career at the Federal Emer- forward to attending her promotion to and balances, which preserves liberty. gency Management Agency in the chief in the very near future. They are integral to keeping an en- years to come. Megan, thank you for all you have gaged and infoimed citizenry. They re- f done for Arkansas while working on port corruption, weed out wrongdoing, my staff. To her husband Chris—also and hold government accountable to TRIBUTE TO SENIOR MASTER an Air Force senior enlisted leader— the American people. SERGEANT MEGAN PARROTT and their two daughters, Natalie and Throughout my public service and Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, today Emily, I say thank you for sharing political life, I hold myself accountable I wish to recognize and highlight the your amazing wife and mother with my to Iowans by making myself accessible significant contributions of Megan team this year. to members of the media. I hold reg- ular news conferences and answer their Parrott, my 2018 Air Force fellow. f SMSgt Megan Parrott began her fel- questions in the hallways of the U.S. lowship in my office in January and ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS Capitol and after my county meetings immediately became an invaluable at home in Iowa. member of my staff. Her work as a part It is a commitment I have kept since TRIBUTE TO KYLE WILSON AND of my national security team has been my first campaign for the U.S. Senate ANTHONY BYRNS beneficial in the efforts of my office to back in 1980. And that happens to be advocate and improve life for service- ∑ Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, this the year my political path crossed with members, veterans, and Arkansans. week I have the honor of recognizing Dave Busiek. In fact, for as long as I Megan was born in Longbranch, NJ, two outstanding Montanan men. Kyle have served Iowans in the U.S. Senate, and enlisted in the Air Force in 1999. Wilson of Richland County and An- Dave Busiek has served the people of In her 19-year military career, both thony Byrns of Sanders County for Iowa in broadcast journalism: as a re- on Active Duty and in the Reserves, their dedicated service to this country. porter, anchor, and news director at VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:25 Dec 18, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17DE6.054 S17DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE.
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