The Spectrum VOLUME XLIX. STATE COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1934 NUMBER 24. Bison Plans Auto Show March 23, 24 92 Collegians $5 FOR FIVE PICTURES Lyceum Brings EXAMINATIONS! Merchants To Here's your chance to win five Final examinations for the dollars. Five dollars for five pic- winter term are scheduled to Cooperate In Receive Work tures is offered by the editor of Cowboy Ballad take place Saturday, Monday and the Bison yearbook in a contest Tuesday, March 10, 12, and 13, with the official spring vacation Arrangements On FERA Jobs to close Friday, March 23. Collector Here opening Wednesday, March 14. The pictures must be repre- Ninety-two students selected by The opening of the spring term Innovating a unique feature on sentative of student life on the In what promises to be one of the will take place Tuesday, March the State college campus, the 1935 a faculty committee are now at work most colorful and picturesque pro- on Federal Emergency Relief ad- campus NO personal pictures 20. Students are advised to com- Bison will stage an auto show in the grams of the year, John A. Lomax, plete their registration before ministration projects on the cam- will be accepted All five must Field house on Friday and Saturday, collector of American cowboy songs March 13 in order to avoid the March 23 and 24, announces Ken pus, according to Pres. J. H. Shep- be taken on the campus and de- and ballads, will appear at NDSC on perd. The remainder of the federal payment of a late registration Hamry, business manager of the pict campus life in a novel way the first lyceum program of the fee of a dollar for each day late. publication. quota of 122 will be filled by new spring term in Festival hall, Wed- students who will enter school at nesday, March 21, at 8:15 p. m. The exhibition, to be held in co- the beginning of the next term. Over twenty-five years ago Mr. operation with Fargo business men Most of the employees began work- Lomax began his study of cowboy as a feature of the annual Spring week, will display the newest mod- ing late last week and are attempt- Blue Key Will songs. Today his collection of ballads Y Sponsor Of ing to fill their allotted 30 hours of frontier life forms an integral part els of cars, with the possibility that this month. of American folklore that otherwise a style revue will also be shown. Employment will be continued Initiate Four might have been lost. Of the songs The committee of merchants assist- Party Tonight ing March 1, on the regular basis of 50 he brings with him on his lecture he in presenting the show is J. I. hours a month at 30 cents an hour. Brady, A. J. Donovan, and W. H. Blue Key, national service frater- says: The college YMCA will entertain Should some of the appointed work- Horton. nity, announces the formal initia- "The songs are those sung by a students at a dancing party this ers be unable to work their full generation of cowpunchers, taken evening in Festival hall from 8:30 to Not only will Fargo merchants monthly time allotment, arrange- tion of four students at 6 p. m. to- from their lips, jotted down on 11:30 o'clock, it is announced by display the latest developments in ments are being made so that other day following a banquet to be given tables in the rear of saloons, scrawled Harry Hanson, who is in charge of autos and fashions but also a vast students will work out the fractional in their honor at the Ceres hall little on an envelope while squatting about arrangements. array of electrical appliances, home time. In this manner the entire dining room. a campfire, or caught , behind the furnishings, and household gadgets, federal allotment will be absorbed Featured entertainment will in- according Those to be initiated are Gale Mon- scenes of a broncho-busting outfit. to present arrangements. by student labor. clude talent from the Bison Brevi- son, Robert Parrott, Frank Sanders, In only a few instances have I been "The show will serve a twofold Of the undergraduates employed ties cast, consisting of a trio, Gor- and Horace Spaulding. Members are able to discover the authorship of purpose. It will promote a spirit of at present, 63 are men and 29 are don Brandes, Walter Ekeren, and chosen according to records of char- any song. Some of the songs the good will between Fargo business women. Tasks assigned to men are George Nichols, and a duet by Erlys acter, student activity, leadership, cowboy certainly composed; all of men and the college and will finance typewriting, clerical work, labora- Hill and Frank Sanders. Chaperons and general service. The fraternity them he sang. All have been popu- the military and athletic depart tory research, departmental duties, will be Dr. and Mrs. D. S. Dedrick sponsors the Bison Brevities and lar with range riders from Texas to ments in the yearbook," states Mr. janitor projects and mechanical la- and Prof. and Mrs. Rudolf Otterson. each year honors a master fresh- Montana." Hamry. bor. Laboratory research, food test- Each couple must present at the man who has received the highest Mr. Lomax has been favorably re- ing, sewing, filing, and publicity are door a YMCA membership card. Tentative arrangements plan for a marks during his first two terms of ceived at the various universities projects at which the women are These cards may be secured at the parade through the business section, college. working. and colleges at which he has ap- door. headed by Mayor Fred Olson, and a peared. Prof. G. L. Kittredge, Har- Several former students who have galaxy of window displays through- vard, says, "Few lectures delivered out town. had to discontinue their work at at our University have been so suc- NDSC will return to school again With plans not yet complete, the Revision Is Made cessful." At Yale University Editor Announces next term through the financial as- Prof. following committee chairmen have William Lyon Phelps said, "Every sistance made possible under the been named: George Toman, adver- In Yearbook Staff moment of the hour was interesting; Staff Promotions katA project The remainder of the tising; Dale Iverson and Jane Ni- he succeeds to a high degree in new students will include freshmen. chols, entertainment; Jack Vincent, By Jane Nichols combining definite instruction with For Spring Term This is expected to add to the re- floor manager; and Leo Anderson, continuous entertainment." gistration totals 30 new students Final revision of The Bison edi- space manager. Committee mem- Promotions on the editorial staff who would not otherwise attend torial staff has been made, accord- bers . will be appointed later. Deco- of The Spectrum, to be effective school here next term. ing to Jane Nichols, editor-in-chief. rations will be under the direction with the first issue of the spring Assignment of work prorata by Those receiving the appointments Two New Religion of the Art club. term, were announced this morning schools and courses was not follow- will serve for the remainder of the The Bison and the board of publi- by Gale Monson, editor-in-chief of ed as much as originally expected, year. Courses Offered cations asks the co-operation of the the NDSC newspaper. (Continued on Page 2) Members of the revised staff are: entire student body in making the show Vincent Case, Manny Smith, and Two new courses, American Re- Ralph Anderson was promoted d success. Cathryn Ray, associate editors; ligious History and Moral Laws, from the position of desk editor to William D. Murphy, Doris Nelson, are to be offered in the School of that of associate editor, occupying Alpha Zeta Inducts Religion during the spring term, that position jointly with Nita Ole- Martha Ricke'r, Katherine Kilbourne, April 5, 6 Are Set Gladys Stevenson, Ellen B 1 a i r, according to Dr. W. L. Airheart, son and Maxine Rustad. Five re- Three At Services George Nichols, Ralph Anderson, professor of religious education. porters were advanced to the fol- Robert McCracken, Warner Litten, "One of these courses is that in lowing positions: desk editors, Or- For Bison Brevities Clinton Mogen, senior, and Donald and Virginia Schonberg, assistants American Religious History. The ville Goplen, Adeline Naftalin, and Scott and Marlin Cline, juniors, in the editing of various divisions last religious census of the United Jack Spalding; features editor, Thursday and Friday, April 5 and were initiated into active member- of the book. States reveals the fact that there Genevieve Lind; and society edi- 6, have been definitely selected as ship of Alpha Zeta, national honor- Despite the crimping of funds al- are 213 denominations of Christians tor, Marjorie Laliberte. Dropped the dates for the production of the ary agricultural fraternity, during lotted to The Bison, there will be presenting the most complicated re- from the staff were a desk editor Bison Brevities, it is announced by initiation services held recently with no evidences of it in the makeup ligious pattern of any people. Tak- and two society editors. Frank Sanders and John Gabe, di- Roy Simonson, president of the local and quality of the 1935 yearbook. en by themselves the incidents Robert Parrott, business manager, rector and business manager re- chapter, in charge. Students and faculty members will which go to make up the life of a announces the addition of Betty spectively of the show. Special services for Calvin Olson, be surprised at the modern and il- single denomination do not mean Kibbee to his soliciting staff, and Work in all phases of the produc- junior, will be held later.
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