The Pulse/ March 27, 2003 Page 1 The University ~f Findlay, Findlay, Ohi_o Vol. 17; No. 22; March.27, 2003 American troops ·become prisoners of war By Bridget Campbell network and then carried in part "We expect them to be can pilots had been captured President Saddam Hussein prom• Staff Reporter on news stations across the world. treated humanely.just like we'll when their helicopter was shot ised t_o give any Iraqi who shoots Television viewers around Five prisoners were shown being treat any prisoners of theirs that out of the sky by farmers. The down a U.S. or British helicopter the world are experiencing war interviewed; four others were we capture humanely. If not, the report was accompanied by im• 50 million dinars; the equivalent from a very different perspective - shown lying dead on the floor. people who mistreat the prison- ages of a grounded Apache heli• of $16,500 on the black market. as both British and American These images were mean! to show·· ers will be treated as war crimi- copter, with no apparent damage. Perhaps in response to world news agencies ride second seat the Iraqi people that its govern- nals," he said. The helicopter was sitting in a outrage, Iraq's U.N. Ambassador . into military history. ment was in control. It showed ~ Iraqi spokesperson re- field with a group. of jubilant Mohammed Al-Douri said Mon- As the Coalition pushes its the rest of the world just how out sponded to Bush's .allegations farmers millilng about, waving day his government would allow way towards Baghdad viewers of control the Iraqi regime is. denying any wrongdoing. He weapons in the air. This helicop• the International Committee of the are able to witness the long drive The treatment of these POWs reminded the Iraq people that the ter, the government reported, was Red Cross to visit the prisoners, across the desert, complete with was a violation of Part II, Article Coalition was responsible for,the one of two helicopters that were as called for in the Geneva Con- running ~commentaries of 14 of the 'Geneva convention deaths of innumerable people, captured.The two pilots were vention. · weather conditions and first hand which states prisoners must at all including woman.and children. shown on TV; however-this time "I can assure you that our re-' accounts of the battles waged times- be protected, particularly In Qatar, United States Gen- they were in a· furnished room ligion_, our customs, our· social along the way. According to all _ against acts of violence and in- eral Tommy Franks talked boldly and were not interviewed. values, .order us to protect those .reports.Operation Iraqi Freedom timidation and against insults and of his confidence in the POWs'. Franks confirmed that one prisoners and to protect their life," was moving along swiftly and curiosities. · training and in their motivation helicopter did not return from its he said in an interview with Asso- uneventfully. Speaking at a news confer- and courage. missiori Sunday, but there-were ciated Press Television News. All of that changed on Sun- ence, President George W. Bush ,. On Monday, the Iraqi gov- no reported losses of a second he• This, despite the horrific videos day as images of _American_ asserted that the P_OWs should be emment once again reported the licopter, - that illustrated otherwise. POWs, captured inNasiriya were treated well, in accordance with capture of American soldiers. According to a March 24 aired on al Jazeera Arab Satellite the Geneva Convention. The report stated that two Ameri- Associated .Press article, Iraqi Ffre strikes Frazer Street Renter's insurance a must for By 'Becky Skiver Copy Editor A light smoke haze perme- On Wednesday, March 19, ated the bottom floor of the college students at 10:42 p.m., the Northside ,home with a strong stench of By Becky Skiver· Fire Station responded to a~ burnt synthetic material that car• Copy Editor as, the insurance company is renter's.apartrnentcausingdam- kitchen fire at 311 Frazer St. ried up to a block away. The Many college students rent notified. An additional fee may· age to the entire building. ;\n unattended pan of oil had wall-and ceiling surrounding the a. partments or houses during· be charged. AmericanFamilyinsuran. ceof- ignited on a stovetop. - stove, once white, was black- their time at school. _There are Most insurance companies fers a $130/year policy with a $500 Luis Flores, occupant of ened by smoke damage, the sur- precautions that can be taken to offer an independent renters in- deductible. This covers $16,000 in . the home and an international face of the stove was heavily protect their belongings from surance policy: Allstate Insur- personal property, $300;000 liabil• student at The University of charred. fire or theft. ance offers a "$200-250/year ity and $5,000 in guest medical in• Findlay, attempted to put out There were no working According to Findlay Fire policy with a $250 deductible surance. -- the fire with a pan lid and wet smoke detectors present in the Marshall Gary Braund, approxi- that covers upto $25,000 of _ Nationwide Insurance, to insure towels. When the fire depart- home. The home is owned by mately 90 percent of students do personai property with full re:.. approximately $10,000 worth of ment arrived they transported . Robert Cleary and rented to Uni- not have renter's insurance .. placement. Full replacement property, is $101 per year with a the pan outside to fully extin- versity students. , This may be because students means, if the renter has a 22-. $250 deductible. This also covers g:u~sh the fire. are not aware that this coverage inch television that is ten years $100,000 worth of liability, which is available to them. old and it is damaged in a fire, also is extended to a rental hall, for . Some horneowner's insur- . the policy will pay for a new example a wedding reception. ance policies will cover renter's· .television, rather than provide Jerry Payne, a Nationwide In• insurance for dependents of a reimbursement for the cost of surance agent in Findlay, advised that . policyholders as well. For ex- the original TV set. In addition, structure types vary and affec t the ample; if ·a family with Allstate ;offers $100,000 of li• cost ofapolicy as do the presence of homeowner 's insurance has a ability insurance and,$1,000 smoke detectors, fire extinguishers son or daughter renting an apart- guest medical insurance. Li• and dead-bolt locks, In addition, ment while· attending college, ability insurance covers, for every city has a fire protection class that .apartment will be covered example, damage from a struc- that can lower renters insurance. 1 '--j' ,. ·,-2 .. or··~::s?a:rTllllfflMDr·-. ·.,-~,I underthepar~ntspolicyaslong "ture fire that originated in the ,,1 The Pulse, March 27, 2003 Paqe 2 -:'\ - Campus Calendar Superstitious eggstronomy I I By- Mandy Lobdell I March 27 Blood Drive sign-up 10 a.m: - 2 p.m., idea is "hogwash." ceive results, is to compile, l Staff Reporter I Deming Lobby (weekdays through April 2) So, loyal readers of The port and publish it next w I t Intramural kickball? p.m., FRC practice field While sitting 'at the table Pulse, this is my challenge to . Remember, the egg must be 1 I I Thursday Night Live ·9 p.m., C 90d Chapel during a recent Pulse meeting, you. I want you to attempt to and it's probably best if you· 'I French Club m.eeting3:3Op.m.,AMU Cave trying desperately to redeem stand an egg on end, now, be- - precautions to limit the me: ! myself after taking a month• fore next Monday, and rrespond I look forward to hea ! March 28 , Spring Weekend College begins .long sabbatical, I suggested that with your results. If you actu- your eggstounding stories. 1 ( Student payroll 9 a.m.: 4 p.in.,AMU Lounge I would write a story about the ally attempted to stand the egg for the results next week. I, I ·I . Magician Mike Super 9:30 p.m., AMU N MPR vernal equinox. ,· on end on the equinox, I would you eggstreme_ly good luck. I The equinox was last Thurs• like to hear about that too. My right, I get it. Enough with March 29 · Spring Weekend C~llege day, so this would not necessar- master plan, should I actually re- bad egg jokes.! !') I Jazz Fest 10 a.m. - 8 p.!_Il., Grimm Theatre . ily be considered a "timely :! ,i Sibs N Kids & Spring Bash Weekend piece," but, if you take the time Carnival noon, Koehler to read on, 'you will find that I Attention, qraduatesl JugglingAct''TW0"9:30p.m.,Nv11JNorthMPR have good reason for writing this now. IMPORTANT DATES March 30 · Spring Weekend College - While spouting out ideas for Kappa Chi meeting 5 p.m., C God Parlor an equinox story, I had consid• - - TO REMEMBER FIAT 6 p.m., C God Chapel ered covering the history of the Catholic Mass 7 p.m., St. Michael's Church, · holiday. I even took the time April 28-May 1 FINALEXAMS - downtown, 61 7 W. Main Cross St. , over the weekend to do all of the May2 Graduation Rehearsal Intramural sand volleyball 7 p.m., sand courts research. Then, I got ·a better· I 0:30 a.m., Koehler Fitness and - Intramural ultimate frisbee 7 p.m., FRC idea. Recreation Complex practice field . - · · _ , One ofthe other reporters May3 10:30 a.m., Baccalaureate in PhiSigma Sigma meeting 7:30 p:m.,"Main 213 _ at ThePuise told me that a raw Ritz Auclitorium Sigma Kappa meeting 7:30 p.m., Deming egg will stand on end during the 11 a.m.- 1 p.m., Brunch Ro.sewood .
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