Dates Are Ce Unless Stated As Bce. Popes Are Cross-Referenced from Their Entry Under Their Birth Name to Their Papal Name, S.V

Dates Are Ce Unless Stated As Bce. Popes Are Cross-Referenced from Their Entry Under Their Birth Name to Their Papal Name, S.V

Index All dates are ce unless stated as bce. Popes are cross-referenced from their entry under their birth name to their papal name, s.v. Rome; monarchs are gathered under their principal territory, Oecumenical Patriarchs under Constantinople and Archbishops of Canterbury under Canterbury. Monarchs and popes have (where possible) their birth date followed by the date of their accession to the throne, followed by their date of death. Members of European nobility are indexed under their surnames. Those who have been declared saints by one or other Christian Church are indexed either under their first names or their surnames, not at ‘St’. a` Lasco, Johannes see Łaski Abravanel, Isaac ben Moscow 1690–1700) Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) (1437–1508) 868 542 349–50, 352, Plate 28 absolutism: see monarchy Adrianople, battle (378) 218 Aaron 581 Abu¯ Mı¯na¯ 259 Adriatic Sea 458, 486 Abbasid dynasty 262, abun (bishop): see Ethiopia adultery 91, 314, 626, 1025 264–7, 272, 446, 854 Acacian schism (482–519) Advent 199–200 abbesses 358, 378 234–5, 322–3, 326, Adwa, battle (1896) 891 abbots 318, 378, 393, 817; 374 Aegean Sea 461, 468, 473, see also monks acheiropoieta: see icons; 924 ’Abd al-’Aziz (1746–1824) Mandylion Aelia Capitolina: see 880 acrostics 195 Jerusalem ’Abd al-Malik, Caliph (646; Action Franc¸aise 936 Aeneas 43, 192, 297 685–705) 256, 260 Actium, battle (31 bce) aeroplanes 960, 966 ’Abd al-Wahha¯b, 43–4 Aeschylus (c. 525–456 bce) Muhammad ibn: see Adam 80, 100–101, 144, 35 Wahhabite Islam 153, 307, 339, 404, Aethelthryth (Etheldreda, Abel 306, 868, 1006 440, 555, 613, 627, Audrey; c. 636–79) Abelard, Peter (1079–1142) 724, 735, 775–7, 783, 358, 366 398 869; see also Eve; Fall; Aethelwold of Winchester Abercius of Hieropolis Jesus Christ: Second (909–84) 364 (d. 216) 165 Adam; original sin affinity in marriage 372 abil 207 Addai and Mari, Liturgy of Afghanistan 126, 275 abortion 119, 987, 991, 184 Africa 177, 243, 761, Map 993, 998; see also Roe Addison, Joseph 23 (889), 951, 955, v. Wade (1672–1719) 786–7 966; British in 871–3, Abraha of Yemen (c. 530) Adeodatus (372–88) 302 879–92, 981–2; 245 Adiabene 178, 181 decolonization 964–5, Abraham (Abram) 50, 53–4, adoptionism (dynamic 979–85; Dutch in 728; 60–61, 63, 163, 172, Monarchianism) 146 Dyophysites in 3; 334, 522, 581–2, 635, Adorno, Caterina (Catherine Miaphysites in 3; 665 of Genoa; 1447–1510) Pentecostals in 963–5, Abraham of Kashkar 656 1007; Portuguese in (501–86) 247 Adrian (1627; Patriarch of 563, 689–91, 709–15; 1114 index Africa – cont. Albornoz, Bartolome´ de (fl. Allah, Shah Wali (1703–62) Protestants in 932; 1573) 709–10 Allah (al-ilah) 257–9, 278; Roman Catholics in Albrecht of Brandenburg or see also God 711–15, 932; 881, 972; Mainz: see Allchin, Arthur Macdonald see also Belgian Congo; Hohenzollern (‘Donald’; b. 1930) Botswana; Buganda; Albury Conferences 829, 201 Cape Colony; Egypt; 911 allegory: in Bible 69, 151–3, Ethiopia; Ghana; Ivory Alcala´ University 588 440, 581–2, 596–7, Coast; Kenya; Kongo; Alcibiades (c. 450–404 bce) 785, 795; and Homer Sierra Leone; slavery; 23 25, 69 South Africa; Uganda alcohol 334, 545, 830, 849, Allestree, Richard African-American 876; see also (1619–81) 793 Christianity 331, Prohibition; temperance Almohad dynasty 277 712–14, 760–62, 892, and teetotalism almsgiving: see poor relief 908, 910–13, 976–7, Alcuin (c. 740–804) 353, Alopen (c. 635) 252, 267–8 984, Plate 61 355 alphabets 22–3, 801; African-initiated Churches Aleksei II (1929; Patriarch of Armenian 187; Coptic (Aladura; Ethiopian Moscow 1990–2008) 233; Cyrillic 462, 505; Churches) 140, 711, 1001–2 Glagolitic 461–2; Greek 882, 884, 887–92, Aleppo (Berrhoea) 183–4, 22–3, 25, 189, 462, 963–5, 980, 1085 208, 253, 927 505; han’gul (Korean) African National Congress Alexander, Michael 7, 902; Hebrew 22, 982 Solomon (1799; Bishop 784; Phoenician 22, 25; Afrikaners (Boers) and in Jerusalem 1841–5) Syriac 178, 251; see Afrikaans language 836, 841 also pictogrammic 981–2, 984–5 Alexander of Alexandria scripts afterlife 70–72, 780, (bishop 313–26) 213 Alps 400, 463, 818 1012–14; see also Alexander the Great: see Alsace 732, 739, 860 Heaven; Hell; Purgatory Macedon Alsted, Johann Heinrich Agincourt, battle (1415) 735 Alexandria 38–40, 785; (1588–1638) 773–5, agnosticism 861, 962 Academy 38, 170, 221, 822 Agricola, Rudolf (1444–85) 434; and biblical altars: Christian 125, 599 scholarship 152; 198–9, 270, 300, agricultural change 368–9; Council (400) 150, 209; 356–7, 366, 376, 432, see also serfdom early Church in 141, 484–5, 681–2, 974; Ahriman 185 164–5, 174, 205, Jewish 54 Ahura Mazda 185 222–8, 241, 243, 245, alum 562 AIDS 993, 998, 1095 752; Greek Orthodox alumbrados 590–91, Aikenhead, Thomas Patriarch 891; Jews in 655–62, 778–9 (c. 1676–97) 748 67–9, 87, 110, 122; AmaNazaretha Church 964 Aksum 240–44, 279–80; library 38; Muslim Ambrose (c. 339; Bishop of Negus: see Ethiopia conquest 160, 434; Milan 374–97) 116, al-Ha¯kim, Caliph (985; Patriarch called Pope 299–302, 322, 328, 996–1021) 277–8, 382 289; theology in 423 al-Harawi, Ali ibn Abi Bakr 147–54, 213, 222–8; Amen 85, 1044 (d. 1215) 494 see also Alexander; America 783, 951; origins of al-Mutawakkil, Caliph (821; Arius; Athanasius; name 691, 1070; see 847–61) 262 Clement of Alexandria; also Central, North, al-Yazı¯d I, Caliph (reigned Constantinople: South America 680–83) 264 Patriarchs: Cyril American Revolution: see Alabama 910, 977 Lucaris; Coptic Church; United States Aladura Churches 963 Cyril; Demetrius; Amish 730 Alberti, Leon Battista Dioscorus; George; Amorion 452 (1404–72) 576 Origen; Proterius; Amos 58 Albi 388 Theodosius, Vitelleschi Amoy 898 Albigensian Crusade: see Algonquin language 725 Amsterdam 774, 778–83, Cathars Alighieri: see Dante 791–2, 993 index 1115 Anabaptists 622–5, 638, Anglo-Catholicism 840, 842, also crusades; ghettos; 653, 744; see also 845–6, 930, 952, 956, Jews; Judaism radical Reformation 958, 982, 988, 1009, Anti-Trinitarians: in England anarchists 850, 939 1082, Plate 63 748, 774, 782; among Anatolia: see Asia Minor Anglo-Dutch Wars Founding Fathers 763; ancien re´gime 806, 809, (1652–74) 729 in Hungary 640–41; see 814, 816 Anglo-Saxon Church 77, also ‘Arian’ christology; Ancyra (Ankara), Council 249, 329–30, 334–45, Judaizing Heresy; (324) 214 Map 10 (335), 506–7, Socinianism; Andalusia 691 876, 1010; and Unitarianism; Valde´s Andreae, Johann Valentin Byzantium 340; mission Antichrist 637, 638, 717, (1586–1654) 773 in Europe 338–45, 359, Plate 12; as Pope 175, Andrew, Apostle 427 364; mission to Vikings 558–9, 562, 610, 634 Andrewes, Lancelot (1555; 504; monasticism in antichristian movements Bishop of Winchester 358, 363–5, 503 797–8, 809, 816, 1618–26) 763 Anglo-Saxon language 336, 918–20, 939–40 Andrews, Samuel (d. 1820) 338, 364–5 anticlericalism 527, 656, 76 Angola 710 825, 887, 989, 1013 Andrusovo, Treaty of (1667) animism 514–17 antinomianism 653, 722–3; 538 Anjou, Dukes of: see France, defined 653 Angelerio, Pietro: see Rome: Kings: Henri III Antioch (Syria) 91, 110, Popes: Celestine V Ankara: see Ancyra 130–31, 133, 164, 174, Angelic Salutation: see Hail Anna Komnena 190, 197, 208; Mary (c. 1176–1212) 472 Crusaders capture angels and archangels 336, Anne (Anna), grandmother (1099) 384; theological 433, 450, 887 of God 129, 606 and biblical scholarship Angles 329, 336 Annesley, Samuel 152, 218, 223–8; see Anglicanism and Anglican (c. 1620–96) 749 also Balsamon; Communion 619, 630, Annesley (Wesley), Susanna Eustathius; Ignatius; 651, 654, 734, 756, (1669–1742) 749 Paul of Samosata; Peter 828, 838–46, 891, 911, Anno Domini dating 14, 82, the Fuller; Severus 953, 955, 974, 1009;in 764; see also Common Antony of Egypt Africa 883–6, 889, 891, Era dating; Julius (c. 251–356) 203–6, 964, 1009; in Australia Africanus 209, 233, 520, 546; see 878, 1008–9;in annulment of marriage 372, also Athanasius Caribbean 892; and 376 Antony of Padua ecumenism 956–8;in Annunciation: see Mary (1195–1231) 711 Hong Kong 989;in ‘Anointed One’: see Jesus Antwerp 626 India 746, 892–4; and Christ as Messiah Aotearoa: see New Zealand modern culture wars Anomoeans (Dissimilarians) apartheid 981–3 1008–10;inNew 216–17 Aphrodisias 99 Zealand 843, 877–8, Anthro¯ potokos 225 apocalypse and 989; origins of word anti-Catholicism 772, 890, apocalypticism 103–5, 649, 840, 844; in South 898; in France 806, 114, 261, 384, 788; Africa 982–4, 1009; 946; in Great Britain abandoned by Catholic and sex 972; see also 811–12, 869, 929–30; Church 139; and England, Church of; in Mexico 933–4;in Evangelicals 874–5, episcopacy; North America/USA 963; in Islam 523;in Evangelicalism; High 762; in northern Europe modern Europe 828, Churchmanship; 736; in Spain 939–40 912; Russian 519, Ireland, Church of; anti-Semitism 4, 92–3, 108, 523–5; in Spanish Latitudinarianism; 182, 262, 300, 419–20, America 699; and Mothers’ Union; 777, 947–8, 970; and Western Latin Church Scottish Episcopal flagellants 400, 553;in 590–93, Plate 12; see Church; United States Iberia 585–8, 590–91; also Catholic Apostolic of America: Episcopal modern Europe 827, Church; Franciscans; Church 848–9, 941–4, 992; see Joachim of Fiore; Last 1116 index apocalypse – cont. Apostolic Tradition 157 Renaissance 363, Days; Millennium; post- Appalachian Mountains 771–2; Romanesque millennialism; 770, 904 379–80, 390; Russian premillennialism Apuleius (Lucius Apuleius 507–8, 523–4; see also Apocalypsis nova 593 Platonicus; c.

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