Suggested levels for Guided Reading, DRA,™ Lexile,® and Reading Recovery™ are provided in the Pearson Scott Foresman Leveling Guide. Mixing, Kneading, and Baking: The Baker’s Art Comprehension Genre Text Features Skills and Strategy Narrative • Draw Conclusions • Captions nonfi ction • Main Idea • Map • Summarize • Tables • Table of Contents Scott Foresman Reading Street 3.5.4 by ISBN 0-328-13393-0 ì<(sk$m)=bddjdc< +^-Ä-U-Ä-U Francelia Sevin 113393_CVR_FSD3393_CVR_FSD A-BA-B 111/18/051/18/05 2:19:162:19:16 PMPM Reader Response Mixing, 1. On page 9, the author discusses yeast. What do you think would happen to the breadK if Claudianeading, forgot to put the yeast in the dough? Why? 2. Useand the table onB pageaking: 11 to summarize how bread is made. T3. Usehe a web B likeaker’s the one below. WriteA rtthe word bakery in the center. Around it write words and phrases from the book that relate to the word bakery. bakery 4. Look at the map on pages 18–19. Name four different countriesby and the breads that originatedFrancelia in those S countries.evin Editorial Offices: Glenview, Illinois • Parsippany, New Jersey • New York, New York Sales Offices: Needham, Massachusetts • Duluth, Georgia • Glenview, Illinois Coppell, Texas • Ontario, California • Mesa, Arizona 113393_CVR_FSD3393_CVR_FSD C-DC-D 113393_001-024_FSD.indd3393_001-024_FSD.indd 1 111/18/051/18/05 2:19:282:16:182:196:218 PMPM CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 4 First Start CHAPTER 2 8 Making Dough CHAPTER 3 12 Into the Oven CHAPTER 4 15 Open for Business CHAPTER 5 18 An International Bakery Every effort has been made to secure permission and provide appropriate credit for photographic material. The publisher deeply regrets any omission and pledges to correct errors called to its attention in subsequent editions. CHAPTER 6 20 Unless otherwise acknowledged, all photographs are the property of Scott Foresman, A Bakery Success a division of Pearson Education. NOW TRY THIS 22 Photo locators denoted as follows: Top (T), Center (C), Bottom (B), Left (L), Right (R), Background (Bkgd) GLOSSARY 24 Opener: ©Craig Lovell/Corbis: 1 ©Mary Ellen Bartley/PictureArts/Corbis: 4 ©David Butow/Corbis Saba: 5 ©Michael S. Yamashita/Corbis: 8 ©Royalty-Free/Corbis: 9 ©Mary Ellen Bartley/PictureArts/Corbis: 12 ©Jacqui Hurst/Corbis: 13 ©Craig Lovell/Corbis: 15 ©Royalty-Free/Corbis: 16 ©Craig Lovell/Corbis: 20 ©Norbert Schaefer/Corbis ISBN: 0-328-13393-0 Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Permissions Department, Scott Foresman, 1900 East Lake Avenue, Glenview, Illinois 60025. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 V0G1 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 3 113393_001-024_FSD.indd3393_001-024_FSD.indd 2 111/18/051/18/05 2:16:232:16:23 PMPM 113393_001-024_FSD.indd3393_001-024_FSD.indd 3 111/18/051/18/05 2:16:232:16:23 PMPM This is just the beginning of Claudia’s long day at the neighborhood bakery. Like other professional bakers, Claudia goes to work before the sun comes up. That way, the bread and other goods she bakes are still warm when her customers begin to arrive. Bakers make many wonderful things to Claudia’s bakery is called “artisan” because all the eat such as bread, cake, cookies, muffins, goods are made the traditional way, by hand. and pies. The white hats, aprons, and Chapter 1 gloves help bakers keep food clean while they work in the kitchen. A professional First Start bakery has a special kitchen for baking Baker Claudia walks down the quiet large quantities of things at one time. city street to her bakery. The only sounds are her footsteps echoing off the cold It’s hard to decide what to get because they all look asphalt. It is early in the morning and still and smell so good. dark outside. Only the streetlamps light her way. It is so cold Claudia closes her coat against the early morning air. She stops at the shop door. A kitten dashes to her. He is purring because he knows that he will soon get some warm milk. Claudia picks him up and pets him. Then she pulls a ring of keys from her pocket. They jingle while she searches for the right one. She unlocks the gate and turns on the light. She yawns as she looks at the clock. It’s 2:00 A.M. 4 5 113393_001-024_FSD.indd3393_001-024_FSD.indd 4 111/18/051/18/05 2:16:272:16:27 PMPM 113393_001-024_FSD.indd3393_001-024_FSD.indd 5 111/18/051/18/05 2:16:312:16:31 PMPM The kitchen in a bakery is set up to There are many kinds of bakeries. Some, make baking easy. When you bake, you like Claudia’s bakery, are neighborhood cook food using dry heat, usually in an shops. Other bakeries are quite large. They oven. A bakery kitchen has a huge oven bake thousands of loaves every day, wrap so that great quantities of bakery goods them, and ship them to stores around the can be cooked at the same time. In a large country. The bread on the shelf at the bakery, there are huge mixers and long supermarket comes from large bakeries, tables for mixing big batches of dough. where huge machines are used to make The dough becomes bread after it is baked the bread exactly the same every time. in an oven. Tall racks stand ready to hold You will also find all types of the bread and other baked goods when ingredients in bakeries. Flour, water, yeast, they come out of the oven. The kitchen and salt are the four basic ingredients for may also have special machines that make making bread. Each one has an important each stage of baking go faster. job (see Table 1). The baker may use other ingredients, such as onions, poppy seeds, and sesame seeds, that are often Four Basic Bread Ingredients Table 1 added to breads or bagels. Sweet fillings 1. Flour Is made from grain, such as wheat. such as apples, cherries, peaches, nuts, It tastes good and provides nutrition. cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla are on hand for baking pies and cakes. By mixing 2. Water forms dough when added to the ingredients and following the recipe, a flour and yeast. baker makes delicious bakery goods. Bakers have their own special recipes 3. Yeast are tiny organisms that turn for different kinds of treats they make. sugars into carbon dioxide. They usually won’t tell their recipes. They Yeast makes dough rise. don’t want anyone to know their secret for baking tasty treats. 4. Salt makes bread taste good. 6 7 113393_001-024_FSD.indd3393_001-024_FSD.indd 6 111/18/051/18/05 2:16:362:16:36 PMPM 113393_001-024_FSD.indd3393_001-024_FSD.indd 7 111/18/051/18/05 2:16:372:16:37 PMPM The pockets of air that make bread fluffy are made by yeast. The balls of dough are placed in bowls and sprinkled with a little oil to keep the dough moist. It takes patience to make bread. Once Chapter 2 the dough is stretchy, you have to let the Making Dough dough sit for an hour or more to rise. If When Claudia first arrives at the bakery, you don’t wait and rush to the next step, she takes out all the ingredients she needs your bread will not be bread at all. It will for baking. She weighs each ingredient for be a hard lump that doesn’t taste good. the recipe and places the bowls and mixing Claudia knows how yeast works, so tools on the long table. Then she is ready she waits patiently. Yeast is a tiny, live to start. organism. It eats the sugars that are part Today, Claudia is going to make bread of the dough. As it does, the yeast gives first. It is not an ordinary bread, though, off a gas called carbon dioxide. The gas for some of the dough will become causes the dough to expand. This process rosemary bread. Claudia puts the flour, is called fermentation. This process makes water, and salt in a mixer and adds the bread soft and chewy. Some kinds of rosemary to part of the batch of dough. bread do not need to ferment because She mixes the dough until it is a fat, they are flat. Flat breads include tortillas stretchy ball. and matzo. 8 9 113393_001-024_FSD.indd3393_001-024_FSD.indd 8 111/18/051/18/05 2:16:372:16:37 PMPM 113393_001-024_FSD.indd3393_001-024_FSD.indd 9 111/18/051/18/05 2:16:432:16:43 PMPM While the dough ferments, Claudia This step is called dividing (see Table 2). begins making a batch of muffins. There Claudia shapes the pieces of dough into is no time to waste to get ready for the balls (rounding) that will become loaves. breakfast crowd. Once the bread dough is big and Making Bread Table 2 bubbly, it is ready to be punched down. SSteptep 1 Gather the tools and measure the SSettingetting UUpp ingredients for the recipe. Punching down may sound dangerous, but SSteptep 2 Mix the ingredients together until they it’s really not. It just means that you punch MMixingixing become a stretchy ball of dough. the dough to let out the carbon dioxide SSteptep 3 Let the dough sit until the yeast makes that was trapped during fermentation.
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