Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant Free State Province Provinsie Vrystaat Published by Authority Uitgegee op Gesag I No. 07 FRIDAY, 06 FEBRUARY 2009 No. 07 VRYDAG, 06 FEBRUARIE 2009 No. Index Page No. Inhoud Bladsy MISCELLANEOUS Advert 21 ........................................................................ 2 Advert 22 ......................................................................... 13 Advert 23 ......................................................................... 16 ! I 2 PROVINCIAL GAZETIE / PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 06 FEBRUARY 2009 / 06 FEBRUARIE 2009 ADVERT 21 1)AOFSLB14825 2)M.J. Moleme 5603305809085 3) P.O. BOX 6557, BOTSHABELO, 9781 Botshabelo Scholar Transport 4) Not available New OL 5)1x 15 6)Botshabelo Scholars Transport PO BOX 5519, MOTHEO, MOTHEO, 9781' Gazette Number: 7.1) Educational Transport 7.1.1 Section E (Botshabelo) (Origin), Tweespruit Mini Creche, Elm Street (TweespruiUKopano) (Destination) - BOTSHABELO/SCHOLAR022 (720AA0720AB010041730). FROM SECTION E, BOTSHABELO VIA SECTIONS N;L;T;A;B;C;G;H1 ;H2;H3, BOTSHABELO TO TWEESPRUIT MINI CRECHE, ELM STREET, TWEESPRUIT; TWEESPRUIT PRIMARY SCHOOL, ELM STREET, TWEESPRUIT; UNICOM PRIMARY SCHOOL, EATON STREET, TWEESPRUIT; UNICOM HIGH SCHOOL, EATON STREET, TWEESPRUIT AND RETURN. 1)AOLFSLB14832 2) DW. Ntolwana 5106165467085 3) 2550 SECTION H2, BOTSHABELO, 9781 Botshabelo Scholars Transport 4) Not available New OL 5)1x 60 6)Botshabelo Scholars Transport PO BOX 5519, MOTHEO, MOTHEO, 9781 Gazette Number: 7.1) Educational Transport 7.1.1 Section H1 (Botshabelo) (Origin), Tweespruit Primary School, Elm Street (TweespruiUKopano) (Destination) BOTSHABELO/SCHOLAR020 (720 1AAV720AAW1 0041728) FROM H1 SECTION, BOTSHABELO VIA SECTIONS A;B;D;E;C;G;H1 ;H2;H3, BOTSHABELO TOTWEESPRUIT PRIMARY SCHOOL, ELM STREET, TWEESPRUIT; UNICOM PRIMARY SCHOOL, EATON STREET, TWEESPRUIT: UN/COM HIGH SCHOOL, EATON STREET TWEESPRUIT AND RETURN. AOFSLB23198 2) MC MOSIA 5309305517088 3) NO. 139 MARAKONG VILLAGE, QWA QWA, THABO MOFUTSANYANE, 9866 QWAQWA UNITED TAXI ASSOCIATION 4)LFSLB6942 Additional Authority 5)1X15 6) Gazette Number: 7.1) Minibus taxi-type service 7.1.1 Qwalpta Taxi Rank, cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthaditjhaba (Origin), Motala taxi rank (Ladysmith) (Destination) FSBC 777QWALDPTTA (7001CK200Y210039616) On trips from Qwalpta Taxi Rank, cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthaditjhaba to Motala Taxi Rank, Forbes Street, Ladysmith and retum. (Vehicle to be stationed at Qwalpta Taxi Rank, Cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthadiljhaba and must be operated from there). 7.1. 2 Qwalpta Taxi Rank, cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthadiljhaba (Origin), Bergville taxi rank (Destination) FSBC779QWALDPTTA (7001 CK2000Y410039618), On trips from Qwalpta Taxi Rank, cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthadiljhaba to Taxi Rank, Bergville and retum. (Vehicle to bestationed at Qwalpta Taxi Rank, cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthadiljhaba and must beoperated from there). 7.1.3 Qwalpta Taxi Rank, cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthadiljhaba (Origin), Embalenhle taxi rank(Secunda) (Destination)FSB 783QVI/ALDPTT A (7001 CK8000XJ10039620) On trips from Qwalpta Taxi Rank, cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthaditjhaba to Taxi Rank, Embalenhle, Secunda and retum. (Vehicle to be stationed at Qwalpta Taxi Rank, cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing; Phuthaditjhaba and must be operated from there). 7.1.4 Qwalpta Taxi Rank, cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthadiljhaba (Origin), Terminal taxi rank (Newcastle) (Destination) FSBC784QWALDPTTA (7001 CK2000XW10039626) On trips from1 Qwalpta Taxi Rank, Cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthadiljhaba to Terminal Taxi Rank, Allen Street. New Castle and retum. (Vehicle to be stationed at Qwalpta Taxi Rank, cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthaditjhaba and must be operated from there). 1)AOFSLB25260 2) DINATLA TPT SERVICE. COOP.LTD 3) LECHABILE SERV STATION, ERF 1, SECT. H1, INDUSTRIAL AREA, BOTSHABELO, K6/3/9/13228 9781 BOTSHABELO AMALGAMATED TAX/ ASSOCIATION 4)LFSLB9431 Transfer OL 5) 1X12 6) Gazette Number: 7)Minibus Taxi - type Service 7.1.1 Blue Taxi Rank (Reahola Complex) (Origin) - FSBC013GST (7000QC10039427) On trips from Blue Taxi Rank, Reahola Complex, CBD, Botshabelo to Industrial Area, Botshabelo via Block C2, E2, L, N, M, Botshabelo and return. (Vehicle tobestationed atBlue Taxi Rank, Reahola Complex, CBD, Botshabelo and must beoperated from there). 3 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE I PROVINSIALE KOERANT! 06 FEBRUARY 2009 I 06 FEBRUARIE 2009 1)AOFSLB25272 2)DINATLA TPT SERVICE. COOP.LTD 3)LECHABILE SERV STATION, ERF 1,SECT. H1, INDUSTRIAL AREA, BOTSHABELO, K6/3/9/13228 9781 BOTSHABELO AMALGAMATED TAXI ASSOCIATION 4)LFSLB7605 Transfer OL 5)1X12 6) Gazette Number: 7) Minibus Taxi - type Service 7.1.1 Blue Taxi Rank (Reahola Complex) (Origin) - FSBC013BTA (7000QC10039446) On trips from Blue Taxi Rank, Reahola Complex, CBD, Botshabelo to Industrial Area, Botshabelo via Block C2, E2, L, N, M, Botshabelo and return. (Vehicle to bestationed at Blue Taxi Rank, Reahola Complex, CBD, Botshabelo and must beoperated from there). 1)AOFSLB25274 2) DINATLA TPT SERVICE. COOP.LTD 3) LECHABILE SERV STATION, ERF 1, SECT. H1, INDUSTRIAL AREA, BOTSHABELO, K6/3/9/13228 9781 BOTSHABELO AMALGAMATED TAXI ASSOCIATION 4) LFSLB9187 Transfer OL 5)1X12 6) Gazette Number: 7) Minibus Taxi - type Service 7.1.1 Blue Taxi Rank (Reahola Complex) (Origin) - FSBC013BTA (7000QC10039446) On trips from Blue Taxi Rank, Reahola Complex, CBD, Botshabelo to Industrial Area, Botshabelo via Block C2, E2, L, N, M, Botshabelo and return. (Vehicle tobestationed at Blue Taxi Rank, Reahola Complex, CBD, Botshabelo and must beoperated from there). 1)AOFSLB25275 2) DINATLA TPT SERVICE. COOP.LTO 3) LECHABILE SERV STATION, ERF 1, SECT. H1, INDUSTRIAL AREA, BOTSHABELO, K6/3/9/13228 9781 BOTSHABELO AMALGAMATED TAXI ASSOCIATION 4) LFSLB7551 Transfer OL 5) 1X12 6) Gazette Number: 7) Minibus Taxi - type Service 7.1.1 Blue Taxi Rank (Reahola Complex) (Origin) - FSBC013BTTS (7000QC10039369) On trips from Blue Taxi Rank, Reahola Complex, CBD, Botshabelo to Industrial Area, Botshabelo via Block C2, E2, L, N, M, Botshabelo and return. (Vehicle to bestationed at Blue Taxi Rank, Reahola Complex, CBD, Botshabelo and must beoperated from there). 1)AOFSLB25713 2)SD MATOMA 5504045987084 3) P.O. BOX 15917, WITSIESHOEK, THABOMOFUTSANYANE, 9870 QWA QWA UNITED TAXI ASSOCIATION 4)LFSLB5140 Additional Authority 5) 1 x 22 6) Gazette Number: 7.1) Minibus taxi-type service 7.1.1 Qwalpta Taxi Rank, cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthaditjhaba (Origin), Blue Taxi Rank (Reahola Complex) (Destination) FSBC772QWALDPTTA (7001 CK7000QC 10039614) On trips from Qwalpta Taxi Rank, Cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthaditjhaba to Blue Taxi Rank, Reahola Complex, CBD, Botshabelo via Taxi Rank, Eind Street, Ficksburg, Taxi Rank, Manyatseng, Ladybrand and return. (Vehicle to be stationed at Qwalpta Taxi Rank, Cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthadiljhaba and must beoperated from there). 7.1.2) Qwalpta Taxi Rank, cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthaditjhaba (Origin), Majakathata Taxi Rank, Peet Avenue (Bloemfontein) (Destination) - FSBC776QWALDPTTA (7001CK7000R31 0039615) On trips from Qwalpta Taxi Rank, Cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthadiljhaba to Majakathata Taxi Rank, cnr. Peet Avenue and Douglas Street, Bloemfontein and return. (Vehicle to be stationed at Qwalpta Taxi Rank, Cnr, Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthaditjhaba and I must beoperated from there). 4 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE I PROVINSIAlE KOERANT, 06 FEBRUARY 2009 I 06 FEBRUARIE 2009 7.1.3 Qwalpta Taxi Rank, cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthadiijhaba (Origin), Embalenhle taxi rank (Secunda) (Destination) FSBC 783QWALDPTTA (7001CK8000XJ10039620) On trips from Qwalpta Taxi Rank, cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthadiljhaba to Taxi Rank, Embalenhle, (Secunda) and return. (Vehicle to be stationed at Qwalpta Taxi Rank, cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthaditjhaba and must be operated from there). 7.1.4 Qwalpta Taxi Rank, cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthaditjhaba (Origin), Cnr.Constantia Road and Mothusi Road Taxi Rank (Welkom) (Destination) - FSBC782QWALDPTTA (7001CK7000W10039622) On trips from Qwalpta Taxi Rank, cnr. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthaditjhaba to taxi rank, cnr. Constantia and Mothusi Roads, Motsethabong, Welkom and return. (Vehicle to be stationed at Qwalpta Taxi Rank, em. Mampoi and Motebang Streets, Setsing, Phuthaditjhaba and must beoperated from there). 1)AOFSLB277231 2)January Simon Sondezi 7501055268080 3) 1154 Zamane Street, Memel, MEMEL, 2970 Warden Ezenzeleni Taxi Association 4) LFSLB7231 Transfer of OL 5) 1x 15 6) Gazette Number: 7.1) Minibus taxi-type service 7.1.1 CnrWiliem Truter and Voortrekker Streets taxi rank (Memel) (Origin), Cnr.Cilliers and Brand Streets taxi rank (Vrede) (Destination) FSB 867WETA (7000Y07000XE00048943) On trips from Taxi Rank, Cnr. Willem Truter- and Voortrekker Streets, Memel to Taxi Rank, Cnr. Cilliers- and Brand Streets, Vrede and return. (Vehicle to bestationed at Taxi Rank, Willem Truter- and Voortrekker Streets, Memel and must beoperated from there). 7.1.2 CnrWiliem Truter and Voortrekker Streets taxi rank(Memel) (Origin), Noord street Rank (Noord street under the bridge shopping centre) (Destination) - FSBC868WETA (7000Y01000FH10048944) On trips from Taxi Rank,
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