PERLE BESSERMAN Clouds& MANERED STEGER Zen Radicals, Rebels & Reformers PERLE BESSERMAN&MANFRED STEGER Crazy Clouds Zen Radicals, Rebels ' J? fvrm ers f: B!iS_SER: Al14 V i%b l AY-?E_ D Crazy CloudsClouds <2i^r Zen Radicals,Radicals, Rebels,Rebels, andand ReformersReformers PerlPerlee BessermanBesserman and ManfreManfredd StegeStegerr SHAMBHALASHAMBHALA Boston & LondonLondon 199!1991 For Robert and Anne AitkenAitken ShambhalShambhalaa PublicationsPublications,, Inc.Inc. HorticulturaHorticulturall HallHall 300300 MassachusettMassachusettss AvenueAvenue BostonBoston,, MassachusettsMassachusetts 021 0211 155 ShambhalaShambhala PublicationsPublications,, Inc.Inc. RandoRandomm CenturyCentury HouseHouse 2200 VauxhalVauxhalll BridgBridgee RoadRoad LondoLondonn SWSWi 1 V 2SA2SA © 19911991 bbyy PerlePerle BessermanBesserman andand ManfredManfred StegerSteger AlAlll rightrightss reservedreserved.. NNoo parpartt ooff thithiss boobookk maymay bebe reproducedreproduced inin anyany formform oror byby anyany means,means, electronicelectronic oorr mechanical,mechanical, includinincludingg photocopyingphotocopying,, recordingrecording,, oror byby anyany informationinformation storagestorage andand retrievalretrieval system,system, withoutwithout permissionpermission iinn writingwriting fromfrom thethe publisher.publisher. 9987654328 7 6 5 4 3 21 1 FirstFirst EditionEdition PrintedPrinted inin thethe UnitedUnited StatesStates ofof AmericaAmerica onon acid-freeacid-free paperpaper DistributedDistributed inin thethe UnitedUnited StatesStates bbyy RandoRandomm House,House, Inc.,Inc., iinn CanadCanadaa bbyy RandomRandom HouseHouse ofof CanadaCanada Ltd,Ltd, andand inin thethe UnitedUnited KingdoKingdomm bbyy thethe RandomRandom CenturyCentury GroupGroup Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Besserman,Besserman, Perle.Perle. CrazyCrazy Clouds:Clouds: ZenZen radicals,radicals, rebels,rebels, andand reformers/reformers/ PerlPerlee BessermanBesserman,, ManfredManfred Steger.Steger. pp.. cm.cm. ISBNISBN o-87773-543-30-87773-543-3 (pbk.)(pbk.) 1i.. Priests,Priests, Zen—BiographyZen-Biography.. I.I. Steger,Steger, ManfredManfred.. II.II. Title.Title. BQ9298.B4BQ9298. B477 19911991 294.3'927'0922—dc2294.3'927'0922-dc200 90-5337790-53377 [B][B] CIPCIP ContentsContents AcknowledgmentAcknowledgmentss ixix IntroductionIntroduction II i.1. P'angP'ang Yun:Yun: TheThe FamilyFamily ManMan ofof Zen 9 2. Rinzai:Rinzai: TheThe SpiritualSpiritual StormStorm 23 3. Bassui:Bassui: TheThe LoverLover ofof SoundsSounds 4345 4. Ikkyu:Ikkyu: TheThe Emperor Emperor of of Renegades Renegades 61 5.3. Bankei:Bankei: TheThe PopularPopular PreacherPreacher 8385 6. Hakuin:Hakuin: TheThe OldOld Heretic Heretic underunder thethe SalaSala TreeTree loglog 7.7. NyogenNyogen Senzaki: TheThe HomelessHomeless MushroomMushroom 137 8. Soen:Soen: TheThe lhlasterMaster ofof PlayPlay 139159 Epilogue: Crazy CloudCloud ZenZen forfor thethe West West 177177 NoteNotess onon SourcesSources 11858 5 GlossaryGlossary 189189 BibliographyBibliography 195195 AboutAbout thethe AuthorsAuthors 199199 CreditsCredits 201201 i a-<§^Hr AcknowledgmentAcknowledgmentss ThankThankss araree duduee toto RobertRobert andand AnneAnne AitkenAitken forfor providingproviding personapersonall recollectionrecollectionss ooff NakagawNakagawaa SoeSeenn anandd NyogeNyogenn Senzaki,Senzaki, aass wellwell aass booksbooks andand otherother materialsmaterials relatingrelating ttoo theirtheir ZenZen experiencexperiencee iinn JapaJapann anandd ththee UniteUnitedd States.States. WeWe araree indebteindebtedd toto ththee scholarsscholars,, translatorstranslators,, andand historianshistorians listelistedd iinn ouourr bibliogra-bibliogra• phy,phy, whosewhose dedicateddedicated workwork withwith originaloriginal sourcessources mademade thisthis boohookk possible.possible. ProfessoProfessorr DaviDavidd ChappelChappelll ooff ththee ReligionReligion De-De• partmentpartment ofof thethe UniversityUniversity ofof HawaiiHawaii waswas mostmost helpfulhelpful inin renderinrenderingg scholarlscholarlyy assistancassistancee o onn ththee topitopicc ooff ZeZenn Buddhism,Buddhism, particularlyparticularly regardinregardingg ththee chaptechapterr oonn Hakuin,Hakuin, andand ProfessorProfessor StevStevee Canha Canharnm ooff ththee EnglisEnglishh DepartmenDepartmentt ooff ththee UniversitUniversityy ofof HawaiiHawaii iiss ttoo bhee thankethankedd foforr providinprovidingg aa foruforumm oonn IkkyuIkkyu.. Dr.Dr. CraigCraig Twentyman,Twentyman, colleaguecolleague anandd dharmdharmaa friendfriend,, maintainedmaintained a steadysteady andand livelylively ZenZen dialoguedialogue thatthat continuescontinues still;still; andand WillWill StapleStaple ooff RinRingg ooff BonBonee ZendoZendo showedshowed usus hishis ownown uniqueunique formform ooff CrazyCrazy CloudCloud Zen.Zen. Shambhala'sShambhala's staff,staff, particularlyparticularly peterPeter TurneTurnerr anandd JonathaJonathann GreenGreen,, werweree botbothh editoriallyeditorially anandd spiritu-spiritu• allallyy responsivresponsivee ttoo thethe dharmicdharmic aspectsaspects ofof ourour work;work; specialspecial thankthankss ttoo them.them. ToTo RobertRobert AitkenAitken RoshiRoshi wwee gasshogassho iinn gratitudegratitude forfor hishis guidancguidancee iinn ouourr ZenZen practicepractice withwith thethe DiamondDiamond SanghaSangha inin HonoluluHonolulu.. Finally,Finally, ttoo ththee CrazyCrazy CloudsClouds iinn thisthis hook,book, andand toto CrazyCrazy CloudCloudss everywhere,everywhere, wewe extendextend ourour hand.hand. TheThe aimaim ofof life,life, ititss onlyonly aim,aim, isis toto bebe free.free. FreeFree ofof what?what? FreeFree toto dodo what?what? OnlyOnly toto bebe free,free, thatthat isis all.all. FreeFree throughthrough ourselves,ourselves, treefree ttoo bebe sad,sad, toto bebe inin pain;pain; freefree ttoo growgrow oldold andand die.die. ThatThat isis whatwhat ourour soulsoul desires,desires, andand thisthis freedomfreedom itit mustmust have;have; andand shallshall have.have. -R.—R . H.H . BlythBlyth IntroductionIntroduction TheThe ZenZen storystory beginsbegins inin IndiaIndia fivefive centuriecenturiess beforbeforee ChrisChristt withwith thethe BuddhaBuddha meditatingmeditating undeunderr ththee bodhibodhi treetree andand comingcoming outout ofof meditationmeditation toto seesee thethe morningmorning star.star. RealizingRealizing thatthat hishis self-self- naturenature anandd thatthat ofof allall beingsbeings waswas oneone andand thethe same,same, and,and, moreover,moreover, thatthat itit waswas completelycompletely empty,empty, BuddhaBuddha becamebecame aa wanderingwandering teacher.teacher. ForFor fortyforty years,years, hehe proclaimedproclaimed hishis message:message: allall thingsthings areare transient,transient, allall thingsthings areare interdependent,interdependent, andand allall thingsthings araree emptyempty.. NothingNothing abides,abides, notnot eveneven aann I.I. ThereThere isis nono GodGod oror UltimateUltimate TruthTruth behindbehind phenomena;phenomena; everythingevery thing justjust is.is. DespiteDespite ththee Buddha'sBuddha's warnings,warnings, hishis insistenceinsistence oonn ththee indi-indi• viduaviduall experiencexperiencee ooff thesthesee truthtruthss byby meansmeans ofof meditation,meditation, andand despitedespite hihiss advocacadvocacyy ooff a "middle"middle way"way" thatthat shunnedshunned asceti-asceti• cismcism aass mucmuchh asas itit diddid hedonism,hedonism, Buddha'sBuddha's practicepractice becamebecame aa widelwidelyy doctrinadoctrinall systemsystem,, caughtcaught upup inin ritualsrituals andand scholasti-scholasti• cismcism.. AfterAfter hishis death,death, hishis disciplesdisciples splisplitt uupp intointo sects,sects, manymany advocatinadvocatingg ththee ververyy meanmeanss anandd endendss againsagainstt whicwhichh theitheirr teacherteacher hahadd warned.warned. InIn thethe firstfirst centurycentury ofof thethe commoncommon era,era, inin anan attemptattempt toto recapturrecapturee ththee middlemiddle way,way, BuddhistBuddhist philosopherphilosopher NagarjunaNagarjuna documentedocumentedd thethe Buddha'sBuddha's discoveries.discoveries. NagarjunaNagarjuna arguedargued thatthat ththee mindmind nevernever attainsattains realreal substance,substance, eitheeitherr iinn itselitselff oorr inin outsidoutsidee objectsobjects,, anandd hehe attemptedattempted toto deliverdeliver BuddhistsBuddhists fromfrom dualistidualisticc notionnotionss ofof soulsoul oror divinedivine selfself whilewhile negatingnegating idealistsidealists beingsbeings ttoo intercedeintercede foforr themthem andand createcreate aa miracle.miracle. ToTo countercounter ooff thethe "mind-only""mind-only" school.school. BasingBasing hishis claimclaim oonn thethe directdirect this,this, ZenZen mastersmasters hadhad toto resortresort toto radicalradical means.means. TakeTake Hsuan-Hsuan- experiencexperiencee ooff realization,realization, NagarjunNagarjunaa depictedepictedd ththee worldworld andand chien,chien, a ninth-centurninth-centuryy ChineseChinese ZeZenn teacherteacher whwhoo lecturelecturedd fromfrom ththee selfself aass "empty,"empty,"" oror "such"such asas itit is,"is," freefree ofof allall metaphysicalmetaphysical thethe pulpit:pulpit: speculationspeculation,, oror willwill andand representation.representation. TheThe WestWest hashas translatedtranslated this as nihilism. Buddhists call it deliverance. In the dissolution this as nihilism. Buddhists call it deliverance. In the dissolution ThereThere areare neitherneither BuddhasBuddhas nornor Patriarchs;Patriarchs; BodhidharmaBodhidharma
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