BOWMANVILLE Municipality of Clarington TWO COMMERCIAL LOTS ON 401 EAST FOR SALE OFFICE BUILDING-1 ( proposed) 45 Spicer Sq., Bowmanville Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham., Ontario. FOR SALE TWO COMMERCIAL LOTS ON 401 BOWMANVILLE. Municipality of Clarington. LOCATION: 45 Spicer Square & 5 Spicer Square - South of Baseline Road and West of Waverly Road / HWY 401 Interchange LEGAL Block 2 & Block 9 - Plan 40M2171 Town of Clarington, Region of DESCRIPTION: Durham. LOT SIZE & Block 2 - 0.95 Acres ; ( West Lot) OFFER PRICE: OFFER PRICE: $ 700.000 Block 9 - 1.139Acres. ( East Lot) - OFFER PRICE: $ 750.000 DIMENTIONS: Block 2 - 182 .61 Ft. x 229.29 Ft. Block 9 - 166.20 Ft x 270.30 Ft. ZONING: C 5-16 Clarington By-Law 2009-19. Permitting wide range of commercial uses, including office building, retail sales& service, motor vehicle sales, restaurants, building supply outlet. SERVICES: Full Municipal services available. COMMENTS: Full set of Architectural drawings (preliminary) for 2 storey* office building of 20,000 Sq. Ft, (with U/G parking) available to Purchaser. * City has agreed, in principle, for a 3 storey office Building and a Restaurant, with surface Parking. Direct access to Highway 401, Great office building or retail site. Just 50 Min. drive, from GTA - 401 East. SITE FEATURES & Proximity to Ontario Power Generation (OPG) / Darlington OPPORTUNITIES Nuclear Plant ( 2500 + Employees) in Clarington**: Nuclear Plant Refurbishment: 4 year project, in progress. (2013- 2017) OPG Darlington- B Nuclear New Build (2013-2020) OPG Darlington- A Refurbishment Nuclear Reactors -(2015-2022) Nuclear Supply Chain - over 10 Companies expressed interest in establishing operations in Bowmansville (2013-2020) 67% - Interested in Commercial / Office space. (Source**: Clarington Board of Trade & office of Economic Development) VENDOR/ CONTACT OFFICE BUILDING-2 (Proposed) Spicer Sq., Bowmanville Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham., Ontario. M•Ft • I*. exp Services Inc. PROJ. MO.: BRM-00203478-AO SCALE: AS SHOW^4 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH 2009 1595 CLARK BOULEVARD BRAMPTON, ONTARIO BLOCKS 2 &9, TWO VACANT LOTS DATE: '4 . : MBi R', 11 DRAWN BY: KM "exp L6T 4V1 SPICER SQUARE Tel: (805) 793-9801 D3 Fax: (905) 793-0641 FILE: Sile Plan-Spicer Square.dwg CHECKED: DC BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO BASELINf STTL— ; .1 •'-- s&. ^"Igria £W nr^B*5s«^vr,s --, . .juk I,.'.,„•,*.-"y>• ••"..fl <••".?-. -• jf.,;w' -y* M;.^ Holiday Inn Express Saturn Dealership (Proposed) ::,.,^;:^..,g|ii Toyota Dealershi. .p -.:**»f.«.. M'~^^T|^^^-;- ;:;'^rgkg^; ;" fif' ^%&§> *^A.'Z(^ \n Centre <<|n (Proposed) Dealership (Proposed) W^&.-^$$&V , ^.•,-~.i*t •JM.:J ' • .«B£- v ."V-;*&•', -..'. __^_^^-^..;. :,^ , ' *...>•»•" ,.< '".,.•:• ,^-S55« AND ZBA 2008-0026 40M2171 PLAN 40M- 2'71 x—-i-U* M, H-lt. Ml «. *!..*I.pv Ml .. *u^l!l - TKVH-j^iz^r.-^^r-y^-;^----^^^-•-- ^ ~ PLAN OF SUBDIVISION OF PART OF LOT U BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP Of OARUNCTOiO FOftUERLY TOWN OF BOWMANVH.U) MUWOPAUtt OF CLARNOTON REGIONAL MUMtClPAUTV OF DURHAM 3CAIE 1-ttWO Atiacnmeru i To Report PSD-001-09 809 This is Schedule "A" to By-law 2008- passedthis_ day of _, 2008 A.D. Zoning Change From "C5" To "C5-16" Jim Afcernsthy. Mayor Petti L Borne, Municipal Clerk Bowmanville ZBA 2008-0025/0026 813 BUILDING A SITE STATISTICS BUILDING fl SITE STATISTICS 1. SITE AREA 3S77.SS «j». (0.3881»| 1. SITE AREA 4506.05 sq.m. (0.451 ha) 2. BUILDING COVERAGE 909.76 iqm. (23 46\ 2. BUILDING COVERAGE 909.78 sq.m. (20.19%) PAVEN COVERAGE 1775.49Bfl.nl. (45.78%) PAVEN COVERAGE 2232.06 n.m. (49.S2X) LANDSCAPE COVERAGE 1192.33tq.m.{30.74%) LANDSCAPE COVERAGE 13065.13 Jfl.m. (30.28%) 3. TOTAL BUILDING AREA 1880.76 uq.m. II20029 05 sq.tl 3. TOTAL BUILDING AREA 1860.76 sqm II 20029.05 sq.t 4. BUILDING AREA RATIO 0,48 4. BUILDING AREA RATIO 0.41 PARKING SPACE REQUIRED PAKKING SPACE REWIRED PROFESSIONAL OFFCE REQUIRED 1 SPACE PER 30 Sfl.m. OF G F A PROFESSIONAL OFFCE REQUIRED 1 SPACE PER 30 s<] m OF G.FA EATING ESTABLISHMENT REQUIRED 1 SPACE PER 7 sq m. OF TOTAL FLOOR AREA ' EATING ESTABLISHMENT REQUIRED 1 SPACE PER 7 iq m. OF TOTAL FLOOR AREA RETAIL COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT 1 SPACE PER 30 sq m. OF G.FA RETAIL COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT 1 SPACE PER 30 6q m. OF G.FA NUMBER OF PARKWG SPACES REQUIRED FOR RESTAURANT 177 85 sq m. 17 K] m. '26 SPACES NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REOUWED FOR RESTAURANT 177 85 sq.m. 17 sq m = 26 SPACES NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED FOR RETAIL COMMERCIAL 549.47 aj m. / 30 sq.m.» 18 SPACES NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED FOR RtTAl COMMERCIAL 549 47 sq.m. / 30 iq.m. - 18 SPACES NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED FOR PROFESSIONAL OFFICE 818.33 ill m. 130 Mm. • 21 SPACES NUMBER Of PARKING SPACES REQUIRED FOR PROFESSIONAL OFFICE «16 33 tq ro 130 sq.m = jtSPACES TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQURED 72 SPACES TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 72 SPACES TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED 72 SPACES TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED 78 SPACES ON STREET REGULAR SPACES (2.75m < 5.7m) PROVOED 47 SPACES ON STREET REGULAR SPACES (2.75m x 5.7m) PROVIDED 52 SPACES ON STREET DISABLED PERSON PARKING SPACES (3.4m X 5.7m) FflOVIOEO 3 SPACES ON STREET DISABLED PERSON PARKING SPACES (3.4m X 5 7m) PROVIDED 4 SPACES UNDERGROUND REGULAR SPACES (2.75m X 5.7m) PROVOED 22 SPACES UNDERGROUND REGULAR SPACES (2./5m X 5.7m) PROVIDED 22 SPACES IPS REGALCRAFT HOMES - 20853 I III COMMERCE. BUILDING, i^OW^^ANVIlLE, ON _ ISON ASSOCIATTEE S INC. 40 VoQrt Rd. 9uM« S2. R^rnTKlnd HlK, ON L4n 3NO • T 905737 S133 II *\f\D 7374 • T BOS 737 7338 ' HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, Land Use Map A3 Zoning The subject properties are zoned Commercial Exception (C5-19) according to Zoning By-law #84- 63 for the Municipality of Clarington, as amended. Those lands zoned C5-16 may, in addition to the uses listed below from Section 19.1 b. i) to xvii) and xix), be used subject to the following regulations: a. Residential Uses Prohibited b. Non-Residential Uses Offices c. Regulations for Non-Residential Uses i) Front Yard: minimum 3 metres, maximum 6 metres ii) Exterior Side Yard: minimum 6 metres, maximum 10 metres iii) One loading space of 7.5 metres x 3.0 metres will be provided for a building floor area not exceeding 1,860 m2 iv) No drive-through is permitted for an eating establishment Additional uses permitted from Section 19.1 b. • A retail sales and/or service establishment for: An eating establishment; - furniture, An eating establishment, take-out; - major appliances, An eating establishment, drive-in; - office furniture, A tavern; - motor vehicle equipment and accessories; Places of worship; • A building supply outlet; A place of entertainment; • A beer, liquor or wine outlet; A hotel, motel or motor hotel; • A garden or nursery sales and supply A private club; establishment; A veterinarian clinic; • A fruit and vegetable outlet; A motor vehicle sales establishment: • A retail sales and/or service establishment, with A catalogue sales outlet; outdoor display areas for recreational vehicles, Existing motor vehicle service stations equipment and accessories, motor vehicles, and motor vehicle fuel bars. equipment and accessories; SECTVQN 19. 19. SPECIAL PURPOSE Q 19.1 PERMITTED USES No person shall within a Special Purpose Commercial (C4) Zone use any land or erect, alter or use any building or structure except as specified hereunder. a. Residential Uses i) a dwelling unit located within a portion of a non-rBsidsn1,lal building permitted within the Special Purpose Commercial (C4) Zone; ii) a single detached dwelling that is accessory to a permitted non-residentla! use, b. Npn-Residentfel Uses i) a retail sales and/or service establishment for: 4 furniture. 1 major appliances, office furniture, motor vehicle equipment and accessories; ii) a building supply outlet Vii) a laser, liquor or wine outlst; iv) a garden or nursery sales and supply establishment; v) a fruit and vegetable outlet; vl) a catalogue sales outlet; vii) a motor vehicle smtas establishment; vi'ii) a retail sales and/or servio© establishment, with outdoor •display areas for recreational vehicles, equipment and accessories, motor vehicles, equipment and accessories; fa) an eating establishment; x) ;an eating establishment, take-out xi) an eating establishment, drive-in; xii) a tavern; xiii) places of worship; 19.3 REGULATIONS FOR NQN-RESiDENTlAL USES Conf d 1 AmendeB/L 87-2d1 by h. Landscaped Area (minimum) 10 percent AddeB/LS7-1d by9 I. Building Height (maximum) 1uises0 metre, savse fo anr dal excepl permittet thadt a hotel shall not exceed a maximum height of 25 metres, i- sss • • Egn ss All uses shali b© developed with common points of ingress and egress, to be developed In conjunction with adjacent properties . and having a minimum separation distance of 75 metres from centre line to centre line, where fronting upon a Type B Arterial Road and 1BO matres where fronting upon a Type A Arterial Road. Notwithstanding this provision, subject to the consideration and approval of th® Counrf? having jurisdiction, temporary direct assess to an arterial road may fee permitted until a permanent access via a common point of ingress and egress is svailabla. H) The distance between an intersection of streetlines and the nearest point of Ingress and egress for a use, shall be 50 mstreSj except for temporary points of access as may be approved by Council, AmendeB/L 85°3d6 by k. Existing Motor Vehicle Service Stations and Fuel Bars 'the expansion or enlargement of existing motor vehicle service stations and/or motor vehicle fuel bars.shaVi be subject to the provisions of Section 21,3, Subsections (h), (I) and (j), J.
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