Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville The eC darville Herald The eC darville Herald 10-22-1948 The edC arville Herald, October 22, 1948 Cedarville University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald Part of the Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eC darville Herald, October 22, 1948" (1948). The Cedarville Herald. 2354. https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald/2354 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eC darville Herald by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CEDARTILLB PER YEAR .. .._____$1.50 OLDEST INSTITUTION PER COP Y ........... .:____5c Published in the Interest of Cedarville and Surrounding Community Cedarville, Ohio, Friday, October 22, 1948 Volunrn mXK Number 46 ‘Fun for You’ to Church Services Tech Wins Over Additional Winners Pictured in i£§ss s *t 'is; , - w* j£ CHURCH OF GOD ^ V * Ehvood C. Palmer, minister. Jackets in Fray Be Presented •J Vf4* » , i •ft Sunday school, 10. Sirs. Ervin Childrens Photography Contest Cultice, supt. Attendance last Sunday was good, let’s make it Here Saturday By Odd Feilows better this week. A cold, unrelenting rain and de­ Rehearsals are under way for Morning worship, 11. No evening services again this feat teamed up to mar the Cedar­ UN Fun lor You, the local talent show 'i ville college homecoming football being sponsored by I. O. O. F. Sunday. Plan to attend the re­ vival at Xenia. game Saturday afternoon. lodge for the benefit of Commun­ Midweek prayer service Wed­ Taking advantage of breaks, ity nark. nesday evening at 7:45. Mrs. Detroit Tech scored twice in the The cast includes about 100 Bessie Shaw, leader. first quarter and counted once in people wtso are to impersonate the final period to hand the Yel­ famous radio, stage and screen £ UNITED PRESBYTERIAN low Jackets their fourth defeat in stars. It is billed as the Atomic CHURCH five starts* 19-0. Bomb of Amateur entertainments Ralph A. Jamieson, minister. Intercepting two passes within • * A and from all indications promises Sabbath school, 10. Arthur B. Cedarville’s thirty-yard stripe in to be just that. Evans, supt. the first period, Tech dorve to the One of the most laugh provok­ Preaching, 11. Theme, The Jackets’ five, where halfback Bill ing scenes will be an impersona­ iiyjjjlwiifliipr i pjnnpr ir i MssSSaaS Word That Never Comes Back. Alford plunged over both times. tion of the Breakfast in Hollywood Y. P. C. U.( 6:30. Subject, The Each attempt for the extra point broadcast. Church Goes Forward in Ghina. failed and the score at the end of In this scene, our local Tom REUNION OF LIVING HEROES . • According to the old adage it’s supposed to be better to be a live Leader, Mary Louise Stormont. the half was Tech 12, Cedarville, Brenneman not only introduces coward than a dead hero. By the same token it follows that it is even better to be a live hero, which Mid-week prayer service, Wed­ 0. the men, dressed as women to im­ is what these eight men are. They all won the Congressional Medal of Honor, most distinguished Amer­ nesday, 7:30 in the Methodist After both teams failed to church. personate movie stars, but he goes ican war award, during World War H, They lined up like this on the platform in Madison Square Garden score in the third quarter, an­ other break in the final period into the audience, tries on ladies' at the annual Air Force association reunion. Left to right, they are: John Kane, William Shomo, John The Women’s Missionary soci­ hats and awards a prize for the ety will meet Friday (note change gave the visitors from the Motor goofiest one present. Therefore Morgan, J. Zeamer, P, M. Hamilton, W. R. Lawley, Sergeant Vosseler and Maynard Smith. of day) October 29, at 2 in the City another TD. Attempting to the women who plan to attend church. Leader, Mrs. J. M. Auld. kick out of danger, Bob Hildreth’s Pictured above aie, top row: Dutiel, Cedarville. Fun for You are urged to wear Hostesses, Mrs. Donald Engle, punt was blocked on the ten hy Carol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bottom row: Lois, daughter of the silliest millinery creations AT CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Mrs. C. R. Wagner, Mrs. J. E. guard Norbert Grenkowski, who J. II. Hanna, near Cedarville; Mr. and Mrs. Greer McCallister, possible in order to win nylon hose Mitchell. then fell on the ball in the end Cedarville; Hex, son of Mr. and Appeals Court The Caravaners, a religions or­ Hull Named to and other gifts. Following the ganization of Cedarville college Program committee, Mrs. M. L. zone for the score. Mike Herrick Philip, son of Mi*, and Mrs. C, V. Mrs. Harold Strobridge, Cedar­ plan of the original Breakfast in students, presented the program Stormont, Mrs. A. B. Evans, Mrs. kicked the point to make it 19-0.- Edinger, Cedarville; Pamela, ville; Deslie, daughter of Vincent Hollywood show, this scene- will at the regular assembly session J. E. Hastings. Crowned by Mrs: John Check, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Rigio, Cedarville. Hears Four Cases include awarding a wishing ring, Wednesday morning. Marie Fish­ The annual Thank-Offering ser­ 1947 homecoming queen, Miss presenting a corsage to the eldest er, Clayton, acted as chairman, vice of the Women’s Missionary Carrie Cullom, a 19-year-old so­ lady present and giving a gift to with Eleanor Weismiller, Selma, societies will be held Sabbath phomore front Springfield, reigned the person chosen as the Good, Daring Session as pianist. The program included Group for Year morning, October 31, at 11 o’clock. over the festivities Saturday af­ Herald Starts ‘Missing Word’ Good Neighbor of Cedarville. A battery of lawyers presented two trumpet solos by Robert Cole­ “As teachers and preachers, we Guest speaker, Mrs. Roy Dudrow, ternoon. Any resident of this commun­ last Thursday, the appeal of Wil- man, Clifton, The Bells of St. should not only believe in a God, who served in the foreign mission Heading into the home stretch ity is eligible to vote for the Good, berforce university, from a com­ Mary’s and The Lord’s Prayer, hut should practice the best we field of Burma for a number of of the 1948 grid season, the Ce­ Contest; to Run for 13 Weeks Good Neighbor, who should be mon pleas court decision, last scripture readings by Rosemary ’ now in character,' honesty and years. darville college Yellow Jackets April 5, which favored the State Elam, Cedarville, George VViu., are slated to play the three re­ In conjunction with local mer­ sons tied. some man or woman who has done ethics,” Rev. Gaston Foote, pastor FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Gollege at Wilberforce, before Dayton, Joanna Bryant, Gedar- of Grace Methodist church, Day- maining games on their schedule chants, the Herald, next week, See the Rules of Contest print­ outstanding charitable or civic CHURCH work for individuals or the com­ the second district court of ap­ ville, Joan Sipe, Englewood, Paul ton, told his audience at the fall away from home. Facing possibly will start an interesting and en­ ed herewith—and plan now to win Paul H. Elliott, minister. munity at large. All letters nom­ peals sitting in the law library of Begley, Hamilton, Viola Thurman, meeting of the Greene, County the toughest ordeal of the season, tertaining advertising contest. that $25 grand prize. 10. Sabbath school; Rankin inating the Good, Good Neighbor the court house in Xenia. Englewood, and a talk hy Begley. Teachers’ association at Beaver­ they take to the road Saturday This contest, which is to run for MacMillan, supt. RULES OF MISSING WORD The Wilberforce case was one The group prayer was offered by creek high school Friday after­ for a contest with Morehead State 13 weeks, will offer two weekly should be addressed to this news­ 11. Morning worship. Sermon, prizes and a series of grand prizes CONTEST paper and mailed by Tuesday, Oc­ of four presented to the appellate Carl Wiseman, Cedarville. Mrs. noon. Teachers’ college of Kentucky. body, headed by Presiding Judge Ruth Devoe, Cedarville, read the Also a guest speaker on the What He Saw. Following this week’s game, totalling §30.00 for the best proof­ (1) Anyone except employes of tober 26. A committee will judge 2:30. Session meeting. reader of an advertising page io the Herald or advertising mer­ the letters received and the Good, William G. Wiseman, of Dayton, story of the hymn, In the Garden, program was Edward L. Iloon, Cedarville clashes with nearby and including Judges Roscoe G. followed by a vocal solo of the Golumbus, assistant secretary of The Westminster class will Wilmington Oct. 30, then invades start in next week’s issue. chants or their immediate famil­ Good Nenighbor will be notified meet Tuesday evening, Oct. 26, at ies may enter. Hornbeck, of London, and Fred G. number by Kenneth Dailey, Un­ the Ohio Educational association, Indiana to tangle with Rose Poly The weekly prizes will be paid so they may be presented to the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson in merchandise by two local mei- (2) Contestants must send or audience the night o f the show. Miller, of.Columbus. The court ion. The program was conclud­ in charge of field service. Tech at Terre Haute on Nov. 6.
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