S2318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 7, 2020 There being no objection, the com- tential threat, Chen Qiushi docu- of truth and transparency. In January mittee was discharged and the Senate mented the impacts of the COVID–19 2020, the International Consortium of proceeded to consider the nomination. outbreak in Wuhan, China, in dozens of Investigative Journalists revealed how Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I videos online. On February 6, 2020, Isabel dos Santos amassed one of Afri- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Chen’s family and friends lost contact ca’s largest fortunes in Angola, one of ate vote on the nomination with no in- with him, and he is presumed to have the world’s poorest countries, through tervening action or debate; that if con- been disappeared by the CCP. embezzlement and corruption using a firmed, the motion to reconsider be In Niger, journalist Kaka Touda network of companies and subsidiaries. considered made and laid upon the Mamne Goni reported on a suspected In May 2019, Caixin journalists re- table, and the President be imme- COVID–19 case, was arrested by police ported on business and government ac- diately notified of the Senate’s action. on March 5, 2020, and faces up to 3 tions that resulted in the 2019 Jiangsu The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without years in prison on charges of ‘‘dissemi- Tianjiayi Chemical Plant explosion in objection, it is so ordered. nation of data likely to disturb the China that killed 78 people and injured The question is, Will the Senate ad- public order.’’ over 600. Journalists have also contin- vise and consent to the Giroir nomina- In Venezuela, a group of masked po- ued to report on the situation of tion? lice agents detained freelance jour- Uyghurs and other minorities held in The nomination was confirmed. nalist Darvinson Rojas on March 21, detention centers in China’s Xinjiang f 2020, and interrogated Rojas about his region, including new revelations from reporting on COVID–19 cases in the hundreds of pages of leaked CCP docu- LEGISLATIVE SESSION state of Miranda. Rojas remains in de- ments published by the New York tention. Times in November 2019. While the COVID–19 pandemic has I join the international community MORNING BUSINESS spurred new restrictions and harass- in honoring and defending the brave Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ment, these stories of abuse and resil- journalists seeking to report on the ask unanimous consent that the Sen- ience are nothing new in the field of truth and tell the stories that deserve ate proceed to legislative session for a journalism. Since 1992, the Committee to be told. Over 200 years ago, our period of morning business, with Sen- to Project Journalists has reported Founding Fathers had the foresight to ators permitted to speak therein for up 1,369 journalists killed around the recognize the importance of a free to 10 minutes each. world, including at least 25 killed in press to a democracy, enshrining it in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 2019. Last year also represented the our First Amendment. Today, that im- objection, it is so ordered. 14th year in a row that Freedom House portance cannot be overstated. Recog- f has noted a global decline in press free- nizing that societies where informed citizens can hold their governments ac- WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY dom. As of April 20, 2020, at least 299 journalists were imprisoned for their countable are more stable, secure, and Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, free- work worldwide. prosperous, we have a responsibility to dom of the press is a fundamental Of course, the global decline in press stand up for the fundamental rights of human right, a foundational pillar of freedom and access is not limited to freedom of expression and a free press. democracy, and an indispensable check foreign lands. In the United States, the This week, I introduced a resolution on authoritarian overreach. Over the COVID–19 pandemic has accelerated commemorating World Press Freedom past months, as we have collectively the struggle of local news organiza- Day. The resolution highlights increas- come to appreciate a new under- tions to stay afloat. The shuttering of ing threats to freedoms of the press standing of ‘‘essential workers,’’ we local print publications has left rural and expression worldwide, especially have witnessed once again how essen- populations and marginalized commu- amid the COVID–19 pandemic, reaf- tial the work journalists do is to main- nities without critical sources of infor- firms the centrality of a free and inde- taining our democracy. From Wuhan, mation and has chipped away at the pendent press to the health of democ- China, to conflict zones in Venezuela, foundation of the U.S. free press. racy, and reiterates freedom of the to cities and towns in the United From the White House, President press as a priority of the United States States, journalists are risking their Trump continues to target journalists in promoting democracy, human lives to report, investigate, and keep and the media, referring to journalism rights, and good governance. On this people informed on the COVID–19 pan- as ‘‘an evil propaganda machine’’ and World Press Freedom Day, I call on the demic. Unfortunately, responses to this the free press as the ‘‘enemy of the peo- Trump administration and our world global crisis have also reminds us that ple.’’ Most recently and severely, amid leaders to recommit to advancing press press freedom is under assault across the COVID–19 pandemic, the Trump ad- freedom, protecting journalists, and the globe, including in the United ministration restricted most on-the- embracing the important role they States. Fearful of negative coverage of record access to administration offi- play in a healthy and secure society. their capacity to protect their citizens cials and reportedly instructed all offi- Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, today I and address a global health crisis, cials, including scientific and medical rise to commemorate World Press autocrats and other governmental fig- experts, to have public statements Freedom Day, which was this past Sun- ures around the world have focused cleared through Vice President PENCE. day, and to celebrate the brave journal- their attention on concealing informa- This episode is unfortunately the lat- ists all over the world who safeguard tion. As journalists fight to advance est in an ongoing saga. Countries the values of truth, democracy, trans- truth and objectivity under dire cir- around the world have followed Presi- parency, and justice through their cumstances, far too many governments dent Trump’s lead in attacking jour- work. Every year, we set aside this day have responded with verbal attacks and nalism as ‘‘fake news.’’ Between Janu- to reaffirm our commitment to the free prison sentences. Today, we applaud ary 2017 and May 2019, at least 26 coun- press. This year, however, is a little bit the work and the courage of all those tries have enacted or introduced laws different. This year, we are in the involved in bringing stories from restricting access and media in the midst of a brutal global public health around the world to our fingertips. name of ‘‘fake news.’’ In attacking the crisis. One of the reasons that the Amidst the backdrop of the COVID–19 media, President Trump not only un- COVID–19 pandemic has wreaked so pandemic, countries across the world dermines the hard-hitting work jour- much havoc—taking hundreds of thou- from Algeria to Zimbabwe have im- nalists in the United States do to hold sands of lives and devastating the econ- posed restrictions and threatened jour- our leaders accountable and keep the omy—is that people with power have nalists for their work. As they do when public informed, but provides foreign propagated misinformation about the credible, reliable, and timely informa- leaders with the permission and vocab- virus. In the words of the World Health tion is an essential commodity, jour- ulary to do the same. Organization, we are witnessing an nalists have persisted. In spite of the unprecedented assault ‘‘info-demic.’’ Now, more than ever, it In China, in an effort to educate his on the free press, journalists continue is vital that the public receives the community and the world about its po- to take significant risks in the pursuit truth, and that means protecting the VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:23 May 08, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G07MY6.036 S07MYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE May 7, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2319 free press. We are relying on the press ican people.’’ As the illustrious jour- since its founding days. Currently to bring us crucial, often life-saving, nalist Edward R. Murrow so famously missing from that honor roll is a me- information about testing sites, shel- noted 66 years ago in responding to morial to reporters and other journal- ter-in-place orders, school closures, then-Senator Joe McCarthy’s vile ists, such as those at the Capital Ga- government aid, and how to keep our- smear tactics and intimidation: zette, who have sacrificed everything selves and our loved ones safe. That is We must not confuse dissent with dis- to protect the free, open, and trans- why many States, Maryland among loyalty. We must remember always that ac- parent society that all people deserve. them, have designated local news out- cusation is not proof and that conviction de- My hope is that Congress will pass the lets as ‘‘essential businesses’’ that are pends upon evidence and due process of law. Fallen Journalists Memorial Act soon. allowed to keep operating despite so- We will not walk in fear, one of another.
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