S6784 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 29, 2006 eradicating radicalism and terrorism from Presidential Campaign; $50, 2004, Wesley ceased 1960; James Loyd—deceased around their country and the region. Clark Presidential Campaign; $50, 2004, How- 1930; Maybelle MacCauley Loyd—deceased By Ms. COLLINS, from the Committee on ard Dean Presidential Campaign. around 1955. Homeland Security and Governmental Af- John Bailey McCallum, son: $50, 2003, How- 6. Brothers and Spouses: None. fairs, with an amendment in the nature of a ard Dean Presidential Campaign; $50, 2003, 7. Sisters and Spouses: None. substitute and an amendment to the title: Howard Dean Presidential Campaign. S. 1554. A bill to establish an intergovern- 4. Parents: Robert D. and Virginia *Leslie V. Rowe, of Washington, to be Am- mental grant program to identify and de- McCallum; deceased parents: $500, 10/01, TN bassador to Papua New Guinea, and to serve velop homeland security information, equip- Republican Party Federal Election Acct.; concurrently and without additional com- ment, capabilities, technologies, and services $1,000, 10/02 TN Republican Party Federal pensation as Ambassador to the Solomon Is- to further the homeland security of the Election Acct.; $500, 9/04, TN Republican lands and Ambassador to the Republic of United States and to address the homeland Party Federal Election Acct.; $500, 10/04, TN Vanuatu. security needs of Federal, State, and local Republican Party Federal Election Acct.; Nomiee: Leslie V. Rowe $500, 9/04, John Thune, U.S. Senate; $1,500, 10/ Post: Papua New Guinea governments. The following is a list of all members of 02, Volunteer Pac; $500, 9/03, Volunteer Pac; By Mr. LUGAR, from the Committee on my immediate family and their spouses. I $500, 5/04, Volunteer Pac; $500, 2/05, Volunteer Foreign Relations, without amendment and have asked each of these persons to inform Pac. with a preamble: me of the pertinent contributions made by S. Con. Res. 105. A concurrent resolution 5. Grandparents: Deceased. 6. Brothers and Spouses: None. them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- commending the Government of Canada for formation contained in this report is com- its renewed commitment to the Global War 7. Sisters and Spouses: Virginia McCallum Syer and John B. Syer, sister and spouse: plete and accurate. on Terror in Afghanistan. Contributions, amount, date, and donee: $250, 5/05, Friends of George Allen; $250, 6/03, f 1. Self, none. Bush-Cheney Campaign; $250, 6/03, Bush-Che- 2. Spouse: none. EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF ney Campaign; $250, 3/04, Bush-Cheney Cam- 3. Children and Spouses: Paul COMMITTEES paign; $250, 8/02, Virgil Goode for Congress; Dieffenbacher, none; Daniele Dieffenbacher, $250, 4/04, Virgil Goode for Congress; $500, 9/ none; Jacqueline Dieffenbacher, none. The following executive reports of 04, Republican National Cmte.; $250, 10/04, 4. Parents: John L. Rowe and Sara Rowe— nominations were submitted: Virgil Goode for Congress. Both Deceased. By Mr. SHELBY for the Committee on Mary McCallum McDonald and Michael 5. Grandparents: John Rowe and Mary E. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. McDonnell, sister and spouse: $1,000, 2004, Rowe—Both deceased; Leon Ventura and *James S. Simpson, of New York, to be Bush-Cheney Campaign; $10,000, 2004, Volun- Pauline Ventura—Both Deceased. Federal Transit Administrator. teer Pac. 6. Brothers and Spouses: N/A. 7. Sisters and Spouses: Nancy V. Rowe, By Ms. SNOWE for the Committee on *Eric M. Bost, of Texas, to be Ambassador none. Small Business and Entrepreneurship. to the Republic of South Africa. Steven C. Preston, of Illinois, to be Admin- Nominee: Eric M. Bost. *W. Stuart Symington IV, of Missouri, to istrator of the Small Business Administra- Post: Ambassador to the Republic of South be Ambassador to the Republic of Djibouti. tion. Africa. Nominee: W. Stuart Symington IV. By Mr. LUGAR for the Committee on For- The following is a list of all members of Post: Djibouti. eign Relations. my immediate family and their spouses. I The following is a list of all members of *John Clint Williamson, of Louisiana, to be have asked each of these persons to inform my immediate family and their spouses. I Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues. me of the pertinent contributions made by have asked each of these persons to inform *Gaddi H. Vasquez, of California, for the them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- me of the pertinent contributions made by rank of Ambassador during his tenure of formation contained in this report is com- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- service as U.S. Representative to the United plete and accurate. formation contained in this report is com- Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture. Contributions, donee, date, and amount: plete and accurate. *Michael E. Ranneberger, of Virginia, to be 1. Self, Bush for President, 7/2000, $500; Contributions, amount, date and donee: 1. Self, $100, 9–26–02, Ike Skelton for Con- Ambassador to the Republic of Kenya. Bush-Cheney 2004, 9/2004, $1000; Rep. National gress. Nominee: Michael E. Ranneberger Comm., 11/2005, $120. Post: Ambassador to the Republic of 2. Spouse: $100, 9–26–02, Ike Skelton. 2. Spouse, Rose Mary Brownridge, none. 3. Children and Spouses: Jane W., and W. Kenya. 3. Children and Spouses, Raynee The following is a list of all members of Stuart, none. Brownridge Verner, none; Kevin Brownridge, 4. Parents: Stuart Symington, Jr. $100, 7– my immediate family and their spouses. I none; Natalie Brownridge-Kemen, none; have asked each of these persons to inform 01–05, Ike Skelton for Congress; $500, 1–05–04, Gordson Kemen (Spouse), none; Courtney M. Gephardt for President; $50, 10–04–04, W. Lacy me of the pertinent contributions made by Bost, none; Lauren Brownridge, none. them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- Clay for Congress; $500, 3–24–03, Gephardt for 4. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N. Bost, President; $100, 9–28–03, Carnahan for Con- formation contained in this report is com- none. plete and accurate. gress. Janey Belle Symington, none. 5. Grandparents, Jim Bost, deceased; 5. Grandparents: W. Stuart Symington, Contributions, amount, date, and donee: Sophornia Bost, deceased; C.W. Mills, De- 1. Self, none. (deceased); Evelyn W. Symington, (deceased); ceased; Janie Mills, Deceased. Sidney M. Studt, (deceased); Jane S. Studt, 2. Spouse: none. 6. Brothers and Spouses, Harold and Shir- 3. Children and Spouses: none. (deceased). ley Bost, none; Edwin M. Bost, none. 6. Brothers and Spouses: Sidney S. Sy- 4. Parents: none. 7. Sisters and Spouses, Fredda and Fred mington, $20, 10–03, John Dean for President; 5. Grandparents: deceased. Peay, none. John S. Symington, $2100, 2005, Klobuchar for 6. Brothers and Spouses: none. Minnesota; $200, 2004, Kerry for President; 7. Sisters and Spouses: none. *Earl Anthony Wayne, of Maryland, to be and spouse Margaret Symington, $2000, 2005, Ambassador to Argentina. Klobuchar for Minnesota; $300, 2004, Kerry *Robert D. McCallum, Jr., of Georgia, to be Nominee: Earl Anthony Wayne for President; $100, 2004, Emily’s list; $100, Ambassador to Australia. Post: Argentina 2003, Emily’s list; $100, 2003, Boxer for Sen- Nominee: Robert D. McCallum, Jr. The following is a list of all members of ate; $100, 2003, Murray for Senate; $200, 2002, Post: Ambassador to Australia. my immediate family and their spouses. I DNC; $100, 2002, Democratic Sen. Comm.; The following is a list of all members of have asked each of these persons to inform $100, 2002, Emily’s list; $100, 2002, Richardson my immediate family and their spouses. I me of the pertinent contributions made by for Congress; $100, 2002, Herseth for Congress; have asked each of these persons to inform them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- $25, 2002, Johnson for Senate. me of the pertinent contributions made by formation contained in this report is com- 7. Sisters and Spouses: Anne W. Syming- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- plete and accurate. ton, (deceased). formation contained in this report is com- Contributions, amount, date, and donee: plete and accurate. 1. Self, none. *Gayleatha Beatrice Brown, of New Jersey, Contributions, amount, date, and donee: 2. Spouse: Pamela J.P. Wayne, $100, 09/19/04, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Benin. 1. Self: $1,000, 3/01, Isakson Campaign; Democratic Nat’l Cmte. Nominee: Gayleatha Beatrice Brown. $4,000, 12/03, Bush-Cheney Campaign. 3. Children and Spouses: Kristen A. Wayne Post: U.S. Embassy Cotonou, Benin. 2. Spouse: Mary Rankin Weems McCallum, (daughter), $25, 01/16/04, Howard Dean; Brian The following is a list of all members of None other than above made from joint ac- Hoss (son-in-law) none; Justin A. Wayne my immediate family and their spouses. I count. (son) none. have asked each of these persons to inform 3. Children and Spouses: R. Davis 4. Parents: Earl Alfred Wayne—deceased me of the pertinent contributions made by McCallum, III, and Sarah Eddy McCallum, 1980; Letha M. Wayne—deceased 1998. them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- son and spouse: $200, 2004, John Kerry Presi- 5. Grandparents: Earl Albert Wayne—de- formation contained in this report is com- dential Campaign; $50, 2004, John Edwards ceased around 1930; Grace Wayne Bone—de- plete and accurate. VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:24 Feb 06, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2006SENATE\S29JN6.REC S29JN6 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY June 29, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6785 Contributions, amount, date, and donee: 3. Children and Spouses: Natalie Coneway 7. Sisters and Spouses: Wendy Sobel Barr 1. Self: none. Page, (now Natalie Coneway), $2,000, 6/17/2003, (Sister of Clifford M.
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