THE CLASSIFICATION AND NOMENCLATURE OF CLAY MINERALS By R. C. MACKENZIE The Macaulay Institute for Soil Research, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen [Received 21st April, 1959] ABSTRACT A report is given of the decisions reached at a meeting on the classifica- tion and nomenclature of clay minerals held under the auspices of Comit~ International pour l'Etude des Argiles at Brussels in July 1958. Tables of recently-proposed classification systems are included and some com- ments made on problems requiring agreement. The increasing interest in the classification and nomenclature of clay minerals over the last decade or so may be attributed largely to the development of investigational methods which enable a much more precise characterization of fine-grained minerals than was previously possible. In addition, however, the absence of any hard-and-fast rules as to new mineral nomenclature has led to a multiplicity of names through "new" minerals being described on the flimsiest of evidence, without regard as to whether they might be considered varieties of an already-established entity or indeed with- out, in many instances, adequate evidence of homogeneity. The resulting confusion is considerable, and the stage has now been reached when international agreement upon the main features of classification and nomenclature ought to be obtained. In an attempt to clarify the position representatives often countries met, under the" auspices of C.I.P.E.A., during the Journ6es Inter- nationales d'Etude des Argiles in Brussels in July, 1958.* Several decisions of interest were made at this meeting. (a) The following definition was adopted, subject to confirmation at the next meeting: Crystalline day minerals are hydrated silicates with layer or chain lattices consisting of sheets of silica tetrahedra arranged in hexagonal form condensed with octahedral layers; they are usually of small particle size. (b) A sound nomenclature is necessarily based on a satisfactory classification scheme. Accepting the above definition, and limiting attention to crystalline silicates a suitable initial division would appear to be (the names in brackets being alternatives): *A list of those attending is given in the Appendix. 52 CLAY MINERAL CLASSIFICATION 53. Crystalline silicates I Chain lattices Layer lattices I I L I 1 ~ I Palygorskite Sepiolite 1 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 2 (Diphormic) (Triphormic) (Tetraphormic). (c) It was agreed that recent classification systems be drawn up in tabular form and that these receive wide publicity so that individual clay mineralogists could compare the systems and express their preference, or suggest an alternative. A meeting of national repre- sentatives who would be aufait with opinion in their own countries would then be held in Copenhagen during the International Geolo- gical Congress in August 1960, when an attempt would be made to reach some agreement. Tables of the various classification schemes have now been drawn up (Tables 1-7) and are reproduced here in order to bring them to the attention of members of the Clay Minerals Group, who are invited to send comments to the author. A classification not tabulated is that of Konta (private com- munication) who has suggested that clay minerals be divided up on the basis of their crystal structure into 7 groups, each group to be named after the most abundant mineral of the group. This gives: 1. Allopane group (including hisingerite), 2. Kaolinite group, 3. Montmorillonite group, 4. Illite group, 5. Vermiculite group, 6. Chlorite group (including septechlorites), 7. Sepiolite and paly- gorskite group. This suffers from the disadvantage noted in (g) below--and, in addition, involves a decision upon the most abundant mineral in each group. In general, all Tables commence in the way recommended in paragraph (c) above, but after this there is considerable diversity. Nevertheless, the differences are sufficiently small to give rise to hope that agreement may soon be reached. The following notes upon features of the Tables may be of interest (they are lettered consecutively after the above paragraphs for ease of reference): (d) It is interesting to note that while shape factors are only considered in one classification (Table 1), swelling propetties are considered in four (Tables 1, 4, 5 and 6). (e) The most logical classification is undoubtedly that in Table 4, but difficulties arise in translation, and it is preferable that mineral names be international. For example, use of ferrtferous beidellite (beidellite ferrifOre) for nontronite is clumsy, 54 R. C. MACKENZIE G r~ I I O o O Q O t~ I I r.~ ;:::1 t7~ m., 6 t~ r..) = O r3 CLAY MINERAL CLASSIFICATION 55 TABLE 2--Tabulation of the classification proposal of Brindley (1955a). Chemical Structural Chemical Structural Category Groups Sub-Groups Species Varieties Halloysite Kaolin Minerals Kaolinite Dickite Nacrite Kaolin type Serpentine Chrysotile(s) Minerals Antigorite Chamosite Amesite Greenalite Cronstedtite, etc. Talc Pyrophyllite Muscovite Layer Sili- Phologopite Silicates cates Mica type Biotite Polymorphic Glauconite varieties ]llite(s) Montmorillonoids Vermiculite, etc, Penninite Clinochlore Chlorite Prochlorite Polymorphic type Daphnite, etc. varieties Mixed-layer Anauxite type Bravaisite, etc. Ch/oritoid Chain Palygorskite Silicates (attapulgite) Sepiolite TABLE 3--Tabulation of the classification proposals of Brown (1955) In view of the difference in emphasis of certain characteristics (e.g., the group name is subsidiary in the 1:1 Family and principal in 2:1 Family) it has been necessary to divide up the scheme into several discrete tables. A. DIPHORMIC FAMILY Population of General Class IF ly octahedral sheet Group Name Minerals L Nacrite Dioctahedral Kandites Dickite Kaolinite Halloysite J Layer Silicates 1:1 Serpentines Antigorite Chrysotile Trioctahedral Amesite Cronstedtite Berthierine B. TRIPHORMIC FAMILY Population of octahedral General Class Family Group Name sheet Minerals Beidellite* Dioctahedral Nontronite* Volkonskoite* Montmorillonite* Smectites Saporlite* Trioctahedral Sauconite* Hectorite Stevensite* Dioctahedral Dioct~hedral vermiculite Vermiculites Trioctahedral Jefferisite Ni-vermiculite Layer Silicates 2:1 Muscovite---~illite Dioctahedral Glauconite Paragonite Micas Phlogopite Trioctahcdral Biotite-. ledikite Lepidomelane Brittle Dioctahedral Margarite Micas Trioctahedral ? Talc Trioctahedral Talc Pyrophyllite Dioctahedral Pyrophyllite Interstratified Minerals *Chemical definitions as in Table 7. If stevensite is interstratified (Brindley, 1955b) it should be omitted--the same comments applies to Tables 4, 5 and 6--but see Faust, Hath- away and Millet (1959). CLAY MINERAL CLASSIFICATION 57 C. CHLORITE FAMILY General Population of octahedral Class Family Group Name sheets Minerals I ? Dioctahedral-Dioctahedral ? tI Leptochlorites Dioctahedral-Trioctahedral Cookeite, etc. Layer -- Silicates ? Unoxidized chlorites I Orthochlorites Trioctahedral-Trioctahedral Oxidized chlorites D. PALYGORSKITEAND SEPIOLITE F~ILY General Class Minerals Palygorskite Chain silicates Sepiolite E. AMORPHOUS* MINERALS Primary Distinction Group Mineral Chemical Formula t Opaline Silica SiO2.nH20 Oxides Limonite Fe2Oz.nH20 Kliachite AI~O3.nH~O Wad MnO2.nH20 Amorphous Silicates Allophane AI,,O3.2SiO2.nH20 Hisingerite Fe203.2SiO2.nH20 Phosphates Evansite A13PO4(OH)~.nH20 Azovskite Fe3PO4(OH) 6.nH~O *Amorphous is defined as "any material not shown by the method of investigation to be crystalline." 58 R. C, MACKENZIE TABLE 4---Tabulation of the classification Population of General. Octahedral Class Fami~ Sheet Replacements Expansion Mineral None Non-swelling Kaolimte I Dioctahedral Sv,elling Halloysite Tetrahedral Donbassite (7) 7A None Non-swelling Antigorite (1:1) Tt-ioctahedral Magnesian Tetrahedral Non-swelling berthierine None Non-swelling Pyrophyllite Layer Octahedral Swelhng Montmorillonite silicates Tetrahedral Swelling Beidellite Dto,:tal'~dtal Tetrahedral and Dioctahedral Octahedral Swelling vermiculite Tetrahedrat Non-swelling lllite toA 12:D None Non-swelling Talc Octahedral Swelling Stevensite Tno,,."t .d~:dxa| Tel rahedral Swelling Sapphire Tetrahedral and Swelling Vet miculite Oetahedral Tetrahedral Non-swelling Ledikite ~4A Tnoctahedral Non-sv,elling Leptochlorite 12:2) Swelling Pseudochlorite Scmk. layer (AlSt between Trioctahedral layersj Non-~welling Chloritoid structure i ~oA Trioctahedral Tetrahedral and Non-swelling Palygorsk ite Chain Octahedral structurcs 12 A Trtoctahcdral Tetrahedral and Non-swelling Sepiolite Oetahcdral CLAY MINERAL CLASSIFICATION 59 proposal of Caill6re and H6nin (1957). Crystallographic and Formula Chemical Varieties and Replaccmr Textural Varieties Triclinic kaolinite Nacrite=monoclinic k., #=90"~ ~ Ai2Si~Os OH i Dickke = monociinJc k., fl = 96"8* Fireclay = pseudomonoclinic k. Mctahalloysite = pseudOhexagonal ~. AI2SizOs(OH)a.H:O All+ '~(Si~Lt:- -xAIx )Os(OH Noumeile-nickelifcrous :t INi lot Mg) Shrvsotile (Fibrous type) Mgz~si.zO~(OH) i Greenalite~ ferrd~:rous a. (Fc for Mg) )rti:toanligorlte =orthohexagonM a. and numerous other types Ferri~2"rous b. IFe:~for AJ, Fc z~ for Mg/ Oxidized fcrriterous b (More Fc 3~, less H § (AI~Mg3-D ISir Zinciferou~ b IZn for Mg) Grovcsite mang,).nifcrous b IMn for Mg) Cro,m;tedhte -fcrrofcrriferous b IFc for Mg,AI) AIzSi,~Oi0(OH)a xM+.(AIz_xMgx)SiiOlo(OH) z Nickeliferous nl (NI t'or Mg) xM+.AIz(Sil.xAIxJOlo(OH) 2 Volkonskoite =chromiferous b tCr for All Nolatrontle = ferrtferous b. I Fr for AI) (x'3y)M +.Ale ~. vlSq-xAIx)Olo(OH) ~ Brammallite =sodium i. (N,t for K) KxAI2(Sit.xAIx)Ql0
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