1 U lllU11 I VV '--'1 ! IU! I Ulv2) in highway accident It was II slid Christmas {or a Pulnam George PIaU oC Woodstock, and Mrs. Annie family this year, (ollowing the death of Appleton of Ingersoll: her parel\ts,in,law, . !\1l!!:Lj~!1.r.ls1).!\e eage! 22, of R. R, I, Mr . a nd Mrs. John Pagel 01 Spri ngfield; her Putnam . She was killed Friday, December brother·in·law Philip Paget of Springlicld, 22 whell/he 1982 Chevy pi ckup truck she was and her sisler·in-law, Mrs, John <Glenda) driving struck a concrete bridge abutment Turner of Ingersoll. on Oxford County Road 10 (Culloden Road), The nev. Harry Brydon officialed the a few kilometers south of Highway 401. Monday, December 2~. 1984 funeral service According to Tillsonburg Opp ConsLable al McBeath Funeral Home. lntarmcnt SI. ilelga Sparks, Mrs. PageL Dnd her passen· John's Anglican Ccmetery, Thamesfnrit. 18, VERMEEREN - AI Victoria ger, Daniel Hobblee, of R.R. I, Salford, ~rar.t:O n(Ton. on Wednes' were (hrown Irom the.truck inla a drainage day January 2, 19B5. Adriana dilch. The truck (lipped onLo its side but (Stevensl Vermeeren In her T 1\)<:::' ~ ~ S,C)L'I_ rcmained on the road. 1\61i'1 ye~r, loved wile 01 Ihe I~II) Garard Vermee,en The accident occurred during a heavy d.- \~ '6""S (1982). of Q,dor() Re{llonal rainstorm, at around 8 p.m., when drilling ~c..."\.)..Q..~ , lI(lfs,lng Home, IngersoH. OeM 'nelMr 01 Mrs' Ben Mayerlnw conditions were poor, said Canst. Sparks. I IUlrll\al, Tillsonburg. MIS. Plel The vehicle WilS souUlbound at the time of .'Jh Ellen. (LUcie). Hona"d: Ule accident. Mrs. Paget WilS driving Mr. Hubert. Ing9r80ll, Mrs. Thymen Beereoool (;orrie). Hobblee to a party. : Holland, Mrs. Merlin van OPP officials suggested that a seatbelt . Bo,,~el pean). Ingersoll. MIS. may have saved the victim's life, or reduced : 8en WeUlnk (elllhy). A R 7 injuries. Tills<)nbUlg. Peler. A A 1 llrownsv~le . Jerly. fI A I Mr. Hobblee was laken to Alexandra ;'jrOIVnsv,lle. MIS Joe Schem' Hospital then Irans{erred to London's t ,1 (Lenlel. Oercheslel . Also Victoria HospiiaL Thursday afternoon he $IOIvlved by Ihlrly·seven was reported to be in good condition. ,,,elldcllil(),en and Iwenly· lou' ~1 : ('al · gr8l1dChlldren . F,lends Mrs. Pagel is survived by her husbana "1011 be rocelved AI Ihe Mark, and her daughter Cassandra Lee. I.~cee,,'h Fune-al Heme. 246 Also survIving arc her parents, Mr. and ~ Io.l/TlOS Slreol SO\llh. IngerSOll u,'lti Salu'd~y J3I\uaJy 5 al Mrs. [kv Appleton o( H.I{. 3, Ingersoll: her 1');45 811\.. Ihen 10 Ihe brolher William DouglDs Appleton of H.n. 3, BIRTHS (."urch 01 (he Sac,ed Hearl lor Ingersoll: her grllildpal'cnls Mr. Bnd Mrs. " '~elnl Moss· QI I 1:00 !I.m .. r/llhe, C . Campnell . <:lIlebrallng. Tempo,e'y en· lembmenl InQ.",soll ,JOHNSTON - At Alexandra ' MaulKlleum. Inlelmenl laler. Hospital on December 19, :o;ecred Hearl Cemetery. : I 'a/ls" prayers Frlo3Y 8 :00 1984, to Mr . lihd Mrs. P.o t , /I.m. 'n liOY of flowe, .. r~rnelTl· Johnston, 152 l<illg· SI. Ens!, ()rances lc IhG l-1elnrded Ingersoll, R di\Ughlcr,Sarah Ch,ld,,,"'s Assocl.lIon or the Ann. ' .. cna,ily 01 you' choice may be a.ranged for 81 Ihe luneral Mme. KITTLE· David and Solvey (nee Bunch) of Ottawa arc ~~~\.'1-\\,) r~ L hAPPY 10 ann<llmce the [lr' rivel of a son, Peter Canslell ~ );.0"1- ~'-..\.) Dallid, 9 lbs. 3 OZS, on December 20. 1984 . Pleased S c..~\...)..a..."'~ '~\ \~ 8, 'S grandparents are Shirley and Carl Bunch, Ingersoll and Eve and Russell KiUle, Cornwall and greal grand, molher Thelma TeHer, Ing· ersoll. DEATHS Ut:AIH~ Mrs. -Don (Joanl Edmiston ~~~~ """ ""V"d""! 01 SI. Thomas; 15 grand. (;:,Ievens erm eeren a"'" OA!LJE : James Bailie 79 children and 19 great grand­ siden! of the Oxford R'esi~ i, . ·J1AR RIS; Russell C. 781\ Thames st. S., In'ger: children. A! Nursln~ Home, Ingersoll. I Harris, 68, I B Boles St.. soli, died December 31, 1984 Mrs . Dodd was prede­ dlcd at Victorill HOSpiLaI Ingersoll, formerly o{ St. ae Alexondra Hospital. cCc1sed by her son Prank, In London on Wednesday: Thomas, died Thursday, He is survived by hiS wifc, 1\)83. January 2, 1985 In ol'r 86th January 10, J985 at his Lhe former Ca lherille The Rev. George Walt year. horne. Lewis: his sons Archie o( officiated. the December 31 . She was predeceased by fAr. Harris Is survived by London. James of London 1984 funeral service /l.I Mc­ her husband, the, late his wife .. thc {ormer La vina and Jack of Victoria, B.C.; Beath Funeral Home. Tern· Gerard Vermceren. Lang; his sons, Garry daughter Belly Bailie o( porary entombment in Mrs. Vermeerel1 Is HI! rris of 1ngersol! and Ingersoll, and granchildrell Ingersoll Mausoleum with survived by her children Larry Harris of rngersoU; James, David, Travis, Ali­ interment later in the Har­ ~rs . Ben (BertlUlJ Meyer: grandchildren . Tammy, son and Susan Bailie. ris Street Cemetery. Ink of Tillsonburg, Mrs. Plet Garry, Brad, .Shane, Chad The Rev. Tom Griffin Mrs . Dodd was born In (Lucie) Van Etten of 1101. Justin end Tricia. along officiated the January 3, Dcreham Township. land. Mrs . Marfin (Jean) with several '. nieces and 1985 funeral service at Mc­ ..J.SAAI;$.E: Joseph Adam Vnn Boekel of Ingersoll nephews. Also surviving is Beath Funeral Home. Inter­ Kaa ke, 43 Princess Park Mrs. Ben (Ca/hy) Wellink o{ his sister, Mrs: Ted (Edna) mcnt Sacred Heart Drive. Ingersoll, died in his n ,R.7 , Tillsonbun~, SOll~ Nunn, of Jngersoll. Cemetery. 83rd year on January 3, Pefer and Jerry o{ R.R. I, The Rev. George Wall Mr . Dailie was born in 1985, at Alexandra Hospital. Brownsvill.c, and her dAUgh. officiated the January t~, Belfast. Ireland. He Is sUJ'lIi ved by his ter, Mrs. Joe (Lenie) 1985 funeral service at Mc­ A Royal Canadian Legion sisters Mrs. E.M. (Harel) Schembri of Dorchester. Beath FUneraJ Home. memorial service was held Brien of Windsor and Mrs. She is also survived by 37 In his honor. under the Ann HIli of Ingersoll, along grandchildren and 24 greal auspices o( Branch 119, wilh a number o{ nieces grandehi ldren. YEI\I(Y j,Corinne Veary, 79, Wednesday. (\ no lIephews. The funeral mass was Il resident of the Oxford In memory o( Mr. Bailie, The Rcv. John JenJ\lngs celebrared by Falher Regional Nursing Home donations may be made Lo oHicinted the January 5, Charles Campbell in Sacred (tied January 3. 1985 at th~ Lhe Oxford County Lung 1965 (ullcr,,1 service at Me· Hearl Roman Catholic home. Association. Bealh Funcral Home. Inler· Church, 011 January 5. 1985. Mrs. Veery was prede· rOD!): Bertha M. Oodd, 84. ment service at Victoria Temporary entombment in ceased by her husband ormerly o{ 92 George SI., Melnorial Gardens, Wind· Ingersoll Mauso!eum with George, In 1975. Ingersoll, die<! at the Valley· sor, Jnnuary 7, 1985. Interment later in Sacred She is survived by her vicw Home (or the Aged, St. Mr. I(aake was born in lleArl Cern etery. dAughter Mrs. Hugh Thom~s, Friday. December Spring Creek, North West Pa llbea rers were Ben (Joyce) Monlgomery of 28. 1984 . Territories. He WlIS a memo . WeUink. Peler Van Boekel Ingersoll; her slslers·in·law She wos predeceased by ' ber of Ihe OnlMio I.odge 521 Paul Ve.rmeeren, Dennl~ Blanche Hancox And her husoanrl, the late Walter AJl' and AM. Windsor, and a Vermceren, Gary Van Dorothy Gulline; her grand· E. Dodd, ill 1975 . member 01 the Royal Cana­ Boekel and John Vermce­ .children Hcother and She is survived by her son dilln Legion, Branch 147, reno Susall Montgomery, :lnd her R.... llph of Tenllessee; daugh. na rrie. He was formerly of Mrs . Vermecren was born . sister and .brolher, Phyllis rers Mrs. Warrell (J~dnl Bnrrie (\nd Windsor. in Mode Drimmelen, Hoi . HAncox and Leonard Han· land. cox. She was the aunl o{ Dorothy Asctl. The Rev. Roger W. MIICIlf:M,.; ,,,,Mildred E. McCornbe o{(iclated the (Warren) Milchell. 77. January 5, 1985 funeral n.R. I, Salford, diet! service at McBeath Funeral Friday, DeeemhC'r 28, 1934 Home. nt Alexandra HC\~pital. She is survived by her husband, Roy D. Mitchell; lind by her d:Hlghters, Mrs. WIHord (M:lrilyn) Waglll'r of R.R.I, Sa]{ord, and Mrs. Ronald melenl Matthews of London. Also surviving ilrc six grandchildren, and her Sisler, Mrs. Roy '( Elhel) BarneU of R.R.I, Salford. Audl'ey Whitney oHicia!­ ed the (unern! service at McOearh Funeral HOlne December 31, 1984. Temp­ orary entombment in Inger. soli Mausoleum with Intet. ment later in the Harris Street Cemetery. Mrs. Mitchell was a mem­ Ix!r of the Salford United Chllrch . 55 Deaths a $l4IlJ:I.-- At Alexandra Hospital, Inoersoll on Tues' d,'y J~nll3ry 29, 1965, Greg Sm ith , age 36. Beloved 1\\.16' band of Greis (V&ldhul&1 Smith of A R 2 InocrGOiI. Desr lather of She,,1 Marie end Tracy Lynne. DeBr brolhe, 01 David . Deihl, Mrs. Maurice Cole (Janel. logor601l. DEATHS Predeceased by his parenls Mr. and Mrs. Oeoros Smilh. Friends WIll be ,ecelved allho McBealh Fuoe,all-1ome, 246 Thames Sleel . Soulh, (ngsr­ IIALL: Allan James Hall, ~oll, on Wedl\96dav Janua,y ~ rngcrsoll, died at 30 (rom 7 . I) p m. Prlvale London's Victoria H'lspital lam~y service on lhurSday January 3 I . Aev. Dan Me/n' 011 SUnday, January Z'I, 19S~.
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