TALKING MARTLESHAM MUSIC ON THE GREEN MARTLESHAM MONTHLY DOUBLES 2009 TOTAL Now that the continued production Celebrating their tenth anniversary MONTHLY of the Talking Monthly is assured, in style, Music on the Green (the please contact the Editors if you, or Martlesham Heath-based village incorporating someone you know, would benefit day/musical extravaganza) raised an incredible £6,000 this year for THE TALKING MARTLESHAM by receiving one of the monthly audio tapes. These are available the EACH Treehouse Appeal. MONTHLY free of charge and are delivered Friday 1st October saw the NOVEMBER 2010 by Royal Mail, normally on the official presentation ceremony of the donation to the extremely wor- Editor: second Saturday of the month. When the recipients have finished thy recipients at EACH. Neal Goldsmith with the tape it can be returned to Taking place on Saturday (01473 221451) Graham Downing post-free merely 10th July 2010 our tenth Music on Advertising: by reversing the address label and the Green (for this was the year of Paul Firman dropping the package in a letter the ‘Three Tenners’) was a resound- 45 Lark Rise (01473 622874) box. ing success. Beautiful weather, fan- Leaflets: Martlesham Monthly Editors tastic music and an incredible at- James Barter (01473 625384) mosphere meant that from start to Collation and assembly: POLICE finish the green was packed with Kay Hall (01473 626169) Community Police Officer music-loving families and friends. PC 651 Richard Wright Sponsored by BBC Radio Distribution: Suffolk, The Douglas Bader, MSC, Rob Webb (01473 625786) In case of emergencies please always call 999. Martlesham Monthly and Barker Talking Martlesham Monthly: In non- emergency situations call the main Gotelee, this year’s 12 hour music Graham Downing switchboard on 01473 613500; marathon featured highlights from (01473 623861) you can also contact PC Wright on the Ipswich Community Gospel the following numbers for non- Choir, The Martells and Charlotte Latest copy date is the 12th of urgent matters: Emily – all the way from Australia! the preceding month. Please Office—01473 334980 This is the second year that e-mail contributions to:- E-mail—[email protected]. Music on the Green has supported [email protected] or police.uk EACH, and this year it was decided deliver your copy to to focus our attention on the dedi- cated Treehouse Appeal – generat- 10 Wellesley Road, Ipswich, IP4 COMMUNITY RESPONDERS Martlesham Community Responders ing donations for the brand new 1PP preferably word children’s Hospice that is being built processed. are a group of 6 volunteers (funded entirely by donations) who are in Ipswich. trained to provide first aid and Attending the presentation In order to standardise the resuscitation skills. We provide a evening was Tony Golding, from publication of telephone first response to most 999 calls EACH, whose grandson was treated numbers, all contributors are received by the East Anglian by the Hospice. He said: “Thank asked to include their STD code Ambulance Trust within Martlesham, you is such a small word but it’s the Martlesham Heath, Waldringfield, only one we’ve got. The money with their telephone number. raised will go towards helping Contributors are also Newbourne and Brightwell, in support of and until the arrival of families like my own come to terms requested to limit their articles to an emergency ambulance. with the realities of caring for a approximately 250 words. This For further details, contact terminally ill child. We are so is being done in an effort to limit Andy Oxborrow 01473 620432 grateful to Music on the Green for the number of pages of text in (e-mail Andy.Oxborrow@suffolk. this donation.” the Martlesham Monthly. sja.org.uk), or see our web pages Stuart Gordon, Chairman of MARTLESHAM MONTHLY on www.martlesham.org.uk Music on the Green, commented: ONLINE “Music on the Green 2010 was a www.martlesham.org.uk MARTLESHAM WEBSITE truly brilliant day, which doubled the £3000 from last year. Our Have you ever missed the deadline for the Martlesham Monthly but still team of committee members and DISCLAIMER volunteers worked tirelessly to en- The views expressed in the want to tell people your news – the website could be the answer – sure it was a success and we are all Martlesham Monthly are those of absolutely delighted with the total the contributors and are not www.martlesham.org.uk of £6,000. Plans are already un- necessarily supported by the derway for 2011! (Saturday 9 th editor. 1 July 2011).” MARTLESHAM PARISH questionnaire. Parish Room, Felixstowe Road, COUNCIL More information about the Martlesham, Woodbridge, IP12 Bloor Homes Planning 2011 Census is available online at 4PB. Application, Martlesham www.census.gov.uk Telephone: 01473 612632 e-mail: clerk@martleshamcouncil. The Parish Council has submitted a The census is also recruiting staff to help ensure a high census re- org.uk strong objection to this application, website: www.martlesham. identifying 14 areas of objection. turn rate. There are part-time and full-time jobs and you would be able suffolk.gov.uk (static pages). For The Council has proposed 7 condi- latest news go to www. to work close to where you live. To tions representing the minimum steps martlesham.org.uk , click on required to mitigate the significant find out more, or to apply for a job, ‘Organisations’, then ‘Martlesham impact on the local community, visit www.censusjobs.co.uk or con- Parish Council’. should the District Council be tact your local jobcentre.” Parish Office (at above address) Preparations for the coming minded to approve the application. opening times: 9 am – 12 noon, winter – snow clearance Mon – Fri, excluding public holi- Nonetheless it has made it clear The Department for Transport is de- days, but please book an appoint- that it remains strongly opposed to veloping guidance for snow clear- ment in advance if possible. the development even if the condi- ing and this will be available on tions are taken on board. More de- Suffolk County Council’s (SCC) web- MARTLESHAM COMMUNITY tail of our objection can be found site soon, www.suffolk.gov.uk . HALL AND RICHARDS ROOM In the meantime the County on our website pages on the Mart- To enquire about booking Council has issued some advice on lesham Portal - www.martlesham. Martlesham Community Hall or the liability: org.uk . Please click on Richards Room please telephone the “Last winter the public were ‘Organisations’ then ‘Martlesham Booking secretary on 01473 concerned that if they helped to clear 623203 who will be available to Parish Council’ to find us. snow they may have been liable for help you with your enquiry or will 2011 Census third party claims. We can confirm telephone you back if not The following information on the Census has that anyone who clears snow from available. been supplied by Keith Welham, Census outside their own or someone else’s Alternatively, e-mail the new 2011 Area Manager for Mid Suf- property would only be liable for an e-mail address folk, South Norfolk, Suffolk Coastal accident if their efforts actually made [email protected] or and Waveney: the pavement less safe than it was write to The Booking Secretary, with the snow and ice undisturbed “The 2011 Census question- Martlesham Community Hall, and as a result somebody is injured.” naire will be coming through your Felixstowe Road, Martlesham, letterbox next spring. Working Party on Saturday 27th Ipswich, IP12 4PB. On 27 March 2011 all residential November Ref. Martlesham Community Hall households in the United Kingdom A working party will meet at the Charity Number 1009602 will be taking part in a census. Since Parish Room, Felixstowe Road, at CHRIS BLUNDELL’S DISTRICT 1801 (apart from in 1941 during 10 am. Volunteers warmly wel- the war) a day has been chosen COUNCILLOR REPORT comed! Tools available. For further every ten years for this purpose. The information, please contact the Leader or Mayor – What is your census provides an excellent source Clerk. view? of information about the population. The Local Government Public In- Forthcoming meetings This enables central and local gov- volvement in Health Act 2007 re- *Parish Council - Wednesday 3rd ernment, health authorities and many quired all councils to reconsider November other organisations to plan housing, their leadership arrangements. Suf- *Recreation & Amenities Commit- education, health and transport ser- folk Coastal District Council now tee - Wednesday 10th November vices for years to come. needs to choose between two alter- *Finance and General Purposes – The census statistics feed into native options for how the council Wednesday 1st December resource allocation for local authori- will be run in the future. A decision No Parish Council meeting in De- ties and play a major part in their must be made by 31st December cember ability to provide local services, so it 2010. All meetings start at 7:30 pm is crucial the population estimate is Option 1 – Leader and Cabinet : in the Parish Room, Felixstowe as accurate as possible. When the Under the new law, the Leader is to Road, and are open to the public, questionnaire envelope comes be elected by the council for a pe- who are welcome to ask questions through the door you’ll easily recog- riod of four years rather than annu- or make comments to the council nise it by the purple 2011 Census ally as at present. Once elected, during the adjournment. logo. Take care of it. If, like many Contacting the Council the leader would be responsible for people, you want to complete the all executive functions and would In writing to the Clerk to the Council, questionnaire online, your individual 2 decide which of these functions internet code is on the front of the should be delegated to other Cabi- net members, local committees or JOHN KELSO’S DISTRICT to grow and gain support in the officers.
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