INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR ; LgOOO PROGRAMMER LloydResearch Ltd. INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR L9OOO PROGRAMMER LAST UPDATE: 28/O4/95 LLOYD RESEARCH LTD. , 7 / 7A BROOK LANE, WARSASH, SOUTHAMPTON, HANTS. Tel: ( 01489 ) 885575/574O4O. Telex: No longer avaj-.]-abIe. Fax: (01489) BB5853. LgOOO PROGRAMMERACCESSORY LIST NOTE: PLxxx/L = 1 socket module PLxxx/2 = 2 socket module Plxxx/3 = 3 socket modul-e PLxxx/4 = 4 socket module SOFTWARE -PC SOFTWARE: provi-des remote control f rom a PC. Includes facility to store master eproms on disc, editj-ng and device selection. COMPRESS: Can Ue used by itseff, speeds up download over the Centronics port, typically 5 times, e.g. the download time for a lM eprom is 10 seconds. CONTRACTUPDATE SERVICE (IN UK): rwo software upaateFissued at six monthly intervals. MODULES PLo54/2 MOpULE: Covers NEC micro 78P054 family in quad flat pack (QFP). PL2OT/4 MODULE: Covers Toshiba mj-cro 47P2O\VP family in DIL package. przaz/a MopuLE: Covers microcontrollers such as 47P242VN in shrink dip package. PL3OO/2 & PL3OO/4 MOpULE: Covers 32/28/24 pin e(e)proms in DIL packages. Accommodates e(e)proms with a lead pitch of O.3" or 0.6". PL3OB/4 MODULE: Covers B pi-n serial eeproms in DIL packages. PL3r2/2 MOpULE: Covers NEC micro 7BP3L2AL family - PLCC package PL3L6/2 MODULE: Covers NEC micro 75P316GF family i-n quad flat pack (QFP). PL32O/4 MOpULE: Covers microcontrollers such as TMS320E. PL32B/2 &. PL32B/4 MOpULE: Covers '28 pin DIL eproms' with Jedec pJ-nout in PLCC packages such as 2764, 27128, 27256, 27512, etc. For 27(C)010 and above eproms, use PL332. PL332/2 &. PL332/4 MOpULE: Covers '32 pin DIL eproms' with Jedec pinout in PLCC packages such as 27COLO, etc. Mk 2 version of module supports sector protect on Amd 29F010 and 29FA4O. Available Jan 95. Software version 2.96 supports sector protect on 29FO4O only. For 27512 and smalfer eproms, use PL32B. MOpULES (CONT. ) PL33O/2 MOpULE: Covers Hitachi micro family HB/6473308F1O in QFP packages PL331/2 MODULE: Cover.s Hi-tachi micro family H8/6473308F10 in PLCC packages PL374/2 MODULE: Cover.s }lltsubishi micro famity M3745LE4 in QFP packages PL4OO/2 &. PLAOO/4 MOpULE: Covers 40 pin eproms in DIL packages such as 27(C)2LO, 27CLO24, etc. PL42OI4 MODULE This module covers 40 and 42 pin mask compatible DIL eproms such as 27C4OO, 27C4OOO and 5742OO. PL432/2 MOpULE: Covers Hitachj- microcontrollers such as 4O74329 in quad flat pack. PL444/2 e. PL444/4 MODULE (Auto eject sockets): Covers 44 pin PLCC eproms such as 27(C)2LO, 27C\O24, etc. PL445/2 MODULE (Clamshell sockets) : Covers 44 pin PLCC eproms such as 27(C)2IO, 27CIO24, etc. PL45O/2 MOpULE: Covers 32 pin LCC eproms such as 27(C)010 and larger devices. PL46O/2 MOpULE: Covers 32 pin LCC eproms such as 27(C)5L2 and smalfer devices. PL49O/2 MOpULE: Covers 48 pin Standard TSOP flash memory such as 29F4OOB/T, etc PL532/2 MOpULE: Covers 84 pin PLCC microcontrollers Hitachi HB/6475328 PL6OO/4 MODULE: eovers Zg pin eproms with multiplexed address/data bus such as 27CLO2B- PL62O/4 s ?_!92]13 MopuLES Covers ST62XX family in DIL (PL62O) and PLCC (PL62I) PL65O MODULE Cove.rs PIC processors in DIL packages. PLTOO/4 MOpULE: Covers microcontroLlers in PLCC packages such as Motorola 6BHC7O5CB/9. PLTOI/4 MOpULE: Covers microcontrollers in DIL packages such as Motorol-a 6BHC70sC8/9 . MODULES (CONT. ) PLTLp/4 MOpULE: Covers microcontrol-lers in PLCC packages such as Motorola MC6BHC711D3. PLTLE/2 MODULE: Covers microcontrollers in PLCC packages such as Motorola 6BHC711E9, 68HC711E20 and 68HC711E32. PL72O/4 MOpULE: Covers microcontroll-ers i-n SOIC package such as Motorola 68HC705P9. PLBOO/4 MODULE: Cor,'er.s Waferscaf e Integration devices such as PSD3O1. PLB47/2 MODULE: Covers Toshiba mj-cro 47PB47VF f amily in quad f l-at pack ( QFP) . pt aza/t &. PLB74/3 MOpULE: Covers microcontrol-lers in DIL packages such as 87ABH, 8749H, etc. yLBJll2 &. PLBT1/4 MopuLE: Covers microcontrol-lers in DIL packages such as 87(C)51, 87 (C)52 , etc. PLB76/4 MOpULE: Covers microcontrol-l-ers in PLCC packages such as 87(C)51, 87 (C)52, etc. PL9OO/4 MOpULE: Covers MIPS 'A' format memory cards. PL950/4 MODULE: Corrers ECSa f ormat memorv cards. PL996 MODULE Covers PUMA eproms in 66 Pin PGAs. LEADS: CENT I connects L90O0 to a Centronics printer CENT PC connects L9O00 to a PC SER AT connects L9OOO to PC AT with 9 pin plug SER XT connects L9OO0 to PC XT with 25 pin plug LgOOO OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1. INTRODUCTION 1. l. General 2. INSTALLATION 2.L. Supply voltage adjustment and fuse replacement 2.2. How to switch on 2.3. The INITIAL state 2.4. Instal-l-ing or changing modules 3. CONTROLS 3.1. Basic operating controls 3.2. Ram controls 3.3. Editing controls and hexadecimal- keypad 4. DETAILED OPERATING PROCEDUREFOR BASIC CONTROLS 4.L. Set device type, set details and byte order for 40 pin eproms 4.2. Program from ram 4.3. Verify with ram 4.4. Set communications parameters for RS232 port 4.5. Bl,ank check and erase fl-ash eproms 4.6. Check master 5. DETAILED OPERATING PROCEDUREFOR RAM CONTROLS 5.1. Program from port 5 .2 . Read MASTER device ( s ) j-nto ram 5.3. Verify with port 5 .4. Downl-oad data to L9000 5.5. High speed downl-oading utility COMPRESS 5.6. Upload data from L9OO0 6. DETAILED OPERATING PROCEDUREFOR EDITING/HEXADECIMAL KEYS 6.1. Edit ram 6.2. Fill ram to predetermined value 6.3. Merge data blocks 6.4. Split data bl-ocks 6.5. Find character string and replace 6.6. Checksum between specified ram addresses 6.7 . Copy bl-ock of data 6.8. Change language 6.9. Print ram contents 6.10. Complement ram between specified ram addresses 6.lf. Special functions 6. 11.0. Display sof tware rel-ease date 6.11.1. DJ-splay model, software revision and ram size 6.IL.2. Hardware ca-l-ibration 6.IL.4. Switch to remote controf ,/return to local 6. 11 . 6. Select Intel-l-igent Identif ier def ault 6.f1.8. Display modules fitted 6.11.10. Set up edit parameters for ram serial number 6.11.11. Print device list 6.11.13. Set EEPROMslave address 6.12. Change user and parameter storage 6. f3. Hexadecimal calculate 6.L4. Keyboard lock and unlock (Keyboard password) (Index continued on next page) LgOOO OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (CONT. ) 7. SET FACILITY 7.L. General 7.2. Which sockets to use 7 .3. Making multiple sets of copies 7.4. Some important points about set programming 7.5. Valid start addresses 7.6. Programming sets of four devices with 2 socket modules B. REMOTECONTROL FACILITY 8.1. Generaf 8.2. Entering remote control 8.3. Disabling the keyboard 8.4. Entering remote control commands 8.5. Error detection and correction 8.6. Return to local operation 8.7 . Reading the display from the control-ler B. B. Sof tware consi-derations 8.9. Hardware considerations 8.10. Remote controf commands 8.11. Incrementing/decrementing serial numbers in ram 9. THE SERIAL RS232C PORT 9.1. General 9 .2. Connecti-on details 9.3. Connection to another computer (DCE interface) 9.4. Connection to a printer (DTE interface) 10. DATA FORMATS 10. 1. General LO.2. Intel 10.3. Motorola 1O.4. Binary formats 10.5. Ascii hex space 10. 6. Tektronix hex IO.7. Extended Tektronix hex 11. PARALLEL OUTPUT (Centronics) PORT 12. SYSTEM MESSAGES 12.L. Error messages 12.2. Warnj-ng messages 12.3. System messages 12.4. Information messages 13. UPDATING SYSTEM SOFTWARE L4. SPECIFICATIONS / FEATURES UNIQUE TO A PARTICULAR MODULE 14.I. Genera1 specif ications I4.2. PL450 module for LCC eproms L4.3. PL490 modul-e for 29FXXX family in TSOP 14.4. PL650 modul-e for Arizona Microchip PICs 14.5. PL7O0 & PLTOI modules for Motorola 6BHC7O5CB/9 14.6. PLB00 modul-e for WSI MAP devices such as PSD301 L4.7. PLB74 & PLB74 Mk2 modufes for B74I/2/B/9 family I4.8. PLB75 & PLBT6 modufes for the 8751 family L4.9. PL71E module for Motoro]a micros such as 6BHC711E9 etc 14.10 . PL62O & PL621 modules for the 3T62 family 14.11. PL71D module for Motorola micros such as 6BHC711D3 etc ( Index continued on next page ) L9OOO OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (CONT. ) 15. APPENDIX 15.1. Password l-evel-s L5.2. Programming parameter 16. APPLICATION NOTES 16.1. Remote control L6.2. Intelligent Identifier 16.3. Programming eprom cards L6.4. Programming lock bits in mj-crocontroll-ers 17. CUSTOMER'SPECIAL' MODULES (if any) 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Genera]- The L90O0 is a versatile Gang and Set Eprom Programmer capable of programming vi-rtually aIl- current single raj-I EPROMs up to 4M bj-ts and beyond as new devices are j-ntroduced. New devices can be catered for by changing the programmer's eprom which takes about five minutes. Updates are produced by LLOYD RESEARCH on a monthly basis and are avail-abl-e from distributors. One or two socket modules can be fitted to cater for different requirements. For example, a PLCC module could be fitted at the same time as a DIL module. There are separate modules for 24/28/32 pin eproms and 40 pin devices. See device list for current devices and modules required. The programmer has been designed for use in R&D, Production and Product support environments.
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