The NCAA Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association February 6,1991, Volume 26 Number 6 Commission’s goal: tighter academic standards Strengthening the NCAA regula- and to submit them to both the academic issues. adopted by the 1991 Convention. He said the Council is in a better tions for initial and continuing ath- Commission and the Council for “Everyone with credentials to ad- The Commission officers and the position to consider detailed sug- letics eligibility will be the primary those groups April meetings. dress this issue should have that Administrative Committee agreed gestions for modification of reform topic for the NCAA Presidents Com- Turner said the Commission will opportunity, especially faculty rem that the Council will handle the proposals because it has representa- mission in 1991, but it won’t be the work closely with the Council in the presentatives:Turner said. He called details of such proposals, which the tion from a broader range of con- only issue on the group’s agenda. academic area and will conduct the academic issues “a cornerstone Commission then will review to stituent groups. Tbe Administrative R. Gerald Turner, chancellor of hearings in May with a representa- of the Commission’s work for this assure that they do not erode the Committee agreed to appoint a the University of Mississippi and tive group of faculty athletics repre- year.” intent of the reform agenda. Council subcommittee to begin new chair of the Presidents Com- sentatives, athletics directors, Other topics “We want to be sure that Iine- work on the review of fine-tuning mission, announced the Commis- women athletics administrators, con- Turner also identified these other tuning does not mean weakening,” suggestions, some of which already sions major topics for the year after ference commissioners and coaches. major agenda items for the Com- Turner said. “I think the Commis- have been submitted from the mem- attending orientation meetings Jan- He also said chief executive officers mission in I99 1: sion’s view will be that there really bership. uary 30-31 at the NCAA national of all member institutions would be l A review of proposals to fine- has to be a strong case made to l Consideration of recommenda- office. The meetings included the surveyed in the near future regarding tune the reform amendments change the reform proposals.” See Commission ‘3, page 2 Commission officers; the NCAA Administrative Committee, and new members of the Commission, the NCAA Council and the NCAA Executive Committee. The Presidents Commission will take the lead in the development of academic+ligibility legislation for the I992 Convention. The 199 1 Con- vention last month in Nashville adopted a resolution directing the NCAA Academic Requirements Committee to develop recommen- dations to strengthen requirements for initial and continuing eligibility New member of Council is appointed Richard A. Johanningmeier, di- rector of athletics at Washburn Uni- versity, has been appointed to fill a Division II vacancy on the NCAA Council. Johanningmeier replaces Jerry M. Hughes, director of athletics at Central Missouri State University. Orientation session Hughes, who served as NCAA Dii vision II vice-president the past two Members of the NCAA Administrative Committee and the athletics, lMs UniversnY; Division II Vice-President Anthony years, resigned from the Council executive commktee of the NCAA Presidents Commission f: CerMia, pm&lent of Shippensburg UniverSny of Pennsy- when he was appointed to a term on the NCAA Executive Committee. part&pat& In an orientation session at the national office vania; Richard D. Schultz NCAA execuiiye director; and The Washburn AD will serve the January 3&31 for new members of the Commission, NCAA NCAA Secretary- Treasurer 6. J. Skelton, dean of admissions final year of Hughes’ Council term Council and Executive Committee. Above, from lett, am and registration, Clemson Universily. and then will be eligible for nomina- Division Ill Vice-President Rocco J. Carzo, director of tion to serve a full, four-year term. Before he was selected as athletics director at the Topeka, Kansas, Spotlight focused on women’s basketball institution, Johanningmeier was an NCAA enforcement representative Coaches and players from some Matre, NCAA assistant director of former NCAA Public Relations in a setting outside of the competi- from 1986 to early 1990. Prior to of the nation’s outstanding women’s communications, at the Associa- and Promotion Committee, was tive arena. that, he was head football coach at collegiate basketball programs will tion’s national office to obtain the initiated in 1983. The Spotlight participate in the ninth annual telephone number. affords members of the media the Following is biographical infor- Southwest Missouri State University mation about this year’s Spotlight for IO years, compiling a 58445 NCAA Spotlight on Women’s Bas- The Spotlight is held annually to opportunity to meet with and inter- ketball press conference Tuesday, promote the sport of women’s bas- view some of the nation’s top women participants. See New. page 2 February 12, at the Grand Hyatt ketball. The event, developed by the basketball players and coaches See Spid~t, page 3 New York in New York City. The participants will be coach Debbie Ryan and Tammi Reiss, New form to include graduation rates University of Virginia; coach Rene Portland and Susan Robinson, Penn- The NCAA’s annual academic- academic data for the first time in Among the requirements of the sylvania State University; coach reporting form has been substan- 1993 as the result of action by the Federal act is a provision that instii Jim Bolla, University of Nevada, tially revised and given a new name NCAA Council at its January meett tutions awarding athletically related Las Vegas, and coach Geno Au as the Association implements its ing in Nashville. financial aid must begin reporting riemma, Kerry Bascom and Laura new graduation-rate-reporting rem Deadline changed student-body and student-athlete Lishness, University of Connecticut. quirements. Originally, with the adoption of graduation rates by July 1, 1993. Members of the media are invited The form, which will be distri- 1990 Convention Proposal No. 24, The act also requires all institutions to interview the coaches and players buted to member institutions in Division II institutions were given receiving Federal assistance, begin beginning at 9:30 a.m. Debbie mid-March, now is known as the until October 1, 1994, to report ning the same date, to compile bien- Byrne, Old Dominion University NCAA Graduation-Rates Disclo- graduation-rate and other academic nially and report annually assistant athletics director for public sure Form. data, but the Council, which has the graduation rates for the student relations and a member of the Beginning this year, the form will authority to adopt or revise admin body as a whole; this requirement NCAA Communications Commit- be distributed not only to Division I istrative bylaws, approved several would apply to Division III as well tee, will moderate a telephonic press institutions, which are required by revisions to Bylaw 30.1 in order to as Divisions I and 11 institutions. conference from IO:30 to I I :30 a.m. NCAA Bylaw 30.1 to complete and make the Association’s graduation- As a result of the new law, the Eastern time. Media interested in return the form by October I, 199 1, rate-reporting requirements consis- Council moved up the initial Divii listening to the press conference but also to Division II institutions, tent with the recently passed Federal sion 11 reporting date to .July I, Richard A. Johanningmeier should contact Cynthia M. Van which will be required to submit Student Right-to-Know Act. See New form, page 3 THE NCAA NEWS/February 6,199l blay-off qualification waiver sought in view of realignments A special NCAA committee will must have held continuous member- recommend to the NCAA Division tinuous membership in the confer to all Division 1conference commis- recommend that a waiver provision ship in that conference for the five I Championships Committee that a cncc for the five preceding academic sioners at the recent NCAA Con- be added to the requirements that preceding years. A conference that conference that previously was elii years, and vention. He said the special determine a conference’s eligibility does not meet that stipulation may gible for automatic qualification c. Complies during the one-year committee will recommend that the for automatic qualification to the not be considered for automatic and that does not meet the contii waiting period and thereafter with Division I Championships Com- Division l Men’s Basketball Cham- qualification for at least five acade- nuity-of-membership requirement the requirements set forth in Bylaw mittee study the concept of deregu- pionship. mic years. per Bylaw may be lating the current automatic- Currently, NCAA Bylaw The special committee, chaired granted a waiver of the continuity- The automatic-qualification ap- qualification criteria. (a) includes a stipulation that at by Atlantic Coast Conference Corn- of-membership requirement follow- plication timetable for the 1992 least six members of a conference missioner Eugene F. Corrigan, will ing a one-year waiting period, pro- championship will be determined Corrigan also said the special vided the conference: by the NCAA Division I Men’s committee will recommend to the Many members have not a. Is composed during the waiting Basketball Committee at its March Special NCAA Advisory Commit- period and thereafter of at least six 8-10 meeting in Kansas City, Mis- tee to Review Recommendations institutions that have been members souri. Regarding Distribution of Revenues met self-studvJ requirement of Division I during the eight preced- Corrigan said the special com- that a conference be defined as one ing academic years; A large number of member instii 6.3) obligation can be fulfilled is by mittee formulated this recommen- that is composed of at least six b.
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