The Forrest ffewt Was Consolidated With The Pla indealer as of December 25, 1947 SEVENTY-SEVENTH YEAR CHATSWORTH, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1950 1.400 Sears Store Hormer Local Men Miss Myrtle Crites Managers Spend Making Good In Monica Monahan Womans Gob Week In Chicago Chicagolknd Dies b Hospital Paul Whittenberger, local man­ Mr. and Mre. Charles Denne- Gerald Kemmer Ends Years Work ager of the Seers store In Chats­ witz, their son and daughter, Wm. worth, spent last week in Chi­ and Iris, and Fled Schroeder mo­ Last Evening cago attending a meeting of exe­ tored to Park Ridge Sunday to Marry Saturday With Program cutives of the Sears organization visit Fritz 8cbroeder and family. which took up the week, Monday Fritz Schroeder, son o f Fred Funeral Services to Saturday. There were over S ix Graduates W ill Schroeder and brother of Mrs. Couple United In Luncheon Follow ed 1.400 managers there from every Dennewitz, is a former Chats­ By Program and WUl Probably Be state in the union except one. Be Named for worth man. He went to the Chi­ Pretty Church Held Saturday There was also one from Mexico Legion Medals cago area several years ago as More Food City and one from South America. a brick and stone mason and ap­ Ceremony The Sears organization has two parently has made good. He has Members of the Woman’s Club Miss Mrytle Crites, 46, of stores in Mexico City and two in To the boy and girl in the built three homes In Park Ridge On Saturday, May 6th, Monica held their final meeting for this Chatsworth died in the Fairbury South America. graduating class of the Chats­ and sold two of them. He told Teresa Monahan, daughter of the Ella Thomdyke and Allan year Wednesday at the home of It taxed the capacity of Chi­ worth high school, the public folks that he had hospital Wednesday evening at the Chatsworth J. D. Monahans and Gerald Pat­ Brown who were married Sunday Mrs. Arthur Netherton. The cago’s largest hotel to accom­ school and St. Patrick’s parochial 6:20 o’clock. just finished the brick work on a rick Kemmer, son of the Wililam April 30th near Saunemin. meeting was preceded by a lunch­ modate the huge party for a ban­ school who is adjudged to most home near {Skokie that cost She was found unconscious on Kemmers of Melvin, Illinois, were —Photo by Fults, Fairbury eon at the Chatsworth Restaurant quet last Thursday evening. nearly measure up to the stand­ landscaping cost 9250,000. The united in marriage at Saints Pe­ New officers elected at the busi­ the floor of her apartment in the Chicago papers state that this ards prescribed, Post 613 of the 932.000 the five-acre site and ter and Paul Catholic church in ness meeting were Miss Helen Wisthuff building Sunday after­ was the largest meeting of the American Legion will be given the Chatsworth. Gold Star Mothers 91.000 an acre. Blaine, corresponding secretary; kind ever held In Chicago. coveted American Legion school Park Ridge the noon. She had attempted to call On the way to The double ring ceremony was Honored At Legion Mrs. P. H. McGreal, treasurer; Mr. Whittenberger drove home award. party stopped in th telephone central office in the Chatswoyth performed at the nuptial mass Mrs. Mabel Haase, press reporter; via Decatur, Indiana to visit, his The contestants are Judged on Downer’s Grove and ate dinner celebrated by Reverend Father Auxiliary Program same building but was unable to Miss Maude Edwards and Mrs. mother who recently suffered an­ five points, as follows: at the “Last Word Restaurant", Richard Raney, pastor. Mark complete the call and a short time Gold Star mothers of Chats­ Ann MathiaS, members of the other stroke and Is not in very Honoi^-strength and stability owned by William Beckman, a and John Monahan, cousins of the later the door of her apartment worth were entertained by the executive committee. good condition. of character, high standards of Chatsworth born man. The rest­ bride, served the nuptial mass. was forced and she was lying on American Legion Auxiliary in the Mrs. T. C. Ford, president, gave - ■ — o conduct; keen sense of what is aurant seats 200 people and they Raphael Monahan ushered. the floor, apparently suffering hall Monday night. Mrs. Charles the annual report. Mrs. Phil FIRE DESTROYS right; adherence to truth, consci­ feed as high as 1,600 for noon-day The couple was attended by from a paralytic stroke which af­ Stevens, Mrs. Clarence Frobish, Hayes acted as secretary for the FARM BUILDINGS ence, devotion to duty, and prac­ meals on Sundays. Mr. Beckman Dolores Reiger, sister of the bride fected her entire left side. She Mrs. Everett Johnson and Mrs. meeting, Mrs. A. B. Koehler re­ NEAR COLFAX • tice of clean speech. and wife manage the place and and John Kemmer, brother of the was rushed to the hospital but John Bouhl were present to re­ ported the recent district conven­ Courage—Bravery in the face employ 44 people. groom. never regalnd consciousness., She Fire starting from a pile of ceive honors. Each was given a tion at which the Chatsworth of opposition and danger; grit to The bride was attired in a gray had been 111 for about two years husks on the Valentine Ritchie carnation corsage by Mrs. Ann Club’s scrap book by Miss Helen stand up for right, and to one's dressmaker suit with white ac­ when she suffered a light stroke farm, five miles southeast of Col­ Matthias who also arranged the Blaine was awarded a red rib­ duty. cessories. She wore a corsage of program for the evening. She but continued in her work most fax Monday forenoon destroyed a bon. Coming Events . pink carnations. of the time since. double corn crib, bam, two small Scholarship—Scholastic atain- presented local high school talent Five students from the school ment; evidence of industry and Mrs. Reiger, matron of honor, Funeral service* will be held at sheds, farm Implements, four who had won firsts in speech and of music at Illinois Wesleyan uni­ application in studies. chose a red suit with white ac­ music contests. Appearing were two o’clock Saturday afternoon In calves and gutted s portion of the versity presented an exceptionally Methodist Men cessories. She wore a corsage of Leadership—Ability to lead and A1 Gerbracht, oration; Dick Ro- fine program of instrumental the Methodist church with burial upstairs of the farm home. The Methodist Men's organiza­ accomplish through group action. white carnations. senboom solo; Norma Church, a music. The musicians were Miss in the Chatsworth cemetery. Destroyed, In addition, to the tion will meet in the church at 7 Service — Kindliness, unselfish­ The bride is a graduate of reading; Joann Franey, solo and Kathryn Bcenfang, violinist. Miss Mary Myrtle, daughter of John crib and livestock, were two trac- p.m., Sunday. Cedric Powell pas- ness, fellowship, protection of the Chatsworth township high school. the sextette, Ronald Wisthuff, Mary Peterson, vocalist, Miss L. and Lucinda Crltee, was bom cotnbine, large tandem disk, ! tor of the Methodist church of Pi­ weak and promotion of the in­ She was employed in Bloomington Sherry Hummel, Norma Lee, Nor­ Alison Sope, violinist, Miss Lois March 28, 1004 on a farm aouth grinder, two or three rubber per City, and secretary of the Il­ terests and welfare of associates until the past year when she at­ ma Church, Bonnie Lange and Augspurger,, pianist, and Miss of Chatsworth. She was one of 6,600 bushels of linois Conference town and coun­ tended and graduated from the Dick Rosenboom. Gloria Castricone, pianist. The eight Children. She was preced­ oats, 100 without hope of personal gain. try work, will fljeak on "Dlsplac ed in death by her parents and 20 tons of In addition girls are judged on Northwestern Beauty Academy in Lunch was served by Mrs. Jackie stduents also sang several popular ed Persons and the Methodist Peoria. Bicket, Mr*. Marge Lawless and two Maters, Mol lie Crites, who and companionship. vocal numbers. church.” t. died in 1028 and Mrs. Vlrnia Aramgements are in charge of The groom graduated from Miss Ann Weller. The tables were The hostesses, Mrs. Netherton, Melvin high school. He served decorated In pink and white with B eagle who died in 1981. was C. L. Ortman, chairman, Frank Mrs. E. E. Keiser, Mrs. Arthur PTA in the armed forces in India and gold stars and a center bouquet Myitis had worked as a tele­ B. Kuntz and J. Gordon Bickett. Walter, Mrs. Mabel Haase and Presentation plans are in the PTA St the high school Tues­ China for three and one-half of spring blossoms. Mrs. T. J. Baldwin served lunch phone spent tor In the local es- The joint meeting of County Le­ tenatlve stage but will propably day, May 16, i t 3 o’clock. Pet years. At present he is a mem­ to the 36 members and guests at ber of the staff at State Police gion and Auxiliary was announced be made at the various cammence- show and installation of officers. the close of the program. Mrs. hcarquarters in Pontiac. for May 18th. Mrs. Ortman ap­ T. C. Ford presided at the tea pointed Ada Bennett and Arlene The wedding breakfast was table. m n r o i f h o s p i t a l b i r t h s served at the Clifford Monahan Rosenboom In charge of the silent Mr. and Mrs.
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