SMC security - page 3 ......--. .r VOL XX, NO. l 7 till" IIH.kpnH.Icnl .,lulknt Ill"" ... p;11wr .,,,:n mg notn dame ;md .,aint man·., nJESDAY, SEPTEMBER I 7, 198~ Senate makes plan to 'sting' students j with ACC concert I By CHRIS BEDNARSKI "There's liable to be a lot of things Senior Staff Reporter that come up that we don't know how to handle. It will be a big bonus The Student Senate approved a to have a professional around," said J resolution last night that could bring Jim Hagan, off-campus senator. rock performer Sting to the Athletic "I think Sting is a bigger draw than and Convocation Center on Novem­ Tina Turner," said Howard. "Let's ber7. sell out and make a profit for a "It's an opportunity to bring a change," he said. major entertainer to campus," said The Turner concert did not sell Lee Broussard, Student Activities out, but instead sold approximately Board manager. 7,000 tickets in her ACC appearance Sting charges an appearance fee of onSept. 1. S40,000 plus 60 percent of the con­ Reminding the senate that the Stu­ cert's profits, said Ron Mileti, the dent Activities Board is not in the i\ Student Activites musical entertain· business of making money, Badin ment commissioner. Hall President Judith Windhorst, ... · \ - I There would be an additional said "We shouldn't have to worry \~ charge of approximately S27,000 in about splitting our profits. production costs, and 1 5 percent of "If we have to split profits with The Obeervn/Paul Pahoresky the gross revenues from the concert someone I will be happy to. If ·we Sunday driver? would go to the ACC, he said. have to split losses ~ith someone I ' sponsored by the Student Activities Board over the "He would be a big name at a will be even more happy to," she Students bad the opportuni~y to show off their weekend. Michael Ross drotre to victory, winning a cheap price," said Hall Presidents' said. drir,ing skills (or lack of them) as part of the 1985 trip to Daytona Beach for the National Finals. Council Chairman Kevin Howard. Senator John Ginty questioned National Collegiate Driving Championships Daniel Bisett finished second in the contest. Rock performer Huey Lewis, for the need for Schwaab. "Why not just example, demands an $80,000 ap­ take the risk and cut her out? You pearance fee, Mileti said. could probably sell the thing out," Sting's agent would like to con­ he said. Sexuality survey results expose firm the date as soon as possible, he Sting sold out his l~t five shoW5 in said. It would be Sting's last ap­ New York, Mileti said. pearance on his current U.S. tour In other senate business, a resolu· attitudes of Saint Mary's women before he returns to Europe, Mileti tion was passed that confirmed the said. senate's desire to put a student on By ELLYN MASTAKO confident of talking about their the students confidentiality, and we the Board of Trustees. Student Staff Reporter bodies. respect the students and their wil­ Tickets for the concert ·would Body President Bill Healy said there A comparison between freshmen lingness to participate in the sur­ cost S14. 50. Although Broussard is a possibility of putting a student Less than half of Saint Mary's stu­ and seniors revealed that the seniors vey," she said. "The statistics are not would like to give Notre Dame stu­ on the board, but added that the dents believe there is a healthy, were generally much less open with our focus." dents a discount, "it's just not proposal was placed before the open attitude towards discussing regard to the issues covered in the The survey consisted of eight feasible," he said. "We can get them board in the early 1970s and had such issues as pregnancy, birth con­ survey than were the freshmen. parts. One section dealt with deci­ good seats though," he added. failed. trol, rape, intercourse, A recurring theme found in the. sion making. The results showed stu­ The senate also decided to give Healy also asked the student body homosexuality and venereal disease, survey, said Feeley, is that students dents are generally happy with their Mileti the power to allow Heidi to give their support to the parents according to a survey given to stu­ feel most at ease around other Saint decisions, but 25 percent did say Schwaab, a promoter not connected of injured Howard Hall freshman dents last year. Mary's students when discussing sometimes others should make their with Notre Dame, to share 50 per­ Kevin Hurley. Healy urged students One-fourth of the students such topics. decisions. cent of the costs involved in promot­ to stop by Memorial Hospital of believe they have been abused by "We are happy that there is that A large majority ofthe students do ing the concert. According to the South Bend and give Hurley their someone who touched them in ways support system present," said not want additional information arrangement, Schwaab would be support. which made them feel uncom­ Feeley. about male or female entited to 50 percent of any profits The senate also voted to install fortable, the survey indicated. Before the end of this semester, homosexuality. They do believe, made. If the concert fails to make Roberts Rules of Order, a guide to The information gathered from the recently-formed Sexuality however, that there is discrimina­ money, however, she would be parliamentary procedure, to govern this survey, which 62 percent of Education Council will have begun tion against homosexuals on both liable for 50 percent of any losses. its meetings. Saint Mary's students responded to, an education program for sexuality, campuses. wiU be used to design educational she said. Regarding the relationships and programs, said Mary Feeley, director The program's purpose will be to attitudes section, a large percentage SMC Board of Governance of Campus Ministry. help each individual better under~ believed they can be in love without The survey also indicated that as stand and appreciate her sexuality, being sexually active, the survey few as 30 percent of Saint Mary's stu­ she said. said. holds confidential nieeting dents believe they have enough in­ To protect students' privacy, ex­ Just under half of those respond­ formation and can ask questions act results of the survey were not ing say they do not know what By KIMBERLY TRENNER "If students have questions about physical problems, physical released, Feeley said. Senior StaffReporter about what was discussed at the concerns and birth control, while "We are not giving specific num­ see SURVEY, page 4 meeting, they can talk to any stu­ less than half of the students feel ber statistics because we promised Hush was the word at the dent government representative closed portion of the Saint Mary's or to Sister Karol)ackowski," said Board of Governance meeting Kollman. Italian grenade explosion injures 40 people last night. Followingjackowski's talk, the The board met with Dean of closed section of the meeting Associated Press The Italian news agency AGI The blast shattered windows in Student Affairs Sister Karol Jack- ended and the regular agenda quoted police as saying the grenades nearby clothing stores. owski, who was present to speak was discussed . ROME · A grenade exploded last were hurled from either a motor­ Pools of blood, coffee cups, sil· about several problems that the An unusually large group of night at an outdoor cafe crowded cvcle or an automobile passing verware and wine bottles covered Saint Mary's athletic department candidates for the Freshmen Ad­ with tourists on the fashionable Via aiong the winding. hilly street that the ground. Patrons knocked over had last spring. visory Council are preparing for Veneto, wounding approximately draws tourists to its shops and cafes. chairs and small round tables in their "The meeting tonight was con­ the coming elections, she said. 40 people, police reported. Approximately 20 people were panic to escape. fidential because of a policy of "There are 3 7 freshmen run­ Officers at the scene said two admitted to Polyclinic Hospital, ac­ "There was a hell of a noise. Any employee privacy," said Anne ning," said Kollman. "It is impor­ grenades were thrown, and ap­ cording to another I tal ian news one who could ran away," said Marie Kollman, student body tant that freshmen vote parently were aimed at a specific agency, ANSA. It said most of the vic­ Domenico Dei Felice, a waiter who president. "We felt this issue was Wednesday in Haggar and that table among the outdoor patrons of tims were American, Argentine, Ger­ was working inside the cafe when not ~mething the entire com­ they bring their IDs," she said. the Cafe de Paris, but one did not ex­ man and English tourists. ANSA said the explosion occurred shortly after munity needed to know," she A recent campus survey plode. at least five people were reported in 11:00 p.m. said. showed that students would Police at Rome's central serious condition, but several were "There wasn't a lot of shouting by Kollman would not specify prefer earlier lunch hours on headquarters said a few of the treated at the hospital and released. the people, they were too stunned. what the problems in the athletic wounded were believed to have AGI reported that many of the in­ But they cried," said a newsstand department were. see SMC, page 4 been seriously hurt. juries came from glass shards. operator. I - -- ------------------------- The Observer Tuesday, September I 7, 1985 - page 2 Newspapers, networks sacrifice Pornography should be censored because it panders to news integrity and seek popularity an obsession with sex that is harming the nation, according to actress Jane Fonda.
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