Online fraud grows rampant More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of. The First A FREE SAMPLE Free dom Sub scribe to day! It’s here to stay. P. O. Box 385 Silverhill, Ala bama 36576 Y’all have a nice day. Self-gov ern ment be gins at home Volum e 19 Num ber 6 June 2017 Aryan Amer ica vs. the Zi on ist media ¢cracy $2.00 U. S. Com mod ity Com mis sion tar gets Tel Aviv com pa nies and for ex firms conti nue to oper ate with the Times of Is rael – which once de scribed binary op tions salespeo ple to be prepared At least 40 per cent – and most likely im pu nity,” the Times of Is rael added. the scan dal as “An Is raeli scam that has to to re lo cate abroad. many more – of the 110 com panies listed How ever, it is likely that even more than be stopped” be cause it was “giving Israel a by the U. S. Com modit y Future s Trading just the 15 or 30 com panies so iden ti fied bad name,” caused the Is raeli gov ern ment Open sea son on goyim only Com mis sion (CFTC) as dan ger ous are Is raeli, be cause, as the Times of Is rael to start consid er ing acting against the The Times of Is rael added that “Is rael fraudsters are based in Is rael, meaning that went on to point out, “such com panies go “in dus try.” banned all Israel i binary firms from the Jew ish State has main tained its role as to consid er able lengths to hide the true As a re sult, the Times of Is rael reporte d, tar geting Israe li s in spring 2016, and it is the world’s onli ne fraud center . identi ties of their own ers – often us ing “many Is raeli bi nary op tions com pa nies pos si ble that Is raeli me dia in dif fer ence to nom inee di rectors as fronts,” and it have been mov ing all or part of their the fraudu lent indus try stems from the fact “is not an easy task to de ter mine op era ti ons to places like Bul garia, Ukraine that it is for eign ers, rather than Is rae lis, whether they op er ate from Is rael.” and Geor gia” and Israel i job boards feature who are the prin cipal victi ms of the Israel i num erous ads asking Jews who work as scammers.” Mon ey changer’s dream The bi nary op tions “in dus try” earns at least $10 bil lion a year Is rael de nies ex tra di tion from swin dling on line in ves tors Our April is sue’s re port “‘Rising through the rig ging of trading anti-Sem i tism’ fake news on rise,” plat forms. cov ered what this kike had done. The prac tice is ille gal in Is rael – in that the com panies are not Tel Aviv sky line: The world’s on line fraud cap i tal al lowed to sell to Jews in that Israel has for mally denied an ex tra di tion Ac cord ing to a CFTC press re lease, country – but the Jew ish State is quite request made by the U. S. govern m ent for another 71 com panies have been added to happy to see its citi zens , em ployed by the the Jew ar rested af ter he had sent thou sands its “Reg is tra tion De fi cient (RED) List” thousands in Tel Aviv’s finan cia l distri ct, of bomb threats to Jewish Com mu nity which is a com pila ti on of “foreign enti ties swindle non-Jews around the globe from Cen ters in Amer ica. that il le gally so licit U. S. res i dents to trade their “bi nary op tions” websites. Accord ing to a report by Israel ’s de liv er ing drugs to his res i dence. bi nary op tions and for ex.” The Times of Is rael last year re vealed Channel 2 TV service , that country ’s State Fur ther more, it was also re vealed by that a “large propor ti on of binary op tions At tor ney’s Office told the U. S. Jus tice Channel 2 that the Jew had been paid for Rogue State con fesses fraud and some for ex fraud as well Depart ment that although the 18-year-old his ser vices via bitcoin. More than two Ac cord ing to the Je ru sa lem-based em a nates from call cen ters in Is rael,” is sus pected of commit ting crimes in ten mil lion shekels ($553,289) were found in a Times of Is rael, at least 15 of these new em ploys “thou sands of Israe li s,” and has coun tries, he will be tried in Is rael. bitcoin account held by him. ad di tions are “Is rael-based com pa nies,” been “op er ating for ten years in Is rael with “De spite the re fusal, there has been no Israel is clearly cover ing up for the but it is likely that “as many as 30 op er ate littl e to no in ter venti on on the part of rupture betwee n the U. S. and Is raeli threat maker’s ac tiv ities, and has already from Is rael,” the pa per said. Is raeli law en force ment… jus tice min is tries,” Chan nel 2 went on to re leased with out charge the 18-year-old “Last June, when there were only 40 “Fraud u lent firms use a vari ety of ruses boast. Jew’s fa ther, say ing that he was “not com panies on the list, the Times of Is rael to trick cli ents all over the world, who Their boy aware” of this son’s ac tiv i ties. reporte d that more than one-third of these be lieve they are mak ing po ten tially lu cra tive In addi ti on, Chan nel 2 reveal ed, the Jew This is, how ever, extre mely un likely, were Is raeli,” that news ar ticle con tin ued. short-term in vest ments, into part ing with hacker was black mail ing a Re pub li can given that the father works in IT and had “De spite wide spread me dia ex po sure their funds. Al most all cus tomers lose all sen a tor in the United States. De tails of the helped purchas e the large antenna which in the last year, and calls from for eign or al most all of their money,” the report black mail would be reveal ed shortly, that was used to hack into wifi networks, not to gov ernm ents to shut the in dustry down, added. report said, but it appeare d to in volve the men tion the so phis ti cated equip ment which most Is rael-based fraud u lent bi nary op tions The publi cit y af forded to the swindle by attem pted fram ing of a sena tor by way of the three-year-long cam paign used. New Or leans: Nor way di vests Fig leaf Landrieu Page 3 No bat tle yet Page 2 Da vid Lane’s Page 4 last precepts cau tioned us Page 24 about the evil Page 11 Page 22 Jew ish in which we find our selves Con trol The next FDR Hungar y’s 2nd fence Month Page 11 Page 5 Torchlighting Page 22 La bour backs South Af rica today Mur der of Birth of a Pal es tine Char lottes ville Nich o las II de cep tion Page 10 Page 10 & fam ily Page 16 Page 8 Page 20 The Croc o dile Med school must lower its Ter ror iz ing Syria Page 13 strikes again stan dards Page 21 Ap peal from Page 9 Page 20 a brother SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: First-time read ers of al ter nate news, es pe cially boob tube ba bies, may ex pe ri ence Page 15 severe loss of confi dence in the Estab lish m ent press and TV. y Page 6 d Bundy 6 b Swamp ing France n No “color” re volt 7 Fash ion ing news Page 17 e l Is raeli min is ter 5 l Page 15 Bri gade s 6 Page 12 for Rus sia a s 3 e says kill Assad m u a e s Page 11 s m h Page 13 i t a 2 f b 1 o a l r r A o e , p F l Page 4 l a i . p h S s E. P. res o lu tion . r U. S. war crimes w e U e v l is “Soros report” r n i o l S Hail Dixie! Page 22 Code of Con duct . e , A b 5 Page 18 . Warn ing to Sorosniks e 8 S r . 3 Page 4 g The Pope from hell C x n e i Folk rights o t Page 13 h t B t i Page 3 .
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