the theory of our country friends, to lect opportunity in frivolous discus¬ (Bopdis. Prrrbaut tailoring. locate the National Capital "in the sions of. propositions involving'no solid £prrial gotirts. SViivfrtlSfaunts. gry pusirat Instrument?. w oods," to lay it out on a scale of un¬ results, and which possibly are agitat¬ rr-^p. d»upu» iiiurih.-Prof. c. L A. J. APAMH. W1C. K. UhtSnidligtmv. AUCTION. Loos, of Bethany College, wlU nreflch DITTMAB magnificence, with the ei., ed ouUof mere buncombe. lU? paralleled GREAT auction sale of Inthe Disciples Meeting Houae, on Marine FURS, doubtless that It would in Centre till* forenoon at ltM CAMPBELL & M'DERMOT ¦poetation MIfMXLLAKEOrN ITEMS street, Wheeling, time become the on the o'clock, 'lite public ore reapectltally invltoa EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. grandest city BOOKS FOR to attend. MC**" A. continent. From that time to this the The windows in the CHRISTMAS PRESEHTS M. ADAMS & CO. ladies' Chicago e. wickham will sell at HAXKSGITIXG DAY.".In WV FURS, whole of postoffice are now attended The at Bradbury TIICUMDAY DEC. 7. patronage the United States by girls. Geo.auction, his salesroom, on Saturday u-er wjdance with previousannouncement. object is to stop the flirting with the Evening-, Dfc. », IMS. a large and splendid will be held this at 10W o'clock in Government has been lavished on it. assortment of Standard and Service* day PrMldent's clerks. Miscellaneous the First Presbyterian Church (Rev. D. W. FURS. FAfHIOXABLB Mmagr. Millions on of selected top millions have been to this time about five thous¬ Hooks, with great care for the retail FLshers's). Sermon will be delivered by Rev. We lay before our readers thlsiriora- Up only trade. Mr. Hamilton. The public are cordlallv in- expended there with unstinted liber¬ and cattle have been killed in Chicago Books for the Merchant!!! vlted. dec7-lt ing an accurate and readably prepared ality.from the beginning to the pres¬ for packing, against CO,000 last year. Books for the Mechanic!!! CLOAKS, copy of President Johiihoa's message. ent time, perhaps not less than Bye Four hundred thousand dollars were Book* for the Farmer!!!!! Public Sale of Government We have not an yvt been able to give It hundred millions of dollars.and yet coined at the Philadelphia Mint last And Books for everybody. Photograph Al- Merchant month.the larger of it bums in great variety. These are all new CLOAKS, Tailors, such a careful as portion gold. PIANOS. reading would enable \\ ashington City is to-day a mere pro¬ Where does it all to ? Books, and can be examined previous to the Buildings. us to the gi> on and AssT Quarter*aster's UJ8.A.,) speak with confidence of prop¬ vincial town compared with New York The Portsmouth sale, Friday Saturday. dec7-3t Wheeling, W. Va.,Office,Dec. / ositions down and set forth- Chronicle very gene¬ 6,1865. CLOAKS.- AWD DKA T.KIM IW laid policy or Philadelphia or even Baltimore in rously offers to publish, free of charge, ITCH, ITCH, ITCH. WILL OFFER FOR SALE THE GOV¬ It will be on even a enrsory of the elements that constitute a obituary noticesoi all and ERNMENT Bulldlngsknown aathe "Com¬ apparent respect highwaymen Ncratch. Scratch, Scratch. I corner of Fouithand that it is an clear garroterskilled whileplyingtheiravoca- missary Warenouses," reading unusually great city. It has broad streets, <not tion. WHEATON'S John streets, Wheeling, W. Va.: also one TWO VERY FINE TONED and well written We to be even them the OINTMENT frame shed. situated In Benwood, W. Va-, 100 paper. hope many ofthem, and gov- There have been deaths Will cure the Itch In 48 hours. feet long, 12 feet high and 24 feet wide, on the THIRD STOCK to refer to it to-morrow more eminent had to to from the eighteen by 27th of 18G5. GENTLEMEN'S FDBNMN& qualified pave get violence in New York during the last Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, day December, JUST OPENED BY GOODS, and in detail, than we feel to the President's it has month. Several citizens and till Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cents. It. 8. GARDNER. intelligently Capitol house;) respectable For sale by all Druggists. dec7-td Capt. and A.Q. M. to do this morning from the built have been shot while riding in their W) cents competent magnificent public buildings (all By sending to WEEKS A POTTER, BOTTLED ALE. No. M Water Street, hasty reading given it. the and that is all. It carriages. wile Agents. 170 Washington street, Boston, And finished Octave Brad* by government,) A farm of two hundred and Mass., it will be forwarded by mall, free of commenced bottling ale GEO. R. elegantly 7 Our are due the eighty- Porter at we TAYLOR, acknowledgments has no commerce, no manufactures. It postage, toany part of the United States, and the Anchor seven acres, owned the heirs of Win. solicitHavinga trial of our Brewerjr, bnry Pianos, with all modern of the Pitta- Is a mere of hotels, board¬ by T. H. LOGAN & CO. superior Kennett Ale gentlemanly proprietors city saloons, Steanberger, in Shenandoah county, Whole«ile Druggists, Agents for Wheeling. and Porter in ghue. which, for the conven¬ Nov. 1865. WHEELING, burgh Commercial for the copy from ing bouses and shops, and all Its popu¬ Va., sold last week at $84 (in gold) per ience of families and shippere, are put up in 20th, improvements, will be.sold W.VA. acre. boxes containing two dozen quarts. Price, which we print, lt( with others, was lation from highest to lowest depend COCO CBEAH FOB THE HAIK. f7JS0 per box. S3 allowed for box and bottles iti the for ns at on Hall's Journal of Health when express Pittsburgh and live the of the Govern- expresses Coco Cream for the Hair. returned, _ placed bounty the that buckwheat cakes con¬ dec7-lm McCANN A CO. TTTE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AND AM afternoon, and should have with about as and little im¬ opinion Coco Cream for the Hair. EU8TON, VV reoelvlnji one of the Tuesda3* ment, poor tain more nourishment for less IIOI*S! best selected stocks of finest, cheapest anil reached us the same evening, but did proved a country aronnd it as can be than any other article ofmoneyfood. Away with ;your Grey Hair. HOPS! HOPS! FURS popular Away with your Hair. LOT OF ENGLISH AND EASTERN .A.T not corao to hand until yesterday. r"untl anywhere. Removo the seat of The Boston Herald, insists that we are Grey Hops received and for sale by From 820 00 to 9260 00 a Set, COST, Government, and it would be about to realizo a great reduction In the No more rancid Pomades!! 4ec7-lw HUSTON, McCANN A CO. The Locution ofChe Capital.Consider¬ speedily prices of the necessaries of life. A great No more rancid Pomades!! Fall & Winter ed In Venrral. deserted by nine-tenths of its popula¬ it you want something CBANBERRIEN. Goods many people would like to see in that elegant. BBLS. EASTERN IN the tion. If this is all that could be made If you admire delicious Perfume, and CRANBERRIES, To make room for new stock. We took leave of capital question light. 20,,. store for sale by R. J. of Washington, where more millions A that "a If you desire soft and silky Hair, dec7 Corner Market and 8MYTH,Sis. CLOAKS ever brought to this at Gold yesterday,after showingthat the patron¬ contemporary says person's If Qulncy selected formarket, Prices have Ihh-u si>ent by the Government character depends a good deal upon his you want your Hair preserved, In newest and most fashionable at expressly age of the State at the seat of govern¬ want Hair to PICKLES. styles than the thousands that will ever bo ox- bringing up. For instance, a man who iryou your grow ¦t rv BBLS. CUCUMBER all prices. ment cau be but a mere trifle.alto¬ has been the Ifyou want to PICKLES, READY TO PURCHASERS OP KNABE PIANOS; this State on what brought up by police seldom prevent premature Baldness, 1U for the table, for sale by gether in permanent in¬ pended by itscapital, turns out respectable." If you want to 1* rid of R. J. CUSTOM WORK, imperceptible can wo a mere Dandruff, dec7 SMYTH, fluence on the progress and prosperity reasonably expect capi- A female pickpocket was arrested at Use the Coco Cream. Corner Market and Qulncy Sta. tal without business or trado ever to the Use the Coco Cream. FINE of the.town or city wherein it may be Cathedral in Newark, N. J. on Use The LACE COLLARS. this State. last. When a the Coco Cream. West Virginia Mining and I will commence a of consisting of French, German and Domestic located. Wo l>eg to suggest to our become in Sunday rrested she drop¬ Use the Cooo Cream. POINT <JAZE SETS. receiving to-day stock Cloths, of all grades and colors, French, We commend such fuels as these, and ped eight pocket books, each containing Use the Coco Cream. Manufacturing Company. the above-named celebrated llsh and American Cassimeres, 811k,CashmereEng. country friends, further, that the pres¬ a considerable amount of money. Price 85 cents a bottle. POINT GAZE COLLARS. and MarseillesVesting*. White, the lesson to our _ Fancy, ence of the Will not other they teach, sauguine The For sale by CAPITAL, 8125,000 Traveling and Flannel Shirts, Linen, capitol present and friends in report that the New York hotels LAUGHLIN8 A BUSHFIELD. INSIGNIA RIBBONS. and Drawer*, Scarffc, Under-Shlrts aitrartious sufficient to realize their imaginative country an advance in price to six dol¬ Ju24 directors: Pock*.
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