DAILY SUNDIAL 2 T-...,, Mll'ch a, 1994 I TODAY SY John r\J1z A few early showers, Ugh! winds becoming sunny and warmer. Highs In !he mid-60's, lowel- 70' s. Provi<Udby t~ Natiortal Wearlser Suvia ~// for $2 million In slavery repanliom and to pay for their move to Africa. Khari A Abayorni' s lawsuit clles lhe kidnappingofhis ancestors from Africa, their eJiSlavement and forced labor, lhe breakup of their families and other wrongs. He wanlS a formal apology and "compensaton for forced, ancestral in- doctrination into a foreign society." Abayomi filed the lawsuit Jan. 28 In U.S. District Court in Richmond. N Robert Jaspen, an executive assistant U.S. attorney, refused to discuss !hesub- stance oflhe lawsuit. Pepper spray Abayomi, 30. is a computer software considered an developer wilh his own business. He lives in Highland Springs, a community effective weapon about five miles easl of Richmond. (AP) - Pepper spray is an effective Abayomi, his wife, and three young weapon that doesn't kill, a police group children are seeking lhemoney as ameans says, even though at least 30 suspects 10 relocate to Africa. nave died after being sprayed. "We have decided afler careful The International Association of lhought. and study, tllat Africa is the Qiiefs of Police examined 22 of the place for us," he said. dealhsandfoundthatpepperspraywasn't He said he would like to settle in afactorinanyofthem, said JohnGarfield. Senegal or perllaps Ghana. who supervised lhe project. Calls for reparations for .the descen- "I think it's definitely a good tool in dants of slaves nave grown louder in lawenforcement," said Garfield, a fooner recent years, especially in the 1980s. police chief in Fairfax Counly, Va. when Congress compensated Japanese- Americans who were interned during " There's a lot less needwilh pepperspray lhe United States will resume screen- World War II. IO navelhephysical kind ofconfroniation ing Vietnamese nationals in Hong Stephen W. Bricker, a specialist in !hat causes injuries." Kong. ASK EROS! claims against government and former Pepper spray contains a cayenne pep- Previous U.S. policy effectively al- American Civil Liberties Union lawyer, per extract in an oil base It restricts lowed lhe Hong Kong government to was skeptical of Abayomi' s lawsuit " I breathing, and isused by police to subdue attempt to send the Vietnamese home o..rEROS: wouldsaythis guy' sgotan uphill battle," unruly suspects. and force !hem to apply for Immigra- If a penon gets tested for AIDS, and he said. Some police groups question pepper tion to lhe United Slates from Viet- they lest positive, does that mean lhal they He said Abayomi will nave to over- SJiay's effectiveness . ~. including nam. will die in the near future? come lhe sovereign immunity tllat usu- lhe American Civil Liberties Union in The case involved several Vietnarn- ally pro!ectsgovernments from lawsuits. A: First ofal~ people don '1 get test<d Los Angeles documented 14 California eseseekingto reunite with family mem- He !hat what Abayorni is seeking for AlDS. They g<t tesredfor the HIV virus. fatalities invol vingpeoplewho nave been added bers already in the United Stales who lypically is "amatter oflegislative Thi! HIV rut is nothing more 1han a simple sprayed. Even ifpepperspray wasn't the grace. have become citizens or permanent not a matter of right" blood lest. The test tkt«ts whether a per· cause of death, au1opsy results show it residents. son has tM Hwnan lnrmunodefici.ency Vi- direc- was a factor, said Allan Parachini, Court documents said lhe Hong lllS in their system. tor of public affairs for lhe ACLU in V1etnamese Kong government was planning 10 fly Ifa person tests posit~. rhat means that Soulhern California. allowed to apply for some of lhe Vietnamese back home rhe virus is in their sptmr. and their body The ACi:U urged the Los Angeles this week. Approximately 250 people has d.:vewpcd antibodies 10fighl it offas it Police Department to cwtail its use of visas tlrough Hong are affected by the order. doe.s with other viruses. A person can be pepper spray until more research is done. Kong Testimony submitted by !heir law- 'pcrf«tly healthy and still be HIV positive. But!hepolice chiefs' study concluded yer said some of them have endured Thi! average amoWll oftime to d.:velp full blown AlDS is 7 to JO yean . The longest !hat pepper spray is an effective way to WASHINGTON (AP) - A federal "several years of de1ention under de- time known is JJ years. There au tech- subdue violent criminals, and insisted ii appeals court ordered the State plorable conditions" while awaiting Depart- niques like meditation, exercise, andmedi- is more humane lhan wiekling a nigh! ment on Sunday to ensure that Vietnam- processing. stick. cal attention rhal help prolong this proce.ss. ese boat people seeking visas to enterthe The appeals court order requires lhe Tming positive, therefo,.. DOES NOT UnitedStateslhroughHong Kong are not State Dcpartmenl "to take all neces- mean wniMne willautoma.ricallydiL soon. Family seeks slave forced to return to !heir homeland, pend- sary and proper actions to ensure !hat For more information on AIDS/HIV and compensations ing further court action. (Vietnamese nationals) are not repatri- testing. contoct EROS at 885-3696. The unusual weekend action by the ated" until a lower court hearing on the S..b.11 ,_ q..ntioM 10 tlM EROS"- on tt.1 RICHMOND,'Va (AP) - A black U.S. Court of Appeals for the Disuict merits of a challenge to lhe slate De- ftntl"locll'olllri1Ur.lltrr. C.tllltr ,w~lll and-• family is suing lhe federal govemmenl of Columbia temporarily assures that partment policy. EROS ~•lor. Appo&M..•ll prr(wnd. H T.,.... (Apri 20-Mey 20) - If aomobody is 0 trying., lo<co youtochange today, you mV>tput Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept 22) - II there are Abo, listen to a shy YOtce from lhe put. R up a little relistance. Don't wony, the Pf9HU~ cllangos going on around you, stay C<llm. and 0 will oase '°""· A sodal group could ~ you make aunt the job gets done right anywav. Ex· Copricom (Doe. ZNan. 19) - The c:hal· s - ..tiich path to follow next It al.o might pect a new ma al won.. t> taka a v.tlile to show kenge IS '° kMp an open mind. liattn '° the c take your mind off an annoving prol>Wm at work. politive resuhs. A pretty littie card or gdt can other per300's tdee.a, even if you know they're 0 cheer up a tr.end, and that can make you !eel wron~ Thero might be .....lhlng;, thol9I'°" p Gemini (May 2 t .Juno 21) - Today, do the happy, loo. can use. Take time to i\vntig&W a pun:haM E ,....rc11 you've boon putting ott. h ~t oven you're lhinking about. and youooukt sav. •tot s !um out to be fun. Don't f<>roat to allO do ICme- Ubfo (Sept. 23-0ct. 23) - Anything that Gel an operfs opimon. lhing you promised a friend, ortheboss. Molder requirvs readng, writing or 'lrlOridng on a com- Todlly'• Bll1hday (March 8) - You may person 'Nho is not feehng weft wiould rMllyapp,.. puwr "'°"Id go quici<Jy today. You''" a natural Aquariu• (.i,;,,. 20-f ob. 18) - tt you have getto tldc»a big puuS• this year ~Sofv• 1t by aate a call from you later tonigll a.act.er, but be patient wrth a slow '911mer. good Ideas today, oct on !Mm. Oon'tgo Nn- uW1g both~ and sheer bravado Romane. Tonights gOod lo<a party. An old friend may bo ning out., buy alotofMWmecl\anQlgadgols ohculd bo g""1g ...ii right now, but Mcouk! got c.,.or(JLne 22-July22)- LM your lingo" M09r to hear from you, IO call ., play with, lh<>ugl. You may hevo ., boil a _..... l>'f June, Make sure yoo irlvell doflowddng.anchavetm.andmoney. Get- doeo lriond OOIof a jam. Oryou may -bto ~- A poorln« wilt holp you pidt the right IS>g-11<1nordo<~tnotbo)'OIM'lavorilo s-pio(Oot.-24-Nov. 21 )- lrsnotoasy tor upon Ille porfoc:t gill for a loved one who can opllonlnSeplombo<. Travel in Novomb4ortoput job, butyou11.,,.feelgood-ll'odone. Aleo, you ID change, especially if YCMfvo got o lot help your caJfff. on cld m«n0ry to 1911, end you'I bo moni - your insu,.,..,., just., bo colllln you'l9 invested In fie -..quo. A now ldoa could be ....,.....~ 0-.b<lrislorsonlng wolcoveled. Aloniig>inv-tc:o<AdpeyoW. ~•...,floughyou cictl'th"k of it fil>l -!Fob. 18-Marc:tl 20) - nyou - goalo. ,....,,~·- " ~- 0...1 hurt. gonlo triond's footings, by making "'"' a ~i... IMdtho-~. You Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) - Ir. • lino day too big a fun aver a ftalhy co-woriler. ..git expandyour.,..,_. quilo • bil. .... Alt• (Mlut:h 21·April 19) - You always for working on • n•wp(9duct orkl••· Oon'I Allalv«y illlo ollorl Going out may bo lolo of MIM good-..,-. but loday you put too much ofyour money into trMla. Tax•• ~.,.(Nov . 22-0.0. 21) - Yoo might U>lon~~but~OO<AdolsoboeteptnliYot. Oon1 ~lhliY• ..,.,motepationuthen uouel with ort••• could r.qulr• morethan you've bud· booble IO tamoyour19deunat>Jretongonough throw yoor money oiound IO mp...o doll. _.,..,lo,111-lliig. Jfyou_.tatlold gotodl l.o!Jlll matter should go woH. IJltor, .,loamsomethingcomptox~. To-rate, ' IOQl!qul~----·•lliends have din••r wUh somebody who know• got togot!wr - lrionds for dmo<. lndudo at Horo•c•p ..byLhc:8 C. S-. ..,.,,...,, al houM lora--Y0</19b:l<yin iov.. aomathlng you'd Uk• to l••m.
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