Revised Edition of the Index of the St. John Genealogy

Revised Edition of the Index of the St. John Genealogy

NYPL RESEARCH LIBRARIES 3 3433 08071498 7 (QAiNT JOHKl AL ^ y ^ ^J i'^^ ^ W»iS^SM^''v.:!?ia^ '' ' *.' v.l; REVISED EDITION OF THE INDEX OF THE St. John Genealogy By OR LINE ST. JOHN ALEXANDER PUBLISHED 1907 THE GRAFTON PRESS NEW YORK MCMIX ANT) ijtWU. IJWOl ' It 19^1 INDEX INDEX An asterisk (*) placed after a page number indicates that the person appears on the pag-e so noted as the head of a family. The g-eneration of persons bearing the name of St. John is indicated by a superior figure after the name. The names of mar- ried members of the St. John family are followed by the surnames in parentheses of their wives or husbands or by dashes in parentheses, if the surnames are unknown. Abbott, Aaron, 63 Adar, Geo. Emery, 142 Alexander, Mary J. (Hus- Aziiba, 64 Adill, Austin, 357 sey), 395 Betty, (Mrs.), 64 George C, 357 Orline, 341 Col., 78 Mahala C. (Burrows), St. John. 341 Elizabeth, (Mrs.), 63 357 Alford, Delia, 441 Esther (St. John), 124, Marvin P., 357 Edward, 441 230 Ageau, Mary (Young), 469 Lora, 441 Ezra, 111 Agina, Julia Fabian (San- Louise, 441 Hazon, 132 chez), 475 Love, 441 Jane, 68 Aiken, Alina Lona, 256 Mary, 441 Jerusha (Hoyt), 64 Amanda (St. John), Robert, 441 Jesse, 230 (Olmstead), 161 Alger, Frank, 438 349 389 53 John, 63, 64, Dewitt, Allen, Anna ( Benton ) , John, Jr., 63. 64, 247 Ethan, 389 Alexander RadclifTe, 242 Judd, 64, 349 George N., 3l89 Alfred Phelps, 242 Matthias, 64 Georgianna (St. John), Bertha (Seymour), 284 Sally (St. John), 348, 284, 389 Bettie K.' (Whitaker), 349 Julius Hildreth, 256 520 Sarah (St. John), 247 Loton Lara, 256 Charles Harmes, 242 Stephen, 64 Marcellus, 256 Chary (Olmstead), 272 Tliaddeus, 64 Miles, 256 Ethan, 523 Abdill, Fred Rice, 257 Polly (Adill), 357 De Witt Clinton, 284 John B,, 257 Rose ( Loudon ) , 473 Holden, 220 John Durbin, 257 Roxy Sarah, 256 Irving, 284 Ross Davidson, 257 Thomas, 284 James, 515 Sarah Elizabeth, 257 Akin, Amanda (St. -John), Jennie (St. .John), 483 214 Abell, Moselv," 161, 284 Jerome, 242 Mrs., 214 Akin or Archer, Mary (St. John, 109, 272, 284, 507 Ackerman, John, 448 John). 95 Joseph, 242 Margaret A. (St. John), Mary (St. -John), 163 Julia Frances (Beers), 349, 448 , 306 272 Ackers, Sarah (St. John), Alberty, Bryan, 457 Leander, 276 176, 298 Clayton, 457 Levi, 220 Adams, Charles, 395 F. W., 457 Mary Emma, 284 Elizabeth (Hanford), 149 Marie, 457 Otis, 242 Ella (St. John), 316 Aldrich, Angle (St. John), Rufus John, 284 Henry Ely, 287 292 Ruth (St. John), 137 James L.,' 338 Benajah, 230 Sarah M. (St. John), 318, Jennie Regina (St. John), Mary (St. John), 292 424 395 Reuben, 292 Theodore, 483 John Jay, 287 Robert S., 131, 230 William, 258, 507 Mary, 306 Alexander, Adele Richmond, Zimri, 221 Mary (St. John), 527 341 . 306 Minerva Sarah (Marvin), Clinton, .341 Alley, Arthur L., 404 58 Ernest, 341 Jennie V., 404 Prosper, 527 Jeanette St. John, 341 N. B., 404 Reuben, 119 John W., 294 Stella E., 404 Sally (St. John), 116, 193 Junius Brutus, 340 Ailing, Abigail (Royce), Sarah (Phelps), 178, 180 Lawrence Dade, 340 139 William Robert, 287 Lawrence Dade, M. D., Allis, Jerry P., 288 William Roderick, 287 .341 Allman, Susan C, 387 122 , Lucy (Everitt), 341 Allton, Amos, 303 551 552 Index Allton, Philena Rice (St. Archer, Albert, 368 Ayres, Alvah, 157 John), 180, 303 Amy I., 444 Carrie (Lockwood), 152 Allyn, Hannah (Wright), Andrew, 368, 465 (note) Darius St. John, 157 (St. John), (Dicken- Blanche, 368 Ebenezer, 157, 388 '84 Eliza son ) , Charlotte (Mrs.), 465 Jane (St. John), 84 Joseph ( Capt. ) , (note) 282, 388 Almy, Harriet Newell (St. Eva Avigusta (Lovering), Frederick Seymour, 152 John), 287, 390 368 Marv Elizabeth (Weed), Richard, 390 Horatio W., 368 157 Ambler, Alva, 425 Katherine (St. John), Stephen, 131 Benjamin, 310 368, 465 William Henry, 227 Benjamin Shove, 310 Mary C, 368 Fairchild, 310 Mildred St. John. 368 Babb, Ella (St. John), 492 Gratia (Swain), 310 Armsbv, James H., M.D., Babbitt, James, 304 James Wallace, 311 487 John Edward, 304 138 Iva St. , Babcock, Joshua, Armstrong, ( John ) Anna (St. John), Lewis Reynolds, 310 443 183, 306 Lucia Elizabeth (Town- Arnold, Elislia, 351 Elizabeth (St. John), 288 send), 311 Isaac, 170 Luvinia (Fox), 463 Lucinda, 311 James, 170 Maria (St. John), (Wil- Martha (Bowan), (Dun- Lvdia (Arnold), 351 loughbv), 224 ning), 311 Rebecca (St. John), 248, Mary (St. John), 288, Mary Aurelia (Hickolv), 351 390 311 Arv. Manimer S. (St. Roxy (St. John), 420 Samuel St. John. 311 John), 335, 444 (St. John), 185, Stephen, 138 Ashley, Benjamin, 521 311 Timothy Edgar, 310 Chamerv, 521 58 William, 310 David, 521 Bache, Charles, 529 Ames, M. (Boyden), 442 Joseph, 521 Ida V. (St. John), 529 Amsdell, Pollv' (Mills), 511 Lucretia C. (St. .John), Backus. Lucy (St. John), Robert, 51l' 329, 442 522 Susan (Mills), 511 Mary (St. John), 419 Bachman, Nate D., M.D., Ancel, Henry, 403 Noah, 474, 521 519 Louise, 403 Noah Tisdale, 474 Bacon, Andrew, 19 , 403 19 Mary ( Westervelt) Robert, 521 Elizabeth, Anderson, Jane Beall (^lor- Robert Earl, 521 Isaac, 19 ris), 346 Aten, Judith (Butler), 344 Jacob, 222, 421 C. Lois Jennie (Coppenliaver) , Atking, Asaph, 205 Amanda (St. John), 520 Atkins, (Mrs.), 215 317, 421 Thomas, 346 Atkinson. Frances E. (St. Mary (St. John). 389 102 , 265 John), 297. 398 Badock. Zebulon, Andrews, Lydia (St. John), Susan (McGruder), 287 Bagley. Elizabeth M. (St. 171, 293 Atwood, Henry Walter, 291 John), 412, 486 Mary E. (St. John), 361 Lillie Emma (Booth), Bailey, Emma (St. John), 458 291 .396 Wallace, 442 Aull, Jane (Ferris), 52S George A., 286 328 Wallace Corodon, Austin, Abner, 129 Georgia (St. John ) , W. W. (Rev.), 460 Delia (Mills), 511 (Clapp), (Townsend), . 232 Esther (Bassett), 237 367, 464 Andrus, Abraham, 94 John, 511 Gilbert. 464 Hannah, 94 Lucy (Mrs.), 511 Neill Edwards, 341 Sarah W. (St. John), 418 Averv. Ebenezer, 535 Sarah (Mrs.). 464 Angel. Marv Elizabeth (St. Elbert. 191 (Mills), 365 John), "486 Catherine (St. John), , 423 Angell, Daniel, 323 266, 372 Baird, Alice May, 523 Angle. Jennie (St. John), Marcus, 227 Edward, 523 415, 487 Mr. (Rev.), 174 India Pearl, 523 John, 487 Axtell, Ruth (St. John), Maud Chloe, 523 Annan. Barbara (St. John), 359 Svbil Ethel, 523 399 Ayers, Calcina (Hanford). Baker, Albert E., 379 William, 399 132 Alva T., 3:85 Apell, Minnie (Lockwood), Eveline (Seeley). 132 Antoinette May, 385 380 Mary Ann (Abbott), 132 Charles A. (Rev.), 385 Arcade, Maria M., 536 Stephen, 124 Floyd S., 465 Index 553 465 St. Baker, John E., Barber, Sarah Triphena ( Barron, Maria Cordelia Marjorie, 385 John), 318, 423 (Crosby), 352 Maurice Albert, 385 Bardwell, Joel, 119 Mary Agnes (Fillow), Rachel (Cameron). 468 Baring Bros., 342 351 Ralph K., 259 Barker, (Mrs.), 215 Nellie, 352 Samuel, 48. 169 Ann Eliza (Morgan), 118 Vira W. L., 352 Sarah (Smith), 243 Susan M. (Abbott), 64 William H., 351 Sarah Elizabeth (St. Barkwill, Walter M., 489 Barrow, William, 519 John), 379 Barlow, Elisha (Capt.), 182 Barrows, Amos, 102 William W., 142 Hettie, 431 David, 102 Balch, Ebenezer Harmon, Letha, 431 Barstow, Allen, M.D., 257 302 Norris, 431 Gamaliel, M.D., 257 Baldwin, Alice, 414 Sarah (Mrs.), 70 Olive (St. John), 141, Anna (Pinckney), 367 Wesley, 431 257 Daniel, 102 Barnard, G«orge H., 396 Samuel, M.D., 257 Dora, 414 George W., 396 Seth, M.D., 257 Edward C, 133, 335 Horace, 166 Bartholomew, Job, 527 Esther (St. John), 168, Barnes, Dan, 102 John Philip, 511 291 John, 4 Mary (St. John), 527 Harvey, 414 Orris, 179 Bartlett, John. 10 Helen, 414 Rebecca (widow), 102 Jonathan. 579 Herbert, 414 Thomas, 102 Rebecca (Belden), 40, 151 Inez, 414 Turband, 55 Sherman (Dea.), 148 Linda, 414 Barnhill, Hugh, 192 Sherman Fitch, 148 Mary (St. John). 319, Barnum, Aaron, 119 Barton, John, 363 429 Ann (St. John), 67 William, 363 Murray Lester, 335 Anna (St. John), 119 Bartram, Daniel Sanford, Theophilus, 291 Mary (Benedict), 223 261 Timothj', 335 Barr, Evalina, 419 Gruden, 261 Ball, Abraham, 412 Howard, 419 Job, 40 Imogene, 412 Worden. 419 Laura, (Mrs.), 261 Samuel, 104 Barrett, Abigail, 146, 147 Bass, Hannah (Olmstead), Sarah, 412 Asenath (Woolsey), 146 264 Ballard. Editli Constance, Clarissa, 146 Basserinan, Almira (Greg- 466 Delia, 147 ory), 406 Emily Adelaide, 466 Eloise (Meyer), 146 Bassett, Baylies S., 134 Harvey Clifford, 466 Emily, 146 Baylies Stockton, 237 St. John 147 Margaret ( ) , Frederick, Bessie, 238 325, 441 Harvey W., 147 Betsey (Kingsbury), 134 William Tunah, 466 Henry, 147 Carrie May (Friar), 238 Balzer, Charles F., 370 Hiram, 147 Charles Eugene, 237 Edward 0., 370 Jesse, 146 Earl Carpenter, 237 Otto, 370 Joseph, 146, 147 Eliza E., 134 Walter Hiram, 370 Jotham, 146 Eliza Emily (Stillman), Banks, Anna (Rathburn), J. P., 533 238 500 Lillie (Bradford), 470 Elizabeth (Kingsbury), Berlin, 463 Loretta, 147 237 Betsey (Hill), 425 Maria, 146 Elizabeth Ann (Carpen- Edna Asenath, 463 Moses St. John, 146 ter), 237 Elmore S., 7, 8, 11, 13, 21, Rufus, 146 Erastus E.. 134 25, 35. 39, 47. 51, 52, Warren, 145 Erastus Eugene, 238 62. 75 Barron, Alexander, 351 Florence Marcella, 238 Harriet (Selleck) 269 Anna Eliza (Painter), Francis ISI., 134 Martha, 463 352 Francis Clarion, 238 Percival 467 Elizabeth A. 352 Rav, ( Crosby ) , George H., 134 Stephen, 467 George Henry, 500 George Henry, 238 Stephen Jackson. 467 Henry, 351 Henry King, 237 \Vilbur, 463 Henry Jonas, 352 James Earl, 238 Barber, Angeline (Hull), James St. J., 352 Jessie, 238 426 John, 351 John, 237 Cora L. (St. John), John Robert, 351 John C, 134 490 Joseph, 351 John C, Jr., 134 David, 423 Joseph Henry, 351 John Chandler, 236, 237 Rose (Barron), 351 Irene (St.

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