FALL FEDERAL DEPOSITORY LIBRARY COUNCIL MEETING AND CONFERENCE TRANSCRIPTS ARLINGTON, VA | OCTOBER 18 - 20, 2010 FEDERAL DEPOSITORY LIBRARY PROGRAM EASY AS FDL | http://www.fdlp.gov 1 GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 2 DEPOSITORY LIBRARY COUNCIL 3 FALL MEETING 4 MONDAY 5 OCTOBER 18, 2010 6 7 8 The Council met at the Doubletree Hotel 9 Crystal City, Crystal Ballroom A-B, 300 Army 10 Navy Drive, Arlington, Virginia, at 10:30 11 a.m., Suzanne Sears, Chair, presiding. 12 13 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: 14 15 SUZANNE SEARS, Chair, Depository Library 16 Council, Assistant Dean for Public 17 Services, University of North Texas 18 Libraries 19 HELEN BURKE, Hennepin County Library 20 DAVID CISMOWSKI, Head, Government Publication 21 Section, California State Library 22 STEPHEN M. HAYES, University of Notre Dame 23 SARAH (SALLY) G. HOLTERHOFF, Valparaiso 24 University Law Library 25 JAMES R. JACOBS, Green Library, Stanford 26 University 27 PEGGY ROEBUCK JARRETT, Gallagher Law Library, 28 University of Washington 29 SHARALYN J. LASTER, Bierce Library, University 30 of Akron 31 JILL A. MORIEARTY, Knowledge Commons Liaison, 32 J. Willard Marriott Library, University 33 of Utah 34 DANIEL P. O'MAHONY, Brown University 35 JUSTIN OTTO, John F. Kennedy Library, Eastern 36 Washington University 37 DEBBIE RABINA, Ph.D, Pratt Institute School of 38 Information and Library Science 39 ANN MARIE SANDERS, Library of Michigan 40 CAMILLA TUBBS, Yale Law Library 41 42 ALSO PRESENT: 43 44 RICHARD G. DAVIS, Director, Library Services 45 and Content Management, Acting 46 Superintendent of Documents, GPO 47 CATHY HARTMAN, Associate Dean of Libraries, 1 1 University of North Texas Libraries 2 JAMES MAULDIN, Manager, Office of Archival 3 Management, GPO 4 TED PRIEBE, Director of Library Planning and 5 Development, GPO 6 KELLY SEIFERT, Lead Planning Specialist, 7 Office of the Director, Library Services 8 and Content Management, GPO 9 ROBERT C. TAPELLA, Public Printer, GPO 10 11 12 T-A-B-L-E O-F C-O-N-T-E-N-T-S 13 14 Plenary Session: Council/GPO Welcome and 15 Kick-Off 16 17 Robert C. Tapella, Public Printer, GPO 18 19 Richard G. Davis, Director, Library Services 20 & Content Management, Acting Superintendent of 21 Documents, GPO 22 23 Lunch Break on Your Own (Regionals/Selectives) 24 25 Council Session: Progress from Spring DLC 26 Meeting and Draft Recommendations, plus 27 Discussion on FDLP Benefits for Libraries & 28 the Public 29 30 Council Session: Born Digital At-Risk 31 Material: The Future of the Digital FDLP 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 2 1 P-R-O-C-E-E-D-I-N-G-S 2 10:30 a.m. 3 CHAIRPERSON SEARS: I would like 4 to call the meeting to order for the Fall 5 Federal Depository Library Conference and 6 Depository Library Council Meeting. Again, I 7 would just like to welcome all of you. 8 My name is Suzanne Sears and I'm 9 the Assistant Dean for Public Services at the 10 University of North Texas Libraries and I'm 11 the current Chair of the Depository Library 12 Council. 13 (Applause) 14 CHAIRPERSON SEARS: Before we get 15 started I would like to have the other Council 16 members and the honored guests we have at the 17 table to introduce themselves, please. 18 David, would you start? 19 MR. CISMOWSKI: How do I turn this 20 on? 21 CHAIRPERSON SEARS: You push the 22 button. 23 MR. CISMOWSKI: This is David 3 1 Cismowski from the California State Library. 2 MR. JACOBS: James Jacobs, 3 Stanford University. 4 DR. RABINA: Debbie Rabina, Pratt 5 Institute School of Information and Library 6 Science. 7 MR. O'MAHONY: Dan O'Mahony from 8 Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. 9 MS. SANDERS: Ann Sanders, Library 10 of Michigan. 11 MS. JARRETT: Peggy Jarrett, 12 Gallagher Law Library, University of 13 Washington. 14 MS. HOLTERHOFF: Sally Holterhoff, 15 Valparaiso University Law Library in Indiana. 16 MR. DAVIS: Ric Davis, Director of 17 the Library Business Unit and Acting 18 Superintendent of Documents. 19 MR. TAPELLA: Bob Tapella, Public 20 Printer of the United States. 21 MS. MORIEARTY: Jill Moriearty, 22 University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. 23 MS. LASTER: Shari Laster, 4 1 University of Akron. 2 MR. OTTO: Justin Otto, Eastern 3 Washington University. 4 MS. TUBBS: Camilla Tubbs, Yale 5 Law Library, New Haven, Connecticut. 6 MS. BURKE: Helen Burke, Hennepin 7 County Library, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 8 MR. HAYES: Steve Hayes, 9 University of Notre Dame. 10 CHAIRPERSON SEARS: Thank you, 11 council. I get tasked with all of the 12 housekeeping items. I have a long list here 13 so bear with me. First off restroom locations 14 for this meeting room. 15 If you go out to the registration 16 table there is a little hallway and like an 17 escalator that goes down and they are right 18 next to that so if you go to the registration 19 table, make a little bitty right and then a 20 left and the men's and women's restrooms are 21 right there. 22 Also, if everybody could please 23 turn their cell phones off or to silent it 5 1 would be much appreciated. To all of the 2 speakers both in this meeting and throughout 3 the conference, we would appreciate it. 4 The sireless in the room, we have 5 wireless for about a hundred people so I think 6 we'll be fine. You need to go to the P-A-S-V 7 when you're looking for your wireless network. 8 PASV is the network and the password is U-S-G- 9 P-O, all in lowercase. 10 We do have live blogging and so, 11 although the council members will not be live 12 blogging, they will be reading the questions 13 into the record if there are any from the live 14 blog. 15 We also have a Twitter hashtag, 16 which is #dlc10f. So announcements: there is 17 an announcement board that is back by the 18 registration table. If you are trying to meet 19 with a group of people for lunch or have just 20 general announcements to make to the 21 community, that is where you need to put them. 22 Also you can hand them to me and I 23 can make announcements during the beginning or 6 1 the end of our different council sessions 2 throughout the conference. 3 The audience questions, if you are 4 new to council meetings, the way that it works 5 is after the presentations we open up to the 6 floor for questions. Usually we ask questions 7 for the council first because GPO has paid for 8 us to come here to get information so we try 9 to get our questions answered. 10 After council is through asking 11 questions we will open it up to the audience. 12 You have microphones in the middle of the 13 floor for you to come up to and line up and we 14 will call on you to ask your question. We do 15 ask that since we have a court reporter that 16 you do state your name and your institution so 17 that we know who you are for the record. 18 If you're not comfortable coming 19 to the mic and you have a burning question we 20 do encourage you to ask that of the council 21 members during the breaks. We do ask that you 22 please be respectful if we're running to the 23 bathroom to let us go there first. Then you 7 1 will have all of our undivided attention if 2 you do that for us. 3 You can also write it down on your 4 FDLP pads and hand it to the registration 5 table and they will make sure that we get it 6 up here and we will try and get those 7 questions answered. 8 Your packets have orange 9 evaluations in them and we do ask that you 10 fill those out. When we're planning for April 11 it will be very important to us to have that 12 information from how you felt about this 13 conference and what sessions you would like to 14 see and what things you would like council to 15 consider. 16 Also in your packets are some of 17 the handouts for the sessions that council 18 will be giving. In the backs of some of those 19 slides you will find discussion questions that 20 are questions we are going to be asking during 21 those sessions so if you would like to read 22 ahead on those questions and be prepared to 23 discuss those questions, that would be very 8 1 helpful to us. 2 Today at noon is the regional 3 selective lunch. I already have seen out on 4 the announcement boards the Texas librarians 5 are meeting at the registration table at noon, 6 the Kansas librarians are meeting at the 7 registration table at noon, the Michigan 8 librarians are meeting at the registration 9 table at noon. 10 Also the California librarians are 11 meeting at the hotel cafe outside at the front 12 at 12:05, I believe, is what it says. Is that 13 correct, David? 14 (No Response) 15 CHAIRPERSON SEARS: Somebody 16 handed me Florida, Puerto Rico, and U.S. 17 Virgin Islands are meeting at noon in the 18 lower lobby.
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