Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 12-1-1965 The Kentucky High School Athlete, December 1965 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, December 1965" (1965). The Athlete. Book 105. http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete/105 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CLASS AAA STATE CHAMPION SENECA Seated in Front: Mgr. Randy Simelson, Rick Geoghegan. (Left to Rigiit) Front Row: George Calbert, Jim Dnrbin, Ed Bolds, Mike Lewis, Bob Martin, Hiroshio Sherrill, John Habeck, John Ivy. Garnett Schott, Charlie Petry, Joe Ruttle, Hilton Humphrey, Scott Horan, Ron Garrison, Pete Dawkins, Dean Williams. Second Row: Dwight Allen, Carey Eaves, Bob Staebler, Rick Stone, Ron Jackson, Don Morris George Dawson. Henry Grady, Mike Zeitman. Andrew Hays, Mike Harris, Phil Chance, John Tarter, Tom Robinson. Third Row: Pete Eiche, Ed Eiche, David Sharp, Charlie Williams, Mike Weldon, Ronnie Rogers, John Marcum, Larry Trunnell, Phil Thompson, Greg Karem, Bob Wixon , Bob Jackson. George Crutcher, Del Jaggers. Seneca 54 — Southern Seneca 6 — Waggener 26 Seneca 45 — Westport 7 Seneca 27 — Eastern 7 Seneca 33 — Butler 13 Seneca 45 — Durrett 6 Seneca 35 — Fairdalc Seneca 7 — Thomas Jeffe Seneca 16 — Fern Creek 6 Playoffs Sene a 35 -- Valley Sene a 13 -- Flaget 12 Official Organ of tlie KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION December, 1965 — THE TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY TEAM (Left to Rieht) Front Ro Dennis Pohl, Glen Dattilo. Don Kelty, David Daring. Second Row: Coacli Ken Combs, Jerry Price. ] I Eilers, Gene Kelty, Jim Richardson. (10:15.21; Steve Keller, Lexington Catholic (10:19.1; The 1965 Cross Country 5—Kenny Eilers, Trinity (10:21»; 6 — James Rucker. Holmes (10:23); 7—Allen Shouse, Daviess County (10:- The Trinitj High School ol Louisville won the 24); 8—Jerry Price, Trinity (10:26); 9—Denny Pohl, thiiteenth K.H.S.A.A. Cross Country Run, which was Trinity (10:28); 10 — David Baumer, Durrett (10:30); held at Bellamiine College, Louisville, on November 11 — James Dinwiddle, Leitchfield (10:32); 12 — Ken 6. The team score was 52, with five Trinity runners Blandford, DeSales (10:34); 13—James Banks, M. M. placing in the top 16. The individual winner was Daryle I. (10:36); 14—David Daring, Trinity (10:37); 15—Tom Remole of Owensboro High School who had the time Wilhams, Bishop David (10:39); 16—Don Kelty, Trini- of 9:53.4. This was a State Meet record. Skip Rankin ty (10:41); 17—Jim Weber, Bishop David (10:42); 18— of Somerset was second with the time of 10:10.7, and Don Weber, Bishop David (10:43); 19—Woody White, Bob Weis of St. Xavier was third with 10:15.2. Ath. Bourbon County (10:44); 20—Dan Goff, Bishop David Dii. Eddie Weber of Bellamiine was meet manager. (10:451; 21—Phil Theis, Westport; 22—Gordon Loomis, Scores of the first ten teams were as follows: Holmes; 23—Kenny Moore, Somerset; 24—Tony Auton, Trinity, 52; Bishop David, 131; Somerset, 194; St. ton, Simon Kenton; 25 — Bill Nevitt, St. Xavier; 26— Xawer 194; DeSales 246; Taylor County 268; Owens- Joseph Taylor, Taylor County; 27 — Ronnie Garrett. bom, 280; Bourbon County, 292; Covington Catholic, Somerset; 28—Jim Hahn, Manual; 29—James Daugh- 361; Flat Gap, 376. erty, McCreary County; 30—Danny WeUs, Southern; Jim Zorn, St. Russell Moorman, Ten regional runs had been held for the purpose 31— Xavier; 32— Ow- ensboro; Marshall; 34 — Brent of quaUfying teams and individuals for the state event. 33—Joe Shane, North 35 Bourbon These runs were held at Paducah, Bowling Green, Gregory, Paducah Tilghman; —Bob Poole, Bardstown, Clarkson, Louisville, Jefferson County. County; 36—David Kendall, Shelby County; 37—Bert Fields, Jenkins; 38 39 Fort ThoniHs, Lexington, Whitley City and Paintsville. —Bob Rodgers, Taylor County; 40 In addition to the teams, several individual runners Mike VanHuss, Holmes; —Ken Richeson, Western; qualified as entrants for the state affair. 41—Don Hilpp, Westpoprt; 42—Ronald Blevins, Flat Gap; 43—Jesse Amick, Atherton; 44—Robert KidweU; The order in which the first fifty runners finished Lafayette; 45—Pat Finegan, Flaget; 46 — Mel Irvin, is given below, including the times of the first twenty. DeSales; 47 — Don Luken, Covington Catholic; 48 — 1 — Darylf Remole, Owensboro (9:53.4); 2 — Skip Mike Allen, St. Xavier; 49 — Jed Johnston, Grayso]i Rank-in. Somerset (.10:10.71; 3 — Boh Weis, St Xaviei County Cathohc; 50—James Harper, Pulaski County. The Kentucky High School Athlete Official Organ of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association VOL. XXVIII—NO 5 DECEMBER, 1965 $1.00 Per Year Lifetime Sports Foundation can do to assist. At the outset I should make it perfectly Washington, D.C. clear that I am a strong supporter of com- July 29, 1965 petitive athletics. Dear Mr. Sanford: Nothing breeds excellence as well as It was my pleasure to speak at your competition. I am totally dedicated, and national meeting last month. After my talk, have been all my life, to strong varsity several of your associates asked for a copy programs in our nation's schools. Thus, I of it, and suggested I send a copy to each of trust that you will bear in mind that my re- you. Since I spoke from an outline, I do not marks related to athletics for all in no way have a copy of the speech. I am enclosing a imply a dilution or weakening of inter-scho brief resume of my remarks. lastic programs. the This may seem presumptuous of me, Need for Foundation President than any other but, as I said in the talk, I feel strongly that Kennedy, more you and the high school coaches you admin- political leader, recognized the physical fit- ister probably can do more than any other ness problem of the American people. This group in furthering physical fitness and in- problem is a result of urbanization and tech- creasing individual sports participation in nology which have virtually eliminated mus- our schools. cular effort from our daily lives. This void You and your high school coaches are must be filled. Varsity athletics do a good asked to speak before key groups, and thus job for a small percentage of young men. are in a position to influence the right peo- The need exists for all of our boys—and ple. By advocating the strengthening of girls. physical education programs, and by urging Objectives of the Foundation that all students be given the opportunity The President's Council on Physical Fit- to learn the skills of a sport that can be ness has as its major objective the establish- in all played and enjoyed throughout life, these ment of satisfactory fitness programs coaches can contribute significantly to the of the nation's schools. Thanks to the excel- Council, a enrichment of the lives of all our girls and lent campaign of the Advertising boys. Those of us who believe in competition majority of Americans have become aware should advocate, logically, competition for of this need and great progress has been all. made in meeting it. It is self-evident that in order to play a individual must I hope you share my concern and my game with satisfaction an belief that this is a genuine national need. possess agility, strength, coordination and I hope also that you will ask your coaches flexibility. These are the qualities developed to make this aopeal in their talks in the by basic fitness programs. the months ahead. If I can assist you in this, The Foundation will supplement Physi- please let me know. efforts of the President's Council on With best regards. cal Fitness by assisting in the establishment Sincerelv, of more opportunities for citizens to learn Bud Wilkinson skills of these sports that can be played and Charles B. Wilkinson, President enjoyed throughout life. How the Foundation will operate Resume of Bud Wilkinson's Sp€ech Funds of the Foundation will be grant- It is a pleasure to have an opportunity ed on a project basis to organizations that to speak to the delegates to the annual are manned and capable of contributing to meeting of the Hierh School Federation. the obiectives as stated. At no time does the I am grateful for the opportunity Foundation contemplate establishing a size- to discuss with you the Lifetime Sports able staff. There are three major areas in Foundation. I will trv to make clear the which the Foundation hones to be effective following points: 1) The need for the Foun- — schools, recreation denartments and ser- dation, 2) Objectives and purposes. 3) How the Foundation will function, 4) What you iContinued on Page Five) Page Two THE KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE FOR DECEMBER, 1965 DECEMBER, 196.3 VOL. xxvni—NO. 5 Lawrence Burdon, (23) T. T. Knight, (25) Art Moody, (26) V. M. Brucchieri, (27) John Holbrook, (29) Harvey Pablished monthly, exc^>t Jane and July, by the Kentucky G. Bush, (30) Lyman Dale, (31) W. L. HoUoway, (32) Hiffh School Athletic Association Wihnhoff, (34) George Office of Publication. Lexington, Ey. 46501 Ralph Blakey, (33) Donald Second class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky. Schneider, (35) Gene Foster, (36) Robert F. Dozier. Editor THEO. A. SANFORD (37) L. M. Stamper, (38) Larry Stephenson, (39) Ezra Assistant Editor J. B.
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