Ms. rec. Apr. 29, 1939. ON THE OCCURRENCE OF TIN IN NORWEGIAN MINERALS BY IVAR OFTEDAL Abs t ra c t. A large number of Norwegian minerals were examined by means of optical spectrograms. In the present paper are Iisted !hose which were found to contain tin. They are al most ex c! usively minerals from sulphidic ore deposits and minerals from pegmatites. (In some pegmatite minerals tin has been found earlier bv chemical methods. These are quoted, with references, as completely as possible.) Tin contents as high as l 0:o are quite exceptional and have so far been found (not counting the nordenskioldine) only in samples of yttrotantalite, samarskite, thortveitite, and perhaps ilmenorutile. Tin contents lower than 0.001 Ofo in sulphide minerals and lower than 0,0 1 OJo in the other minerals can generally not be detected by the method here applied, therefore these figures will mark the upper limit of the contents for !hose minerals in which no tin was found. Although !his investigation reveals the occurrence of tin in a considerable number of Nor­ wegian minerals it confirms the general impression that Norway is particularly poor in tin: the highest percentages are found only in very rare minerals. It is well known that tin has been found in Norway only in rare cases and in quite small quantities. The following is a com­ plete list of the data I have been able to trace in existing literature. 1 In Gmelin-Kraut's Handbuch (1. c.) is quoted that tin has been found in tritomite from Brevik, in fergusonite from Hampemyr, Tromøy, and in "all Scandinavian epidotes". I. and W. Noddack 2 have given Sn-concentrations for more than 40 Norwegian minerals. The figures are, however, mostly far below the sensitivity limit of the method applied in the present investig­ ation, so that it is no use quoting them for comparison. It also 1 A collection of older data and references concerning tin in minerals in gene­ ral is found in Gmelin-Kraut's Handb. d. anorg. Chemie, Bd. IV, l, 233 ff., 1911. 2 Die Geochemie des Rheniums, Zeitschr. phys. Chem., Abt. A, 154, 214 ff. 1931. ON THE OCCU RRENCE OF TIN IN NORWEGIAN MINERALS 315 (The percentages are given in round figures calculated as Sn.) Mineral l % Sn l Reference Nordenskioldine, Langesundsfjord 42.5 O.l Xenotime, " W. C. Brøgger, Polymignite, Stavern . O.l } Zeitschr. Krist. 16, 1890. Pyrochlore " . .0.5 Fergusonite, Berg, Råde . 0.8 " Arendal (3 anal.).. 0.5 Mossite, Råde .. 0.2 Columbite, Ånnerød, Våler . 0.6 " Fuglevik, Råde. 0.4 Euxenite, Alve , Tromøy .. 0.2 W. C. Brøgger, Blomstrandine, Arendal . .0.2 Vid. Akad. Skr. l, 1906, No. 6, " Hidra (Hitterøy ) . O.l Samarskite, Ødegårdsletten, Våler. 0.5 " Aslaktaket " O.l Yttrotantalite, Berg, Råde . 1.0 -"-� . l-jattevik, Dillingøy . 2.4 "Annerødite", Annerød, Våler ...... ... O.l W. C. Br. , G. F.F. Sthlm., 5, 188 1. Xenotime, Hvaløy .. 0.2 Narestø b. Arendal . O.l " C. Blomstrand, Monazite, Hvaløy . O.l l G. F. F. Sthlm., 9, 1887. " Dillingøy . O.l " Moss (2 anal.). .. 0.2 Euxenite, Setesdal (2 anal.) . O.l \I Anal. 1909- 10, quoted in Doelter's -.,-- Eitland, Farsund ... ... ..... O.l l Handb.d.Min.-Ch.,Bd. Ill, l, 1918. Priori te, Frikstad, Iveland . .. .. .. tr. ) J Schetelig, Risørite, Gryting, Gjerrestad .. .. .. tr. Vid. Akad. Skr. I, 1922, No. l. makes some difficulty that many of the localities are given only approximately and one or two obviously incorrectly (e. g. cleveite, Brevik) . However, one or two cases of definite disagreement will be mentioned in their turn. The following older data are considered doubtful by the authors. Eucrasite, Langesundsfjord. W. C. Brøgger, Z. Krist. 16, 1890. Vesuvianite, Tal\'ik, Seiland. ... Tom. Barth, Vid. Akad. Skr. I, 1927, No. 8. Cassiterite, Glitrevatn, Modum. W. C. Brøgger, l. c., p. 76, and V. M. Go1dschmidt, Kontaktmetam. p. 280. All the minerals listed, not counting the doubtful cassiterite and the certainly also doubtful epidote, are pegmatite minerals, mostly rare. The only real tin-mineral, the nordenskioldine, is extremely rare in Norway 1• 1 Larger quantities of nordenskioldine have lately been found in Arandis, SW­ Africa. P. Ramdohr, N. Jahrb. f. Min. &c., BB. 68, 288, 1934. 316 IVAR OFTEDAL In the course of some spectrographic work, primarily not done for the special purpose of tracing tin, I found that tin enters into a considerable number of Norwegian minerals, also of other kinds than those listed above. The concentrations are, however, very low, only seldom as high as l %. The first accidental observations I have now supplemented systematically to some extent. But of course the following does not pretend to approach a complete account of the distribution of tin in Norway. The spectrograms were all made with a quarz spectrograph, constructed by dr. R. Mannkopff in Gottingen, in the ultraviolet. For the identification of tin were used the two lines 3175.04 and 2839.99, sometimes chequed by several others. In the region of these lines the spectrograph gives a dispersion corresponding to 5 to 7 Å per mm on the plates, and the lines are very sharp and narrow. Under these circumstances the two tin lines are both di­ sturbed by other elements only in very special cases, so that by careful work and not too low intensities there is no danger of making mistakes. As to the concentration of the tin the order of magnitude was determined by comparison with spectra of standard mixtures containing known percentages of tin ranging from l OJo to 0.00 l 0/o. As the intensities of the spectral lines of a min or consti­ tuent at a given concentration may depend considerably on the nature of the main substance the mixtures were made to correspond roughly to the types of minerals examined. The minerals found to contain tin and listed below are almost exclusively sulphides (mostly zinc blendes and galenas) and rare earth minerals, therefore sets of standard mixtures were made with ZnS, PbS, thalenite, and olom­ strandine (poor in tin) as main substances, further albite was used for one mixture. The intensities of the tin lines in equivalent ZnS and PbS mixtures agree very well, and it is possible to trace tin in them down to a concentration somewhat below 0.00 l%. It is found that these mixtures give good results not only for zinc blen­ des and galenas but also for chalcopyrite, and it may be assumed that they will apply fairly well also to other sulphide minerals. The thalenite mixture was made for comparison with rare earth silicate minerals. The tin lines here turn out to be somewhat weaker than in equivalent sulphide mixtures and can hardly be traced much below 0.0l %. In the blomstrandine mixtures, made in view of the rare earth niobates and tantalates, the tin lines are still weaker at corre- ON THE OCCURRENCE OF TIN IN NORWEGIAN MINERALS 317 sponding concentrations and disappear entirely at about 0.01 %. This strong weakening is - in any case partly - due to the fact that spectra of rare earth niobates and tantalates generally show a very heavy continuous background blackening.1 The albite mixture shows rather high intensities of the tin lines, not very much lower than the equivalent sulphide mixtures. It was used for the examination of ordinary silicate minerals and tentatively also in a few other cases (e. g. chrysoberyl). As an artificial mixture is physically different from the powder of the corresponding natura! mineral and therefore may behave differently in the carbon are the comparability of their two spectra is not beforehand secured. Special precautions may be necessary to produce reliable comparison spectra. In the above cases it seems well ascertained that fairly good comparison spectra have been ob­ tained, :so that the following figures will give roughly the correct values of the Sn-concentrations. The percentages are generally ex­ pressed only in whole powers of 10. The signs >and < sometimes prefixed are meant to alter the values not more than half way to the next power of l O. 1. Sulphidic ore deposits. The minor constituents of Norwegian sulphide minerals, espe­ cially zinc blendes and galenas, will be dealt with more fully in a future publication. Here will be listed only those in which tin has been found. a. Contact deposits of the Oslo Region. Minerals from some twenty different localities have been exami­ ned, including the majority of the larger zinc and lead deposits. They are on the whole extremely poor in tin, the only positive data being the following: 1 The importance of this background effect has been empha'>ize d very much b y L. W. Strock. See Tidsskr. f. Kje mi og Be rgv. Nr. 6, 1938. 318 IVAR OFTEDAL Ofo Sn i e d . Sande Zinc Mine . .... .. .... <0.00 1 e s g���et) I: : 0.00 1 ���g�! ( :��ii�il·y· : : 1: :: 1 Zinc blende .................. Kirke b�;, Hakadal : : : : : : : : ::l tra ce Manganese garneti ............. 1 Nyseter, Grua ............... 0.01 The tin supposed to be present in quarz porphyry greisen in the Glitrevann district could not be detected in a sample labelled Ilen­ seter-Maurtjern, collected by V. M. Goldschmidt. I may also mention that epidote from Glomsrudkollen was examined with nega­ tive result. b. Deposits in the southern Pre-Cambrian area. Minerals from nearly 30 single localities were examined, in­ cluding deposits of various kinds and certainly very different ages. Tin was found in the following: 0/o Sn Chalco pyrite .................. Thoreqy. Varteig ............. 0.001 Zinc blende ................... Hen, Adalen ............... tr a ce Kongsberg distri ct .......... <0.00 1 0.01 Skara, Eiker ..............
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