Darw'eti Water Works arid Reservoirs. (For sup- for the purposes of -the said undertaking, of any" plying Water to the Town and Neighbourhood of them, or which would in any manner impede, of Over Darwen, and to the Mill Owners; and prevent, or interfere, with any of the powers or •:. others, on the River Darwen.) purposes aforesaid, and to grant, other and further' OTICE is hereby given, that application is rights, and privileges, and also to charge, and intended to be made to Parliament in the recover rates, or rents, for such supply of water# N and to rate, or assess,- all mills, factories, premises, Ensuing session, for an Act for better supplying 1 with water the town and neighbourhood of Over and works, on the respective owners and occupiers Darwen, in the parish of Blackburn, in the county thereof, receiving any benefit or advantage from of Lancaster, and for affording a more regular s&fd the construction and maintenance of the said in-* constant supply of water to the miB-owriers and tended reservoirs, or any of them, such mills, fac- others on the River Darwen, and for such purposes tories, premises, and works, being within the to construct the following works (that is to say) several parishes, townships, extra-parochial, anof to enlarge the existing reservoir in the township other places of Blackburn, Leyland, Over Darwenv 6f Over Darwen, and parish of Blackburn, called Lower Darwen, Tockholes, Eccleshill, Blackburn> Jacks Key Reservoir ; to construct a reservoir in Witton, Livesey, Pleasington, Feniscowles, Hogh- the townships of Over Darwen, and Tockholes, in ton, Salmesbury, CuerdaJe, and "Walton -le-Dale, the said parish of Blackburn, at or near a place or some of them, and to grant certain exemptions- called Lower Wenshead, ta construct and maintain from the payment of such rates, rents, and the following aqueducts o* conduits, that is to assessments* and it is also intended by such- say, an aqueduct to commence at or near a place Act to take power to stop up, alter or divert* called Higher Height Side, in the said township of whether temporarily or permanently, aft turnpike Over Darwen, and to terminate by a junction with and other roads and highways, railways, tramways, the Jacks Key Reservoir aforesaid, all in the said aqueducts, canals, streams,, and rivers, within the township of Over Darwen ; aa aqueduct or con-" aforesaid parishes, townships, and extra-parochial duit, to commence at or hea'r a laife callfed Pble- or other places, or any of them, which it may be lane, in the said toxvnship of Over Darwen, and to necessary to stop up, alter, or divert by reason of terminate 'by a junction with the said Jacks Key the construction of the said intended works, or any Reservoir, all in the said township of Over Darwen; of them; and it is also intended by such Act to ob- an aqueduct or conduit, to commence at, Jacks tain power and authority to take, impound, use, and Key Reservoir aforesaid, and to terminate at or apply all or* part of the' waters now flowing to# near, the Spring Vale Prifit Works, on or near the through, or into the several brooks or streams* River Darwen, all in the said township of Over DarJ called the Earusdale Brook, Sunnyhurst Brook, wen ; an aqueduct or conduit, to commence at or High Lumb Brook, Smalleys, or Kabes Brook, near a place called Halliwells, and to terminate by Bury Fold Brook, Whitehall Brook, Grainings- a junction with the intended reservoir, at or near Brook, Orrell Nook Brook, Hampson Brook, Corn- Lower Wenshead, all in the township of Tock- borow or Cranberry Brook, Lower Barn Brook, holes, in the parish of Blackburn. Bent Brook, Jack Brook, and the River Darwen, o£ An aqueduct or conduit, to? €dmmetie*& aft or some of them, all in the parishes of Blackburn and Hear a place called Punstock, atfd to terminate by Leyl&nd? aforesaid, and their respective tributaries a junction with the said last-mentioned reservoir, or feeders, or some of tbemy all which said brooks all in the said township of Over Darwen. or streams flow to, or into; or unite with the' An aqueduct or conduit, to commence at the River Darwen, in the said parish of Blackburn, last-mentioned reservoir, and to terminate at or and afterwards flow to, or unite with the River near the Spring Vale Print Works, on or near the Ribble, at or near a certain place called Walton, river Darwen aforesaid, all in the said township of in the same parish of Blackburn ; and it is further Over Darwen; and also, to construct, lay down, and intended by such Act or Acts, to enable the said maintain, all such dams, weirs, main pipes, and Company to be thereby incorporated, to enter into other works, in connection therewith, in the several and carry into effect such arrangements and agree- townships, and extra-parochial, or other places of ments as may be necessary or proper for accom- Blackburn, Leyland, Over Darwen, Tockholes, plishing the several objects and purposes afore-* Pleasington, Feniscowles, Livesey, and Hoghton, said. #11 in the county of Lancaster aforesaid, or And notice is hereby further given, that some of them, as may be necessary for effecting or plans and sections of. the said intended works, the purposes aforesaid, and it is also proposed by and of the lands intended to be taken for the pur- such Act, to incorporate a company for the pur- poses thereof, together with a book of reference to' pose of. carrying the said undertaking into effect, such plans, containing the names of the reputed and to enable the company to be thereby incorpo- owners and lessees, and of the occupiers of such jrated to purchase, and take lands, buildings, reser- lands will be deposited on or before the thirtieth voirs, springs, streams, waters, and other heredita- day of November, in the present year, with the ments, by compulsion or agreement, and to hold Clerk of the Peace of the county of Lancaster,, at the same, for the purposes aforesaid, and to vary, his office in Preston, in the said county, and that a alter, or extinguish all existing rights or privileges, copy of so much of the said maps or plans, sections, in any manner connected with the lands, buildings, and book of reference, as relates to each of the reservoirs, springs, streams, waters, and other parishes, in, or through which the said works are hereditaments, proposed to be purchased, or taken, tntended te be made, will be deposited on or before.
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