Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 7-10-1947 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1947). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2469. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2469 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. of Jouriiid��--,� r Unl",.,.ltr \.HhoOIATHENS,o!,.A--­u \ IlULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS _________ 'l'H_U_R_S_DA_Y_,_J_UL.!__3,_1_9_47_ BAt1{WAnD LOOK MORE THAN The True Memorial I \ HALF CENTURY TEN YEARS AGO. SERVICE : Clubs: MR':'!'i'�'=�"'" IS AN UNWRITTEN BUT ELO­ Personal From Bulloch Times. July 8. 1937 BULLOCH NEEDED QUENT STORY OF Statesboro men members of rI'IMES WHERE ALL THAT young the National Guard who, left today NEWS--STATESHORO IS BBST IN LIFE. (STA'£ESBORO EAGLE) r';;cial for n two weeks' 'at Ft. a-���������������m1�:����I encampment were LIeut. Henry Ellis. Our work Moultrie. helps to reflect the Brannen. Sltt. BullOCh Times, Eatablished 1892 .111r. Sgt. Harvey Leroy Consolidated 17' 11117 and Mrs. OtIS Waters and fum- Rev, and Mrs. Carl and 1901 JanU&I'J VOL. 56-NO. 18 Sampey spirit which prompts you to erect Cowart Jr and Privates W. L. Call Statesboro Newe, Established I STATESBOJtO, GA., THU�DAY, JULY 10, 1947 i1y are spending several days in F'lor- young son are Establlsbed 191'T-Conaolldated D_ber 9, 1900 vilSiting relatives at *"e stone as an act of reverence and Joe William Donaldson. Stetesboro Eagle. Purely Personal ida. Hineavltla. Carol Jean Carter. young St.tes­ ...d devotion • •• Our experience Wade and Robert Mr. aad Mrs. bora girl, returned la'St evening from Hodges Hodges Frank Olliff Jr., of i. at Jour service. the first lap of' what is expecteti to Hanks II nuscle or were visitors in Atlanta during the Milren, spent with Nancy noonlight? Miss O1orl. MIkell is spending this Sunday M.r. and be her eventual visit to Hollywood­ STATE CAMPAIGN week. Mrs. Olliff Sr. slle was invited Jack Merco, Holly­ wesk with relativ... in Savannah. THAYER MONUMENT by Mr. Barnes will have for his best Mr. and Mrs. Fred COMPANY wood film director, to appear before Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Jr. Smith J,'. and Ru,.hing A Local Since rehearsal in a DUE man Imlustry 1922 him in Atlanta. for I. YEAR IlENCE hi� cousin Bradley Downs Jr., of Miss Maxonn have returned from Modern Stream-liner we.re visitors in Savannah Friday, Fay JOHN M. picture. Caution Cordele. a Best famers stay at Crescent. THAYER, Proprietor E. L. Mikell. of Savannah. spent Social events: Children of Mrs. Fourth of July Lonl' Against Mrs. G. Mr. - .45 West Main Street PHONE 439 C. Coleman Sr. and Mrs. and Mt'S. W. , GL In observ­ last week end with his parents, Mr. I L. Huggins, of Statesboro. W. T. Smith 'joined Sunday La's.t Word In Comfort Recognized As Opening W. �'��=ii;;;�i;5::='=;! H. DeLoach, 'Spent in Stapleton. spent, (lapr-tf) BIIee of her seventieth birthday at her and Mrs. Erastus Mikell. Tuesday Tuesday with Mr. Date In Governor's Mr. and Main ...t.-Of cor­ vicll W, E. ,Race Swainsboro. and Mrs. Olliff. Mrs. AU'Stin Bailey an- home on North str Veni, vldi, agent; Stewart, general freight Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Parker Jr. and Fr:nk Out of "All Plans was of Miss a Moon nouncc the dial inter8'.,t tlie marriage Marion P. It is year until the next Mr•. T. J. Register and daughters. Mrs. C. M. Martin and birth gf II. son, Richard These three strange-sounding words agent; Wise, vlee-presi­ campaign have returned Mi.s Ma�'- INFORMAL TEAS Ruth of Mr. Leaving daughter. Marjorie. Mary Lanter, daughter Allen, June at the WOOD-BARNE$ uttered a .rent; J. L. Bennett. gets under way. politics whirl but we have been told that J',rry and Nell. spent Sunday at Sa- garet Martin are .. 14. Bulloch County are said to have been by purcha'5inll' agent,. Tr"ditionally. A recent Sunday afternoon questions, fIIom a Md. pending the week Miss Nell" Lee was hostess- at two aad Mrs. E. A. Smith. to Albert trip to Baltimore, WEDDING PLANS Sid­ W. H. G_ in starts with Hospital. Mrs. was of H. Young, superintendent; georgla July Fourth, a Bulloch the moon Is vunnah Beach. with relatives in Bailey formerly Dodd Jr.• of on June 28th. Roman the long-aro days thrifty sectien of "...pon.lble. Music will fur- Miami. ,tmull inf...mal teas the week, ney Rome, general through largely for the occasion be during Announqement wa� made last week maintenance J. the Mrs. Sam Franklin and Miss Miss Mary Dell Allen. Escaping without any fatali'ti'es, when he achieved a victory of which Carter, engineer; W. perhaps upon rea�onable theory confirm', first-hand reports A day or two ago a group of ua sons, Sam- Frances Ford hQs returned te and were conunty aished Jack Averitt, and Games contests the feature of the of more than the by organist. * engag.ment Mias Rebel Stat"oboro reported Hawthorne, that the of at of my and Jimmy, have returned from a Richmond, after he was very proud. superintendent moth\e "pursuit happiness" guar­ which have been general that Bulloch talked the front steps the POlt­ and vocalists. Va., visiting Mr. and Mr. and of entertainment. At Wood to .verage week-end accidents. Billy Bobby Holland, M�. A�b:rt Powell an- WoednesdBfY's Emmett W. Barnes. Plana highway A. H. ear in­ anteed the Declaration of Inde­ stay at Savannah lilts. Fred he radioed back power; Heath. general by crops office. and Homebody w"o knew fa Beach. Smith and Sid Smith. M.... won a Among those reported injured The story .. that county givoe promise gshel's will be Parrish Blitch. Dekle nounce the birth of a Glen- party Paul Groovee in have been made for an informal w;re sple�did Mrs. daughter. wed­ spector; R. H. Gilky. division engi­ pendence, involves barbecues and told us lhat calll fool a cot­ Frank Hook has returned from Mr. and Ml'S. Donaldson lIIr. and Mr.. Goldberg, returrung to friends at home these word. as an this year. ing you Banks, Fred Darley. Inman Foy, John Virgil du Raye. June 28th. at the Bulloch cake guessing contest and received a ding at the Baptist church to their home at over­ J. D. asaistant, ton a cr 11 field ., a vl\Jit with her Mrs. and Statesboro, Milledgeville. over his 'ac­ neer; McCartl)8Y, tq speeeh-maklng. One has to but .tart In direc­ stalk, pea patch, mother. Roger children, Car"y. and Carol. are kitchen memo and expresion of sa tisfaction any Ford and W'ol'th McDougald. County Hospital. Mrs. Powell was pad pencil. Mrs. Satulfday at eleven tumed miles west.of Mays morning o'clock, tWJl Statesb(\l'O; Dr. C. chief sur­ Of course Governor M. E. corn. told us that Inno­ - trustee; F. Thomp­ the theBe Fulcher. in Waynesboro .. spending the week at Savannah Beach. Holton, tion anll swing around t" see They ZacloJ Smith and Miss Nina . the former M",,'Vertie Jim Donaldson was given a fingertip with Rev. T. Earl Seraon Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Turner and Mr. complishment. Arri'oJd. Key. officiating. Ben K. son has declared that are in take orden di­ Mrs. GiJbert Cone oland children Mr. and Mrs. a be­ 'gecn; Armstron", politics best-and the Bulloch cent-appearing crops Thad • • • • towel in and Mrs, Dean Horton. at point into ..odern dispatchep pcoreet=-crcpa of Savannah, were dinner' guests Morris, Jimmy "Musical Memories" cont...t. MilM! Wood will be in Translated English given marriage low and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. J. H. Harden, train master; W. J. adjournment. From his OWII view­ from the moon. Thst no ef· Gilbert Jr. and are and Phil Morris and Mr. anll H. D. an- Stilson. county has ever known. Oddly enough rectly Harriet. spending Mrs. Robert Mol'- Mrs, Everett Other were Mrs. are said to mean, "I came, l'Iaw, Tuesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. liIor­ guests Bob-..._Mikell. by h.r father. Mr. at a they Ralph Leonard Womack point below Brooklet; Poole. chief special J. M. Bent­ pClint this prebably is true. Current­ re­ fort of man could overcome the han­ awhile at Savannah Beach. rls are awhile nt Jackson- no�nce the birth of a Alma agent; that diversity of prospect i" not ace Smith. spending daughter. Mrs. Brannen. Mrs. Bill Ad- Wood. Her maid of all were from a vi.it to I conquered." Henry honor and returning M. M. he is in the difficult task o.f moon Mrs. Bill Mrs. Matt Dob- ville Beach. June at only ley. special lagent; McPorter, ly engaged stricted to zones. Poor crops and dicap wrong position. Kennedy, Elizabeth. 26. the Bulloch am. and Mr�. Carson Jones. Savannah Beach. roil­ Miss Helen Coakley has returned attendant will be Miss Ruth If the Nancy Hanks I�. which of to son Gaskin, • • •• division freight agent; H.
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