“Serving the Sea Services” Quantico Chapter Spring 2006 Newsletter President: LtCol Robert Clements Vice-President: Maj David Everly Chaplain: Capt Michael Williams Public Affairs: Capt Paula McNair Treasurer: Capt Travis Reeves Secretary: Lt Angela Simpson Membership: Maj Tamia Ashley Webmaster: Capt Robert Guice Sgt-At-Arms: Maj Jonathan Loney Historian: Capt Ronella Taylor Upcoming Events Message from the President... • July 5th Executive Board Meeting • July 12th General Meeting Once again let me compliment presence during TBS mixers, fight that we must share with the membership of the Quantico Church visits, Golf Tournaments, each other." For those that will • July 17-21 34th Annual National Chapter, NNOA for the superla- meetings is always inspirational depart Quantico, I wish you the NNOA Conference tive performance displayed over and educational. Major Gener- best as you continue to effec- the past year. As a team, we als Stanley, Bolden and Fields; tively lead our Marines and sail- • July 27-29 Montford Point Ma- continue to turn challenges in although not physically present, ors. rines Annual Convention accomplishments. We are ex- your wise and sterling examples tremely fortunate to have had continue to enrich our organiza- Semper Fidelis, • August 12 Quantico Membership Senior Leadership willing to tion. It is equally important for Picnic make time in their extremely me to thank everyone who made busy schedules to support the this year a success. As I have LtCol R. C. Clements chapter. Major Generals Gaskin, said previously, "We all bring a President Wilson, Coleman, Brigadier Gen- unique and special brand of Quantico Chapter, NNOA erals Bailey and Salinas, your expertise and experience to the Inside this issue: Royalty to Take Charge of Quan- 2 Chapter Announces the 2006 Scholarship Award Winners tico’s Naval Health Clinic ~ Maj Jonathan P Loney Getting Involved with NNOA 2 Three local area high school education-related expenses at alike, graceful personality, and students are all smiles after the college or university of their favor as - in the words of both receiving notifications from the choice. her school principal and guid- Quantico Chapter Scholarship ance counselor - "the most SILVER HAWK: Frank Petersen, a 3 At the on-set of the scholar- man of firsts Committee that they were se- likely young women to succeed lected from a group of twenty ship committee's determination and make a difference in the and selection meeting, Brianne Women in Military Service for 4 candidates as recipients of world," had equally set her Connolly's package stood out America Foundation academic scholar- above and beyond both the ships. Brianne Connolly of among all the remaining 19 candidates that the selection Military Short On Minority Generals 5 Stonewall Jackson High School strong candidates. Touting a board considered, as well as at in Manassas, Jonathan Sahlin 4.53 cumulative GPA and an her awards ceremony held on 1 of Courtland High School in impressive listing of AP classes, June at Stonewall Jackson High Navy Ships Named in Honor of 5 Spotsylvania County, and Jes- her strong academic transcript School, where she received a African Americans sica Richers of Woodbridge spoke for itself. Her community total of six scholarships and Senior High School in Wood- service throughout high school grants. Brianne had been ac- with the student and Prince An Evening with the Commandant 6 bridge, will receive $1,000 each cepted at a number of schools William County governments to assist with tuition and other (Continued on page 3) Career Day at Coles Elementary 9 School “Serving the Sea Services” Page 2 Royalty to Take Charge of Quantico’s Naval Health Clinic On 14 July 2006 at 1030, Cap- will take place at the ceremo- ceived a Bachelor of Arts De- tain Janee Przybyl, Medical nial area in front of the Balch gree from the University of Service Corps, United States Clinic with a reception to follow. Maryland Baltimore County in Navy will relinquish command Health, Science and Policy con- to Captain Joan Queen, Medical A native of Baltimore, Maryland, centrating in Health Care Ad- Service Corps, United States Captain Queen graduated from ministration. She received a Navy. The change of command the Institute of Notre Dame, Baltimore, Maryland and re- (Continued on page 4) Getting Involved with NNOA ~Capt Travis T. Reeves, USMC Initially, I did not understand have told them that it was a mality of the normal work envi- “My experience has the urgency of the suggestion: kind thought, but wishful think- ronment. Working diligently and “Get involved. Join the National ing at best. Not only did they closely toward the shared goals been one of senior Naval Officers Association. You show up, but they carved time and objectives of the organiza- officers going out of are the future of the Sea Ser- out of their busy schedules to tion often created a relaxed their way to get junior vices. Be a part of the future.” take pictures, interacted with atmosphere that fostered ca- At the time, I had not been com- other officers that showed up to maraderie amongst peers and officers involved and missioned a whole year, and I support, and squeezed a few an environment that was con- welcomed into the felt like I was swimming as hard last mentorship lessons in be- ducive to posing complex ques- organization; and as I could to keep up with the fore I started my journey as a tions to senior officers. Sec- present; the future would have Captain. It took a day as re- ondly, it is great being a junior questions are not only to wait. I never questioned the markable as that one, for me to officer in the organization. My answered, but significance of the organization realize how much of an impact experience has been one of encouraged.” Capt and I certainly never doubted that being involved in the NNOA senior officers going out of their Reeves the importance of the future. I has had on my socialization into way to get junior officers in- just felt like I would probably the Marine Corps. And while volved and welcomed into the join the organization eventually, these officers were here to sup- organization; and questions are but not now. I was just getting port me getting promoted, they not only answered, but encour- started with my career; I had 20 were simultaneously supporting aged. Thirdly, conversations years to “Get Involved”. Had I the core mission of the organi- (Continued on page 4) not been strong-armed, oops, I zation, which is the recruitment mean “strongly encouraged” by and retention of minority offi- my Staff Platoon Commander, cers. Had it not been for the to attend one of the meetings, it majority of the officers in the would have taken a lot longer audience, who had mentored for me to understand the impor- me at one point or another, I tance and value of being in- doubt that I would have stayed volved. beyond my first tour. I am grateful that there were more [Fast forward to my promotion experienced officers around ceremony on May 1st] that could help me see the big- It was an incredible day for me, ger picture. at the very least. I could not There are several advantages to have been more excited, or any participating in this organiza- happier with the support I re- tion, but there were three, in ceived from fellow officers, jun- particular, that made a huge ior and senior alike. Had some- difference to me. Meetings and one told me (4) years earlier other NNOA sponsored events that there would be (2) General served as a great introduction Officers, an SES, and a General to junior and senior officers Officer (select) there applauding Maj Everly, BGen Bailey, Capt Reeves, MajGen Coleman, and MajGen without the pressure and for- my promotion to Captain, I may Gaskin at Capt Reeve’s promotion ceremony 2 “Serving the Sea Services” Page 3 Scholarship Continued... and elected to attend Duke intends to major in mathemat- School. She has elected to University, where she plans to ics. attend Indiana University, major in engineering. Jessica Richers knows where she plans to follow whence cometh her help, and through on her music education Jonathan Sahlin was selected that fact of her life she is not at in hopes of one day being a by virtue of his excellent aca- all ashamed or hesitant to tell university music professor and demic achievement in that he you comes from the Lord. A join the Metropolitan Orchestra. concurrently qualified to receive devoted Christian, athlete, and an associate's degree along musician, Jessica made the The scholarship committee with his high school di- decision early on in her life that joins our chapter president in ploma. When asked how he she would dedicate her life to thanking retired Major Gen- accomplished such an achieve- her religion while honing her eral’s Stanley, Bolden, Fields, ment, his reply was "during the creativity and musical talents and Lincoln Military Properties- tenth grade, I realized that high on creating music that will Quantico, for their contributions school AP (advanced place- touch as much of the world as that have enabled this year’s ment) classes just were not possible. From her church in scholarship awards to rank going to give me the challenge Woodbridge to overseas mis- among the largest that the Jonathan Sahlin, graduate of Court- that I needed, so I decided to sions to Honduras and future Quantico Chapter has been take college level courses in- land High School, receives his overseas missions that she is able to award in recent years. stead of AP." Jonathan was the planning in the near term, Jes- scholarship award from Maj Loney recipient of two scholarship sica had already begun to follow awards during his awards cere- through on her vision.
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