October 13, 2019 CHURCH OF ST. JOHN VIANNEY MISSION STATEMENT TOGETHER—RENEWING OUR COMMITMENT TO GOD & OUR COMMUNITY Address: 789 -17th Ave N, South St. Paul, MN 55075 Phone: (651) 451-1863 Fax: (651) 451-1864 www.sjvssp.org Parish Staff Pastor Fr. Antony Skaria, CFIC [email protected] Deacon Scott Wright [email protected] Director of Religious Education & Parish Assistant Jill Vujovich-Laabs [email protected] Director of Music Lori Lencowski [email protected] Maintenance—Kent Trkla [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Bulletin Deadline - Monday 12:00 pm WEEKEND: SATURDAY 5 PM SUNDAY 8:15 AM & 10:30 AM WEEKDAYS: TUE—FRI 7:30 AM HOLY DAYS: 7:30AM & 6:30 PM RECONCILIATION THUR & FRI: 7:00 AM SAT: 4:00 PM St. Francis of Assisi: Lover of the Eucharist Saint Francis was not a priest himself, but was ordained as a ~LOUISE MERRIE deacon. He tried to attend Mass at least once a day, whenever Saint Francis of Assisi, one of our most beloved saints, is possible, and his biographer, Thomas of Celano, wrote that perhaps best known for his appreciation of nature and animals. Saint Francis received Holy Communion frequently, and “he did He should however, be recognized even more for his love of so with such devotion that he made others also devout.” Saint Jesus in the Eucharist, as that was one of the most important Bonaventure wrote in his biography of Saint Francis, “He aspects of his spirituality and a major theme of his writings. burned with love for the Sacrament of our Lord’s Body with all Because of Saint Francis’ devotion to the Eucharist, he wanted his heart, and was lost in wonder at the thought of such conde- churches to be clean, in good repair, and beautiful to honor scending love, such loving condescension.” Jesus. After his conversion, he donated money and sacred vessels to poor churches in honor of Jesus’ Presence there. He Saint Francis wanted priests to celebrate Mass with reverence spent much of his time in prayer in the Church of San Damiano, and devotion. In his “Letter to a General Chapter”, he asked and one of his early works of charity was to repair churches. friars who were priests, friars who would be ordained as priests, Although he greatly valued poverty and did not spend money and friars who wanted to become priests “…to be free from all on himself, he wanted the best, most beautiful sacred vessels earthly affection when they say Mass, and offer single mindedly to be used in churches. He wrote in his Testament, “Above and with reverence the True Sacrifice of the most holy Body everything else, I want this most Holy Sacrament to be honored and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, with a holy and pure inten- and venerated and reserved in places which are richly orna- tion, not for any earthly gain or through human respect or love mented.” for any human being, not serving to the eye as pleasers of men (Eph. 6:6), with the help of God’s grace, their whole intention Catholics may assume there was great reverence toward Jesus should be fixed on Him with a will to please the most high Lord in the Blessed Sacrament in the Middle Ages, but there were alone, because it is He alone who accomplishes this marvel in problems then as well. In his “Letter to All Clerics,” Saint Fran- his own way. He told us, Do this in memory of me (Lk 22:19), cis wrote that priests “should realize that the chalices, corpo- and so the man who acts otherwise is a traitor like Judas, and rals, and altar linens where the Body and Blood of Our Lord he will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord (1 Cor. Jesus Christ are offered in Sacrifice should be completely suit- 11:27).” able…” He spoke of the scandal of priests who “reserve the Blessed Sacrament in unsuitable places or carry It about irrev- Saint Francis was also concerned that all Catholics should erently, or receive It unworthily, or give It to all-comers without know and truly believe in Jesus’ Presence in the Blessed Sac- distinction…. Surely we cannot be left unmoved by loving sor- rament. In his “Admonitions”, he explained, “He shows himself row for all this…” In Saint Francis’ “Letter to All Superiors of the to us in this sacred bread just as he once appeared to his apos- Friars Minor,” he entreated them to ask the clergy “to have the tles in real flesh. With their own eyes they saw only his flesh, greatest reverence for the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus but they believed that he was God, because they contemplated Christ.” him with the eyes of the spirt. We, too, with our own eyes, see Saint Francis had great respect for priests because they cele- only bread and wine, but we must see further and firmly believe brate the Sacrifice of the Mass, and give people Holy Commun- that this is his most holy Body and blood, living and true. In this ion. He encouraged his brother friars and lay followers to honor way, our Lord remains continually with his followers, as he priests, and not to judge them, but leave their judgment to God. promised, Behold, I am with you all days, even unto He tried to encourage priests to be faithful and holy, and ad- the consummation of the world. (Mt. 28:20).” dressed them directly in two of his letters. In his “Letter to a Saint Francis encouraged the friars to receive Holy Communion General Chapter, “he told the priests of the Franciscan Order, worthily in his Rule of 1221. He wrote, “And when they have “Remember your dignity, then, my friar-priests, you should confessed their sins with due contrition, they should receive the make and keep yourselves holy, because God is holy (Lev. Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ with great humility and 11:44). In this mystery God has honored you above all other reverence, remembering the words of our Lord himself, He who human beings, and so you must love, revere, and honor him eats my flesh and drinks my blood has life everlasting (Jn. more than all others.” 6:55), and, Do this is remembrance of me (Lk. 22:19)” ...To be continued next week 2ND COLLECTION NEXT SUNDAY—OCTOBER 20TH WORLD MISSION SUNDAY PLEASE BE GENEROUS TO HELP OUR CATHOLIC FAMILY ALL OVER THE WORLD! The 2019 Planum Dinner Would you like to be a PLATINUM DINNER Presents: SPONSOR? “The Stars are out at Invest in our production! St. John Vianney” the following sponsorships are Friday, October 25, 2019 Reserved seang ckets are on sale at all available weekend Masses SILVER SPONSOR $50.00 Ticket prices are $65.00 per person GOLD SPONSOR $100.00 A Buffet Dinner will be served by A La Carte Catering PLATINUM SPONSOR $250.00 Grand prizes of $1000.00, $500.00 and DIAMOND SPONSOR $1000.00 $250.00 Entertainment is Ann Farrell There will be envelopes on the Ticket Accompanied by Lori Lencowski Raffles: table for your convenience, Our Famous Gi Card Basket valued over pick one up and drop it in the collec- $600.00 Star Quilt 68x80 inches made by Doris tion or return to the table Bringgold “The Red Carpet” Cocktail Thank you!! A variety of $30.00 Specialty Baskets will be on sale at the dinner AND A LIVE AUCTION St. John Vianney Girls Luncheon Monday, October 21st For A Specialty Dinner for six guests 11:30am Prepared by Father Antony Outback Steakhouse A specialty Dinner for 4 guests prepared Inver Grove Heights by Mayor Jimmy Francis Call Jan Eggert @ 651-451-1934 for reservations For quesons or reservaons call Doris at 651-451-1645 FINANCIAL REPORT PARISH GIVING DESCRIPTION SEPTEMBER YTD YTD BUDGET YTD VARIANCE (Fiscal Year Envelopes $ 25,580.35 $ 83,273.05 $ 90,000.00 $ (6,726.95) July'19-June'20) Plate/Loose $ 1,102.75 $ 3,424.95 $ 3,750.00 $ (325.05) Mortgage* $ 3,360.00 $ 9,454.00 $ 12,000.00 $ (2,546.00) TOTAL: $ 30,043.10 $ 96,152.00 $ 105,750.00 $ (9,598.00) * Includes Rummage Sale Proceeds Stewardship Please pray for the Readings for the week of October 13, 2019 sick who have Sunday: 2 Kgs 5:14-17/Ps 98:1, 2-3, 3-4 [cf. asked for our 2b]/2 Tm 2:8-13/Lk 17:11-19 prayers Monday: Rom 1:1-7/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 [2a]/Lk 11:29-32 Koz Kosmicki Sr. Mary Madonna Ashton, CSJ Tuesday: Rom 1:16-25/Ps 19:2-3, 4-5 [2a]/Lk Kathy Olsen-Roebke Jim Bruhn 11:37-41 Wednesday: Rom 2:1-11/Ps 62:2-3, 6-7, 9 [13b]/Lk Kevin Conroy Judy Fuglie 11:42-46 Yvonne Hain Grayce Hartman Thursday: Rom 3:21-30/Ps 130:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6ab [7]/Lk 11:47-54 Bill Holzmer Geri Loder Friday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Ps 145:10-11, 12-13, 17-18 [12]/ Randy Gillette Theresa Skillrud Lk 10:1-9 Saturday: Rom 4:13, 16-18/Ps 105:6-7, 8-9, 42-43 Myrt Milner Margaret Overman [8a]/Lk 12:8-12 Jim Schema Shari Bergman Next Sunday: Ex 17:8-13/Ps 121:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 [cf. 2]/2 Tm 3:14—4:2/Lk 18:1-8 Larry Bidwell Carol Lucio Becky Thomas Frank Strut Mass Schedule & Intentions Barb Thompson Marla Hawley MONDAY OCT 14 NO MASS Darrel Junk Vi Stewart Gloria Powers Deb Mankowski TUESDAY OCT 15 7:30 AM Gwendolyn Jefferson Simon Scott Mildred Hoff WEDNESDAY OCT 16 7:30 AM Judy Gallity+ Bob Bringgold Mark Goossens THURSDAY OCT 17 7:30 AM Rod Smith+ Marlene Brickley Bill Reynolds FRIDAY OCT 18 7:30 AM Richard Belland+ Anita Mahler Marcy Jansen SATURDAY OCT 19 5:00 PM Daniel Scott Cade+ Marge Willer Dustin Bergh SUINDAY OCT 20 8:15 AM Bob Kendall+ Cathy Derr Gretchen Bidwell 10:30 AM Ed Oster+ Alice Hamilton Patty O’Brien Jim Glenn Lyndon Baker Liturgical Minister Schedule Chris Cheney PJK LECTORS Anna Elia Max Kruzel OCTOBER 19 5:00 PM Jeanne Cosgrove Linda Pelletier SATURDAY ANNE LARSON OCTOBER 20 Sandy Lotzer Joan Woods 8:15 AM ~ KRISTI LUSKEY SUNDAY 10:30 AM ~ SCOTT SWEDIN Karen Kapphahn Bill Novotny Steve Wenner Tom Lehmann Ushers—October 2019 Carlos Garcia Alex Bussiere SATURDAY 5:00 PM BOB EGGERT & ELAINE KONZ Fred Friedrichs Jack Zensen SUNDAY 8:15 AM JOHN BURBEY & DOUG JAKACKI John Rose Dave Vonarx Paul Rebholz Marcia Bennett SUNDAY 10:30 AM ROSIE JAEGER & TOM BOHRER Cheri Blaha Billy Boomgaarden Ministries and Committees Parish Information ADORATION CAROLE 651-457-1146 Fr.
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