'A '".: ■- ^ ■,. ■ v' -r' •, ; ■ • "• . , ■ \ .* ; \... i ■■ •'': '■ ■ <k> . :-t THURSDAY, DECEMBER 87, 1»M FACBaWEKTT \ v ^ g e Daily Net'Press Son HlattrbifBtpr Corning H rraili: ' . ■ ' - ' ■ “ • - - 1^ '* '' . Fer the Week Ended - -V FariMnst af U. 0. wM tolb line. it. 1396 ■ >'"1 TIm Dvt>^ So^«ty h »i racelvcd Holllafer St.; Edward McVeigh, 18 8a ew tonight oad'eM O anotlMr •hipment-of lU cookbook. YMGA Camp Gets Conway Rd.; 'Sylvia Pella, 4.92 College Studentg 12,405 ■atarday. La^ totoght M-H A b o u t T o ^ “DorcAa Fiivofttc lUcIpe*.". The finit >,000 roptu recdvod jibout **”*nBe'Gators'S M F D Budget ^ Memorial Chapef Hartford Rd.: Albert Wood, Cov­ To Lead Service Member of tha Audit ''Sataeday abhr 3A. DavM Lodf*. - No. Si, Dec: 10, In time for Chflxtniu fifU entry; Patricia Sominera, ■! Burk- Bareeii if Cirenlatien - . ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ 1- land. Alley; Robert. Winell. '34 Manchester-'-rrA City 0/ Vtllage Charm lO O f, will meet tomorrow nijfht haR pncUcalty been exbaiuited. Rockville, Dec. 27 i8p*ti*ll Al North Church at 7;M in Odd Follow* Holl. Kloc*; Attractively bound in blue and yel- Slated f of Vote Friday A memorial rbom and cliapel in Drive F; Matthew Sniythe. 34 Do­ In a len^|iy‘ aeaaion of City Cop>'t memory of Ihb lute Fimer Thlene.v; tkm of.oftieor* will be htid. F ^ 'lo w , the Bwedlah national roloi*. ver Rd.; Richard Quilltch. 333 (Olaaidflad Adrartletag *■ Page UX PRICE FIVE CBI lowlnr th* moeUnf th^e will , the’bo^-~ 6pen~fIarfoV ta^ ' thla morning. Robert C. Gottter. | founder pfid director of"^ YMCA Woodbridge .St.; Mra. Theresa Meditations, by two eW ge, stu­ VOL. LXXVI, NO. 75 (FOUliTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1956 a 'araal hour. Tliomaa Maxwell' or to prop up. DoreaF metnbera re- 19„bf.lt Florence Ave., waa'foiindl A budget of 3196,907-, of which which end* June 30 and to finance Camp Woodetock, ia under con-, Lindsey, Bast Hartford. ■ " dent* Will highlight.Studerit 'Recpgv that budget w;ere made, neoeaaary will ahow Bltilea of a reeent trip; ceivinx order* include;' sir*. Tvar guilty of paaalng on a Hill and' 3148.940 m'liat be ralaed by taxa- atHiction at th* camp and wiU''be .a d m it t e d TODAY: Mrs. nHlon Day in th*.'North''Mriho<ll*t to Callfoniia.'-r , Scott, 15« Maple ?v;: in** Harriet becau.w of a fioanpial Jumble, Claire Behrend, Banferth.Rd.. Ver-: fined 319. On a tharge of apeed-j tion. hda been prbpoaed by the w’hich developed after Dlatrict v'ot- dedicated in early aummer. Church. Sunday - morning. \MI*s Caaperaon, 8 Vlllag* St.,' and Miaa non; John Bvaniskl. 30 High St. „ Heidi Si'hnirrfel. a freshman \ at Cold^Snow Duel Th* WBA Guard a u b will hold b th e r M. Johnaon, 91 Clinton. St. ingi judge T, Otoughlin aaid SoiithS Mancheeter Fire Dlatrict era vot*|d I” wipe, the SMFD out' Tha raamnrial will be situated in a Chriatmaa party tonight at there waa a rea«>nable d„,,bt'li, period from of exiatenoe Feb. 1 and conaolldate' BIRTHS TODAY: A daughter) Connecticut College for WomenSn 8 the Recreation Lodge,-which \vai to Mr. and Mr*. Herbert Chamber­ i 1 o'clock at the home of Mra. Aide* : hi* mind aa to wttether orah notr.nt Cot­tlM. 1**1 NOV.‘ 1 lo JUne 30. with the town fire department. built in 1939 under thevSiiperviaion New Ixjndnn. and J. Robert Nelaon The Service Buriaii for Wom- Diatiibt voter* will be aaked at The Feb. 1 termination date lin, RFD i,. Rockville: a daughter On New Yearns Gutamer, 43 Mather.. St. Thoa’e en'a OrgaAiaatlona. 9M Main St., tier Wa* apeedihg and found him , of Tbienea. The room will he finish­ of Albion Coltege.'MIch.. win apeak attending are aaked to bring-a 31 not guilty. ,a meeting, tomorrow night to ap- proved to' be impractical , becauae ed In knotty pine and the floor will to Mr, and Mrs. Norman DeBlnis, Hartford, wifl hold ita 12th an­ . piove the budget, levy a tax to it left the SMFD Commiaaionera 442 Maln St.; a son to Mr.'Snd Mrs. on the topic. :"The Challenge* to a Waahifigion, Dec. 28 (/P) — nual* mid-winter forum, "New Attorney Robert be covered with nioberlxed tile. In Oirialia-n College'Student.'- . uthoriJie the Oofti*r without proper legal mean* for the center will he a large red tri-' Bruce .Doughty, 291 S^ncer St.; Cold weather, tri the East as *11 ai nmmram ^ * ll* n g e a . th American 1 a sop to Mr. and. Mra/Paul Jones. •fhe service will be conducted by ,X<akota Council, ^ f' ' a r IVi^’ranmlrart^ ind hitsaioner* to borrow money In an- financing o^fratlona tinUI that angle which aymbollxes the. goal Suez Canal a whole and Intermittent of Pocdhoiitaa.I lidii h*va 1, from 10.300;3O lo-ar^lo, a 1^4* ting auperoumerary and, j,,p tion of receiving the tbxea. ttime. t « . ‘ 124 WaaHlngtpn St. the minister, the Rev. John E. Post. anovv In the horthea.at quarter ________________ Hart* brought In three w-ltneaae*. » « « o f j Ij,rg«ai Item Payroll- of the YMCA to help youth grow I.4iwrci)i'e Johnson and ’ 'Robert blned public raiatng^a^g, V _ of eWef^h'^^!*'_ I ' A^Wiae AMii. vL'ItATn WAS R SIA in^|9 Hip^T*' Delaying . conaolidation until, la body, mind and aptrit. DISCHARGED /"^.STERD a Y: of the nation were predicted ford. Fred Hachinger, former edu- ■'i*'hom waa aubp^naed.11 The aup^r- The largwt Item In Ihi budget la I>wls. both atudenta ql th* Unlvei- P«>A Said, Dec. 28 v(A») today for the • New Year'* their atatlen* with Sunaet poun- .luly 1 wilt aolve the financial prob­ . In It* report .Jo the. Board of Petaa ktajaik. ApgjPI.; Mra. Mabel cll. No. 49, Jap. '2 in Oda Fellow* cj^on editor of the N. T. Herald l num.r.ry a teallmony that the ^ For rental of lem.' aity of Connecticut., will lead the weekend. Tribune and praaentl>’ aaaoclate road waa Uy at the ■ time w^a re -. the Trusteea. the rbrnmittee iViemhera Leiiazo, 181 N. MMn St;; Jame.S congregation in the responsive OperatioiM to clear, the Hall gt F p,m. Membcra may f Deprived of PrerVule Pay Andrews. 2 Silas Rd.; Mi'{i. Liane On New ■Year’* day itself, pubrUher of th. Sunda? Herald in futed by all wltneaa.a. ^llm C dn ^ er. '^ . v e ertln-aud expressed the Idea that memorial reading for the dw'.. Baal) Stone, blocked Sue/. Canal at il8 the Weather Bureau said Ml a tnvit* frienda. and are reminded Meanwhile, firemen were depriv room Inchiding a chanbt would' be Cswer^k and ion,'40 N. Elnl St. also a atiident at Slorra, will read . ta bring ‘gift* for th* gift table. Briogarart, will be the moderator. I Raymond Bartholemew. 44.1 poo b* needed. ed of their pre-Chriatmas pay be- fioutherh entrance Svere de­ special holiday' bulletin, th* A luncheon charjt* will be the only I Rockville] charged with Intoxica-j a fitting memorial to Thlenea who, DISCHARGED TODAY: DaWil the sci'lpture lesson. outlook ia for prevailingly The public i*. invited. / i Other Urge Itenia in th* budget |,cause of a further entanglement Bakiilaki,''4 Waddell Rd.'. Mrs. , The order .of worahlp to be used layed today. Despite an- regiatration coat. Advance reaer-1 tlon, being a common drunkard are: 36.910 for'contribution to the ! wheh a meeting which waa to for more than 29 year*.'gave him- fair Weather In mo.st of the self aacrificlally in serving youth,- Helen Corcoran/iind daiightei'. East has been prepared specially by the fiouncementfi from United Na­ 'The Rev. Richard E. Heiri* of vatlon w^th the Servic* Buraaii la' and violating probation. h"d a aua- letirernenl fund. 39.100 for tax coIt j have been held last Friday waa country. The exception* ar* required, f penaion of a prevloua six-month .Hartford;' Mra/Marj’ann Hermann Department of College and Univer­ tions and Egyptian authori­ Baat Wlndaof will occupy .the pui- lection, and 34.000 for general de- called off becauae It had been il- d e la tio n ^ "Piritiial sity Religious Life of the Methodist part* of the .Soiithea»t where . —— : sentenca 'revoked. and son, 328 Center St.; Allen ties' yesterday that vVork rain I* expected, and the l^t o f tht Second OongregaLtionaJ partmental expense*. legally advertised. Hill, 84 Alton St. Church. Church Sunday at th* 1C a.m. aerv- Bolton Grange will meet tomoN ' Leo L. Sokaila. 9.1. 91 <, Village' Tomo>Fow'a meeting will be • Twelve of tha 28 paid, firemen' C*mp WoodatoeW was organised would begin this niorping. an Great Lake* and northern Washington Schools lee. HU aubject .irin be "Ar* Tou row evening at 3 o'clock at Bolton I St., pleaded nolo contender* to a | held at 8 p.m. at Nathan Hale of the SMFD .have taken-*dvan>*T** "'oodstock Valley in 1919, and official of the Egypr^s Sue7. Appalachian fegiona whe.r* . Ready?"- , . ' ■ "v- Community . Hail. Mra.- Agnea charge.qj breach of the peace. H e‘•'School. lag* of an offer by the Manches- .hpndieda of boya-and girls from' Canal authority said at Sue/, anovv flnrii^ are Ih pro.apect. .Krayaig will show movia* of n.er was fined 31S. The defendant The new budget,for the period ter Truat Co.
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