HELPFUL BOOKS ON POLISH GENEALOGYPOLISH AMERICAN — PAGE 15JOURNAL • SEPTEMBER 2017 www.polamjournal.com 1 PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT BOSTON, NEW YORK NEW BOSTON, AT PAID PERIODICAL POSTAGE POLISH AMERICAN OFFICES AND ADDITIONAL ENTRY DEDICATED TO THE PROMOTION AND CONTINUANCE OF POLISH AMERICAN CULTURE JOURNAL SWIMWEaR dESIgNER MaRIa dOBRZaNSKa ESTABLISHED 1911 SEPTEMBER 2017 • VOL. 106, NO. 9 • $2.00 www.polamjournal.com REEVES PAGE 10 RAISING THE ROOF AT HOLY ROSARY • POPE FRANCIS RECEIVES “ORDER OF SMILE” • “DIDDY’S” BLACK MADONNA WARSAW DURING THE FIRST WORLD WAR • KF GRANTS FOR POLES • A POLISH PILLAR RISES IN MINNEAPOLIS BEKSIŃSKI EXHIBIT IS A MUST-SEE • PSAA: 100 AND GOING STRONG! • BABCIA’S FAVORITE AUTUMN SOUPS Newsmark Dancing on Air Manufacturing Council Folded POlaNd WElCOMES U.S. SaNCTIONS agaINST Following Resignations RUSSIa. Warsaw has welcomed President Donald WASHINGTON, D.C. — Trump’s decision to sign into law tougher new sanctions Following the departure of against Russia, which are in Poland’s “strategic interest,” AFL-CIO President Richard the Polish foreign ministry has said. Trumka and several business The new laws hit crucial sectors of the Russian econ- leaders, President Trump an- omy, including weapons sales and energy exports, and nounced the dissolution of require Trump to consult with Congress before lifting or his American Manufacturing easing sanctions. Council, along with another The new sanctions against Russia could also hit com- separate initiative, the Strate- panies invested in the Nord Stream II project, a planned gic and Policy Forum. gas pipeline between Russia and Germany, circumventing Trumka resigned from Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic states. It would double Rus- the council, saying the presi- sia’s capacity of 55 billion cubic meters of gas currently dent’s recanting of his re- being sent through the existing Nord Stream pipeline. proach to the supremacist The Polish foreign ministry has said that slowing Nord demonstration in Charlottes- Stream II “is consistent with the strategic interest of Po- ville, Virginia was the “last land and the Central and Eastern Europe region,” and could straw” He called Trump’s ini- AFL-CIO President Richard mean “greater diversifi cation of energy supplies to the Eu- tial remarks “forced.” Trumka “cannot sit on a coun- ropean Union.” Trump later tried to lay cil for a President that toler- The European Union opposed the new sanctions, as blame on both sets of march- ates bigotry and domestic a number of European energy companies are invested in ers. terrorism.” Nord Stream II and other Russian energy projects. Trumka’s resignation fol- lowed those of chief execu- dent said “there’s blame on NaTO TROOPS STaTIONEd IN POlaNd are a guaran- tives for the pharmaceutical both sides” and that there tee of peace and security throughout Europe, Polish De- giant Merck, the sportswear were “fi ne people” who were fense Minister Antoni Macierewicz said at a joint news manufacturer Under Ar- there only to protest the re- conference with visiting NATO Secretary-General Jens mour, and Intel, as well as the moval of a statue of Gen. Stoltenberg. The two addressed reporters after visiting sol- president of the Alliance for Robert E. Lee. diers from a NATO battalion-sized battle group stationed American Manufacturing. The demonstration was in Orzysz, northeastern Poland. In his resignation state- preceded the night before by Macierewicz thanked Stoltenberg for his “commit- ment, Trumka said he “cannot a well-publicized torchlight ment to building NATO’s eastern fl ank.” He added that sit on a council for a Presi- march in which participants the NATO troop presence in Poland was largely a result of dent that tolerates bigotry and chanted, among other things, Stoltenberg’s personal determination. domestic terrorism.” “Jews will not replace us.” Stoltenberg for his part said that the multinational units The Manufacturing Coun- At the August 12 rally, a stationed in Poland refl ected the primary goals of the West- ThE XVII INTERNaTIONal FESTIVal of Polonia Folk cil never held a meeting. car drove into a crowd and ern defence alliance and demonstrated its unity. Ensembles took place in Rzeszów in July. Held every three Trumka said it was “never killed a counterprotester. He added that the troops also acted as a deterrent in the years, the festival attracted 37 ensembles from 14 countries a means for delivering real Trumka was elected presi- event of a potential attack. and fi ve continents. Dressed in costumes from eastern Pod- policy that lifts working fam- dent of the AFL-CIO on Sep- Troops from various NATO countries that are stationed lasie, Matthew Schmit and Amy Robertson from the Lajkon- ilies.” tember 16, 2009, at the labor in Poland as well as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia send ik Polish Folk Ensemble of Tucson, Arizona dance at the Setting off the exit of busi- federation’s convention in the message that an attack on one member state will be open-air skansen museum in Kolbuszowa. The couple were ness leaders were Trump’s Pittsburgh. His father was treated as an attack against the entire alliance, according engaged in Poland in the Kościół Mariacki Tower in Kraków, August 15 remarks about the a second-generation Polish to Stoltenberg. just before the festival. August 12 march and coun- American miner from Penn- Story on page 10. terdemonstration. The Presi- sylvania’s coal fi elds. STaTE dISTINCTION FOR JUlIaN KUlSKI. Julian Kulski, who was 15 when he fought in the Warsaw Up- rising of 1944, has received the “Bene Merito” distinction Orchard Lake Schools Names New Chancellor from the Polish Foreign Ministry. New Rector also appointed for Ss. Cyril & Methodius Seminary The son of a pre-war deputy mayor of Warsaw, Kulski ORCHARD LAKE, Mich. PHOTO: ORCHARD LAKE SCHOOLS nary. Two years later, he was Woroniewicz has been a was captured by Nazi Germans and sent to a POW camp in — Rev. Mirosław Król has named vice rector, a position member of the SSCMS fac- Germany. After the war, he studied architecture in England been named the new chancel- he held for fi ve years. ulty since 2006, serving as an and the United States and settled in America. lor of Orchard Lake Schools. He went on to serve as the adjunct assistant professor of He is the author of several books in both Polish and Eng- Orchard Lake Schools director of the Blessed John Homiletics and Liturgy. He lish, including The Color of Courage and Dying we Live. consists of St. Mary’s Pre- Paul II Be Not Afraid Center received a bachelor of arts The Bene Merito distinction was established in 2009 to paratory School, an all-boys in the United States. In this degree in philosophy from honor Polish and foreign nationals for their services to con- Catholic high school; SS. capacity, he served as its spir- Wayne State University and solidate Poland’s position on the international scene. Cyril & Methodius Semi- itual leader and oversaw its attended Sacred Heart Semi- The Color of Courage is available from the Polish nary; and the Polish Mission, U.S. fundraising eff orts. nary College before receiving American Journal Bookstore. an organization that promotes — Compiled from Oak- his master of divinity from the preservation of Polish land Press and Orchard Lake St. John Provincial Seminary POlONIa’S NEWEST MIllIONaIRE. The woman who culture. Schools press releases in 1985 and being ordained purchased the sole winning $758.7 million Powerball jack- Król follows Msgr. Thom- as a deacon and a priest of pot in Massachusetts has been identifi ed as 53-year-old as Machalski Jr., whose term WORONIEWICZ NaMEd the Archdiocese of Detroit. Mavis L. Wanczyk. expired. He returned to the NEW RECTOR. The SS. He is a doctor of ministry in Wanczyk purchased the winning Powerball ticket at Archdiocese of Brooklyn, Cyril & Methodius Seminary preaching, and received his the Pride Station & Store in Chicopee, Massachusetts. She New York. of the Orchard Lake Schools master of arts in theology becames the winner of the largest single-ticket Powerball Król attended the semi- Rev. Mirosław Król announced the appointment from the University of Notre jackpot in history. nary in Orchard Lake for two priest for the Archdiocese of its new rector, Reverend Dame in 2010. Wanczyk, a mother of a daughter and son, says she years before completing his of Newark, New Jersey and Michael A. Woroniewicz. He Most recently, Rev. Woro- chose the winning numbers based on her family’s birth- theological studies at the Im- served in various parishes. was recommended by and niewicz has served as pastor days. She says she does not plan to return to work. maculate Conception Semi- In 2006, Cardinal Adam succeeds Msgr. Thomas C. of St. Gabriel Parish/St. Irene The $758 million prize refl ects the annuity option, paid nary of Seton Hall University Maida appointed Król the Machalski, Jr., has been ap- over 29 years. The odds of winning the August 23 drawing in South Orange, New Jersey. Dean of Human Formation at proved by Archbishop Allen See “Orchard were one in 292.2 million. In 1999, he was ordained a SS. Cyril & Methodius Semi- Vigneron. Lake ... ,” page 4 2 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • SEPTEMBER 2017 Almanac Viewpoints POlISh Follow us on Facebook, aMERICaN and on the web, too, at: Fresh Air: New Orchard Lake www.polamjournal.com JOURNal September Q Wrzesieñ Chancellor Hits the Ground Running Dedicated to the Promotion by Mark Kohan In July of this year, the Orchard your gift. and Continuance of “Our standards covered with glory, Lake Schools selected a very capa- If you have any questions about Polish American Culture we are facing the greatest tragedy Since its founding, the Orchard ble leader to generate new life into your subscription, you may write to EstaBlishEd 1911 of our nation.” Lake Schools — St.
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