Volume 20 / Issue 1 March, 2010 In this quarter’s CMN, we discuss the depo- rating silicon monoxide from a resistance- erties and the advantages of mixtures of oxide sition of all-important Silicon dioxide films, heated (R. H.) or E-beam-heated source from compounds and mixtures of fluoride com- including the never-ending quest to control which the vapor is created by sublimation. pounds are frequently discussed in CMN. mechanical stress in thin films, and the cre- An oxygen background pressure high in the Unfortunately, any additive to silicon diox- ation of colored reflection films for decora- 10 e-05 Torr range is required to produce ide will result in increasing its film index, how- tive functions. oxidized films. This reactive method has been ever, the advantage to be gained is reduced shown to produce films with lower absorp- intrinsic stress. Small percentages of alumi- tion and better vapor stream distribution than num oxide have been co-sputtered or co- Silicon Dioxide Films is produced by evaporation from fused silica evaporated with silicon dioxide to reduce source materials. Depositing SiO2 by R.H. stress. Silicon Dioxide, SiO2, is the common low- from a SiO baffle box provides a consistent index layer material in oxide-based optical vapor stream because there is no surface to coatings for the spectral range ~250 nm to erode as there is when using E-beam evapo- Processes involving high energy deposition ~2500 nm. It is paired with high- and mid- ration. Ion assisted (IAD) or plasma-ion techniques such as IAD, PIAD, or sputtering index layers such as TiO , Ta O , Nb O , assisted (PIAD) processes are added to E- that produce high packing densities also in- 2 2 5 2 5 crease compressive stress. Therefore in prac- HfO2, ZrO2, Al2O3, and others. Maximiza- beam or R. H. evaporation to promote oxida- tion of the High-to-Low index ratio in a multi- tion and increase packing density. Dense sili- tice, a balance must be established between layer design results in a smaller layer count, con dioxide films are also reactively sputter- the film stress local (inter-layer) environment broader spectral response, and generally deposited from a silicon target and and factors such as external environmental stability and laser damage threshold. Several greater design flexibility. SiO2 can be depos- oxygen-rich plasma. CERAC Technical Data ited by E-beam from a solid disk or granules Sheets provide guidance in evaporation pa- phenomena influence film stress, primary of fused silica. The surfaces of these source rameters [1]. A general guideline for materi- among them are: deposition process (and pa- materials are melted by the sweeping E-beam, als deposition appears in the Photonics rameters), the nature of and progression of and evaporation proceeds to grow oxidized Handbook [2]. growth nano-structure, and post-deposition film layers without the need for additional thermal and moisture exposure. An ideal mi- oxygen. Because melting occurs to a shallow crostructure would be amorphous, defect-free, Favorable attributes of SiO2 films are: they depth, local hole drilling occurs with conse- provide the lowest index oxide film layers, dense, and possess neutral intrinsic stress. quential narrowing of the vapor beam distri- they are easy to evaporate or sputter, and Such a film layer grown on a substrate whose bution. Continuous motion of the solid disk exhibit high laser damage threshold and good physical properties are decoupled from the source or a controlled sweep pattern is re- environmental stability. As is true of nearly film (an impossible scenario, to be sure) would quired to maintain a broad evaporation source be immune to thermal and humidity changes all oxide compound film layers, SiO2 exhibits throughout the deposition. Silicon dioxide compressive intrinsic stress. As a result, and to laser-induced damage threshold. films can also be grown by reactively evapo- oxide pairs accumulate a dominant compres- sive strain. We have discussed in previous A recently published study, “The evolution CMN issues the effects of stress on mechani- of stress in evaporated silicon dioxide thin cal strength, cohesion, adhesion, and envi- films”[3], helps us understand the parameters ronmental stability, and presented methods that influence the nature and magnitude of film stress. The stress in a growing SiO film Contents to reduce film stress. The stabilities of the 2 mechanical and optical properties of film lay- was monitored in the coating chamber during Silicon Dioxide Films ers especially need to be considered when deposition, evaporation paused, slow vent- coatings are subjected to high laser energy ing, and atmospheric exposure. Thickness, Which Process Deposited Coat- fluences. For example, film defects such as rate, pressure, and temperature were depen- ings with Lower Stress: Evapo- micro-cracks are defect sites that can initiate dent variables plotted vs. film thickness up ration or Sputtering? damage under high-energy laser exposure. We to 350 nm. As is true for many oxide com- pounds, SiO film grows with compressive refer readers to previous CMN articles that 2 Colored Decorative Coatings discussed the relationship between nano- stress. We summarize the changes reported structure and the origin and characteristics of in compressive stress resulting from varying intrinsic film stress. Single materials prop- Continued on page 2 3 Which Process Deposited Coatings with Lower Stress: Evaporation or Sputtering? If you thought you would find the answer ture influences mobility, and defects initiate have energies approaching that from evapo- here, sorry to disappoint you. If you thought nucleation sites. When a film covers the ration. Stress level can therefore be adjusted, you would find the answer in the volumi- surface, diffusion processes on the surface or moderated, between levels of tensive and nous technical literature that covers this sub- and between microcrystalline grains influ- compressive by controlling sputter pressure. ject, sorry again! The growth process is as ence growth morphology. important, if not more so, than the deposi- Models and mechanisms that explain stress tion technique. Ideal film morphology can Most of the studies of stress in thin films generation in evaporated films are more com- only proceed under conditions of thermody- have been done using pure metal deposi- plex than those for sputtering. Similar mo- namic equilibrium, and such conditions do tions because of their simplicity in com- bility and pressure effects apply, but the not occur in real-life depositions. Influences parison to the growth of compounds. A adatom energies are smaller, and are perhaps such as substrate and film defects, impuri- current review of growth models has been a fraction of an eV compared to 2-10 eV for ties introduced in the condensing material or published by R. Koch [5]. To summarize, plasma sputtering. Grain boundary or col- by the deposition atmosphere (composition the major difference between the two depo- umn formation and coalescence give rise to and density), and the kinetic energy of the sition techniques that determines morphol- tensive stress. Other defect features and the arriving species and ionic or reactive compo- ogy and consequently stress is the addition incorporation of gases and water vapor also nent cause film growth morphology to devi- of kinetic energy, described as ‘atomic preen- contribute to result in tensive stress domi- ate from the ideal. The structure-zone model ing’, in the sputtering process. When con- nating over compressive. Diffusion along grain (SZM) describes film growth as a function ditions support low mobility for example boundaries and relaxation of internal forces of energy and surface temperature as related at low substrate temperatures or with ma- tend to reduce the tensive component, how- to melting temperature [4]. Surface tempera- terial incompatibilities that form a high den- ever. The addition of energy by IAD or PIAD sity of defects, compressive stress is pro- to the thermal energy of evaporation pro- duced. When high mobility exists, the de- duces high packing density, and increases tensive stress. It appears that a lot more CERAC Coating Materials News fect density can reduce by diffusion and is a quarterly publication of migration, and reduce the magnitude of com- investigative work is necessary to help us CERAC, inc. pressive stress. The energy imparted to the understand process-related stress, especially A subsidiary of Williams Advanced growing film is affected by amount of scat- for evaporated thin films. Materials Inc. ter determined by the sputtering pressure. P.O.Box 1178 At high pressures, kinetic energy is lost These studies and the generation of growth Milwaukee, WI 53201-1178 among the high density of gas molecules, models are useful in aiding our understanding Phone: 414-289-9800 thus creating fewer defects and resulting in and visualization of the origins of stress in FAX: 414-289-9805 thin films. They direct attention to the depo- web: www.cerac.com lower compressive stress. The arriving e-mail: [email protected] adatoms are said to be ‘thermalized’ and sition driving parameters that drive stress production. Editor: David Sanchez Silicon Dioxide Films from page 1 Sr. Materials & Applications Scientist CERAC, inc. the deposition parameters. The nominal parameters were P: 7.5 e-5 Torr (0.01 Pa), 200°C, 0.5 nm/s. Variations in parameter values showed interesting trends. For all Principal Contributor: variations, stress became increasingly compressive as thickness increased from 0 to ~50 Samuel Pellicori nm, then reversed to become less compressive. Nearly neutral stress was produced for Pellicori Optical Consulting the higher pressure of 2.2 e-04 Torr at 200°C, and 0.5 nm/s rate, but became as large as P.O. Box 60723 -400 MPa for 1/10 that pressure. At lower pressures, larger final compressive values Santa Barbara, CA 93160 resulted for thickness >~100 nm. Cooling also increased compressive stress.
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