Herefordshire Ornithological Club ANNUAL REPORT 1963 Together with Classified Notes for Herefordshire and Radnorshire No. 3, Vol. 1. Price 4/- Herefordshire Ornithological Club No. 3. Vol. 2. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE, 1963 President: - BRIGADIER SIR MICHAEL VENABLES-LLEWELYN, BART., M.V.a. Vice-Presidents: - P. W. HINDE, M.B.O.U. DR. C. W. WALKER, M.C. C. J. BRECKNELL Chairman :­ T. R. AMMONDS Hon. Secretary and Editor:­ R. H. BAILLIE, M.B.O.U. Hon. Treasurer:­ A. G. FYSHE Committee :- G. S. T. DIGGORY VY. H. MEADHAM J. L. Fox T. R. H. OWEN, C.B.E. MISS W. M. GIBSON A. J. SMITH P. McDoUGALL J. VICKERMAN Co-opted :- DR. D. G. BODDINGTON SIR TERENCE F ALKINER, BART. MRS. J. M. BROMLEY P. H. LEE, G.B.E. 94 HEREFORDSHIRF ORI\ITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1963 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB RULES 1. NAME. The Club shall be called the Herefordshire Ornithological Club. 2. OBJECTS. The objects of the Club shall be (a) to further the study of birds in the field, and (b) to assist in their preservation. 3. MEMBERSHIP. The Club shall consist of a President, a Chairman, a Secretary, a Field Secretary, a Treasurer, an Editor and Ten Com­ mittee Members and Ordinary Members. The President and the Chairman to retire after serving a term of three years. The Secretaries, the Treasurer and the Editor shall be elected annually. The three senior of the ten Ordinary Members of the Committee shall retire annual.ly and they shall not be eligible for re-election for a period of twelve months. The Officers and Ordinary Members of the Com­ mittee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and the Officers shall be eligib.le for re-election., 4. CONDITIONS OF MEMBERSHIP. Members shall be required to support and keep the provisions of the Protection of Birds Act, 1954. Any members failing to support and keep this law shall be required to resign. Members may not divulge to unauthorised persons (e.g. known co,llectors of skins and/or eggs) information in a manner likely to be detrimental to the objects of the Club. 5. SUBSCRIPTIONS. (a) Ordinary Members: 18 years of age or over 15s., payable on January 1st or on election to membership. Any additional members of a family after the first, 1Os.; such members receiving all privileges of ful.l membership. Junior Members (under 18 but over 12 years of age), 7s. 6d. pe,r annum, payable as above. Corporate Membe,rs: Kindred bodies, Schools, etc.: Subscription one guinea per annum. Honora'ry Members: As approved by the majority present at the Annual General Meeting. (b) All subscriptions, subsequent to those paid on admission, shall be due on January 1st each year. Where a member has been e.lected on or after 1st September in any year, there will be no further liability to subsoribe in the year immediately following that of his or her election. Any Member whose subscription is six months in arrears shall cease to receive the Club's publications and should the subscription not b€ paid by December 31 st, his or her name shall be deleted from the list of Members. 6. MANAGEMENT. The Secretary shall keep Minutes of the meetings and prepare such literature as shall keep Members informed of the Club's activities. 7. MEETINGS sha,ll be held as often as deemed desirable at the discretion of the Officers. 8. Report. There shall be an Editorial Committee of at least three Mem­ bers including the Secretary, appointed at an ordinary Committee Meet­ ing. These shall prepare and present an Annual 8.eport and such special reports as may be decided upon. 9. ALTERATION OF RULES. An alteration of the Rules may be made only if proposed at one meeting, printed on the agenda for the following meeting, and passed by a two-thirds majority of those present. HERE,FORDSHIRE ORNI THOLOGICAL CLU 13 INCOME AND EXPENDITUQE ACCOUNT-YEAQ ENDING 31st DECEMBEQ, 1963 1962 1962 £ s. d. RECEIPTS £ s. d. £ s. d. PAYMENTS £ s. d. £ s. d. 28 8 5 To Balance 1st January, 1963 69 9 5 10 7 3 By Duplicating Bulletins, Proccceds of Sale ,)f:- Notices, etc. " 2 6 0 4 14 0 Annual ,Report ... 4 4 6 12 11 2 Printing, Stationery and 1 11 0 Herefordshire Bi -ds ... 18 4 " Bidposting .,. 24 7 8 1 4 6 Birds of Radnor~,hire ... ... 1 6 0 21 17 6 Postage, Telephones. and 2 4 " .,. 28 0 " Donations ... ... 3 8 0 Cheque Books 7 3 165 13 6 Subscriptions, 1963 ... 178 2 6 44 0 0 .. Printing Annual Report 50 0 0 24 5 0 " Subscriptions paid n Advance ... 30 15 0 31 14 9 Meeting Expenses, 2 " ----- " 10 0 " Interest @ 5% on £50 Defence Rentals and Charges 49 13 7 Bonds .... .. ... 2 10 0 126 10 8 154 14 6 Interest @ 4-}'X, Oil £25 Defence .. Affiliation Subscriptions:- Bonds ... ... 8 6 10 0 British, Naturalists' Association ". 10 0 2 0 0 British Trust for Ornitho'ogy 2 0 0 0 0 Council fOr Nature ... J 0 0 Herefordshire and Radnorshire Nature Trust Ltd. 2 2 0 10 6 Herefordshire Com- munity Council ", 10 6 I have examined the above accounts and am satisfied that they 1 ] 0 Kite Fund ...' ... 1 1 0 represent a true statement of the affairs of the Herefordshire 1 1 0 Royal Society for the Ornithological Club in accordance with the books and vouchers Protection of Birds 1 1 0 which rave been produced. 12 6 West Midland Bird Club ... .. 12 6 J L. FOX. A. G. FYSHE, I 10 0 Wooihope Naturalists' Field Club 1 10 0 Hon. Treasurer. 3/2/64. I ---- 10 7 0 0 4 Donation to Mr. H. Thomas 2 " Donation to Mr. G. Peruffo 1 5 0 Purchase of £25 Defence Bonds, 4-}O{) 25 0 0 24 5 0 .. Balance Carried Forward to 1964 being Subscriptions paid in advance 30 15 0 69 9 5 Balance-Being Excess Income ov,er " Expenditure ... ... ... 69 0 9 £230 10 5 £291 2 3 \ £230 10 5 £291 2 3 9G HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1963 1963 REPORT The terribly severe weather, up till early March, ca'used heavy mortality amongst a great number of birds throughout the British Isles, the Iocal effects of which are summarised in A. J. Smith's article on p. 98. This was followed hy a very cool summer, but breeding conditions were satisfactory, and the autumn mild. Amongst unu~ual birds recorded in Herefordshire were the first dated occurrence of a Barnacle Goose and the first Collared Doves; also Wa}Cwings, a pair of Hawfinches and (one each) Osprey, Grey Phalarope, Great Grey Shrike, Corncrake and a probable Red-rumped Swallow. There was also a large visitation of Crosshills and an increase in Quail. Radnorshire produced first records or a Scaup, a Rongh-Legged Buzzard and a mue-headed Wagtail. Despite losses caused by severe frost, the overall pictuTc is not too bad, though birds like the Grey Wagtail, '!\Tren, Goldcrest and Kingfisher may take years to recover their numbers, TOXIC CHEMICALS, There have been no positive proofs, in the form or analyzed corpses, of deaths from toxic chemicals. But the evil is country-wide and grave, and all the probabilities point to these counties being affected like the rest of England. Some sections of the public are keenly aware of the problem; most are apathetic; and members can help by pointing out, whenever opportunity offers, the appalling potentialities of such poisons as the chlorinated hydro­ carbons and organo-mercuries, and advocating reluctance to resort to them and scrupulous care in their use, CLUB RULES, Rule III has been amended so that the ordinary members of the Committee will henceforth number ten instead of eight, the three senior of whom shall retire annually and not he eligible for re-election for a period of twelve months. MEMBERSHIP, With a nett increa.'ie of 20 we finished the year with a total of 295 members. It is with great regret that we have to record the deaths of no less than six members-'Miss B. Duncombe, Preb, G. H. Jobling and Messrs. W. A. Evershed, G, R. John, D. S, Walker and A. U. Zimmerman. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL REPORT, 1963 97 CLUB OUTINGS were held at Old Whitney Court, Haugh Wood (2), Llysdinam, Harley/Vron Valleys, Waun :Marteg, Chew Reservoir, Wigmore Rolls, and Painscastle for Rhosgoch and Llan Bwch-llyn. Week-ends were also spent on Skomer and Anglesey. INDOOR MEETINGS held at the Percival Hall, Hereford, included a members' meeting for discussion and the showing of their slides; W. M. Condry's lecture on the "Birds of Wales"; the R.S.P.B. colour film "Sea-bird Summer," "Wild Life in Kenya" by Dr. G. C. Irving; Kenneth Williamson on "Bird Irruptions," and G. N. Smith's excellent colour-film "African Safari." At Kington we gave a showing of the R.S.P.B.'s colour-film "Garden Birds." We thank all those mentioned above for entertaining us so well. and also our President, and other land-owneTS, for their permission to visit various estates. ACCOUNTS. Our hard-working Treasurer has again produced satisfactory accounts and although the balance in hand is not quite so favourable as last year the difference is due to the increase in run­ ning costs exceeding the incr~ase in members' subscriptions. PUBUCATIONS. "Herefordshire Birds" (19)54) by Captain H. A. Gilbert and Dr. C. W. Walker (2/6); and "Birds of Radnorshire" (1955) by G. C. S. Ingram and Col. H.
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