DIRECTORY.] CUl\lBERLAND. BL'RGII-CPON-SANDS. 47 '!:welltyman J oseph Robinson, far11lcr Brough ~Iary (Mrs')J frmt. Beech hill Stoddart :Mrs. Elizabeth. postmistre!l~ ",Yard. J ane (Mrs.), shopkeeper • Cockton Kixon, shoemaker 'Yard \Villiam, shoemaker 'Wilson Math. stonemason, Bell Style I Elliot John, farmer, Clappers 'Yood 'Villiam, farmer ! Ferguson John, farmer Mealrigg. Hetllerington Amos, farmer Millican Mrs . Hope 'Yilliam, farmer COMMERCIAL. Langrigg. ! lrving Francis, blacksmith Balfour J amI'S, farmer BarnesJohn, Park house :JefYerson John & William, farmers Brown J oseph, farmer Pape ('1'he) Misses J efferson Daniel, farmer Hetherington Lancelot, farmer ;Litt, 'Villiam, farmer, Greenah Hodgson John, joiner COM~[ERCIAL. :Reay Jolm, Coach -& Horstls l' H. & Littleton Richard, farmer . ' Arnott Jeremiah, blacksmith Jomer Miller John, Joseph & RlChaTd, farmn Baxter John, farmer Shadwick Richard, farmer Murray George. farmer Renn John, Jefferson, grdnr. Greenah Stalker J onathan & Sewell, farmers, Stockdale John. farmer Bawness ·Wm. sllopkeeper Greenah Wood 'Villiam, farmer GREAT BROUGHTON is a township and village, dale. The area is 1,026 acres; rateable 'Value, £3,314; pleasantly seat{'d ahove the Derwent and. 1~ miles the population in 18g1 was 820. north frOlIl Broughton Cross station on the Cockermouth, . KBswick and Penrith and London and North Western Ribton is a townshIp consisting- of one cottage on t he nor t h bank of the Derw.ent and 2 farms, 5 milpll railway, 3 miles west-by-north of Cockermouth. Great west of Cockermuuth. The nearest railway station is at Broug~ton was formed into a parish, Sept. 15, 1863, C'a.rnerton, half a mile distant, on the London and North from Bridekirk parish, and comprises the townships of 'Yestern railway. Ribt-on Hall, on the north bank uf GREAT BROUGHTON, LITTI,E BROCGHTo:s- and RlnToN and the riv('r Derw(Jnt, and occupied by John Sewell as is' in the Cockermouth division of tlle county, ward of Allerdale below Derwent, Derwpnt petty ~essional a farm house, was the property at a very early f'eriod cf di,-ision, Cockermouth union, county court district of a family, wlw had adopted the name of "De I~ibtun,>7 CockerrrlOnth and 'Vorkington, rural deanery of Maryport, and continued to be held by their descendants \.lllt:! the archdeaconry of Westmorland and diocese of Carlisle. estate was purchased in the early part ;)f the ]7th Ciuist church, erected in 18:;6, is a small building of century by Thomas Lamplugh esq. who was kmghied l'y "tUlle, consisting of chancel, nave, west porch, a belfry Jame!! I. in 161 5; the existing hrmse was erected by Cif! containing I hell; there a.re 250 sittings. The register SUCCEssor, Hichard Lamplugh esq. during the reign of dates from the year 1863. The )iving is a vicarage, Charl{'s n. and is a large rectangular structure of thH-e average tithe rent charge £20, net yearly value £149, storeys, in the Renaissance style,and llle llIa~{mry of with residence, in the gift of the vicar of Bridekirk, and the principal frunt is worked in chanelled courses and t~e hdd since 1878 by the Rev. Robert Clarke of St. Aidans. further relieved by string cornices oetween hen Here is a. 'Yesleyan chapel, built in 1846, a Baptist of willllows; on the ground floor the architraves of the thos~ chapel, erectRd in 1672 , and a meeting house for the windows are straight, but of the '1rst allUr cal'ry Society of Friends, built in 1659. An .Almshouse ','as i alw a spgmental pedimpnt; the principal (,!I~l'an('e, 3 founded here in 1722 and endowed with t:9 IOS. per' square doorway opens into an entrance hall. containing annum, by Mr. J oseph Ashley, for four poor 'Women. a good stone chimney piece; the former dining hall is. The ~Iission HaD, erected here in 1882 aL the sole cost lined to a height of four fe€t. with ch{'stnut panelling, of R. W~ilson esq. J.I'. of The Grange, is a stone building and the principal doors in the hOUSE; are of the samo in the Gothic stylI", and will seat £250 . Ashley's school material; a wide oaken staircase, with balustraded rail, and Hospital Charity consists. of 4 acres uf land, £25 leads to the upper fl()or~; the wholp! of the windows a, year arising from rent charges, and £'5° in consols, are framed in stone. Ribton House is also !1 farmhouse, producing together £34 12S. per annum, of which £25 28. occupied by Robert Dixon. In this township,on the north is now assh,rned to the Board s(;hool lwre, and £9 IOS. bank of the Derwent, is the ~ite of an ancient chap{'l, to the ..Almshouses or Hospital. The Hospital also has dedicated to St. Lawrence. The Earl of Lonsdale iio\ £ I 10S. yearly, ?Irising from £50 in consols, given by lord of the manor. Tlw area, is 607 acres; rateable 8 dl'cd in 1848, by Elizabeth Leathe. Lord Y~'harton's 'Value, £73 ; the population in 18<)1 '-ras 23· pharit)', left by Philip, 4th Baron \Yharton. ,Yho died POST &; M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insuranse Office. in 1695, prnvide~ hible~ for distribution in the <hstrict. -;\1iss Sarah King, sub-postmistress. Codermouth There are collieries here. Lord Leconfil'ld is lord of the letters arrive at 7.50; dispatched at 5.20 p.m. Cocker- manor and a landowner. but the principal landowner is month is the nearest telegraph o!fice. the Earl of Lonsdale. The soil is limey; subsoil, stone. SCHOOLS:- The chief crops are oats, grass and turnips. The area Board School, huilt in 1882 for 200 children; aVt>rage of Great Broughton townShip is 2,049 acres; rateable attendance, 95 boys &, 84 girls, John Tremble, master; v:J,]ue, £5,548; the popnlation in 18g1 was J,447. :\fiss Annie Cameron, mistress LITTLE BnOlTGHTo:-;r township joins that of Great Great Broughton (;nited school district. was fanned leth Rroughton, on the north. Lord Leconfield is lord of the March, 1876 manor. The principal landowner is the Earl of Lons- Railway Station, near Little Broughton. for goods on1y Great Broughton. Thornburn .Tames, farmer, Broughton.IIird IIannah (Mrs.), farmer, Brough- Clarke Rev. Robert [vicar], Vicarage 1 Hall farm I ton moor Greer Rev. John l Baptist] T~~rner J uhn, blacksmith Illird. J ohn, ~arm,e,r Harris The Misses Derwent bank ,lhlson Rt. coal ownr. Broughton grnge Jcnkmson "m. I. frmr, Outgang frm lYilson Robert J.P.' Broughton granoe 'Voorlward Thos. S. Punch Bowl P.H ILister \Viliiam S. farmer COYMEROAL. b' I 'Vorking l\Iens' Reading Room &; :Nicholson Henry, farmer Addison John, farmer, Library (Robert Telford, sec) Nicol John, farmer, Stockmoor farm Addison .Ioseph, farmer Uontledge Dora (:\1rs.), shopkeeper Beattie Robert, grocer Little Broughton. Skelton Christopher, grocer Carruthers Ponsonby, joiner &; painter Rain John Dove J.P. The Craggs Skelton John, farmer, Stonepot 'Erhrur James, beer retailer 'l Th Steel Joseph, farmer, \Voodside, u 1PalS ey omas. J.P. Ivy cottage I Gardener John, farmer Broug lton :Moor Graham Harrison, boot maker COMMERCIAL. Strong Joseph, farmer, IIarker marsb. Holliday David, Volunteer P.H Brown Isaac, farmer & butcher Broughtun moors Holmes Thomas, clog-goer I Cass Robert, heel' retailer Tunstall John & Tom, farmers Hnddart .Tames. blacksmith Cessford Thos. frmr. Henna Hall farm Tunstall Thomas, butcher .Tohnston Thomas, greengrocer I Garrlner John, farmer Turnbull Thomas, farm bailiff to Rbt. Li,ter J amps, grocer CToodfellow John, grocer 'Vilson, esq Li'iter Mary (1\1rs.), shopkeeper Graham Joseph, farmer IYalker John P. farmer Nixon Gporge, farmer 'HiI'd John, farmer Young Jacob, frmr, Broughton moor Pearson Robert, farmer Harker Jonathan, farmer & grocer Penny Esau, joiner &; cartwright Harrison Joseph, grazier Ribton. Smith Jacob, assis. overseer & farmer Hetherington Martlla (Mrs.) & Son, (Letlers through Camerton. ) Smith .Tacoh M. farmer & butcher farmers Dixon Robert, farmer, Ribton hou;;e Smith Joseph, joiner &, cartwright ,llird 'Villiam & Joseph, farmers Sewell John, farmer, Ribton hall BURGH-UPON-SANDS, or, as it is more properly road from the latter place to Carlisle, with B. station palled, BURGH - BY - SANDS, is a township, parish, and on the Carlisle and Port Carlisle section of the North /11easant village, on the south side of the estuary of British railway, 51- miles west-north-west from Carlis~e, 7 the Eden, between Bea.umont and Eowne~s, and on the e\lst-by-sonth from EmHless, and 9 north-east from 'Vig-.
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