EEK'S c 'LETE TELEVISION PR [ GR' •1 • THI yhe Showcase Editorials Column Comment .:•'•' ...%: Editor Speaks Complete Short Story TV Shows This Week FiVE GENERATIONS MAY 5, 1957 VOL. XXIX, No. 18 ::E::-' .. ....._... ß :::::::::::::: ....... ....... :.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ...... MorePower for NewJersey! Electricity keeps working for you 24 hours a day... and Public Servicekeeps on the job TRIBUTE--Members and guests of the Veritans joined in a me- night and day to seeto it that mortal tribute to the late Mrs. Ruth E. •Fuld •t a dinner meeting you have dependable•ervice a•'. at the .Alexander Hamilton Hotel. Left to r:ght are: Rabbi Mar- your fingertips! What'. mor•_.: tin Thomson, Veritans president ;M•rtin Krugman; Mrs. Hor- •lectricity doeaso much... tense F. Kessler, daughter of the deceased;Richard F. Kessler, .o little ! grandson; 1Moe I. Fuld, Harry Gursky. PUBLIC 1•..,S •-17:!..'i.'•.t'.i i _ _ , WHITE and SHAUGER. Inc:. A GOOD NAME TO REMEMBER for FURHITOR• Living Room Bed Room DL'fing Room RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY QUALITY and LOW PRICE -- 37 Years Servi• the Public -- 435 STRAIGHT ST. MU. $•880 PA•FEIL•ON, N.J. :,, N DE MOLAY OLD TIMERS--Shown above are former members ß of Paterson Che.pter Order of Del•olay who took part in the ritual work o.n the evening designatedas "Old Timers Night". Left to right, first row: A.dria• Breen, Philip Farbaniec, Ralph ,. Van. •Deree, Charles Wilier. Second row' Harold Rainey, Stewart McKinley, Ray Koehn, Les Weir, Fred Hoag. Third row: John Wilier, Sam Brandes, DeForest Miller, Bill Labsugh, .Arthur Barrowclough. Published Weekly by THE CHRONICle. COMPANY ß 170-172 Butler Street - - - Paterson, New Jersey i LAmbert 5-2741 VINCENT S. PAItI•ILLO, •ing Editor Entered as Second Class matter August •-4, 1925, at the Post Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act ef March 3, 1879. May 5, 195• -- ¾ol. XXIX, No. 1• Single Copy 5 Cents .-•- . 22 $8.00 a Year By Mail SMILES--Everyone is happy as Midland Park's new mayor, John CONTENTS Vanderbush, left, accepts the gavel from retiring Mayor Peter W. Passaro at the 'Mayor and Council meeting. Looking or•, right, is FEATUR-ES Councilman Garret W. Hag.edorn, who replaces Vanderlmsh as council president. Hagerdorn is also the l•epub]ican candidate for mayor this year. Complete Short Story .......... 14 DEPARTMENTS .. r Books 'n Stuff __ •' ... ... ':i:i:! Opportunities Unlimited ..... ..-... ._.... -. • :_:.:. ... ... .:_:.: ... ... ... Editorials ..... L .... :.:.:.:.:_:.:.:.. :i:i:i:i:i:i:: The Editor Speaks Column of Comment The Showcase __ ;__ 10 ... .. .. .. Complete Television Program for the 'Week ___11, 12, 13 .....-..:............ :. - .. '--:-::..: --.:::::.. '-:.......... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::ii: :::!i•::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: COVER PICTURE. JUST l•IGHT•Joseph Greenhalgh, president of the Paterson Five generations are represented on our cover photo. Left to Lions Club, in the pas, tapped the bell with a knife to get the at- right are: Mrs. Anthony DiPietro; Mrs..Marie _A_rgienzo,great. tention of membersat regular meetingsin the YMCA. However, great grandmother__ holding Susan, fifth generation; Mrs. Susan two enterprising club members, Edward Tamar, chairman of the Cirafelli, great-grandmother. Standing ar_e Anthony DiPietro speakers' committee, and Alfred Murat, vice•pr.esident, presented and Mrs. Anne Hillman, grandmother. The five generations were him with ,a gavel that Greenhalgh can hardly lift. The huge present when 21•lay:old Susan was.christened in St. Anthony's "gavel" is shown being handed to him by Tamar, (l•ft) with Church, Beech Street, Paterson. Murat (right) looking on. l'ihe CHRONICLE PAGE THREE PATERSON MAJOI•M•jor Louis DeCaprio, (1), on fifteenslay tour of active duty at Headquarters Air Research and Develop- ment Co-mmand's, Det•Jiment !, Frier•dship International Air- port, B•ltimore, di'scussing the nminte.n•nce procedures of the airplane with Lieutenant Colonel Arnold J. Daly, Detachment 1, Comnmnder, Friendship Internatiorml Airport. 4. u- L SAFETY FIRS'T--HaledonPolice Chief B•rt Gallo, (left) and MaTor Davi.d Brown hold citation presented b.v Association of Insurance Agents and •rediting the town's sGfety record during the 32•!ay holiday campaign, Dec. 1-Jan. 2. •own received cit•. tion for secondstraight year. Robert Adams made presen•.ation in behalf of insurance agents, in the center. IL$ C) ,S O- s H R .. 614 AIN AY[- P AIC, THEIDEAL P CE TO INE D WINE ...• LI- .- ER C ~ '" ß I I ! .. A SPECIALT ,.• ß BROILED LOBSTER ..• ,,- DAILY T•OUT - •ALIBUT - SALMON - SI{•IMPS •CALLOP•- Mary Smart(left) asMrs..3oanne Tate realizesthat sheis losingher OYSTERS ß CLAM - COD FISH - SWORD ISH DAILY NNKR9 .. h#sbindArthur,.played by Karl Weber,to her sisterEunice, enacted by I BELMONTAV• (•, Bothers) HALEDON . - •mb• • • " Marion Brash,in this.scenefrom •oearchfor Tomorrow,"(CI• Tele- • Ndwor.k, Mon-Jhru-•i,) PAGe. FOUR The ; ook$' Stu %. -. ß' Max Shulman's new •book, "Ral- • ly 'Round the Flag, Boys!" will be published by Doubleday on Au- gust 15, 1957. It is a romantic comedy set in a fictitious town in Fairfield C o u n t y, Connecticut', and tells what happens in the town when the Army installs a guided missile station. Doubleday is planning a first printing of 100,000 copies and the motion picture rights have al- ready -been purchased by Twen- tieth Century-Fox. ß *. The heckling, stalling and con- fusion were telling on Judge Har- old R. Medina. One day in the eighth month of the 1949 trial of HONOR GUES.T--Dr. Michael Gioia, So,lye Lewis, pres:•(lent; Dr. Gioia 11 top U.S. Communists, his superintendent of schools, was feted a•..•l Isabel Kirehner. Standing are head began to spin and he hastily by the School Secretaries .Assn. aS a Ruth Haines, Ruth.._Zabris.kie, Doro- called a recess. dinner. Seated, left to rT.ght., are thy Gr•ves •nd Katherine Gerber. "I walked quickly to the. little room in back of the court and lay down," writes Judge Medina in "Unlock Your Faith Power," a new collection of stories from "Guideposts" magazine, which Prentice-Hall will publish April 15. "I sensed that this was a crisis, a turning... If I could not force myself to go back there, I would be conquered... The trial Would be a failure." ß "I don't mind telling you I did a lot of praying in that litttle room. I prayed for strength and I prayed for guidance." "There was no visitation, no suddenapparition, but .therewas •'- the(and) slow the firmrenewal realizationof strength that I ß 1 •.•! wouldtrialslay be aheadable toof meet me.whatever I opened • the door and walked again to the ] bench, to the completion of the HAMILTON MEMOI•IAL--A collec- of the Passaic Falls, are: Frederick trial . .." tion of rare Alexander 1tam:,lton D. Hunt, of_Washington, deputy direc- stamp issues is on display in the Elli- tor of the Bicen•enn.'_al Commission; son S•. windows of Alexander Ha. mil- Congressman Gordon Canfield, Dr. Judge Medina's dramatic ac- ton Savings and Loan Association as Cochran and P. Charles Brickman, count of the power of faith is part of the Hamilton bicentennial cel- executive vice-preside•t and manager of the Alexander Hamilton S; & L. one of 75 true stories with a sim- ebration here. In the group above, shown in front of Peter Gruys' m.-ural ilar theme by famous people in "Unlock Your Faith Power." The book is edited by Norman Vin- centPeale ,who has also contrib- ............... :............. :::iii?: ' :"' :•??;'-:.................................. '::: uted 10 essays on the steps to ß.. ß •. :•:•.'•,i.-i-•i:i:i:i:i:i:i:'"'"i. "'-'-'-.... • ' •?':•i.!•il..... "unlocking faith power." ::::::::::::::::::::::.. ...:i :iii!iiii!!!ii':i:i:i:}:!:i: . i !i:.. " .• ::•........ :.:.:........ , ß ._, ß ;ii'iiiiiiiiiii!........iiiiiiiiiii? ;*.. '.':iii:•ii.:..ii•:i.-'!i!•i•ii•i•i•!i:.."-:! .........'- "'.'}-•ii!: ........... " :" --' A few years ago, Rhode Is- ,. land's beloved Dr. Peter Pineo ;. Chase de;votedone of his daily medical columns in the Provi- "•- 'matology' denceJournal "A and goodBulletin friendto der- of '. mine," he wrote, "who knows as '... much about skin diseases as any- -•-.'•one in these parts says that no- ....body knows much about skin • '• diseases." AUXILIARY INsTALLS--•.•'heLadles' servi.ce. officer; Lillla• Hinlde, de- ß- It was a typical Chase column, Auxiliary of Argonne Chapter 18, Dis- partment co•. ander and installing .:• .never stuffy, often irreverent, full abled American Veterans, installed officer; Rose Campilango, newly;m- officers at ceremonies held at the Ci- stalled chapter . commander; Clara . :,... 'of the Yankee horse sense of its ß • lentaria Club, 84 Butler St. Left to Pirone, immediate past commander; author. right are: John W. Bill, national James Pirone, commander of Argonne _ ß . ;-T•n•:-CHRONiCLE PAGE FIVI . ":: l J: * I/I : œ ß ß . AI.F:N'J' COJ{\'F:!{:--Grrta (;arbo may ave starte It a • on She ',• • T• ,.[ .,1 •'(h•int•,'•(•0n•Found the entertainment scen•t[protu[• •lq t• a• • fl{$tqlh•l•fllly•h6'•li• dflet',•a•U•n• ':•t•h•,lg•t• •9 h•U•t•[qllhon,H•••••thimself. .. ß ß '••' for the past severalyears through the mere routineof giv- ß ing •Hi•••kh•er}• •' •tt•t•t:•fl•ff i•••q}} • ••. %%j{•a•i, t•h•0 '•%%•,ic•. She did severalsolo numbers, wow •d the critics reviewing ghe s•,w, aud .has 'been on the Big Time -,cite 't ever since ' • or a.e .haser ot 't-o eadm-t x• ß B•a TV• ,1tpp•aranceswo rfor _a spqctacular.... Incidentally .Miss Bailey is still bq•)oilv mn.-riod tn ! nt,i• Rell. son • • n* ß tic hds l•,d• (• i MUM½ tlall A M• tr ,n ic- • IUl, ao ß- y D 'e Schary, nd dtre,,n• by •te Mi• •.from c . '"'. ß a ".they:•- -'!•a•.k'$•a'ge2.•tbcR...t•a':: "ß:.....
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