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Patent Mar . 19 , 2019 Sheet 1 of 3 US 10 ,232 ,047 B2 56 ISOPROPY STATES CARBIUS AGD 29 JAUREGAR XSUSON 59 LNOSSASS METAIS VWXY spa WOORA Fig . 1 : Picture showing growth / no growth of M .furfur depending on the nutrients provided in culture media U . S . Patent Mar . 19 , 2019 Sheet 2 of 3 US 10 ,232 ,047 B2 va 7. IND 1. Fig . 2 : Picture showing growth /no growth of M . furfur depending on the nutrients provided in culture media at concentration 2 % ( A ) Caprylic acid ( C - 8 ) ( B ) Capric acid ( C - 10 ) ( C ) Sefsol 218 (mono caprylate of propylene glycol) ( D ) Olive oil and ( E ) without any oil suppliment U . S . Patent Mar . 19 , 2019 Sheet 3 of 3 US 10 ,232 ,047 B2 DURANTE ADIER SYNON 59 XXV ROKYNOVA USSAR 29 KO Fig . 3 : Picture showing growth of M . furfur depending on the nutrients provided in culture media US 10 , 232 , 047 B2 TOPICAL OIL COMPOSITION FOR THE turbs homeostasis causing erratic cleavage of stratum cor TREATMENT OF FUNGAL INFECTIONS neum cells , further leading to dandruff and seborrheic der matitis .
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