Wills and Trusts Law Reports ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF REPORTED CASES January 2000 to November 2014 N. B. 1 All cases are from England & Wales unless otherwise stated 2 All English Court of Appeal decisions are Civil Division unless otherwise stated 3 WTLR(w) indicates a judgment, available to subscribers, held online at www.legalease.co,uk/WTLR Wills and Trusts Law Reports: Index of Cases Reported A A v A [2009] 1 Fam D v A WTLR(w) 2008-13 v Rothschild Trust Cayman Ltd [2006] 1129 Cayman GC A County Council v MS & anr [2014] 931 CoP A Trust, re, B v C [2011] 745 RC (Jersey) re the [2013] 1117 RC (Jersey) A Trust Company Ltd, re [2008] 377 RC (Jersey) A’s undertakings, re, B’s undertaking, re [2005] 1 SpC AB Re [2014] 1117 CoP AB (Revocation of Enduring Power of Attorney Re [2014] 1303 CoP A-B v Dobbs [2010] 931 Fam D AB Essex v IRC [2002] 1 SpC Abacus Trust Company (Isle of Man) Ltd v National Society for the Prevention of [2001] 953 Ch D v Cruelty to Children Abbott v Abbott [2009] 1675 Antigua & Barbuda CA ABC v XZ [2013] 187 CoP Abdullahi v Mudashiru [2004] 913 Ch D Abou-Rahmah v Abacha [2006] 377 QBD Abrahams [2007] 1 CA v Trustee of the Property of Abrahams [2000] 593 Ch D v Williams (see White v Williams) AC v DC [2013] 745 Fam D Accurate Financial Consultants v Koko Black [2009] 1685 Victoria CA (Aus) Adam & Co International Trustees Ltd v Theodore Goddard [2000] 349 Ch D Adams, re, Adams v Lewis [2001] 493 Ch D v Schofield [2004] 1049 CA Adekunle v Ritchie [2007] 1505 Leeds CC Aerostar v Wilson WTLR(w) 2010-11 Agarwala v Agarwala [2014] 373 Wills and Trusts Law Reports: Index of Cases Reported Agulian v Cyganik [2006] 565 CA Ahluwalia v Singh [2012] 1 Ch D (see also Singh v Ahluwalia on permission to appeal) AIB Group (UK) plc v Mark Redler & Co WTLR(w) 2012-2 [2013] 1303 CA AITC Foundation, re [2005] 1265 Charity Com Akhtar v Arif [2007] 35 Ch D Al-Bassam v Al-Bassam [2003] 1 Ch D v Al-Bassam (No 2) [2004] 157 Ch D v Al-Bassam (No 3) [2004] 757 CA Al Khudairi v Abbey Brokers WTLR(w) 2010-5 Alexander v Perpetual Trustees WA Ltd [2002] 937 NSW CA (Aus) v Alexander [2012] 187 Ch D Alexander-David v L B of Hammersmith and Fulham [2009] 745 CA Alhamrani v Russa Management Ltd [2007] 1317 RC (Jersey) v Alhamrani [2008] 753 RC (Jersey) [2008] 941 CA (Jersey) Ali v Khan [2009] 187 CA Ali Haider V Syed [2014] 387 HC (Ch D) Alkin v Raymond [2010] 1117 Ch D Allan v Rea Brothers Trustees Ltd [2002] 625 CA Allardyce v Roebuck [2004] 779 Ch D Allen re, Lewis v Vincent [2008] 1691 HC (NZ) v HMRC [2005] 937 SpC Alliance & Leicester International Ltd, re [2004] 927 HC (IoM) Allnutt v Wilding [2006] 1317 Ch D [2007] 941 CA Amin v Amin WTLR(w) 2010-1 AMP General Insurance Ltd v Macalister Todd Phillips Bodkins [2006] 189 CA (NZ) AMP (UK) plc v Barker [2001] 1237 Ch D AN v Barclays Private Bank & Trust [2007] 565 GC (Cayman) (Cayman) Ltd Angora Trust, re Rosewood Trust v Schmidt [2001] 1081 HC (IoM) Wills and Trusts Law Reports: Index of Cases Reported (see Schmidt v Rosewood for appeal) Angus v Emmot (see Re Steel (Dec’d) Ani v Barclays Private Bank & Trust Ltd [2005] 469 RC (Jersey) Anker-Petersen v Anker-Petersen [2000] 581 Ch D v Christensen [2002] 313 Ch D Antle v R [2010] 373 Tax Ct (Can) Antoni v Antoni [2007] 1335 PC (Bahamas) Antrobus v IRC (see Lloyds TSB as PR of Antrobus deceased) AR v AR [2012] 373 Fam Ark v Kaur WTLR(w) 2010-10 Arkwright v IRC [2004] 181 SpC (for appeal see IRC v Arkwright) Arnander v HMRC [2007] 51 SpC Aroso v Coutts & Co [2001] 797 Ch D Ashcroft v Barnsdale [2010] 1675 Ch D Ashkettel, re [2013] 1331 Ch D Aspden v Elvy WTLR(w) 2012-4 Aston v Aston [2007] 1349 Guildford CC ATC (Cayman) Ltd v Rothschild Trust Cayman Ltd [2007] 951 GC (Cayman) Atkins v Dunn & Baker [2004] 477 CA Atkins the executors of v HMRCC [2011] 1675 FTT(TCC) Atkinson v HMRCC [2010] 745 FTT(TCC) Attorney-General v Charity Commission [2012] 977 UT(TCC) v Charity Commission [2012] 41 UT(TCC) v Trustees of the British Museum [2005] 781 Ch D Attorney–General (Cayman Islands) v Wahr-Hansen [2001] 345 PC (Cayman) Austin v Woodward [2012] 559 Ch D Avalon Trust, re the [2007] 1693 RC (Jersey) Avens v Foreman & Hill (see Hulbert v Avens) Avis v Turner [2007] 1521 CA Wills and Trusts Law Reports: Index of Cases Reported Wills and Trusts Law Reports: Index of Cases Reported B B re, B v T [2013] 763 CA (Guernsey) v B [2010] 1689 Fam D B Trust, re [2007] 1361 RC (Jersey) Bacon v Howard Kennedy [2000] 169 Ch D Badfinger Music v Evans [2001] 1 Ch D Bahouse v Negus [2012] 1117 CA Bagus Investments v Kastening [2012] 1675 JRC Bailey v Warren [2006] 753 CA Bailhache Labesse Trustees Ltd v HMRCC [2008] 967 SpC Baker (dec’d), re Baker v Baker [2008] 565 Ch D Baker v Baker [2008] 1317 Ch D Baldry, re [2004] 609 Fam D Balfour (dec’d), re Brander v HMRCC [2009] 1117 FTT(TC) (see HMRCC v Brander for appeal) Balfron Trustees Ltd v Petersen [2002] 157 Ch D Bank of Credit and Commerce International (Overseas) Ltd v Akindele [2000] 1049 CA Banks v National Westminster Bank plc [2006] 1693 Ch D Banner Homes Group plc v Luff Developments Ltd [2000] 473 CA Barclays Bank Trust Co Ltd v McDougall [2001] 23 Ch D v HMRCC [2011] 1489 CA Barclays Private Bank & Trust (Cayman) Ltd v Chamberlain [2007] 1697 Cayman GC Bardissy v d’Souza [2003] 929 HC (HK) Barker-Benfield, re Hansen v Barker-Benfield [2006] 1141 Ch D Barlow (dec’d), re Dalton v Ellis [2008] 1333 NSWSC (Aus) Barlow Clowes International Ltd v Eurotrust International Ltd [2004] 1365 HC (IoM) [2005] 1453 PC (IoM) Barnes v Tomlinson [2007] 377 Ch D Barns Wills and Trusts Law Reports: Index of Cases Reported v Barns [2005] 1093 HC (Aus) Barr’s Settlement Trusts, re Abacus Trust Co (IoM) Ltd v Barr [2003] 149 Ch D Barrass v Harding [2000] 1071 CA Barrett v Barrett [2009] 201 Ch D v Bem [2011] 1117 Ch D [2012] 567 CA v HMRC [2006] 403 Lands Tribunal v Rutt-Field [2006] 1505 SCCO Bartlam v Coutts & Co [2006] 1165 Ch D Barton, re Tod v Barton [2002] 469 Ch D Bassett v Bassett [2005] 51 NSWSC (Aus) Bates, re Bates v Wheildon [2008] 1705 Ch D Bath and North East Somerset Council v Attorney-General [2002] 1257 Ch D Bath and Wells Diocesan Board of Finance v Jenkinson [2001] 353 Ch D Bathurst v Kleinwort Benson (CI) Trustees Ltd [2007] 959 RC (Guernsey) Bayes-Walker v Bayes-Walker [2011] 1143 Ch D Bayley & ors v SG Associates & ors [2014] 1315 Ch D Baynes v Hedger [2008] 1719 Ch D [2009] 759 CA Baynes Clarke v Corless [2010] 751 CA Bayoumi v Women’s Total Abstinence Educational [2003] 317 Ch D Union (for appeal see Perkins v WTAEU) Beard v Shadler [2011] 1147 Ch D Beatty’s Will Trusts (No 2), re Brooke v Thompson-Jones [2008] 1351 Ch D Beckman v IRC [2003] 773 SpC Behague v HMRC [2014] 187 FTT (TC) Bell, re Bell v Georgiou [2002] 1105 Ch D Ben Nevis (Holdings Ltd v HMRC [2014] 1 CA Bennett, re Papouis v Gibson-West [2004] 485 Ch D Bentine v Bentine [2014] 197 Ch D Berger Wills and Trusts Law Reports: Index of Cases Reported v Berger [2014] 35 CA Bernstein, re Bernstein v Jacobson [2010] 559 Ch D Berube v Gudsell WTLR(w) 2008-16 Bessie Taube Discretionary Settlement Trust, trustees of v HMRCC [2011] 1 FTT(TC) Best v HMRC [2014] 409 FTT (TC) Betafence Ltd v Veys [2006] 941 Ch D Betsam Trust, re McBurney v McBurney [2009] 1489 Ch D Bhatt v Bhatt [2009] 1117 Ch D Bhullar Bros Ltd, re Bhullar v Bhullar [2003] 1397 CA Bieber v Tethers Ltd [2013] 1 CA Bingham v HMRCC [2013] FTT(TC) Birch v Curtis [2002] 965 Ch D Bird Charitable Trust and Bird Purpose Trust, re Basel Trust Corp (Channel Islands) Ltd [2008] 1505 RC (Jersey) v Anstalt Bishop v Bishop WTLR(w) 2009-1 BJ v MJ [2012] 395 Fam Blackett v Darcy [2006] 581 NSWSC (Aus) Blackman v Man [2008] 389 Ch D Blair v Vallely [2000] 615 HC (NZ) Blech v Blech [2002] 483 Ch D Bloom, re Bernstein v the Queen [2004] 613 SC BC (Can) Bluck v Information Commissioner [2008] 1 Information Tribunal Boehm’s estate, re [2004] 1411 CQB Sask (Can) Boff, re [2013] 1349 CoP Bonham v Blake Lapthorn Linnell [2007] 189 Ch D v Fishwick WTLR(w) 2008-15 Booth v Booth [2010] 941 CA Borman v Lel (see Re Parsons) Boswell Wills and Trusts Law Reports: Index of Cases Reported v Lawson [2011] 931 CA Bott v Macaulay [2007] 235 SCJ Ont (Can) Boudh v Bodh [2008] 411 CA Bouette v Rose [2000] 403 CA Bower (dec’d), Executors of estate of v HMRCC [2008] 987 SpC Bowles, re Hayward v Jackson [2003] 329 Ch D Bowman v Fels [2005] 481 CA Bowring v HMRC WTLR(w) 2013-6 BQ v DQ [2011] 373 SC (Bermuda) Bracken Partners Ltd v Gutteridge [2003] 1253 Ch D Bradbury v Taylor [2013] 29 CA Bradstock Group Pension Scheme Trustees Ltd v Bradstock Group Plc [2002] 1281 Ch D Branston & Gothard Ltd, re Hill v Phillips [2007] 85 Ch D Breadner v Granville-Grossman [2000] 829 Ch D [2001] 377 Ch D (costs) [2006] 411 Ch D Breakspear v Ackland [2008] 777 Ch D Broadbent, re Imperial Cancer Research Fund v Bradley [2001] 967 CA Broere v Mourant & Co (Trustees) Ltd [2004] 1417 CA (Jersey) Brooke & ors Purton & ors [2014] 745 Ch D Broome v HMRCC [2012] 585 FTT(TC Brown v Deacy [2002] 781 Ch D v HM Queen Mother’s Executors [2007] 1129 Fam D [2008] 425 CA v InnovatorOne plc WTLR(w) 2012-3 v Stephenson [2013] 1675 Ch D Brown Shipley Trust Company (Jersey) Ltd v Holland (see Re CSI Trust) Brudenell-Bruce, Earl of Cardigan v Moore & ors [2014] 559 Ch D Buck v HMRCC [2009] 215 SpC Buckenham v Dickinson [2000] 1083 Ch D Buckley, re [2013] 373 CoP Wills and Trusts Law Reports: Index of Cases Reported Buffrey v Buffrey WTLR(w) 2009-2 Buggs v Buggs [2004] 799 Ch D Bulley v Attorney-General of New Zealand WTLR(w) 2012-1 Bunting v W [2005] 955 CoP Burden v
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