![Arxiv:2012.12491V2 [Cond-Mat.Str-El] 4 Jun 2021](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Superconducting instabilities in a spinful Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model Etienne´ Lantagne-Hurtubise, Vedangi Pathak, Sharmistha Sahoo, and Marcel Franz Department of Physics and Astronomy & Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, Canada V6T 1Z4 (Dated: July 26, 2021) We introduce a spinful variant of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model with an effective time reversal symmetry, which can be solved exactly in the limit of a large number N of degrees of freedom. At low temperature, its phase diagram includes a compressible non-Fermi liquid and a strongly-correlated spin singlet superconductor that shows a tunable enhancement of the gap ratio predicted by BCS theory. These two phases are separated by a first-order transition, in the vicinity of which a gapless superconducting phase, characterized by a non-zero magnetization, is stabilized upon applying a Zeeman field. We study equilibrium transport properties of such superconductors using a lattice construction, and propose a physical platform based on topological insulator flakes where they may arise from repulsive electronic interactions. Understanding strongly correlated forms of supercon- Jijkl 0.3 ductivity, going beyond the celebrated BCS [1{3] and gapped (trivial) Migdal-Eliashberg [4{7] theories, remains an ongoing av- 0.2 gapless enue of research. One of the main difficulties lies in J / SC the rarity of tractable models [8{10] providing analytical B non-Fermi insight into this phenomenon. Recently, the advent of αJijkl 0.1 liquid gapped exactly-solvable models of non-Fermi liquids, the family SC of so-called SYK models [11{14], has sparked remarkable 0.0 progress in exploring correlated phases with intriguing 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 properties such as strange metallic transport and maxi- Jijkl∗ mal chaos [15{24]. Solvable models of correlated super- conductors have been similarly constructed { two popular FIG. 1. (Left:) Illustration of the coupling terms in the spin- approaches consisting of explicitly adding pairing terms ful SYK model, Eq.2. (Right:) Low temperature ( βJ = 100) phase diagram as a function of Zeeman field B and interac- to an SYK construction [25{27] or considering random tion parameter α, at charge neutrality µ = 0. For α < 0 Yukawa electron-phonon interactions [28{32]. the SYK non-Fermi liquid is stable, whereas for α > 0 we Building on these ideas, in this work we introduce a find an instability to a gapped spin-singlet superconductor. simple model for correlated superconductivity with rich Interestingly a region of gapless superconductivity with finite phenomenology, where the superconducting correlations magnetization is stabilized at non-zero B. White dashed lines denote first-order phase transitions. are instead generated directly by disordered SYK-type fermionic interactions [33, 34]. It consists of a pair of coupled complex SYK (cSYK) models [11, 12, 35] with a gapless superconducting phase, characterized by a fi- random two-body interactions that are constrained by nite magnetization, is stabilized upon applying a Zeeman an anti-unitary time reversal symmetry, and can thus be field B (see a schematic low-temperature phase diagram regarded as a spinful generalization of the SYK model. in Fig.1). Using a lattice construction with spinful SYK This is inspired by recent work on a related but subtly models at each site we compute the equilibrium transport different symmetry setting, where two SYK models are properties of the two SC phases, finding sharp qualitative instead related by a unitary symmetry [36{40], and which differences in their supercurrent-phase relations. hosts both (gapped) symmetry-broken and (gapless) non- The model. { We consider a variant of the SYK model Fermi liquid phases with a holographic interpretation. that consists of a (0+1)-dimensional \quantum dot" with In analogy with the results of these works, at low a large number N of degrees of freedom, each coming in arXiv:2012.12491v3 [cond-mat.str-el] 23 Jul 2021 temperature the spinful SYK model shows the sponta- two flavors a ="; #. We assume all-to-all, random inter- neous breaking of a U(1) symmetry. However, rather actions between degrees of freedom of the same flavor, than the breaking of an axial U(1) symmetry leading to described by the complex SYK Hamiltonian a \traversable wormhole" phase [38{40], the global U(1) N symmetry is instead broken, driving the system to a cor- X a X Ha = J cy cy ckacla − µa cy cja; (1) related spin-singlet superconducting phase. This super- ij;kl ia ja ja ijkl=1 j conductor shows an enhanced gap ratio compared to the BCS prediction, and might also exhibit connections to where the coupling constants are drawn from a Gaussian a 2 J 2 holography. It is separated by a first-order transition distribution with zero mean and variance jJijklj = 8N 3 , from an SYK non-Fermi liquid, in the vicinity of which and µa are chemical potentials that can be tuned in- 2 dependently for the two species. Fermionic commuta- with respect to the Green's functions and self-energies, a a tion relations impose the constraints Jij;kl = −Jij;lk = a a h α2 α2 i −Jji;kl = (Jkl;ij)∗ on the coupling constants. In the 2 2 2 Στ = −J (1 + )Gτ G τ − 2αGτ Fτ F τ + Fτ G τ following we also impose the stronger requirement that 2 − − 2 − a h 2 2 i Jij;kl be fully anti-symmetric [41]. We then require in- 2 α 2 α 2 x Πτ = −J (1 + )Fτ F τ − 2αFτ Gτ G τ + Gτ F τ variance under the anti-unitary symmetry Θ = τ K, 2 − − 2 − x where τ is a Pauli matrix acting on the flavor degree B + Σn + i!n Πn Gn = − ;Fn = ; (3) of freedom and K denotes complex conjugation. This Dn Dn enforces J " = (J # )∗ = J # . ij;kl ij;kl kl;ij 2 2 where Dn = (B + Σn + i!n) − Πn. Here we used time We now couple the cSYK models with two-body inter- translation invariance to express Gτ,τ 0 ≡ Gτ τ 0 , while − actions that conserve charge for each flavor (with U(1) Gn ≡ G(!n) (and similarly) are Fourier transformed ex- ab pressions in terms of fermionic Matsubara frequencies ⊗ U(1) symmetry), of the form Jijklciay cjby ckaclb. Con- sistency with the anti-unitary symmetry requires that !n = (2n + 1)πT . This set of coupled equations can be ab ba solved self-consistently through an iterative method until Jijkl = (Jijkl)∗. For concreteness we consider the cou- pling constants generated by Coulomb interactions in a convergence is attained. In practice, as coupled models degenerate manifold that is constrained by Θ (see Ap- of this type [36{40] often exhibit first-order phase tran- pendix for details and connections to a proposed experi- sitions, we sweep the Zeeman field B back and forth and mental platform based on a topological insulator flake). feed the converged solution for the next value of B con- ab a b sidered. This gives rise to hysteresis curves from which This enforces the constraints Jil;kj = αJij;kl = αJkl;ij, with α a dimensionless constant controlling the ratio of one picks the solution with the lowest free energy density inter to intra-flavor interactions. In the proposed phys- F = −T ln Z=N, given in the large N limit by substitut- ical platform α > 0 (α < 0) corresponds to repulsive ing the saddle point solutions in the action [43], (attractive) inter-flavor interactions. We thus consider −F X Dn 3 = 2 ln 2 + ln 2 + (ΣnGn + ΠnFn) : T (i!n) 2 !n X h (4) H = Jij;kl ciy cjy ck cl + cky cly ci cj " " " " # # # # ijkl Similarly, the entropy density S = (U − F) =T is ob- i tained, with the energy density + α cy cy ck cj + cy cy ci cl i l " # k j # " " # # " X X X U = T [2BG + Σ G + Π F ] ; (5) −(µ + B) cjy cj − (µ − B) cjy cj ; (2) n n n n n " " # # j j !n 1 P and the magnetization M = 2N jhcjy cj − cjy cj i can 1 " " # # be read off from M = 2 − Gτ=0+ . where we expressed µ ; = µ ± B in terms of a (global) " # Phase diagram.{ We first explore the low-temperature chemical potential µ and a Zeeman term B which breaks physics of the model by self-consistently solving the the anti-unitary symmetry Θ. For µ = 0 the Hamiltonian saddle-point equations as described above. The result- is invariant under the combination of flavor and particle- ing phase diagram is shown in Fig.2. For attractive hole transformation y $ with 6= . cia cib a b interactions between the two flavors (α < 0) we find an SYK non-Fermi liquid with extensive residual entropy. Saddle-point equations.{ We first consider the charge In contrast, for repulsive interactions (α > 0) there is neutrality point, µ = 0. The Euclidean-time path in- an instability to a gapped superconducting phase gen- tegral formulation of the model at inverse temperature erated by the spontaneous breaking of U(1) charge con- β = 1=k T reads Z = R [D[c; c ]e S with the effective B y − servation. This should be compared to the results of R β P action S = 0 dτ i;a ciay (τ)@τ cia(τ) + H . Averaging Refs. [38, 39], showing a spontaneous breaking of the ax- over quenched disorder in the couplings Jijkl, and consid- ial U(1) symmetry with quantum number Q = Q −Q , ering only replica-diagonal solutions (assuming no spin 1 P− " # whereby an \excitonic" order parameter N jhcj cjy i is glass physics [42]), we obtain an effective action writ- generated for α < 0.
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