THIRTEENTH YEAK, NO. 179. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JULY 29, I899.-EIGHT PAGfiS. TWO CENTS CONVENTION’S LAST DAY. HONORS TO OLD GLORY. ACT SOT ON THE PROGRAM ATTACKED ARMY CANTEEN HAVOC W R0U 6B I, BY STORM ■ y% - 7 T , i m p o r t a n t p a p e r s b e a d NATIONAL EMBLEM RAISED PLAYED AT EMPIRE THEA­ HON. H. B. METCALF TELLS LIGHTNING BULTS STKIKE IN Do Not AND DISCUSSED. AT THE BRUNSWICK. TRE LAST NIGHT. WHY IT IS ALLOWED* MANY PLACES. I h a v e /Let the chance to The Crawford Act on Negotiable In- Patriotic Ceremonies Attend »lie French.Performers and Proprietor Saye It Is Apathy and Thoughtless­ ■Long Branch ihe Chief Soffjrer in ■tjrnmentsReviewed and Approved. Event—Crowd o f300 Pet-Bona Take Garrick Had Racket About Sal­ ness on the Part of the Chrtstiau This Section—Houses Damaged and own a he / te slip by. H ere is $ $2,000 Kesolationg Passed to Have the.Law Part—Retiring' President Fiorance aries—Tried to Hold. Trunks for People—Officers of Society Elected. People Stunned—Servant at Allen- 1,000 one. Two houses on one lot Universally Adopted—Foreign Cor.' of the Law League Delivers Elo­ Board—Two New Specialty Artists Dr. C. H. Mead Lectures on “ W ant­ - hur&t Severely Shocked and Two quent Address—Music and Songs in Form of Bijf Policemen. ed, a Man.” 1 . 5 0 0 3 . 0 0 0 poratlon Law Should Be Uniform. Ootiaees Struck. in N orth Asbury, in fine order The elaborate bali tendered the lawyers, The handsome American flag voted the The Frenchman he insisted and Carrlck The second day’s sessions of the National News.from different points throughout Hotel Brunswick this week at the hospital he persisted, and the result was a row pf. Temperance society, held' in Ocean Grove and condition. ■ Occupy the 2 . 5 0 0 4 . 0 0 0 last night at the Brunswick casino brought Monm&uth.county verify tne reports that fair, as Being the most popular hotel in this large sized dimensions at the Eraplrd thea­ yesterday, were well attended and full of to an end tbe fifth annual convention of the elecrrloat storm ot Thursday night was one; the rental from the othei the Commercial L aw League of America in city was raised yesterday with exceedingly tre, Cookman and Asbury avenue, about 11 Interest. the most severe ever experienced in this to loan on good security. Ii this city, and today the majority of the patriotic ceremonies. o'clock last night. Hon. Henry B. Metcalf, United States ex- section. Much damage was done, but no sufficient to carry the invest­ counsellors are speeding back to city The; members of tho Law league, the A French family, composed of father, senator from Rhode Island, gave a power­ deaths have as yet been reported. Tfie the amounts don’t suit they homes and business. guests and employees of the big hotel and mother and daughter, h^ve been doing a ful address at the 10 o’clock meeting, on deafening thunder aud severe lightning ment. Price low and terms The lawyers were unanimous in their numerous observers td the number ot specialty turn at the Empire theatre during “The Army Canteen.” He said in part: caused muoh suffering among timid people. m ight be halved or increased. praise of Asbnry Park and the treatment three hundrsd or more assisted in the the past week and have insisted upon being “My present Illustration is the army can­ Over at Allenhurst the Ipeautiful summer easy. Let us give you par­ event. paid .nightly. Some moripy was due them teen and the Iniquity made possible because home of M.„D. Bogue of New York was whioh they havo received and the courtesies t i c u l a r s . extended them by the townspeople and Mr. E. T. Fiorance of New Orleans, the last night, dnd together • with two sister?, of the apatby and thpughtlessness of the struck. One side of tho building was badly Proprietors Morgan .& Parsons* of the retiring president of the Law league, made also' specialty artists at the same place, people—even the Christian people of the shattered and a maid was stunned. Dr. Brunswick. In return it may be said that tbe address of the morning, and it was one they demanded their money >pf Proprietor land. The Hquor-aelllng canteen exists un­ Wilbur of this city was summoned. ^Vhile never has the city had the honor of enter, of the most elegant and pairlotio addresses Carrlck. It was pot forthcoming and der a law that has permitted the sale in the Id juries are not of a serious nature, yet D. C. COVERT talnlng a more agreeable or cultured set of ever.dellverod In this city. France, Incensed, began‘to remove tbelr army anil navy of certain goods, including they are sufficient to keep the young woman MILAN ROSS AGENCY gentlemen than the solicitors have proven Mr. Fiorance, always a pleasing speaker, trunks, but this did not m eet with Manager Intoxicating Uquors. The secretary of the In bed. A cottage Immediately adjoining to "be. excelled himself in his tribute to Old Glory Carrick’s approval, aa their week’s engage­ navy, having forbidden liquor selling In the the Bogue residence was also damaged by 2 0 8 M ain Street- 2 0 8 Bond Street The last business session of the league and became particularly eloquent, at all ment did not expire until tonight. As a navy, I will not dwell upon that matter the lightning. was held yesterday and was devoted £b times expressing himself in the most beau­ result a controversy epsued between the further than to remark that he gives as the Considerable damage was occasioned at pa pens and disausslons on tbe law of nego­ tiful language. Tbe encomium to the na­ propi ietor • and specialty artists, who en­ reason for his action the fact that the' naval Long Branch, but there were no fatalities. tiable instruments and foreign corpora? tional emblem is worthy of preservation gaged In an excited vaudeville scene not commanders almost unanimously disap­ The eastern section of the city was in dark­ Monmouth Trust tlons. and is given below: down on the program. prove of the traffic as debauching to the ness, nearly ail of the electric light wires KEITH’S EXPRESS O n. the vexing subject of the negoti­ “Fwencs—for under this flag ail Ameri­ At about this stage of the show a young service. having been burned oiit. The telephone -AND ----- able instruments law a teamed address was cans, whatever thair private enmities may man named Cross, son of the West Side “Liquor selling in the army continues In and telegraph systems were also consider­ ASBURY PA R K and OCEAN GROVE be, are friends—it has been suggested that delivered by George B. Bates, one of the there should be some •ministe? of the gos­ magistrate, who claimed to represent spite of the earnest appeals that have been ably crippled. brightest members of the Detroit bar. pel to bless the flag. I liardly think it ns- the proprietor of the Hotel Plerrepont, made to the president, the army’s com One bolt landed in Joseph Hlrschfeld’s Site Deposit Company • • • * * ', I Hotel Brunswick, O m cts Railroad Depot nnd Bis address was a' review o t the act caashry In my estimation the flag blesses appeared on the stage. He Insisted mandec-In*chief, that it be forbidden. yard, on Union avenue, plowing up the — ------ BangsAvenue. us, Wa. a r: -andar_Its benediction, and! upon holding—the trunks as -security -^‘Further than this, congress enacted a pSenaoutft MUftngr. Asbury Park.^.JT,... drafted by jobn J.’ CrawfordTJf thc Now under heaven it is the thing that we most grayel walk and making a big hole in the PrlBdpal Offloe.. i. ....806 MAIN STREET Tork bar, at the request of the American adore.< I t bears peculiar meaning to us for board. W; J. Cooper, owner of law last February ordering .the secretary lawn. Geods stored At reasonable rates,' . Bar association, designed "to establish a who come from the southland, ■ A genera- the building, heard of the big concert of war to forbid liquor selling in the army. The flagpole on the dome of the Town Telephone connection, CAPITAL, $100,000. uniform law on the.subjeot of commercial tion has passed since it was the alga of di­ which followed the regular performance, By a distortion of law, under an alleged In­ hall wqs struck and completely demolished. e . 0 , Bo* m , - - - - abbbby pabk. vision. It is now.the symbol of nnien, and paper throughout the United States and when I look upon the stripes and this cor­ and reached the scene about the same time terpretation by Attorney-General Griggs, A section of It about flve feet in length was SURPLUS, $25,000 settle beyond question the rights and liabil­ ner of bine, it sometimes makes 1 tie think as young Cross. The two sister actresses this action of congress has been defied by whirled through the air fer a distance of ities of the parties to such instruments. tb a t it. means this: th a t the w hite b ar sym­ showed Mr. Cooper an agreement whereby the secretary of war, and liquor selling 200 feet, when It landed In the network of Executes all trusts known to the law. bolizes the calm, cold intellectuality of the Proprietor Carrlck had guaranteed the pay­ continues, In many of the camps soldiers wires on the opposite side of Broadway.
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